
Million Dollar Babies

Alexus' parents are desperate to have a grandchild, so the young man will end up paying a million dollars to the woman who can give him a child.

HeyItsDestinyOne · Adolescente
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24 Chs

Chapter 16: Let Me Be The One

Sofia's Point of View :

"Sofia!" I quickly walked away after Felix saw me. What's wrong with this man?

"Sofia wait! Wait a minute!" I accelerated my walk even more. He can't reach me.

"Ouch!" Why is there a stupid rock blocking my way? There it was, I was stumble!

"Are you okay?" I rolled my eyes after I saw Felix in front of me.

"Are you stupid? You saw that I was stumbled and my knee was bleeding and then you really got to ask if I'm okay? Isn't it obvious?" I said in sarcasm. He just laughed.

"You're so cute" he said shaking his head while holding back his laughter. Is he crazy?

"Why are you upset? And why are you keeping me away? Have I done anything wrong to you?" He asked.

"Should there be a reason?" I asked him back.

"It depends," he said with a grin.

"Tsk! Let me see," he knelt in front of me as he examined my knee with a slight scar.

We are in some position now so I took my knee back from him. I had planned to continue walking but my foot still hurt. I almost got out of balance and fell down just fine and Felix caught me quickly.

"Careful," he said after he caught me.

"Why are you chasing me?" I asked him, to change the subject.

"It's because you're running, aren't you?" I rolled my eyes to him.

"I am not! I'm just walking—fast." I explained.


"Ahh! Felix take me down! Hey, hey!" I struggle with him. How could he suddenly lift me up. What am I, lame? My foot just hurts— okay fine! I wasn't able to walk because of my foot.

"You can't walk, so don't stand right there." Well, he has a point. But it's also his fault because if he hadn't chased me, I wouldn't have been stumble, right? So I have nothing to be ashamed of if he's carrying me now.

After he landed me in his car, I was going to get off but I remembered, my foot hurt.

"Stay!" He told me.

"Hey I'm not a dog!" I said angrily to him.

"I'm not saying anything here, am I?" I just stared at him. Fine!

"Where are you taking me?" I suddenly asked him when I remembered that I was in his car.

"At home," he said certainly.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"I will treat your wound. I'll talk to you too." He said and started the engine of his car.

"Talk about what?" I keep asking questions.

"To you and Alexus—"

"Stop it! Besides, why me, why don't you talk to him?" I told him raising my brows.

"He's busy." I just shrugged my shoulders and was silent as I sat down while he just continued driving. When we arrived, my foot was still sore, so what he did was carried me again into his house.

"Good evening son. Oh—" His mom's mouth was left gaping. Maybe because of the scene she just saw. Me—carrying by her son.

"Good evening mom," Felix greeted her back.

"Who is she?" When she recovered, she asked about me.

"F-felix, take me down, so I can walk." I insisted to him. It's also embarrassing for his mother that we're in this position now. His mom might think that she didn't raised her son just to carry someone like me.

"She's my friend mom. I'll just treat her upstairs," He told to his mom.

"Okay, you treat her well." When we entered to his room, he finally put me down.

"Wow," I said in amazement after I surveyed the room.

"So, you're a black lover?" The design of his whole room is black themed.

"Obviously," he said smiling.

"This is so amazing! I also dream of having a room like this." My room has a light blue theme. Because mommy doesn't like black. For her color black is unlucky. So maybe I'm just so surprised now in Felix's room, because it's also my dream room.

"You're a black lover too?" He asked surprisingly.

"Yeah, but my mom is a black hater that's why I can't have my dream room." I said laughing.

"Ouch!" I cried out because of the pain I felt after he rubbed cotton with alcohol on my fresh wound.

"Sshh," I smiled at what he did. While he was rubbing my wound, he also blew on it so I didn't feel the pain much anymore. Kurt Felix Valencia a serious looking guy, but with a gentle and big heart. If you look at him, he is the type of person who is very serious in life. He seems to have a world of his own. In short, he's snob.

But then, look what he's doing right now. He's so sweet to the point I can't help myself not to smile while staring at him.

"Finished." He said after he treated my wound.

"Thanks." I thanked him.

"How are you?"

"Huh?" I didn't get what he's referring.

"How are you?" he repeated his question.

"I'm okay. I'm not in much pain anymore, thanks for treating my wound—ouch!" I touched my nose which he pinched.

"That's not what I meant." He said seriously.

"What I mean is, how about you after what have happened?" I was stunned for a moment and felt myself. I don't want to think that I'm hurting because for sure, I'll just cry.

"To be honest, I'm trying to be okay." I smiled in response to his question.

"Why did you let him go?" I laughed to his question. Did I really let him go? As far as I remember, he's the one who wanted to let go—not me.

"Are you serious about that question?" He nodded. So, he was serious about his question.

"I didn't, he's the one who wanted to leave. Who am I to stop him, right? I am nothing Felix, and you know that," I touched on my cheek that was already wet with my tears.

"He loves you," he said seriously.

"Nonsense!" I said laughing with tears.

"Trust me, he does." He sounds so certain of his words. But, no! I don't believe in him! He's lying, right?

"If he does, then why am I hurting now? Why am I crying because of him? As far as I know, love doesn't hurt. When it hurts, it's not love anymore."

I shook. I can't believe what he says that Alexus loves me. If he really loves me, he shouldn't have left me right? He must have chosen me. But not. He preferred to go back to Nicole. I mean, he only loves Nicole—not me.

"That's not true Sofia. Love consists of different emotions. Not all love is just fun, sometimes you have to feel the pain, just like what you feel right now." He said trying to defend his words—that Alexus is really loves me.

"Why are you telling me all of these now? Nicole and Alexus are happy now. They are back together. I'm happy for them—especially for Alexus." I said trying to hide my pain.

"I know. But Alexus really loves you." He insisted.

"But we're over. The contract is over." I told him.

"Sshh, stop crying okay? Stop," he leaned me on his shoulder and he repeatedly stroked my hair. Because of what he was doing so I gradually calmed down.

"I don't know what Alexus wants to happen, he's my friend but sometimes I can't understand him." He said.

"But no matter what happen, I just want to remind you that I am always here, for you." I removed my head from leaning against him and faced him. I looked him in his eyes.

"Why are you so kind to me?" I asked him confused.

"Because I love you, Sofia." His answer was simple. I averted my eyes because honestly, I couldn't look him in the eye because I could see clearly the pain he was feeling because of loving me.

"Sofia?" I looked at him again after he caught my attention.

"I hope it's just me, can I be the one?" I got stunned. I didn't expect it from him.

"Please, let me be the one to heal your heart."

I don't know what to say. I don't know how should I react. I just remained silent while looking at him.