
Butterfly is amidst

Page 1

Panel 1: A wide shot of cars passing by in the city of Downtown Atlanta, with the sun going with sundown with a cool breeze.

Panel 2: A medium close-up shot of a girl in a blue hoodie with black shorts with slides on. She had black messy hair covering her face on the sidewalk in the city. She is tapping on a young man.

Caption: Violet Rays- 23

Violet: Kzalo wakes up, wake up, wake up.

Panel 3: An extreme close-up shot of a young man sleeping.

Caption: Kzalo Andino- 24

Kzalo in his mind: Please let me sleep, I'm begging you. I'm so tired.

Panel 4: A medium shot of Violet on her knees tapping on Kzalo vigorously while Kzalo is laying down with a pink shirt with blue shorts. They were in front of the building.

Violet: I'm gonna buy snacks, she said in a convincing tone.

Kzalo: I'm up, get me water and some candy, please

Panel 5: A close-up shot of Violet smiling

Violet: Honestly your so hopeless she said with a sense of happiness as she walks off to the gas station

Page 2:

Panel 1: A wide shot of a mysterious man on top of a large building with a big black cloak. He was scouting out the area as if he was looking for something

Mysterious man: Mhm, everything seems to be in place, he confidently said.

Panel 2: A skinny panel of an extreme close-up of one of his eyes with a concerned look.

Panel 3: A large panel of a close of his face. His face started to sweat as the seconds went by

Mysterious man: WHY...iS THERE BLACK BUTTERFLY, he thought. Mysterious Man: I need to follow that butterfly.

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weirdly. The winds feel heavy as if something is going to happen.

Panel 2: A wide shot of the mysterious man jumping from one building to another like its nothing, Panel 3: A close-up shot of the mysterious man with a determined face

Mysterious Man: I need to follow you no matter what, he said with a serious face. Panel 4: A wide shot of a building with the Initials P.C. with smoke coming out of it.

Caption: Attention! Attention! Something has gone wrong with the drugs. Please Evacuate the building. This is no joke. Please evacuate the building.

Panel 5: A medium shot of the control room with all controls where they control the fluids for their company P.C. (Planetary Corps). There was a man who was controlling the room and making sure that everything is okay. The man was sitting in the chair looking for something of what went wrong.

Caption: Lenon Poe- 31

Lenon Poe: What the heck is happening, it was alright a moment ago. Damn this thing is going to blow.

Panel 6: A low close shot of a man speed walking in the Building.

Sound Effects: Click! Click! Click! Clack! Click! Click! Clack

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Panel 1: A Middle shot of the door opening in flash with very much aggression, The man had a very mad look as if someone had killed his mother.

Caption: CEO(Henry Noms- 49)

CEO- WHAT...THE...HECK...IS...HAPPENING HERE! He menacingly said.

Panel 2: An extreme close-up of Lenon Poe's neck.

Sound effects: GULP!

Panel 3: A close-up shot of Lenon Poe with a scared look on his face while trying to explain what is happening.

Lenon: It seems the drug is reacting to some unknown anomaly and according to the readings it seems it's going to blow. In my estimate, it's going to blow in 1 minute and 30 seconds but I know a way to get us some time for everyone to evacuate this building.

Panel 4: A wide shot of two men standing by the door panting who are confused and scared while the CEO was standing in front of the entrance and Lenon is in front of him

trying to explain why the machine is going berserk.

Joey: What happened? Mani and I went to use the bathroom for a short while but then we heard the Alarm system, so we had to rush out.

Mani: Can't you see, that bird for brains was the cause of all this. Honestly, all you had to do was watch the charts and make sure that nothing went wrong, but it seems you can't do one single task.

CEO: Silence, there is no time for chatter, we have to make haste or everyone will die. Hey, Bird for Brains, you said that you can delay the explosion then please do so until everyone is evacuated. After that it's all up to you to survive, I don't care for people who try to sabotage my business, but the moment I see you I'll kill you on sight. You hear me.

Lenon: Damn it, why is it always me. He thought

Lenon: Yes sir, he calmly said.

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Panel 1: A close-up shot of the Ceo of the company with a face of seriousness.

Ceo- Joey, Mani, make sure that everyone has evacuated and is not left behind. People are already in an uproar about the alarm but just to be safe.

Caption: 1 minute and 9 seconds

Panel 2: A wide shot of people running away from the factory with terrified looks on their faces. Many people were panicking in this process due to the sudden announcement.

Panel 3: A medium shot of a woman with a face of confidence trying to reassure the people.

Claire- Everyone please calm down, I don't want anybody to get hurt while trying to run away from the explosion, so please run accordingly like civilized people.

Everyone- Your Crazyyyy! Everyone exclaimed

Panel 4- A wide shot of Everyone continuing to run like there is no tomorrow. People from afar look across to see what the commotion is about.


Leo- Did he say there is going to be an explosion, P.C. is the safest company I know, how can this happen. C'mon grandma let's go.

Panel 5- A close-up shot of Leo with a terrified look on his face after he told his grandma to get away from the explosion. The wind started to get heavier as the seconds went by.

Grandma- of course, don't worry about me and go ahead, you are young and have a future ahead of you. My time is almost near so please go.

Leo- Don't talk like that grandma, you're not gonna die because I'll carry you. So now get on my back! He loudly said

Panel 6- A close-up shot of the grandma's face with a sense of happiness and also feeling like she was being a burden.

Grandma- Yes, but are you sure?

Leo- Yes! he proudly exclaimed

Panel 7- A wide shot of Leo running with his grandma on his back.

Panel 8- A close-up shot of Kzalo sleeping through the midst of all this chaos. Caption- Time: 49 seconds

Page 6

Panel 1- A close-up shot of Claire blushing with one hand on her face as if she is deeply in love.

Claire- I better go check up on dad-, I meant mister CEO. I wonder if he is okay, I better go check on him, I mean it's not like I love him or anything but he is so dreamy with his big and muscular self.

Panel 2: A Close up shot of Claire shaking her head.

Claire- I need to get my thoughts straight

A Wide shot of Joey and Mani running out with 3 more people.

Panel 3: A Medium shot of Joey and Mani with the three they escorted out the side. Women 1- Thank you for caring for us out, I always get lost.

Women 2- Yeah we wouldn't have made it without you.

Joey- Anything for you ladies

Man 1- Thank you.

Joey- Yeah Yeah

Man 1: He just ignored me. He thought.

Page 7


Joey- A Mani, what about that guy, and why hasn't he moved through all this noise? We need to wake him up.

Mani- No, I can tell he is a deep sleeper. Joey- Wh–

Mani- A deep sleeper is difficult to awaken until they wake up so let's go. Joey- Thank you, pal, see this is why you're my best friend.

Mani- Sure

Panel 2- A Close shot of Lenon sweating trying to delay the machine from blowing.

Lenon- Damn it, I hate everyone. They don't even know my name and they put everything on me. I'm most likely going to die but I'll curse those bastards till the day they die. He thought

Caption: 16 seconds

Panel 3: A Medium shot of Lenon looking up at the Fluid from the control room.

Panel 4: A wide shot of Three containers with green fluid with drugs on them. It was 10 ft. tall and 7 ft wide.

Panel 5: An Extreme Close up of Lennon's eyes staring deeply into the container. Lenon- I need to go to it, idk why but I just need to.

Panel 5: A medium shot of Lenon opening the door to go down to the Fluid. Panel 6: An extremely close shot of Lennon's leg getting off the stairs.

Panel 7: A wide shot at a low point of view of Lenon Standing front of Fluid.

Panel 8: A close side shot of Lenon looking at the containers. He looks as if he is addicted to something

Caption- Estimated Time: 10 seconds

Panel 9: An extremely close shot of Lennon's mouth.


Page 8

Panel 1: A medium shot of The mysterious man looking around. Mystery Guy: pant, Damn it. It got too dark and now I lost track of it.

Panel 2: A medium shot of The mystery man getting relaxed after running for a short while but he starts to focus a bit more on top of a cell tower.

Mystery Man: Isn't that the P.C. Company? The building is really big. Wait, wasn't the butterfly moving that way?

Panel 3: A Medium shot of The mystery man with a face of realization but he had some doubt. Mystery Man: Don't tell me

Panel 4: A wide shot inside a gas station with the manager and Violet, fighting. Manager: Get out of my gas station!

Violet- I was just about to do that you jerk!

Violet- Honestly I can't believe they would say something like that. She thought

(Flashback to when Violet entered the gas station)

Panel 5: A close shot of the door opening

Sound effects: chime

Panel 6: A Medium shot of the manager on his phone behind the counter.

Manager- Welcome

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Panel 1: An extreme close-up shot of his nose twitching

Manager- sniff sniff

Panel 2: A close-up shot of the manager's face in shock sending shivers down his spine.

Panel 3: A wide shot of Violet looking for snacks and the manager looking over the counter with his nose covered.

Manager- Hey stinky, you stinking up the entire place. I need you to get out of my store. He said with a rude tone

Panel 4: A close-up shot of Violet showing her back but her head turned with an angry face. Violet- Excuse me, you shouldn't say that to a customer, and can I at least buy snacks?

Panel 5: A close-up shot of the Manager's face deciding if he should get money or make her leave.

Manager - Fine, but please do it quickly and get out of my store.

Panel 6: A wide shot of the manager with his nose covered scanning the items while Violet is standing 6 ft away from the counter.

Sound Effects: Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep

Panel 7: A close shot of Violet's Angry face leaving the gas station.

Manager- Get out of my gas station!

(Back to present time)

Page 10

Panel 1: Over the shoulder, Violet notices that people are running away and someone is running past her on this night.

Violet- Excuse me, what is happening? She asked

Women 1: The P.C. company is about to blow you better run away.

Violet- Wait, what.

Panel 2- A wide shot of Violet running towards the P.C. Company.

Caption- She knows that Kzalo is a deep sleeper and they also sleep outside of the P.C. Company only for a short period since they move from city to city.

Caption- Estimated time: 4 seconds

Panel 3: A wide shot of Lenon in the room where the fluid is and where he's smiling with his arms up having the enjoyment of his life.

Lenon- Ha ha ha ha ha ha, 3 more seconds. He said

Panel 4: A close shot of the Mystery man running on top of buildings to get to the P.C. Company Mystery Man- Damn it, I might be too late. He worriedly said

Caption- Estimated time: 2 seconds

Panel 5: A close-up shot of Kzalo still sleeping as if he hasn't slept in weeks.

Kzalo: zzzzzzzzzz, no don't do that. He mumbled while sleeping. Caption- Estimated time: 1 second

Panel 6: A close-up of the black metallic butterfly entering the fluid. Caption- Estimated time: 0

Panel 7- A medium close-up of Violet running towards the P.C. Company with a frightening look on her face.

Violet: Kza— BOOOOM