
Midnight Stranger

Disclaimer: All the characters, events, names used in this story is fictitious. Prologue: Who is he? As strong as Monsters and God, able to face thousands of demons at once, just as good as god of love and the bad-ass for demons. Who is he? Is he a monster in real or god? Yaju, a boy who was a normal student just like others. He was born powerless. And he don't has any intentions of having a powers. Yaju was a high school student who gets drop out from the school as because everyone hated him. But yet Yaju control his heart by giving a big smile on his face. One day he met to an stranger, and how that stranger changes the life of Yaju and help him becoming the strongest of all time in senshi. Yet he have to go through many hurdles to become the strongest.

GrenishRai · Fantasía
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3 Chs

I Am With You

(In the school's gym)

"I want to tell you something Yakumo", Osore

"Huh? What is it Osore?" Yakumo

"Ahh actually I wanna say this for long time when we were kids but that time we were very small and don't know much about this but I think this the time to tell you", Osore

"Osore do you?" Yakumo

"Yes Yakumo", Osore

"Do you really?" Yakumo

"Yes Yakumo I really do", Osore

"Then why don't you told me that very early", Yakumo replied, "I also love ramen a lot"

"Yeah I love Ra-a-a-a what?" Osore

"Huh? What happen don't you love ramen?" Yakumo

"Ohh yeah I love ramen", Osore (Point of disappointment)

Yakumo and Osore notices the sudden changes that are happening strangely.

Yakumo and Osore both looks at each other, "Got it"

"Everyone please move to your classroom as fast as you can. Because there is something that about to happ-p-p", the wall burst from behind "Happen now"

"Everyone quick" Osore shouted

Demons appear

Yakumo, "Thunder roar blast"

Quickly cut the demons into 100 pieces.

Osore, "Wing bless slash"

Removed all the bloods and put a cover protections on their school

(Akoi and Yaju)

"Hey sensei how long it is to reach I'm tired already", Yaju

"Haha Yaju we haven't started yet and you are tired. Haha what a nice joke", Akoi

"Wh-h-h-h-a-t? We haven't started? It's been already 1 hour since we left home and you are saying we haven't", Yaju with little disappointment

"Well you … Huh?" Akoi sensed something near the school

"What happen sensei?" Yaju

"It's seems like we have to visit your school once" Akoi

"Huh? Why?" Yaju

"You will know", Akoi smiled get teleported with Yaju to school

(In the school's gym)

Osore sensed something again

They saw Akoi holding Yaju on his hand.

"Sensei!" Both

"What the… What was that now? And how we get to school in an instance?"

"Huh? Osore, Yakumo?" Yaju was shocked, "Ahh! Demons are here?"

"Ahhhuh yes", everyone

"Demons, are attacking here on the school", Akoi

The protective shields breaks and demons started to enter the school

"Ahh demons smells gross", Yaju

"It's not time for judging who's smells gross or not. It's time to fight for the life of innocent students" Osore while running towards the demon, "Silver sword summoning art"

A shiny silver sword summoned on Osore's hand he dive on the demons and start fighting. He slashed 3 demons in once. One of the demon jumps upon the Osore. Yakumo uses red light on that demon and make him into two. "Thanks Yakumo"

"Sensei these two are just enough for handling the demons, then why are we here?" Yaju

"Don't be so quick to judge Yaju I've sensed something stringer then the normal demons", Akoi

"Ohh I see", Yaju

"Huh?" Akoi

"Looks like I've to visit somewhere also", Akoi

"I'll leave this to you guys", Akoi

The moment Yaju said a word he disappeared, "But sensei"

A big demon appeared to land on the surface with a big boom, killing other demons in once.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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