
Chapter 2 First Dungeon

[The character selection phase is complete. Character selection percentages: legendary 10%, Unique 20%, Rare 30%, Elite 20%, Common 20%]

[You can enter your first dungeon. Form a team or enter alone. You will be randomly assigned to a team unless you choose another team]

Mike looked at his mum and dad.

"Let's go, the game says it's not dangerous, so we should try it." Tom said.

"Yeah," they agreed.

They teamed up together and the login screen came up.

[First dungeon Wild animals Level 1, Difficulty: easy, normal (1 win to easy), hard (1 win to normal), nightmare (1 win to hard), Legendary (1 win to nightmare)]

Mike could only choose the easy option.

The three of them found themselves in a forest. 

A wild boar was in front of them.

[Since you don't have a weapon, you can choose a starting weapon: sword, knife, Naginata ...]

Mike and his family chose something suitable for them from the list, and Mike chose the easy-to-use whitebeard's weapon.

When the pig lunged at the obes, Mike made a deep cut as he jumped over it with waste.

His father Tom stabbed him in the side with his sword.

His mother Kalista shot him in the eye with a beautiful shot with a bow and arrow.

The pig easily fell to the ground and an announcement appeared in his ears.

[Congratulations on clearing the dungeon and don't forget to open the trail of treasure chests]

A treasure chest appeared in front of Mike, Tom and Kalista.

Tom opened his chest and a beautiful knife came out.

Kalista opened her chest and got a nice armour.

[Beautiful sword (elite) level 1

Attack +5]

[Leather armour (ordinary) level 1

Defence +2]

When Mike opened it, nothing came out, but he saw a window.

[You may receive a reward, please make your choice]

Ordinary prizes(99%)





Elite awards(1%)





Rare award(0.001%)


Rare skill: Observation haki]

Mike chose the only rare prize, a skill, one of the three haki.

When Mike chose, a book appeared in the chest and Mike took it.

[Rare skill: observation skills. Do you want to learn?]

When Mike said yes, the book disappeared and a skill appeared in his personal window.

[Mike character: Whitebeard level 1

Skill: Observation haki level 1

Power-ups: - ]

When Mike lost the book in his body, it was as if the basics of the skill were written in his brain and he knew how to use it. He could sense his surroundings with ease, his range was only about a metre, but he could feel it.

"Mike, what did you win? Was the book a nice present?" His mum asked.

"Was it a skill book? We had a lot of those in the games back in my day." His father reminisced.

Mike looked at his family and smiled.

"Yeah, it's a skill book and it's the kind I really needed, now I can fight better." Mike smiled.

A notification screen came up again.

[You have completed this stage, you can enter the dungeon again tomorrow. Since you do not set up a random team, anyone who wants can solo this dungeon. Do you want to solo the dungeon?]

This screen appeared in front of the three.

"Now we have better armour and swords, but do we want to do it again?" His father asked.

"Is it a good idea to try, we might be a week late." His mum disagreed.

Mike thought for a while and decided.

"Give me the armour and the sword and I'll give it a try, the skill I've acquired is quite strong and I can do it." Mike said confidently.

"OK." The others agreed and they put all the capital on Mike.

Mike agreed and went into the dungeon alone and again there was a wild boar in front of him. He had a sword and armour.

Mike felt the approaching boar with his haki and pierced its belly, which he thought was its weakest place.

 The dungeon was completed when he deftly escaped from the boar coming at him and dealt him a life blow.

[You successfully solo the first dungeon]

A crate appeared in front of Mike.

Mike opened it and it was empty again.

[Choose two prizes]




Armament haki

Observation haki


Mike has chosen swordsmanship and armament from three rare skills.

Two more books appeared in the chest and he quickly used them.

Now that he had learnt Armament haki and swordsmanship, he felt that he could stand in front of the pig and defeat it instead of dodge attack.

While Mike was thinking about it, he got a warning notice and reappeared in the house where he went to the dungeon.

"How'd you beat him, Mike?" His mum asked.

His father looked at him silently.

"Yeah, it was easier than I thought, I learnt two more skills and now I can beat him without running away." Mike smiled.

"Very good son, tomorrow we will do the Normal level. His father beamed with pride.

"We're like the invincible team already." His mum said.

"Yeah, that's true." Mike smiled secretly.

It was night and they went to bed and slept.
