
Mind Control

With a snap of his fingers, they dance to his tune. With the quirk of his lips. they turn numb. With the tap of his toe, they kneel to him. He can control their every thought, emotion, and movement. Manipulate their very lives. None can escape his grasp. *** Ian woke up one day confused to see the unfamiliar yet familiar surroundings. Once this was his home, when it was no more he got lost. He lost everything. Now everything is back. A burning starlight lit in his cold eyes, promising to burn all his enemies. He would never allow his home to be destroyed again. Not this time. He was back. And this time, he would control their lives just like they controlled his.

MidnightSweet · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
27 Chs

Chapter 3: Shadow Fang

"So die."

As if a signal went off, men came bursting into the room from the windows and the closed office door slammed open. To keep himself safe, the boss backed away to the shelf and pressed a secret button that made the shelf and a circular floor area under it to flip and he was gone.

Meanwhile, Shadow Fang was completely surrounded with no way out. Swarms of men out for his head sieged him.

Shadow Fang instantly threw countless small, hidden knives at the incoming men. Shadows flashed by and many were wounded, unable to dodge in time and surprised that Shadow Fang reacted so quickly, he truly deserved the name of the number one assassin!

Knowing in his heart that it will be hard to nearly impossible to get out of this place alive by killing every one of the hitmen and mercenaries in this still growing herd of attackers, Shadow Fang quickly moved his mind to create an escape plan. 

Taking down the nearing enemies with his weapons, Shadow Fang felt his supply of weapons rapidly dwindling.

It's impossible to continue like this, Shadow Fang thought to himself as he clenched his teeth.

Grabbing one of the attackers, Shadow Fang bulged his muscles, summoning all his strength, and threw the guy to the group of people before the window.

The men coming out of the windows were the fewest as not many can hide around them and drop down from the rooftop to the window with a secure line.

So Shadow Fang targeted that area as only that place gave him the highest chance of escaping successfully. It had the fewest number of people. Nonetheless, that smaller amount was still substantial enough to cut off his escape route.

He has to cut down some of them first.

Unleashing his last round of attack, countless flying knives shot along their course and into the necks of many men. Many men fell down. Taking this chance, Shadow Fang sprinted towards the open window.

Seeing his action and feeling alarmed, someone shouted, "Stop him!"

Everyone rushed to grab Shadow Fang, only to grasp his shadow as he leapt from the ten-story high building.

Shocked, they all squeezed each other to fight for a place at the window and leaned out. Staring blankly as Shadow Fang superhumanly landed on the ground, although he landed somewhat awkwardly, he still managed to make it out of the dangerous situation alive and in one piece. Shadow Fang quickly composed himself and dashed away.

"G-go! Go down!"

"We have to catch him!"


They all started scrambling to the doorway, rushing down the building to catch Shadow Fang and kill him. Some of the men attempted to do what Shadow Fang just did, bravely risking their lives, only to hurt themselves severely or lose their life instantly. Only two or three managed to get down relatively safely and chased after Shadow Fang ahead of the others still running down the stairs.

Watching as the surroundings rapidly changed around him and the organization's building getting further and further behind, Shadow Fang still did not dare to let down his guard.

His name was Shadow Fang, given personally to him by his boss who tried to kill him just now, and he knew of no other name. The life before the age of six was a complete blank to him. He only remembered things starting from the day when he first joined the organization and was given this name by the boss. 

He grew up within the organization. One could say that it was the organization that raised him up and nurtured him to become who he was today. He was grateful to the organization, that's why he gave his loyalty to it and fulfilled every one of his missions with meticulous care and absolute certainty. 

Only… starting from one of the missions given to him, he began to doubt. Doubt the purpose of his organization. Of his own actions and beliefs. 

Apparently, his boss noticed.

And now this scene appeared.

Shadow Fang squeezed his eyes shut as pain rippled like waves in his heart.

This only served to strengthen the doubts he had of the organization.

Ever since young, he had been taught by the organization's instructors that this organization existed to wipe out all evils. That they were the bearers of justice and hope. That they were there to destroy the wicked existences of the world that nobody else could.

And Shadow Fang believed it. Believed it firmly until during one of his missions, the target protected a family that was coincidentally there on the day of the assassination. Shadow Fang had watched as the mission target used their own body to protect others unrelated to them, demanding him to let them go as they were unrelated to him and not a part of Shadow Fang's mission.

Inadvertently, the mission target said something Shadow Fang never knew before. 

"Haven't you killed enough? How many innocent and good people do you guys have to kill before you are satisfied? Letting the greedy and selfish people run amok and extinguishing all that's left of the good. Let them go! They have nothing to do with me!"

In the end, Shadow Fang let them all go, including the mission target.

That was the only time he had failed to complete his mission. 

Though he was confused at the time. He thought it over and in the end decided to still believe in his organization, continuing to perfectly execute his every mission and continuing to offer his loyalty, hoping against hope that his organization was not the actual bringer of evil.

He was proven wrong. Because of that one failed mission, the boss decided that he was a threat to the organization. That he wasn't loyal enough, if at all.

Shadow Fang had been determined to throw his beliefs away for the organization that raised him but, ironically, the organization wasn't willing to trust him.

Shadow Fang could feel people rapidly gaining on him. Just as he was about to burst out with explosive speed, gunshots were heard in the silent night echoing in the empty street.

Coming to a stop in the quiet and lifeless street, Shadow Fang turned to face the incoming pursuers holding guns.

The pursuers also stopped a distance away from Shadow Fang, many pointing a gun at him.


Red blossoms bloomed on his pants as trails of blood slid down his leg to his ankle and into his shoes soaking the sole. Not only there, blood also soaked one of his arms' sleeves. 

He got shot five times. Three in the leg and two in the arm.

Shadow Fang counted the number of people in front of him. 

5… 13… 24… and more and more were gathering as time passed. 

Some of them belonged to the same organization as him while others were hired from other organizations.

"Now you can't run," one of the men spoke out with a sneer. He was one of the ones who jumped off the building like him. "Might as well accept your death, there's no other way out for you."

Another said with a mocking look on his face, "Think of it as repaying the organization for raising you." This person belonged to the same organization as Shadow Fang. He participated in this hunt in order to move up in ranks in the organization. He's always seen the number one, Shadow Fang, as an eyesore.

"When did an assassin talk so much." Shadow Fang bit back. 

He could feel his condition worsening. His face paled from blood loss.


Shadow Fang instantly angered the other with his obviously insulting words. 

Furious, the person aimed at Shadow Fang and was about to fire when out of an inconspicuous shadowy corner stepped out a slender and slightly short figure.

Having not noticed another party's presence until the other willingly showed themselves, everyone at the scene was alarmed.

As their face slowly unveiled itself from the veil of darkness, shone on by the moonlight, a good-looking and immature face revealed itself. 

Their lips opened and closed.

"Well, what do we have here?" The figure smiled. The somewhat immature voice of a growing teen traveled into the ears of everyone present. It was Ian.

What happened afterwards was a scene Shadow Fang will never forget for the rest of his life. Even after he saw Ian doing this time after time again in the future, this one moment, Shadow Fang could never erase from his memories.


"Ha… hahaha! What's a kid doing here?" One of the men burst out into laughter upon seeing the appearance of Ian. Immediately after, the others also burst out laughing. The tense atmosphere gone.

They found it ridiculous that a kid who should be in bed this late at night is here, in this situation. 

None of them even gave it a thought that Ian came here on purpose knowing that Shadow Fang would be chased here and eventually meet his demise.

Ian did not mind their thoughtless laughter, he did not feel embarrassed at being laughed at.

Walking out from the corner he appeared at midst the laughter, Ian stopped beside the bleeding Shadow Fang.

Ian turned to look at Shadow Fang who looked warily at him. Ian shot a smile at him, making Shadow Fang flinch back in surprise. 

Regardless of Shadow Fang's wariness and doubts about him, Ian walked in front of Shadow Fang, shielding him from the guns pointed in his direction ready to take his life.

The guns did not move. 

None of the men present cared for killing children, women, and the elderly. Though they laughed at Ian, they did not plan on letting Ian go whether or not he walked into this place by accident.

Now all the guns once aimed at Shadow Fang's life aimed at Ian's.

Shadow Fang's heart skipped a beat.

"Tsk!" Shadow Fang tsked his tongue in annoyance. He had always believed that his missions were for the good of the world, that's why he never once aimed at anyone outside of his mission target, especially little kids. He could not just stand by and watch as the people after him take this innocent young child's life. 

Mustering all his remaining strength, Shadow Fang shoved Ian out of the way, coming to stand in front of Ian, blocking the guns aimed at the latter. 

Once again, all the guns were on Shadow Fang. 

"Even if I die, I'll die for my beliefs and not die a worthless and meaningless death!" Shadow Fang shouted as if making a declaration. 




Before any of the men could laugh at him for the words they thought to be childish. Someone clapped. Slow and paced sounds of clapping came from behind Shadow Fang. 

"Well said. I agree with you." The immature voice of a teen sounded out again. 

Shadow Fang really wanted to turn around and tell the boy that now was not the time to be so casual and relaxed! Can't he see the situation he's in?!

At the same time, Shadow Fang felt warm and somewhat… comforted that at least someone approves of his ideas, of his beliefs. Even if that someone's just a 16 or 17 year old kid. 

Shadow Fang decided. He was definitely going to keep this kid alive. Even if he himself dies today, he won't allow them to kill the boy. 

Just as the determined Shadow Fang with renewed will and energy was about to begin his counterattack, he froze. 

As Ian's voice came out from behind him again, a mysterious feeling of authority came over Shadow Fang which had caused him to still unconsciously.

"Stand back." 

A voice containing overwhelming power full of authority spread through the streets.