
Minato May Have Been Your Father But He Ain't Your Daddy

Fujii Itsuki unexpectedly found himself in Konoha on the night of the Kyuubi rampage. Although it was a dangerous situation Itsuki still survived. His Isekai life was as dull as it gets, he didn't have any talent for being a shinobi nor did he have a system. Itsuki was prepared to live his life as a lazy bum but unexpectedly he received a summons from the Third, only to find out a piece of shocking news. " Itsuki I have arranged a marriage for you, the other party is Uzumaki Kushina, I hope you will agree to this marriage " Facing the request of the Hokage, Itsuki could only reluctantly agree while apologising to Minato who died a few days ago. It's not like he wanted to steal his wife but he was threatened into it. 'Sorry Minato, But don't worry I will raise Naruko like she is my own child and take care of Kushina well, and never let her feel any loneliness' Itsuki's seemingly ordinary life was turned upside down due to a single event. *************** Discord link : https://discord.gg/AyFd3NRMTA This is inspired by an MTL novel. This is not a translation. But just in case you want to get a glimpse of the dumpster fire I will leave a link. Link: https://www.mtlnovel.com/naruto-forced-to-marry-narutos-mother-at-the-beginning/ Pat**on: patreon.com/Life_Sa_Beach

Life_sa_Beach_ · Cómic
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92 Chs

61. Caged Bird

Your author is addicted Gacha...

Just when I thought I would be satisfied with Yinlin , they had to go ahead and release Jhinsi. 

Forgive me Mommy , for I am in love... She looks so pure and graceful that my heart was doki doki~ The trailer was too much for my poor and pure heart ( I am a pure boy ). 

[ Jhinsi reference Image ] 

I got her by the way . I wish all my fellow dudes who wanna pull her luck. Let us all be lucky bastards~ and get Changli too....I am F2P


" Hizashi-san I heard you had a very talented son, and he is now a year old~" Itsuki asked with a smile while calmly sipping tea.

Hizashi stiffened a bit but still replied calmly " Yes, I am blessed to have a child, like Neji "Hizashi's voice betrayed warmth and pride.

" Ah~ How wonderful, I too think Neji-kun is going to be a generational genius but ...Haah! It's a pity! " Itsuki sighed a little as he spoke in a sad tone while glancing at Hizashi whose face stiffened and Itsuki could sense some negative emotions.

Anger, helplessness, sorrow, self-hate, Hizashi's thoughts seemed to go into a momentary negative direction but he quickly calmed himself down and gazed at the man sitting in front of him calmly as if nothing had anything to do with him.

Hizashi knew for this man to mention that matter then he must have something to discuss with him. 

And Hizashi cursed himself for feeling hope in his life once again...


" Lord Senju are you serious !.... If this is a joke then it is not a good one " Hizashi said seriously while gazing at Itsuki who had uttered something so preposterous yet something generations of Branch Family heads have been wishing for. 

The Removal of the cursed seal and to regain their lives as honorable shinobi, not as mere slaves to the main family.

"I have said what I came here to say, and whether to believe it is up to you Hizashi-san. If you are interested pass your chakra through this " Itsuki said calmly before passing a Kunai to Hizashi who upon receiving the Kunai was dumbfounded.

'Flying Raijin!' 

When Hizashi gazed back up from the Kunai he noticed that he was all alone and there was no presence of Itsuki in the room...


Itsuki actions were based on a whim, slavery although unpleasant still existed in the shinobi world. Itsuki didn't have any problems with enslaving your enemies but enslaving your own family members, is something that made Itsuki disdain them even more.

He can also lower the Hyuga clan's prestige in this way, the matter of the Hyuga enslaving their fellow clansmen is an open secret among the High-ranking shinobi but the civilians were blissfully unaware.

If the Main family is unwilling to follow his arrangements then he doesn't mind letting all of Konoha know about this matter and smearing their reputation to the point where even their businesses might be hit.

And if that doesn't work then he would resort to his fists. You see...if you think violence can't solve your problems, then you just aren't using enough of it...


Land of Fire ...

Mount Katsuragi...


Itsuki was gazing at the elderly man in front of him calmly while he handed a scroll over to him. Although old age has caught up to him this man still held an imposing presence that could only be forged through fighting battles.

Itsuki could feel a gaze on him and he turned to smile at the small head peeking through the door. Meeting his gaze the small figure scampered away.

Itsuki just shook his head with an amused smile...


" Lord Senju I do not understand, we are already allied with Konoha. Why is there a need for us to ally with the Senju clan " En no Gyōja said seriously while gazing at the young patriarch.

" Do I really need to explain it to you, Lord Tsuchigumo you yourself should know what kind of assistance Konoha provided to as their so-called 'Allies' " Itsuki said calmly while emphasizing the word ally.

En no Gyoja let out a frustrated sigh as he deflated a little. 

"While that might be so, what would be the difference if we allied with the Senju clan" En no Gyoja said seriously, to him although the current Hokage said this young man was a formidable shinobi as far as he knew only two members were remaining of the once great Senju clan.

So allying with them poses no merit, at least with Konoha, they could use Konoha's name as a deterrent. But what about the Senju clan, who would fear a nearly extinct clan? 

Well, he wasn't one to talk as his clan was also nearing extinction.

'Sarutobi is this your promise of aid? ' The old man who had participated in brutal battles couldn't help but feel bitter when he felt that Konoha had betrayed them. All these years they had to live in the shadows in seclusion fearing being assassinated or kidnapped by other villages for their fearsome jutsu. 

And what has being allied to Konoha done for them .....Nothing!

Itsuki could feel the frustration of the old man and he could understand it. Just like what happened with the Uzumaki, Konoha truly treats its 'allies' well.

" Lord Tsuchigumo, you ask what the difference is, the difference is simple .... Me! " Itsuki smiled calmly while his chakra burst forth while he amplified it by Kaioken 10x. 

En no Gyoja had a stunned expression on his face which quickly morphed into an excited expression. The pressure he is feeling right now is so vast that his body was trembling and his instincts were screaming at him to run.

He could see the ground around the young man starting to crack and if it continues he fears his house might be destroyed. But his fears were for naught as the pressure around the young man disappeared as if it never existed in the first place.

En no Gyoja gazed at the young man's figure in front of him as his heart trembled with excitement. This might be the chance for his clan to save itself. 

Unknown to himself En no Gyoja's eyes started holding a hint of worship towards the godlike figure in front of him.

"So Lord Tsuchigumo...Shall we ~ " 


Read 76 chapters ahead on my Pa***on


Discord: https://discord.gg/AyFd3NRMTA 


I made a mistake, I hope you guys forgive me.

He can't adapt to damage caused by himself only others. Otherwise, he can just use Kaio Ken to boost himself without fear of injury or breaking down.

So I had to change it to this otherwise he can just use the Kaio ken hax.

Imma not go and edit the previous chapters cuz its tiresome.