
MHA: Werewolf in the academy

After Dante Spain died, he met the God of Reincarnation. Dante was told that he would reincarnate into a world at random and gain a power never seen there before. Born in a world where 80% of the population is born with a strange power, known as quirks, Dante must try to survive in his new reality with the threat of Heroes and Villains around every corner.

sonicpanda1_2507 · Cómic
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18 Chs


A week had gone by since Alpha and Eraser Head bought their guitars and now they were sitting in the car with Mia in the back seat. There was a serious atmosphere in the car as no one spoke out, looking out the window and at the people walking past.

"Do we have to do this? You know there's a chance for me to lash out at them." Alpha was the first to speak out. He didn't want to do this but he was sure that no one would agree with him.

"You and Mia both need this. I'm a hero so I won't be home all the time, same with Joke. Just do your best to keep your emotions under control and a few days before the full moon we can get you out so we can look after you." Eraser instantly shot down Alpha's concerns.

"C'mon, it will be fun. Besides, I'll be there so you don't have to worry about anything." Mia spoke up from the back seat of the car and voiced out her opinion as well. None of which really gave him peace of mind.

"Fine, we can see how this goes for now." Alpha finally relented and jumped out of the car with his backpack in hand. He turned and saw Mia also jumping out of the car with her backpack and waving at Eraser Head.

"I'll be here to pick you up at 4, don't go anywhere." With nothing more to say he started the car and drove away. He had been away from work for a while because of the adoption so he needed to get back to work as soon as possible.

"Great, now we have to do this." Alpha walked to the doors of the building they were left at and walked through them. He didn't want to do this as he was sure that someone would get on his nerve and make him lash out.

Mia walked behind him with an ever-persistent smile on her face as if nothing could happen to ruin her day. They made their way to the room they were assigned and before they even entered the room they could hear the sound of children running around and screaming.

With trepidation Alpha knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it for them. It took around 5 seconds and the door opened revealing a young woman with a smile on her face.

"Hi there, you must be Mia and Alpha. We heard that there would be new students today, welcome. The kids are just getting to their seats now." She motioned for the two to enter the classroom and walked to the front when they were inside.

Alpha looked around the room, trying to see if there was anyone that looked interesting. Near the front there was a small child with ash blonde hair and a grin on his face. He didn't seem to be paying attention to the teacher at the front of the room, instead focusing on some sparkles being created from his hands.

Near the back of the room, he also saw a green haired boy paying close attention to the teacher. He was writing down the important things that the teacher was saying in a small notebook in front of him. No one was sitting near him at the moment so there were free spots next to him.

Alpha walked over to the back table and sat down with his bag by his leg. The young boy didn't seem to notice when he sat down as he was muttering to himself and writing things with a strange determination.

Mia found a seat near a group of girls and immediately started making friends with them, leaving Alpha to do his own thing. After a while it was time for the teacher to introduce the new students to the rest of the class.

"And class, we have two new students with us from today, some of you may have already gotten to know each other but I'll introduce you to the rest. We have Mia Subaru," Mia stood up and waved her hands for the class to see then sat back down. "And we also have Alpha Aizawa."

Alpha stood up and waved his hand then sat back down. It was decided that he should have a last name, since only being called Alpha would look a bit odd, so he took Eraser Head's last name.

When he sat down, he felt someone looking at him from behind, so he turned around and noticed that the green haired boy finally took notice of him. He had a star struck look in his eyes as he looked at Alpha and his smile was huge.

"Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya." The young boy waved his hand in greeting.

"Don't bother listening to him, he's just a quirkless nobody." Another voice spoke before Alpha could respond. This voice made Midoriya lower his head and try to curl up into a ball to become invisible to the world.

"Kacchan, that's not very nice." His weak voice was barely more than a whisper, and no one paid any mind to it.

"I'm Katsuki Bakugo, the future No. 1 Hero. Why don't you come sit with me instead of this quirkless loser." Bakugo pointed behind his back with his thumb at the table he was sitting at with an extra seat placed at the table.

Alpha looked over at Midoriya again and saw that there were tears in his eyes from the verbal attack Bakugo just sent his way and decided that he would help this young boy.

"No, I think I'd rather stay here." He didn't bother turning to look at Bakugo as he spoke and instead had a smile on his face that only Midoriya could see. The wide eyes that both Midoriya and Bakugo gave Alpha was something that he never wanted to forget.

Bakugo was speechless, confused and angry. No one had ever told him no, everyone wanted to be on his team no matter what and said that he was the best. Now some random nobody was choosing some quirkless loser instead of him? It made no sense.

Midoriya was also speechless. Ever since it came out that he was quirkless, everyone had been avoiding him like the plague. His friends had started calling him 'Deku' or 'useless'. Everyone had even started telling him to give up on his dream of being a Hero.

So why was someone sticking around him? Why didn't he just move away when he realized that he was a good for nothing, that he was useless? This confused him to no end.

Bakugo furiously turned around and stomped away, not wanting to be near someone who doesn't see his awesomeness. His followers also walked closely behind, praising him and saying things to raise his ego even more.

"You should just go hang out with them. They're right, I'm a good for nothing." Midoriya voiced out his opinion, though he said it quiet, hoping that Alpha wouldn't actually hear and move away from him.

"Nah, he smells funny, I like your smell a lot better." Alpha leaned back in his chair relaxing as he took a deep breath. He wasn't lying when he said that he preferred Midoriya's smell, because it wasn't overpowering as some of the scents he had picked up on in the class. Bakugo, by far had the strongest scent, besides Mia.

Midoriya had no idea what to say to something like that. Never had he thought that his scent would have brought him a friend, in fact, he hadn't really thought about his scent at all.

"Well, I'm Alpha, Alpha Aizawa. Nice to meet you Midoriya." He introduced himself once again and the two began talking about anything that crossed their minds. During the break they hung out with each other on the playground and played 'Hero', Midoriya taking on the role of All Might and Alpha playing a villain.

By the end of the day, the two were laughing with one another as they walked out of the school gates with one another. Midoriya was picked up by his mother and driven home while Alpha waited for Eraser Head to pick him and Mia up.

"So, how was your first day of school?" Eraser questioned as the two jumped into the car. He knew that Mia would be fine, she was a relatively outgoing person who wouldn't have trouble making friends, but he was worried Alpha wouldn't be able to make friends.

"It was great, I made so many friends with the other girls and I've even been invited to one of their birthday parties!" Mia was bouncing with excitement as she spoke, raising her arms in the air as she celebrated being invited to a birthday party.

"Joke can take you, I'm sure she'd even be happy to make an appearance." Eraser nodded his head as he expected this sort of thing from Mia. Then he turned to Alpha, "What about you? How was your day?"

Alpha thought about it before answering. He had met Midoriya and gotten to know the boy fairly well. He enjoyed spending the day with him, more than he thought he would. "It was good, I think I made a friend."

Eraser smiled and started the car to drive back home. "Why don't you tell me about him on the way home?"


Eraser walked into his room and pulled out his phone. He dialed a number and waited for the other side to pick up, which didn't take long.

"Aizawa, what can I do for you?" A high-pitched voice spoke out from the opposite end of the phone.

"Nezu, I need you to help me set up a trap. I need it before the next full moon." Eraser got straight to the point, not wasting anytime with pleasantries.

"A trap? And what is it that we may be trying to catch?" Nezu already had a theory based on the time restraints Eraser was asking for, but he wanted to confirm his suspicions.

"We aren't going to catch anything, we're keeping someone in place. You remember the boy from the last time I was at U.A., we have a theory that we can contain him using sound. I need you to make a cage of speakers that all fire the same sound as the quirk analysis machine that we use when we first test quirks."

"I see, and are we certain that this will be able to hold the boy? What if he breaks loose like last time?" Nezu immediately started typing in a request to his support department Hero teacher, Power Loader, to start development on the sound cage.

"That's why I need it before the next full moon, we need to test it." There was a silence on the other end of the line after he spoke, one that was quite concerning.

"Are you suggesting that we experiment on a child, Aizawa?" The cold tone that Nezu was using now gave Eraser Head a chill, not like when he was in front of Alpha's werewolf form, but enough to know he may be in danger.

"I don't want to do this either, but we need to make sure he is restrained. Also, he volunteered to do the testing, I'm not forcing him to do it." Eraser explained himself so he wasn't targeted with Nezu's hatred for experimentation.

"I see. Well, I would also like to ask you a favor." The tone that Nezu was using left Eraser thinking that he wasn't actually going to be able to refuse this request, but he knew that it was also fair since he was asking something from the school without actually giving something in return.

"Fine, but it better not be something unreasonable." He intended to do whatever Nezu asked, no matter how absurd the request was, but he wasn't expecting what Nezu asked.

"No, no, in fact it's quite simple. I would like you to start teaching classes here at U.A.!"