
Midnight Surrender

#1 In a small town, young Daisy endures a life of suffering under the tyranny of her stepfamily and the neglect of her father. Her once loving home now a prison, she and her mother are forced to serve her father's new wife and daughters. When a proposal arrives from a wealthy but disfigured nobleman, her father, eager to protect his other daughters, condemns Daisy to a seemingly bleak fate. #arranged marriage

JasmineJosef · Fantasía
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88 Chs

69 Run or fight? (AVOT)

"Rhain," Daisy said, grabbing his face between her hands. Now she understood that intense look in his eyes, and her heart swelled. 

He took more and more pieces of her heart as he showed her more pieces of himself. She got see his vulnerable side last night, she had seen his caring side all along, he has been gentlemanly and sweet from the beginning, and well, there were his more annoying and darker sides, which oddly endeared him to her as well. 

"Allowing myself to be your husband wasn't frightening, or odd. It felt very natural. But allowing you to be my wife was more challenging."

"Why?" She asked, puzzled. Shouldn't it be the other way around. Fulfilling his role demanded that he take action while allowing her to be his wife; he only needed to allow it.

His smile held a tinge of melancholy. "Because you do it with such sincerity," he confessed.