
Chapter 37

Erica couldn't argue with that. Of course, she had it bad. Nico had cast his spell over her, and it would take a tremendous amount of magic to snap her out of it. That's if she really wanted a "cure." As a daughter of Cuban émigrés, she knew all about Santeria. In fact, two or three of her ancestors were well known for practicing the religion, a combination of worshiping the African deities of the Yoruba and the Catholic Church's saints. Strange, yes. Potent, well, she wasn't too sure if it really worked, though she also knew her Tia Rogelia swore by it, as did several members of her family. What did she really have to lose except a couple of hours? Hours where she could stew in her own chili juices and scarf up the rest of the ice cream! Erica quickly went for her straw bag.

"All right!" she conceded and took Sacha's hand. "Let's go and get me charmed."