

What will happen when the firstborn of the mafia clan Kevin Hart Knight was forced to go out of his safe heaven? What if an extraordinary boy, Vin was fated to meet a not-so-ordinary, Amy? They say, 'Two broken souls fix eachother..' A story of two opposite people who belongs to a totally different world. Feel free to romanticise it. You're gonna love this one. Enjoy. _A.S.Styles^^

AS_Styles · Acción
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25 Chs

21. Amy X Kevin (i)


Whole time a pair of fine eyes were fixed on me, noticing my every movement, making me self conscious. Damnit!

I didn't even get the chance to react properly when he sat beside me. What a day Amy!

Little by little I'm forgetting about Hamlet! Ahh I have a test to take please stop staring at me....you nutjob!

After having enough I looked up from my test paper and glanced at him. He was sitting facing towards me. What the hell!

Nobody seems to cares about him. Not even the teacher asked him to sit properly! Fine I will ask him personally...

"Why are you facing towards me!" I mouthed to him.


"Sit properly while facing the teacher..." I whispered and then glanced at his test paper.

Bloody hell! His test paper was too neat and clean, he didn't even write his name or roll number.

"Stop wasting your time, focus on your test.." I leaned towards him and whispered again.

"No talking!!" Teacher said in authoritative voice making me sit straight on my seat. From the corner of my eye I saw him changing his sitting position too.

I smiled a little and turn my focus back on the damn paper.

"I want your pen!" I heard a light whisper coming from my right side.


"Give me your pen!" He stated while looking at my hand holding up the pen.

Seriously!! is this how people ask for things nowadays?

I always have spares so I'll just give him the pen I was holding. Maybe that's why he didn't start writing his test paper. So he was looking at me all this time for a damn pen!!!?

Sheesh!! I wasn't even want to look at him anymore. So I just extend my hand towards him to give the pen.

As he was taking the pen, just for a split second his fingers touched mine, giving an electrical shock to my whole right arm. I turned to look at him in astonishment but ....

He was leaning on his paper and start writing.. I looked at him for a good half minute. But he didn't seems to notice anything.

Then the other half minute I stare at my shaking fingers. Just for a second it felt like I've touched a hot frying pan. Sigh, I am happy for not shouting in pain, it'll be embarrassing to get caught by the whole class..

I rubbed my hands together, his fingers felt so....warm against my cold ones. I shook my head to get myself together.

After wasting one solid minute I turned all of my attention towards my test paper.

I've read all of the Shakespeare's dramas and plays. So I didn't even have to study anything for this little quiz test.

Hamlet is the tragic drama in which the whole cast keeps dying one after one. Some of them were too stupid to die. Hah! Like Ophelia... She's the most pathetic one. Like going mad was not enough she end up drowning to death. Tsk!

I was the first to finish the test, as always. Hah!

I was about to stand up and go to the teacher then my eyes - own their own - fell on him. He was sitting straight while crossing his arms on his chest. If you look very closely you would come to know that his eyes were all over the place. He was looking at literally every single student here.

I had a strange urge to hit the back of his head. But I just rolled my eyes and glanced at his paper.

Woah~ He finished it already!? I'm sure he guessed all of the answers. Idiot!

Then I gave my test paper to teacher with a smile who smiled back at me like every other day. After that I go to every single one to grab their test papers so that I can submit them together.

It was not as easy as it sounds, because I had to snatch some of their papers from their damn hands. I have see some pouty faces of girls when they give their papers to me. Even a guy was asking me for the answers of last two questions. Is he for real!? I rolled my eyes but told him the answers anyway. He gave me toothy-smile and a finger heart. Ugh! Stupid!

"Two right answers won't make you pass the test, you know!" I laughed at him but he doesn't seems to get my sarcastic joke as he winked at me in reply. Bloody hell!

In the very end I go to him. He looked up at me giving me a.....glare?

Wh...what did I... whatever.

I tried to take his paper but before my hand could even get near it he took the paper and go to the teacher himself. I just stand in my place slightly dumbfounded.

What is wrong with him!

In the beginning he was smiling; in the end he was glaring!

I didn't even know we had a class together! It was the first time that he showed up today. He even sat on that nerd's chair.

Thinking of the merd, why didn't he came? Did he got serious injury? Was he that embarrassed about this morning? Or did he ditched the class because of the test? Nahh he looked too smart to skip a test... Anyways I'll ask him in the next class.

The guy who was looking at me this whole time left the class swiftly without even glancing at me. I wanted to ignore him first but he's acting strange. Should I talk to him? Nah it's good that we were back to square.

After submitting the papers, I ran for the next class.


Kevin's POV:

Damnit! That ugly looking guy was flirting with her. And she just smile back like an idiot. I kicked the air as soon as I get out of the class.

My guards were standing outside my class this whole time. Maybe it was there new way to protect me. I'm sure this is all because of my brother Klem, he was so furious when he heard about my fan following thing!

"Vin where are you going?"

"To my next class!" I replied annoyingly.

Rob "..."

Paul "..."



Rob accompany me to my next class and told me about my seat, again. He left the class and I was just sitting while spinning the pen and grimaced.

Then I saw a fimiliar figure coming in the class, burying her face in her damn book, reading without noticing anything around her.

She put her bag on the floor and sat beside me. I stopped spinning the pen, her pen! I admit I was surprised at first to see her again, so soon. Haha!

She was sitting beside me again! We had two classes together! I want to stand and dance! My bad mood vanished at once.

"Hey man!" She greeted me with a smile, but as her eyes landed on my face, the nice smile seems to disappear at once. I distaste it!

She greeted the man who sat beside her not me..... How dare she! I was glaring at her. My anger returned as soon as it left.

Then something hit me....

Bloody Robot!

I growled inside while making a tight fist. Just wait I'm gonna take my revenge on you, Rob the bloody dark horse!

She was watching me intently. She tilted her head at me so that her scarf moves away a little, showing her fine neck to me. Sunlight was coming through her raven hair making a bright circle of light around her face.

She looked so..... beautiful.

I was having a trance moment, unconsciously gulping down while staring at her neck. Her neck was moving as she was saying something.

I had to force myself to take away my eyes from her beautiful neck. She looked so confused. Silly girl!

It's a good thing that she always wore that scarf. I'll respect her scarf from now on. I almost wanted to touch her.. damnit!!

What the hell is this! Why my heart beating like crazy! Why was I staring at her neck! Am I vampire or what!

Suddenly I remember that last week I watched a vampire movie with ny guards. It's just the after-effects of that. Hell! did I turned into one of them?

I imagined myself becoming the headline in freaking news!

First son of Mafia family, Kevin Hart Knight turned into a vampire.

Bloody hell!

I can see my dad's horrified face in my head after watching the news. And the whole Mafia clan turned upside down!

"Are you okay?" A kind voice came from my left side.


"You're sweating. Do you have a fever?" She sounds... worried?

I looked at her face, yeah she's definitely worried. A little smile appeared on my face. She still looked so confuse. Haha!

"I'm fine." I said not daring to look her in the eye.


"It's just too hot here.." I tried to explain

"No it's not!" She didn't buy that.

"Yes it is." I persist.

"Are you sure you're okay?" She furrowed her brows behind her bangs. I think.

"If not, what would you do?" Little flirting won't hurt, Right?


Where Kevin was having the time of his life, Amy was questioning hers haha..

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