
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · Fantasía
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80 Chs

Chapter 45 Part 1

Idle Talk: The Knight's Dilemma

I, Famiris, have been tossed around by Princess Parvela's whims lately.

The first whim was when the report came in that Prince Milimos had defeated Rocha's army after a one-on-one battle and exposed Rocha's scheme.

"Nonette has defeated Rocha! The hero behind this victory is Prince Milimos," she said, her face glowing with the blush of a smitten maiden.

While pondering how to respond, I chose neutral words.

"Well done, then."

"It's truly wonderful! And then, my father said, 'We must support Nonette and punish Rocha for their invasive acts under false pretenses.'"

I had a bad feeling.

Before I could voice that feeling, Princess Parvela enthusiastically continued.

"Since that's the case, I volunteered."

"...Volunteered for what?"

"To support Nonette, of course. To take down the wicked Rocha. And... ta-da! My father issued this directive to Famiris."

Taking the offered paper with a smile, I found the orders from the King of Knights written within.

"As a loyal subject, Famiris Terestajired, who serves as a knight for the role of guarding Second Princess Parvela Elegiamanya Mudou, I hereby bestow a new mission upon you. You, along with Princess Parvela Elegiamanya Mudou, are to journey to Nonette and aid them in pacifying Rocha."

Most likely, King of Knights issued these orders as Princess Parvela desired. Of course, considering who he is. It's not about his love for his child, but rather the imperative for the Holy Knight Nation.

Honestly, leaving Rocha, who waged war with a false pretense, untouched wouldn't align with the values of the Holy Knight Nation. However, it seemed that King of Knights didn't quite grasp Princess Parvela's desire to head to Nonette – to reunite with Prince Milimos. Even so, once the order was issued, I couldn't refuse it as a knight.

"Understood. Princess Parvela, Nonette plans to wait for spring before having talks with Rocha. During that time—"

"No, Famiris. We're going right now! With Neroteora's speed and Famiris's holy magic, the snowy mountains won't be a problem, right?"

Seeing the fiery determination in Princess Parvela's eyes, I realized I had no choice but to comply.

And love is a fearsome thing. Despite not being particularly skilled in holy magic, Princess Parvela had managed to enhance herself enough to withstand the cold of the snow-covered mountains within days of knowing she'd be able to see Prince Milimos again.

Crossing the mountains and arriving in Nonette, Princess Parvela met Prince Milimos, and her spirits were high.

"Ahh, he looks so cool!"

Princess Parvela gazed at Prince Milimos with admiration. He was currently in the midst of debating with Rocha's representatives. We were participating in the talks, answering questions when asked.

However, Prince Milimos had the backing of our knightly nation, and Rocha had violated taboos by invading other countries under false pretenses. Prince Milimos demanding Rocha's complete surrender was well within reasonable bounds and achievable.

Yet, for some reason, Prince Milimos was rejecting the offer of Rocha's land, just as they proposed it.

While Rocha's representatives, who entertained the idea of betraying their country, were deserving of death, Prince Milimos could have taken anything they offered.

Given the orders from King of Knights, and our obligation to help, I decided to voice my opinion.

"Having heard both sides, I still believe Prince Milimos's request is too lenient considering the crimes Rocha committed under false pretenses. Invading under a fabricated pretext is an act that could lead to a country's destruction. As Rocha suggests, surrendering their entire country is the only just reparation."

Good. Now that a knight of the Holy Knight Nation has spoken, the negotiations should be settled.

I silently congratulated myself, but found myself receiving a rather pointed glare from Prince Milimos.

As I tried to make sense of it, Princess Parvela, who had been listening to the conversation, looked sad.

"Just imagining my country becoming another's makes me so lonely. Isn't demanding the surrender of an entire nation too severe a punishment for their wrongdoings?"

Princess Parvela's kindness is admirable, but misunderstandings need to be corrected.

"Princess Parvela, the people, much like wildflowers, are resilient beings. Regardless of a change in leadership, they will continue to live strong and robust lives."

"Is that so?"

"Moreover, while you mentioned feeling sorrowful about your own country becoming another, it is an opportunity for a bad country to perish and be reborn as a good country. The one suitable to lead the way to that righteous country, the one who possesses the ability and responsibility, is none other than Prince Milimos. There is no one else in the Nonette Kingdom."

Upon hearing my words, Princess Parubella's face filled with joy.

"I see. In that case, it would be better for Nonette Kingdom to accept all of Rocha Kingdom's territories. Truly befitting of Famiris."

"Thank you for your kind words."

While basking in Princess Parubella's praise, the meeting between Nonette and Rocha came to an end. Rocha ceased to be a country, and instead, it became a region.

From the meeting in Rocha Kingdom, we returned to Nonette Kingdom.

And we were to have an audience with the King of Nonette.

"I express gratitude as the King of Nonette for your efforts on behalf of our country."

In response to King Chorlex's words, Princess Parubella replied.

"It was done as the national policy of the Holy Knight State. I am uncomfortable being thanked."

After a bashful smile, I noticed a strong determination in Princess Parubella's eyes.

An unsettling premonition arose, but speaking out of turn in front of another country's king would be impolite. I could only watch in silence as Princess Parubella continued.

"Now that the Rocha region will be governed by Nonette Kingdom, is it decided who will rule?"

Princess Parubella's words had the potential to intervene in another country's politics if misinterpreted.

In fact, Nonette's Prime Minister seemed displeased.

However, King Chorlex remained unperturbed and responded to the conversation.

"A vast land larger than Nonette's main territory. The one who rules must possess the appropriate capabilities. Caution is necessary in the selection."

"Then, as the second princess of the Holy Knight State, I have a proposal."

"Oh? What kind of proposal?"

"Someone who achieved great deeds in two wars and negotiated between the Empire and Rocha Kingdom, would it not be suitable to entrust the rule to such a person? That individual has proven their excellence through repeated achievements."

Though expressed in a roundabout manner, Princess Parubella was essentially endorsing Prince Milimos.

I wanted to advise against this rash move driven by romantic feelings, but I couldn't. After all, Prince Milimos was skilled in personality, combat, and politics, showing qualities of a great ruler. If not for the fact that he was Princess Parubella's beloved, he would be a suitable candidate.

This assessment seemed to be shared by Nonette Kingdom as well, with the king expressing delight and the prime minister reluctantly agreeing.

"To be recommended by the knight princess, Milimos has truly become a significant figure."

"While he may be a prodigy, Milimos is only twelve years old. Entrusting him with a vast land raises concerns due to his age."

"Then who do you deem suitable, Prime Minister? The eldest son, Futteero, has the ability but fled from Rocha Kingdom's pursuers. There are concerns about being looked down upon by officials from that land. Is there anyone else, besides age, who surpasses Milimos?"

"...I can't help but think of Lady Solerina."

"She is living happily in her new home. I received a letter from her recently, boasting about how her husband loves her."

King of Nonette was proactive, and the Prime Minister, using process of elimination, seemed to have decided that Prince Milimos would become the new lord.

After the audience with the King of Nonette concluded, in a room we were led to, Princess Parubella dismissed everyone except for me.

Then, she murmured.

"Black Knight, are you there?"

As Princess Parubella inquired, a figure materialized before the pillar.

An existence that had mastered the hidden divine art of invisibility, one of the black knights, used for infiltration and intelligence gathering in other countries. One of them must have reported on the one-on-one duel between Prince Milimos and an opponent.

This black knight succinctly asked, "What do you need?"

"Prince Milimos of Nonette Kingdom will become the ruler of the absorbed territories of the former Rocha Kingdom. However, at twelve years old, his age raises concerns about granting him power over such vast territories. Therefore, I believe it is necessary for both me and Famiris to accompany him as overseers. Please convey this to my father and obtain his opinion on this proposal."

"Understood. I shall take my leave."

The black knight disappeared like a mirage.

With my keen knightly senses, I felt him slip out of the window, but I couldn't ascertain his whereabouts afterward.

Hmm. I still have a long way to go in my training.

While resolving to further master divine arts, there was something I wanted to ask Princess Parubella.

"Princess Parubella, did you make that proposal because you dislike the idea of being separated from Prince Milimos?"

"Of course. It's too sad to part after finally being able to see him up close. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to be by Prince Milimos' side. Naturally, only through actions befitting the name of the Holy Knight State, of course."

I struggled to determine whether to feel relieved or mournful at her words. It was a dilemma I couldn't resolve.

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