

In the beginning, I want to say something. MC will not only have this weapon, that is, but I also plan to have one main weapon. Which will be used most often and many special for fights that require a special approach. The current weapon is not the main weapon, it is an additional, special weapon. And as for the main weapon, it will be added to the MC's inventory for not long. So give me your suggestions, I'm thinking of giving him weapon Noob Saibot from Mortal Kombat. After all, they both have a lot in common. What do you think?


*Thanks to the incident in the old cinema, my life has improved significantly. Therefore, because when I started to attend Rias club after classes. I could spend much more time with girls and Yutto. In the first days when I started to attend the club, only girls. Because Yutto had me in the ass. He only talked that he felt hostile towards me when he had to. Probably because I took away his love from him. Hehe ... I don't know how others do, but I always thought Yutto was gay. And good, always less competition.

Returning girls in the first days, they spent a lot more time with me than before they thought I did not know about their demonic nature. In the first days, they told me about their past. But not all at once, some told me at considerable intervals. Because not everyone wanted to open up to me too quickly. The first person to share their past was of course Rias. A few days after the incident at the cinema, while in the club. Drinking tea together and talking on topics related to my helping them in their duties as devils. We started a topic where Rias began to tell me about her past.

Rias is the daughter and second child of the Gremory Family. She became the heir after her brother, Sirzechs, became the Satan Lucifer, losing his right as heir to the house. Then she was proclaimed the new heir to the family. And when she said that moment, her voice staggered and she interrupted her sentence. For certain it was then that she was promised to Riser. However, with this in mind, I started doing research. I studied the culture of noble devils and found a solution. But about that later.

I also learned about her childhood. About her relationship with her brother and parents. Well brother. Rias told me I would have to meet him. Because if third parties find out that a vampire is not a hybrid. Only pure blood, although a different vampire. This may result in unforeseen circumstances. So I'd better meet my brother Rias and come to an agreement.

In short, during this really long conversation, at which we both opened up to each other Well, I told my previous life, adding a little bit of hiding the second nature. Of course, I told her my past, but she can not confirm these messages. Because parents are dead and there are no other relatives.

Koneko was the next person I got close to recently. Heh. If it goes on like this, my virginity will take her, not Rias or Akeno. And this is because compared to the rest, she is the one who's most in love with me. Whenever he has the opportunity, he sits on my lap. And knowing life if it wasn't for Rias and Akoeno and if she was in my class. At school, she would do that too. In addition, there are many ambiguous situations between us, such as fidgeting when she is sitting on my lap, or sharing with her the food I used to eat when I am in the club. They are usually crisps or biscuits. And every second-time Koneko tells her to feed. Making Rias and Akeno jealous and coming over to feed to them. That's why I keep bringing such things. :D

When Koneko told me about her past about how she and her sister were saved from the laboratory. And she was taken to Rias, and her sister was considered a stray devil. And that it is possible to say something like the wanted criminal. When she talked about it she cried and I had to comfort her. I promised her that I would learn more about this matter and that I would try to help her. And when I promised her that I would help her sister, she kissed me. Admittedly, not on the lips, but on the cheek. However, the very fact caused me to increase my body temperature, and Rias and Akeno were burning with jealousy and anger. However, they tried not to show it, so instead, they laughed at the look on my face.

And Akeno for dessert. Which most flirt me. We spent a lot of time together at school when Rias has to go to Sony. Akeno takes this opportunity to me. And because Rias must, though reluctantly, meet with Sona for organizational purposes. School matters and supernatural activities in their area norm. And then I and Akeno spend more time together. And as soon as Koneko and Rias are not around. Akeno starts getting to me and honestly, I don't defend myself. In short, I had a lot of hugs with Akeno and I was in heaven every time her breasts touched my body.

And just like with other girls, our relationships were getting closer. But Akeno was the last to share with me her past. She did it when we spent time together, in the park near the club. Akeno took me there especially, she had to plan it and discuss it with the rest. Because they did not show any opposition, even Koneko who only nodded to Akeno when we left.

There was a park near the school. And after a moment of a walk, holding hands. (Because when she took me from the club, she grabbed my hand and did not let go.) Hehe ... And we got to the place wherein the original story Issei died at the hands of Reynare. However, this was set aside by me aside. When I looked at Akeno. We sat on the wall that surrounded the fountain. And we started the conversation.

Akeno is the only child of Shuri Himejima, a Shinto priestess and Baraqiel, a Fallen Angel and one of the leaders of the Fallen Angel organization, Grigori. As a child, Akeno was close to her mother as her father was mostly away on missions and fell into despair when she witnessed her mother's death, blaming Baraqiel for not being able to protect her. After the death of Shuri, Akeno stayed with her mother's relative before being kicked out due to her Fallen Angel blood.

At the tender age of 10, without food or money, Akeno journeyed throughout Japan using her skills to purify evil spirits that she learned from her mother in order to survive, doing so for a year and a half. When she stumbled into a certain town, Akeno indirectly saved a human that was contracted with a Devil from the Gremory Clan. Fearing that the Devil would kill her due to her Fallen Angel heritage, Akeno decided to hide from them. Later, while trying to leave the town, Akeno was suddenly attacked by her relatives from the Himejima Clan who came to kill her. Before her Grand-Uncle Suou Himejima could land the decisive blow, Rias, and her father's Bishop, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, appeared and talked Akeno's family out of killing her with two conditions; first Akeno is to never enter the territory under the Himejima Clan and second, to always stay beside Rias. She then moved into the Gremory Palace where she was taught various things from studies, to how a lady should act as well as deepening her bonds with Rias, becoming her best friend in the process.

When Akeno told me how she thought her mother died because her father was not present and valued business matters more than the family. I said.

(Michael)-Akeno, you don't have to worry about that anymore. Nothing bad will happen to you now. And if your father or anyone else tries to hurt you. I will drink his blood until he becomes a raisin.

(Akeno)-I know you sweet leech.

Racist very much. But also cute. The girls are already aware of my bad side, but I will tell you in a moment.

We enjoyed the peace and laughed and I pretended to be stupid than usual, I asked.

(Michael)-Wait wait. Since your father was a fallen angel ...

(Akeno)-It's a little more complicated, it's best to see for yourself.

Then Akeno gets up, takes a few steps and stands in front of me. And by applying a barrier to the area around us, then Akeno shows me his wings. Or rather one wing of a fallen angel and another devil.

(Akeno)-As you can see I am a hybrid. You must be loathing to me now.

Hearing this, I felt something cooking in me, so I got up and stood right in front of her. Then I took her hand and said.

(Michael)-I would like you even if you were half unicorn.

Then Akeno puts both hands on my shoulders and bringing my face closer to mine, she said.

(Akeno)-Perverted leech.

And then she kissed me. I enjoyed every second and it was like heaven. However, when the kiss was over and I felt satisfied.

(Akeno)-Let's get back is late and Rias wants to tell you something.


And then we went to the club headquarters. But before we get to what Rias wanted to tell me. I will tell you about how the girls met in my nature. I mean, they saw my brutal side. And there were several such situations and after several such cases. Before Rias sends me on a mission with someone, he checks what this mission will require. That events don't happen again. One of them was when I was to help Koneko in her contracts.

I and Koneko went to one of the apartments. Which was near mine, just two streets away. I thought we were going to teleport, but Koneko preferred to go on foot. And we talked a lot along the way, but she didn't want to tell me what the mission would require.

Only in front of the house did we use the teleportation circle to appear in the client's apartment. It's kind of weird, but what's up. We appeared in the client's room, he was filled with numerous posters. And manga on the shelves. And when I saw Koneko on these posters. Which poses in the costumes of anime characters. On the one hand, it's cute, but I took it quite differently. I was nervous and Koneko felt seething anger. And she calmed me down saying that it's just cosplay and there is nothing special about it. She said that no one but him could see these posters. However, that didn't make me feel better. And while we waited for the client to come in because for some reason we had to wait for him. Koneko, hugging me, tried to tame me with the situation. However, when the customer came in, the scoop changed. He came in with a French maid outfit. Something similar to what Rem and Ram wear from Re: Zero.

The customer came in saying, "Koneko, maybe something like that today."

And that made the bomb explode. And this bomb was me. When he said that, I broke out. And by punching him with a fist a bit weakly so as not to punch him through. I sent him to the wall and then quickly got to him. And as you guessed, I drank it to the last drop. Then I had to apologize to Koneko and make her stop being afraid of me. It wasn't until Rias explained to me that lion mode was roaming in me. As she called it, when someone threatens one of his women or just another lion begins to provoke or torment females. It is the lion that will attack the enemy lion. During this conversation, I was in another room with Akeno. However, thanks to the enhanced hearing I heard everything. After this conversation, Koneko returned to normal, and even better. She accepted it and even began to hug me more. This may be due to the fact that now I feel safer in my company, I do not know. women are complicated.

There were several similar situations, but the girls have already got used to it. And Akeno, since I already met her sadistic side, my brutal actions excited her and more than once Rias. They had to push her away so that she would not get over me.

Unfortunately, there were no more "Anarchists". It is a pity that I could do the first seal. Because when I asked about it, the system told me that I could do it at any time. I just say how many statistics points I want to put in the first seal and they are secured there. At present, I am already in Ultimate-Class thanks to the consumption of "anarchist". And when, for example, when I fight exorcists and fallen angels. This is definitely at the Satan, God or has a level of over 200 statistics Great Red and Ophis. I'll have to seal and seal some power and get back to the current class I'm in. I don't make a fuss.

Returning to the present moment. Me and Akeno head to Rias's office after our meeting at the fountain. Rias, Yutto, and Koneko are already waiting for us. We take seats and wait for what Rias will say.

Rias smiles at me and speaks.

(Rias)-Michael, forgive me for what I'm saying right now, but ...

(Michael)-Just don't say you have ...

(Rias)-No, it's ... I'm yours ... I mean, I don't have a boyfriend.

He takes a deep breath and speaks.

(Rias)-I meant I didn't tell you that you haven't met one of my peers yet. It's quite a delicate topic. So ...

(Michael)-Nothing to worry about Rias. We'll probably get along, only why, I haven't met him so far.

(Rias)-Speaking of it. He's called Gasper Vladi, and like you, he's a variation of a vampire. More specifically, he is a dhampir.

(Michael)-It's probably even better, we'll have a topic for conversation. After all, I don't have many male friends.

I know what to expect from Gasper. And he feels somehow offended by how he was portrayed in the anime. And what will happen when I meet him personally. So I will either kill him or make him a guy. But rather the latter, because Rias would hate me if I hurt him too much.

(Rias)-Heh. It will be best if you see it yourself.

Sorry if the chapter was incomprehensible, point out the errors and I will correct them.

This chapter aims to speed up the relationship between the MC and the heroines. Because I have ideas that require it.

First he will solve Gasper's case, then the action related to Asia and the fallen angels will start.

And I'm waiting for ideas for the main MC weapon, I have an idea but maybe you have a better idea than I do. I look forward to your comments.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts