
Milo and Maisie

|11X FEATURED · 2024 NANO WATT/ONC 2024 LONGLIST · AMBASSADORS' PICK| Two years after her older brother's tragic death, anxiety-stricken Maisie and her emotional support cat, Milo, attend the Disney College Program, where they must discover a new life meaning in the most magical place on Earth. *** The death changed everything. Milo, an orange tabby, has always wanted a little sibling, but after the tragic loss of his owner's older brother, adoption was put on hold, and he became her Emotional Support Animal. Now, two years later, Maisie's determined to grant Milo's long-overdue wish; however, she's still grieving and overthrown with anxiety, leaving Milo to tag along with her for the famed Disney College Program. Nevertheless, when heartbreak catches him, too, Milo must push past his grief to save himself and his wish. Maisie Claire is ready to move on but not prepared to leave her family after two years for the DCP. She would've never accepted that offer letter if it hadn't been for her parents helping her get an ESA. Now trapped in an unfamiliar world, Maisie must find a new life meaning while still keeping her brother's memory alive. It starts with discovering the courage to befriend her mysterious suitemate and thanking Milo for everything he's done. After all, sometimes moving on just takes a little bit of courage. *** *Prompt Used: #24-"A desperate wish, made from the heart, is always answered. Sooner or later.* *Based on a true story.* *Contains a subtle, LGBTQ+ subplot because of Disney's Inclusion Key, but it's not the main focus. However, please be respectful.*

CroodsGirl · LGBT+
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35 Chs

Chapter The African Lion: Wishes Do Come True (Part One)

 It was all Maisie's fault. She was a horrible cat owner. Milo would've gotten his sibling if she hadn't obsessed over Feya and had gone to PetSmart after her boring Kappa Day. He would've gotten her if she hadn't waited to leave until 8:30. Who on Earth beat her at 9:00 in the morning? Maisie had excitedly texted her parents the night before, after she and Feya left PetSmart, to tell them the good news. Now, what was she supposed to say—she failed? Milo was crushed because of Maisie's flaw, and she would never forgive herself.

 She nervously studied her phone while she and Feya sat in PetSmart's parking lot. The Jeep's AC ran like a monster coming for Maisie, and she whimpered, "I did this, Feya. I can't tell them."

 Feya rubbed her shoulder. "Hey, I'm right here. There are other cats, girl."

 "But Milo wanted her."

 "Do you want me to drive?" Feya continued. "That may give you time to prepare to tell your parents."

 "But, Feya, your leg."

 "Last I checked, it's my left leg that's missing. Not my right."

 "Feya, I don't want you driving with your head." Maisie gripped the steering wheel. "I can do this."

 "I'm just trying to help, girl."

 "Well, stop trying! Luna's gone! She was all Milo wanted!" Maisie didn't mean to snap. The Matthew Day had just grown worse after what happened.

 Milo snuggled in her lap, his face hidden in her shirt.

 Maisie's phone vibrated, followed closely by the Journey ringtone. "Oh gosh," she said, seeing the call came from her mom. She felt like Judy Hopps after her first day at the ZPD.

 The lump in her throat expanded, and Maisie shakily held her index finger over the Answer button.

 Feya stole the phone and ended the call, texting Mrs. Foster.

 "What are you doing?" This was Maisie's mistake, so she should be the one to tell.

 "You and Milo need your mom now," Feya answered, "so I'm telling her we're coming to the hotel."

 "Feya!" Maisie reached for her, but Feya had already pressed Send.

 She handed the phone back. "Trust me—this will help you. I said we'd be there in a half-hour."

 "How often do I have to remind you about personal space?" Maisie's tone was both stern and playful.

 Feya thought for a second. "How about let's talk after we visit your mom?"

 Sigh, Maisie wouldn't be able to weasel out of this, would she? She helped Feya find the courage to show her leg, and now Feya was trying to return the favor. It would probably be easier to discuss her failure in person, with Feya beside her, anyway.

 Sometimes moving on just takes a little bit of courage.

 A moment of silence passed before Maisie decided. "Okay, Feya, but you're staying with me."

 She tittered. "I'm your girlfriend. I think I have to."

 Girlfriend. Maisie's broken heart fluttered with Feya's words. Now, she had to comply.

 Homewood Suites was within walking distance of Flamingo Crossings East and West and directly behind the brick road containing Luxor's and Ben & Jerry's.

 On the horizon, it looked like another storm was coming, which wasn't good. Maisie did not want Feya out in a lightning storm. What if something happened again? She refused to lose someone else she loved. Oh gosh, between the Matthew Day and her failure, Maisie's anxiety skyrocketed. She tried to think of what she would tell her parents while she and Feya headed for the pink building.

 Feya was getting good with the wheelchair, but she still appeared slightly disappointed to be stuck in one for now. Not that Maisie blamed her.

 She maintained a close eye on her and took care of the depressed Milo at the same time. He dangled over her shoulder, his paws wrapped around Maisie's neck, and she comfortably petted his back. "I'm sorry, Milo."

 When she entered Homewood Suites' lobby, Maisie saw a sitting area, the concierge desk, and the door leading to the pool. The white tile had been neatly polished, and the chairs dusted. Mr. and Mrs. Fedora and Maisie's parents waited in the lobby beside the Disney photo spot.

 "Hey, girls!" they said, waving.

 "Мама, тато? What are you doing here?" Feya appeared just as bewildered as Maisie.

 "Isn't it obvious?" Mrs. Fedora asked, glancing at Maisie's parents. "We were visiting. Besides, we have a few gifts for you girls."

 Gifts? What were they talking about? Maisie did not deserve a gift after breaking Milo's heart. She nearly yelled the truth, but her mom spoke.

 "This isn't the place to hand them out, though. Let's go to the room."