
Chapter Fifty Nine

"I wasn't going to do anything-" Bakugo said.

"I know." Shiro's eyes never leaving the tv.

"You know?" Bakugo frowned while Shiro smirked, looking over the dim light from the screen reflecting his face.

"You and everyone else who loves this place so damn much..." Shiro glanced at your sleeping expression. "...only ever saw half the picture. It may look like we just abandoned her, but we did our homework on all of you, we checked in to make sure she was alright, granted we were to pussy foot to confront her, and with the more time that passed, the harder it was to face her. But I know who you are, and who you were to her before Shooter got her."

"I didn't know that-"

"Of course, you didn't." Shiro leaned against the wall, a yawn on his lips. "There is only two people I will ever explain myself to and you're not one of them."

Bakugo's eyes fell to the floor, knowing the two he referred to.

"Well-!" Shiro cleared his throat. "-we better get out of your hair."

"What?" Bakugo stood, watching helplessly as Shiro scooped your sleeping frame into his arm, tucking you against him, a ping of jealousy flared into the blond's chest. "You don't have to move her."

"Nah-" Shiro shrugged, "-don't worry about it, she took meds, she'll be out for a while, plus I don't wanna put you out."


"Night!" Shiro called leaving Bakugo alone in his room, who felt the lump growing in his throat the farther you got away from him. He took a step but halted.

"Tch." Bakugo tightened his fists; he couldn't storm next door and steal you back, whether the blond liked it or not, Shiro was here to stay, and Bakugo had a growing suspicion, Shiro was going to have the final say on who got to be in your life.


The howling of the wind snapped your eyes open, twisting in the sheets you gazed over your shoulder at the rattling glass door.

You blinked, sweat glistened your skin as you sat up, rubbing your head you focused on the dream crawling away from you. Squeezing your eyes, you tried to recall why your heart was hammering inside your chest, why your nerves were twisted tight, a shaky breath left your lips.

Shiro snored on the cot beside your bed, mouth hung open, arm hanging off the bed as his blanket hung off the cot. You rolled your eyes, crawling out of the sheets you covered him up, glancing around the room, the only light from the moon invading through the half-opened curtains you lazily made your way to the door, craning your neck to take one last look at Shiro, you could still see the needle teeth poking through his gums as he snored away before exiting the room.

Bakugo snapped his head up, his trance inside his book shattered as his door opened without warning. He sat up, confusion on his face as you entered.


"So, you're the one only one who can just barge into people's rooms?"

"I do it better." Bakugo smirked, standing, tossing his book on his desk.

"What porn are you reading tonight?"

"It's not porn!" Bakugo frazzled; you crossed your arms.

"Then why are you so defensive?"

"Why are you here!?"

"We didn't finish the episode."

"I finished it like three times now." Bakugo muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" Bakugo cleared his throat, emerald eyes glazing past you to the closed door. "Where's Shiro?"

"Passed out." You replied, uncrossing your arms as you moved to his bed.

"You know my rule." Bakugo's stern voice halted your movements. The two of you locked glares for only a moment before you rolled those pretty little eyes he loved so much before bending down to unstrap your boots.

Bakugo smirked, turning around to turn his tv hearing you crawl into his sheets filled him with pride.

"I get to pick the episode." You stretched out, Bakugo held a tender smile seeing the old you peek through the concrete armor you wore.

"No." Bakugo replied, clearing his throat, he grabbed the remote quickly joining you in bed. "We are going in order, no skipping around shit."

"Lame." You retorted, eyes already feeling heavy the moment your head hits his pillow, the moment the scent of caramel and melted sugar hit your nose your muscles relaxed, Bakugo turned, only to smirk, shaking his head gazing down at your sleeping form.

"Fucking princess." He sighed, turning to watch the same episode for the fourth time.


"No-!" Your voice passed through your lips without permission, your torso whipped forward, ripping away the suffocating blanket as your heart pounded against your ribcage, sweat coated your skin as your eyes darted around the sunlit room. Bakugo was instantly on guard, arm springing out to bring you into him as he scanned the empty room.

"(y/n)?" Bakugo was confused feeing you fight his grip, you struggled away from him, "Hey-!" He gripped your shoulders.

"No!" You screamed, thrashing against his warm embrace.


The door burst open, Shiro flew into the room, half asleep pointing his gun towards the bed.

"Hey!" Bakugo pointed, moving to cover you with his body.

"What the hell is this!?" Shiro gestured to you being in Bakugo's bed, you ran a hand through your hair, blinking the burning sensation from your eyes, feeling once again the dream stained in blood drain from your reach. You slowly looked around, recalling where you were, and who you were with.

You slowly turned, quickly freeing your legs you removed yourself from the bed, before you could get far, Bakugo caught your wrist.

"(y/n)-" Bakugo needed to discuss what had just happened.

"Hello-!" Shiro waved both arms. "-what the fuck is this!?"

"We were watching tv." You muttered, kicking your boots on.

"Oh-" Shiro scoffed. "-just watching tv my clean asshole!"

You didn't reply or look over your shoulder as you exited the room.

"(y/n)!" Bakugo went to follow but was stopped by Shiro.

"Give her a minute."

"What?" Bakugo frowned. "No, she needs to be with-"

"She needs a minute." Shiro repeated, "Trust me."


"You don't go through what we went through without picking up a few nightmares along the way." Shiro explained.


"She survived the war-" Shiro glanced at the ajar door. "-but the question now is-" He turned to the red eyed hero. "-can you stand beside her while she lives with the trauma?"

"Yes." Bakugo answered, so sternly, so quickly he didn't even need to think about the question. Shiro hummed, nodding his head at the determined blond.

"We shall see." He replied, "Hey, do you have a pair of boxers I could borrow?"

"Wh-What the hell?" Bakugo was taken back.

"Come on man-!" Shiro whined. "-I'm out-"

"Hell no!" Bakugo replied.

"Come on!"

"Get the hell out!" Bakugo threw his pillow.

"You're not being a very good host!" Shiro caught the plush artifact with ease.

"I said get the hell out!" Bakugo threw his last weapon.

"Ugh-!" Shiro groaned, "-fine! But you have to be with me the whole day! When I start to smell musty I don't wanna hear jack shit!"

"I'm not giving you a pair of my fucking boxers!"

"Why-?" Shiro wiggled his eyebrows. "-are they all All Might themed-"

"I will fucking blast you through the door!"


"(y/n)!" Bakugo called, tone almost begging for help.


Shiro waited downstairs for you, he yawned while scratching his chin he observed your class getting ready for the school day. Bakugo remained six feet from Shiro with a scowl resting on his face.

"I think that's everyone." Momo counted once more, "Just waiting on (y/n)."

"Hm." Shiro opened a sleepy eye, taking in all the students around him. "Aren't you missing someone?"

"Um-" Momo scanned the room. "-no?"

"Where is the one with the huge-" Shiro gestured to his chest but instantly felt het sharp glares from Momo and Jiro. "-personality?"

"Who?" Jiro placed a hand on her hip.

"Oh-!" Toru giggles, "-you must be talking about Camie!"

"Yeah, that one." Shiro nods, "Where's that one?"

"Well, when she got transferred here, she didn't like our dorms sizes-" Toru explained.

"Or how her servants couldn't live here." Jiro butted in.

"-so, she got permission to live at home and commute to school!" Toru finished, stealing a peek over to Bakugo who lazily leaned against the island next to Kirishima, playing on his phone.

"Why do you care?" Jiro crossed her arms. "Hm?"

"Oh well-" Shiro innocently smiled, "-I owe her a bullet."

"A-A what!?"

"For almost putting one into (y/n)'s skull."

"How-How do you know about that!?"

"I know everything." Shiro chuckled at the frazzled girls, craning his neck noting you had joined the group. Shiro instantly frowned, your body language was stiff, you were more closed off than ever as you joined his side.

"Alright everyone is accounted for-!" Ida waved, "-let's go!"

"You wanna talk about it?" Shiro questioned, slowly following the group out of the dorms.

"What do you think?" You sharply retorted.

"Mm-" Shiro stretched, "-are you more bothered by the actual nightmare-" Shiro eyed you from the corner of his eye. "-or that he saw the cracks in your armor?" Shiro watched you flinch, you never flinch. "So, it is because of blondie."

"Shut up."

"I am just saying-"

"I said shut up."

"I don't know why your so cranky." Shiro hummed, "I know you got real good sleep-"

"I will shoot you."

"You already did!"

"Then I'll give you matching legs." You hissed.

"You didn't get your coffee." Shiro nods, "Blondie needs to step up his game-"

"Alright." You turned, pulling your gun from its holster.

"Alright-!" Shiro laughed, quickly covering your side with the weapon from the three students who turned to hear the commotion. "-alright." Shiro softly patted your shoulder. "I'll shut up." You weren't one to have your button pressed.

"It's official-" You sourly mock. "-hell has frozen over."

"Haha." Shiro scoffed, following you into your first day back to class.