
Mindlink System~Is it really a system??

What?? I died... wait i reincarnated... it's a wrong reincarnation?? and i died as a meat shield.. OMG I got another reincarnation. "i am gonna do something this time" I got a system but it's really not a system... maybe it's a alien tech. Cause a AI gave it to me in the world of fantasy. "huh? it went offline because I failed a task for the first time!!" is it really a system?? "Wait a minute... aliens are attacking because they wants my system?" "Huh? Magic? Elfs? Dwarfs? Gaints? Dragons and demons too? And humans don't know magic and don't have physical power...? How am I suppose to fight? " "Wait a minute...i am mc, i should use my OP earth's knowledge to fight them...yes let me show them the power of science...the power of humans..." "but...my system? It it a creature? Or a ai? Then where is computer? So many questions..." "What is going on?? do you want to know? then why are you reading this?? just read and determine if it really a system or not"

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114 Chs


The jungle loomed large around Prince's caravan, its dense foliage casting an eerie green glow as the sun struggled to penetrate through the thick trees.

They had ventured deep into this unknown territory thanks to a genius person, but instead found themselves lost and disoriented. Prince could not hide his frustration as he surveyed the bewildered faces of his companions...

"I thought you said you knew the way out of here!" Prince exclaimed, addressing the two strangers who had suddenly appeared before them last night. The newcomers were two man, both clad in rugged attire and carrying weapons that suggested a life of hardship.

The man flashed a cunning smile and replied, "Indeed, we do know the way, and we'd be glad to guide you out of this labyrinthine jungle."

The other one chimed in, his voice sweet and inviting, "We've helped many lost souls find their way back to civilization. Trust us, and we'll lead you to the city."

'you are fooling around since morning, and you say you know the way out? kann was right.' prince was making plans for their fu...

well that's another story all along.




Although sceptical, Prince and his companions had little choice but to accept the strangers' offer. Their supplies were dwindling, and the jungle's mysteries seemed endless.

As they followed the duo through the dense undergrowth, Prince couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The jungle appeared to change its form, the paths twisting and turning in ways that defied logic. Each step felt more precarious than the last.


Hours passed, and the weary caravan continued to tread through the seemingly never-ending foliage. The strangers were always one step ahead, urging the travelers to persevere and promising that they were almost at their destination. But doubt gnawed at Prince's mind, and he began to notice inconsistencies in the strangers' stories.

"Something's not right," whispered kann, as they walked together."Their assurances sound hollow, and I can't shake the feeling that we are walking into a trap."

Prince nodded, grateful for her keen perception. He couldn't ignore the unease growing within him. However, he chose to keep these suspicions to himself for now, unsure of how to confront the strangers without hard evidence.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached a clearing adorned with makeshift tents and a fire pit at its center.

"Huh? what's this?" jack frowned "Are there other people here?"

Prince's jaw clenched with anger, but he kept his composure. "You lied to us!" he confronted the duo, his voice tinged with disappointment. "You promised to lead us to the city, not into the clutches of your bandit clan."

The male bandit smirked, his earlier pretense of benevolence vanishing entirely. "so you figured it out? but it's too late. Survival in this jungle is a game of cunning, and you were naive enough to trust us. Now you'll pay for that mistake."

The group found themselves outnumbered and disarmed, surrounded by hostile bandits who had no qualms about exploiting the vulnerable.

"Now give us your treasure and we will let you live, of course you will be our slave" the bandit leader shouted...

In a moment of courage, Prince called out, "If you seek a true challenge, then face me one on one! Let us settle this without bringing harm to those who have nothing to do with your greed."

The bandits laughed at his bravado, but their leader saw an opportunity for amusement and prestige. "Very well. I accept your challenge," he said with a twisted smile. "If you win, you and your companions may go free."

'what am I doing? no don't...i don't have any powers. fu*k let's settle this then'


The stakes were high, but Prince stood firm, ready to face the bandit leader in a duel that would determine the fate of his caravan. of course he was playing here and his group was more then enough to deal with them...

or maybe some bullets, but he was saving them for later because they have limited ammo.

"Let's get started then, Ms. bandit leader"

prince and the bandit leader came face to face and everyone else formed a circle to watch them...


"what is he doing? we could kill them all with ease, there is no need to do all this"

kann felt anxious, she was worried about prince...

"Boss teach him a lesson "

"Yes, captain show him what it is like to face a pirate"

"Yes...our captain is very strong "

the crew was shouting and cheering for prince...


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

PRINCE_0F_DARKNESScreators' thoughts