
MIDNIGHT: Whispers From The Dark Sea

The sirens knew how to do only one thing. Kill. Usually, it was just those who travelled their seas, until the greedy ruler of Greake, the green city of the lake, captured their queen. Determined to find their Queen and wipe off all the cities surrounding the Golden seas, the sirens ventured into the lands at midnight. So many lives were lost from the midnight invasion, as such the humans had a powerful witch, Adora, summon the Pombero to keep the sirens off their lands. King Edwardo got greedy again. With his sword in hand, dripping the blood of their victims, and Adora by his side, he haunted the sirens who were retreating into their seas. The few who survived the slaughter were enslaved by the king and exploited for riches until they died a miserable death. Edwardo didn't stop there. His quest for wealth and power clouded his sense of reasoning. His ambition rose to a level that even Adora was afraid. He had ships positioned all the seas, men buried deep in the water, with nets cast everywhere. No matter how many lives were lost, Edwardo could only be pleased at the sight of a siren. Adora was afraid for his men. The innocent life growing inside of her did not deserve the life Edwardo was forcing them into. The news of her pregnancy excited him no more than the men returning without a siren. He was too power crazed to care for anything else. Especially not after Adora revealed to him that the heart of a siren held the key to immortality. Adora felt used and neglected. Her caramel skin had paled out from casting too many spells. Her vicious emerald eyes had long lost its will. The waist length luscious dark hair, that swayed elegantly with her hips whenever she moved, were now tangled, lustreless and annoying to look at. Many mistook it for pregnancy hormones, unaware that Edwardo was the only hormone that could wreck a woman as beautiful as Adora. Sick of the bloodshed, Adora performed a dark ritual, one that brought a temporary calm to both sides. They say there is a price for everything. The sea takes what it wants in exchange for what it is to give. Adora didn't give much thought to it, until she pushed the hideous child out of her womb. Years later, the throne of the Golden seas remained empty, as none of the sirens were powerful enough to contain the darkness that enveloped the throne. Given that half of their powers were locked away in the other half of their hearts given away by the sea to human mates, whom they were bound to love for the rest of their lives for the sake of peace. Princess Almira was not looking forward to finding love. All she needed was the other half of her heart to take over her mother's throne. Since the mates were immune to their manipulative melodies, Almira decided to go in search of him herself with only one plan. Drive a dagger through his heart and retrieve her property.

Preshy_John · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs

Hideous masks

"Student? And they just let him go?" Kitanna chuckled. Almira shrugged.

"The ancestors are wise".

Kitanna blew up with laughter. She'd never thought the princess would go out of her way to help someone. Making up lies just to save them.

"Where is he?" Kitanna asked.

"Avoiding me," Almira replied with an eye roll. The first he did the minute he was released was run. "He's an ingrate."

"You said he was going to be punished. The poor boy was too terrified to wait for another second. He was probably scared you would change your mind," Kitanna defended.

"I'd be traumatized if you didn't defend him. Dante does not look like a boy to me…" Almira paused, her mind creating a detailed picture of his face.

"I think he only has an abundance of hair. Everything else is perfectly human. I was shocked at first, but after a closer look, I didn't mind," Kitanna shrugged. Almira gave her a look.

"I am not talking about his hair, Anna. I meant his face. He doesn't look like a boy. He may be skinny, but he has a mature face. I don't think he is a teenager, I may be wrong, but he doesn't look like one" She explained. Kitanna tried to wear a blank face as Almira continued.

"Have you seen his eyes? I've never seen anything like it. Blue eyes are very common, I know, but something is electrifying about his. I never thought blue could be so beautiful until….. Why are you smiling?" Almira switched suddenly.

Kitanna blinked. She touched her face subconsciously and feigned ignorance.

"Me? Smiling? Where?"

Almira narrowed her eyes, and Kitanna stared back innocently. Almira shook her head, mentally noting that discussing Dante with Kitanna was unhealthy. It will build silly ideas in her head.

Better Dante than Jephthah, right? Kitanna would flip if she found out, and so would other sirens. That was an automatic goodbye to the throne, and Almira wanted the throne. Not just for Jephthah, but for herself as well.

There was a knock on the door. When she opened it, the timid human stared at his ground, shifting from foot to foot nervously.

"Are you here to thank me or apologize for running?" Almira asked. Dante gulped, sucking his lip aggressively. "Whichever it is, your apology is not accepted".

"Huh?" He lifted his face, then quickly bowed again, afraid to make eye contact. Almira lifted his face gently with a finger. She frowned at the mask, concealing his expression. Before he could say another word, she pulled it off.

Dante stepped back in shock, anxiety eating deep into him. He was tempted to push his hair to conceal his hideous face.

"Do not wear these hideous masks around me. I want to see your face," Almira's tone held a warning.

"My face is not worth looking at, your highness. It might ruin your day," Dante mumbled. Almira had never seen anyone put themselves down so easily. Instead of commenting on it, she opened the door wider for him to enter.

"I… I…"

"No excuses. You are my student now," Almira reminded him.

"I do not possess any mystic powers. I am not a wizard!" He exclaimed. Almira pulled him inside and shut the door. Dante was about to protest when he saw Kitanna.

"Hello," Kitanna waved with a smile. Dante immediately smiled in return.

"Hello, _ he greeted back, shyly.

Kitanna glanced at Almira. "The princess said you were avoiding her." Dante glanced at Almira, who raised a brow, challenging him to say otherwise.

"I… I… I'm sorry," he apologized when he couldn't think of any excuse.

"As I said, your apology is not accepted".

"What can I do to make it up to you?" He asked. Kitanna glanced at Almira, trying to figure out what the princess was up to. As usual, Almira's face was a blank mask.

"Take us on a tour into the city".

Color drained out of his face. He could still remember the last time he ventured into the city. A woman lost her bag of jewelry and everyone pounced on him without second thoughts.

They brutally beat him with anything they could pick. Just when he was about to give up and escape the cruelty the world had subjected him to, she found her jewelry.

No one apologized. In fact, they delivered their last blows, screaming that he was lucky the pieces of jewelry were discovered.

The memory still hurts him to date. That day made him realize how eager the people around him were, to get rid of him. To add to his pain, his father punished him, despite his condition, for venturing into the city to scare the people.

"Can I do something else, your highness?" He pleaded. Almira could tell from the fear in his eyes that he had a horrible memory of the city.

"I insist."

She wanted him to confront that memory. Maybe it would help him make up his mind to end this misery he was being subjected to.

Kitanna noticed Dante's trembling state. She attempted to beg Almira on his behalf, but the seafoam eyes snapped to hers with a dangerous warning.

Kitanna stepped back, unable to defy the princess.

"Is there a specific place you would like to see?" Dante asked.

"Mostly the market. I need a new set of clothes," Almira casually said. A knot formed in his stomach. There was no way out for him.

An hour later, Dante was ready to take them to the market. He wore his most decent pair of clothes and fixed the head mask properly. Everything changed the minute Almira saw him.

"You're wearing this?" She asked with distaste. Dante looked down on his clothes. They were nothing compared to what an average person wore, but they were decent enough for the poor.

"This is the best I have," he said, nervously. He hoped she would either ignore it or change her mind. He would rather not hear another demeaning comment. A lot was waiting for him already.

Like the heavens heard his prayers, Almira walked ahead. Dante trailed behind them, imagining the worst scenarios in his head. The day promised so many bad endings.

He bumped into someone and gasped. Almira frowned.

"How do you lead from behind?" She asked. He quickly bowed in apology and scurried to the front. Almira took long strides towards him.

She pulled off the head mask and he froze. She easily pulled off Kitanna's hairband and tied his messy hair to the back.

Dante's blue eyes met her mysterious ones.

"What? Didn't I tell you I enjoy looking at you?"