
Chapter 28

TITLE: Internships (1) – Brainstorm


An extra chapter for my great fans. I hope it'll appease your anger and you'll support me more, anyway thanks for the support.



Sora muttered upon leaving the train as he looked at the city in which he'll be doing his internship, Hosu city.

After much thinking, he decided to do his internship here not because there'll be some crazy attack here, no, it was because of a certain hero- the telepath: brainstorm.

Having regained many of his memories in MHA, he was well aware of most of the heroes in the canon but brainstorm wasn't a name he was aware of, no matter how hard he tried, he was unable to remember any hero with such a name so he decided to join this hero for his internship so he could find out more about him and improve his aero-telekinesis.

"Okay, guess I should head to his agency"

With that, he began his walk towards the brain agency while recalling the information he had on brainstorm.

Brainstorm, resident hero of Hosu, hero ranking: 76. Quirk: telekinesis. Has the ability to lift things and people with the power of his mind, quirk ability and advancement depend on brainpower. A 27-year-old man, a young rising hero who has 100+ saves to his name.

Upon recalling this, Sora couldn't help but question 'why did that ROB make another oc?' He was well aware Hana was an oc and each time he saw her he asked himself whether she was created specifically to annoy him, but lately, he had grown used to it but seeing another oc, he questioned whether this one was also created to trouble his life in a way.

"It wasn't that far"

Sora said as he looked at the huge building before him, he estimated it had 6-7 floors at most. Sighing he walked into the building.

The receptionist seeing him immediately identified him as she took the phone and made a call. Offering Sora a smile she said "Mr. Menhera, follow me please" nodding, he walked by her side as they walked into the elevator, which brought them to the 5th floor and they continued walking until they reached before a huge door.

"Brainstorm is in here"

Sora nodded before knocking on the door and when he heard "come in" he opened the door and walked in.

As he entered the office, his gaze met with that of the man seated on the desk. He had brown unkempt hair, wore a blue costume with a huge 'B' written on the chest coupled with the blue mask covering his purple eyes. The man was thin but with an athletic figure and carried a matured and wise aura around him.

Sora seeing him couldn't help but be impressed, he could tell just from looking at him that he was intelligent, he estimated his IQ was in the 160s or so.

Brainstorm looked at the boy before him and smiled as he said "hello Sora Menhera, welcome to my agency"

"It's my honor to be here"

"I'm honored to have you picking me over the thousands of heroes that offered you an opportunity but I'm curious why pick me? I know my quirk is in a way related to yours but that relationship is minimal, so I have to ask why?"

Hearing this, Sora already made up his mind that he was going, to be honest, he thought it stupid to try lying to someone like him because at the end of the day if brainstorm decided to find out why he might be able to. So after a couple of minutes, he said

"It's because I wanted to find out the kind of person you are"

Brainstorm smiled upon hearing this, he didn't expect such an answer, but he was happy the best in the sports festival, wanted to know more about him. Sora sighed seeing brainstorm's smile, he didn't lie when he said that as he really wanted to find out what kind of person he was but not in the sense brainstorm was thinking, it was more like he wanted to find out if he was sent to specifically for him, or just added to the world by ROB for adding sake.

"Ok, I like your answer. Let me introduce myself again, I'm Brainstorm, it's nice to meet you"

"The wind hero: Tempest, I hope we get along"

'Good, this kid is smart, guess he wasn't only brawn and no brains' Brainstorm thought after hearing Sora's response

"Well then, I should brief you on what you'll be doing this internship" he paused as he looked at Sora, noticing his full attention on him, he continued "during this week, you'll follow me and my squad on patrols but you're not allowed to use your quirk, you'll only be watching us from the sidelines and getting an understanding of how a hero functions, do you understand?"

"Yes sir"

"Good, welp get changed, we're moving out now"

Hearing this, Sora immediately headed out of the room, and upon leaving the room, he was met with the same receptionist who had a smile on her face as she said "if you would follow me" he nodded, and together they walked forward.

Finally, they arrived and she said "please after getting changed, head outside, there you'll meet Mr. Brainstorm and his sidekicks"


"Just doing my job"

With that, she left as Sora stepped into the room as he got changed.


"Let's go!"

Brainstorm shouted and they immediately moves out, Sora with them.

With that, Sora's internship together with that of the other 1A students began.

The day came to an end as soon as it began and as Sora left the Brain agency, he couldn't help but look upward with a smile as he recalled the activities of today.

Brainstorm rushing into action, his sidekicks too slow to keep up as he used his telekinesis. At one instance, he saved a woman and her child from falling, at another, he stopped a thief from running away, and at all other occasions when a crime was about to happen, he was as quick as a flash, not only rescuing those in danger but also stopping the villains doing the crime.

Sora couldn't help but feel he made the right decision coming here as new ideas on using his quirk popped into his brain, he couldn't wait to experiment on them.


Later that evening,

In a bar where 3 individuals, one had white hair with a hand covering his face, the other was like a fog with piercing yellow eyes wearing a butler's outfit and the last of this individuals had black scattered hair, a red mask covering his eyes as he stood at the corner.

This three were Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and the hero killer, Stain.

There was silence in the bar until Shigaraki finally broke it as he said "the hero killer stain, I've heard of your exploits, why don't you join the league, after all, we share the same goal"

"Oh, what is your goal?"

"It's quite simple, wipe all might from the face of the earth, together with the things I don't like, like those U.A brats!"

Stain shook his head upon hearing this, he felt greatly disappointed by Shigaraki's answer. He never expected the leader of such an organization to behave like this… as though he was a man-child.

Kurogiri seeing this, felt Stain was insulting his leader and charged at him but Stain easily evaded the attack then placed his hand on Kurogiri's collar thus paralyzing him.

Shigaraki seeing his comrade on the ground attacked Stain but his attack was easily evaded by Stain who immediately stabbed him and pinned him to the ground.

"You're WEAK Shigaraki and this is because you lack conviction and without it, you can't accomplish a THING!"

This enraged Shigaraki as he placed his hand on the knife thus causing it to decay. Seeing this, Stain immediately stepped back while Tomura said

"Fuck you Stain! I want to destroy society because they worship all might, they praise him when he couldn't save everyone. He even tried to kill me"

Hearing this, Stain got slightly intrigued and he felt, this league might have a future as he said "I see, we both stand on the fact society has to be reformed as most heroes are corrupt."

"Get out!"

Shigaraki demanded but Stain didn't budge as he explained why he had attacked Shigaraki, saying he wanted to test his motive. He then moved on to tell them his plan to attack Hosu city and he needed a mode of transport.

Shigaraki wanted to refuse but Kurogiri explained the benefits of the relationship which caused the villain to accept as he made his plans.

No one was aware of the affairs brewing in the dark.

Sorry about that.

This marks the start of arc 2, a very important arc filled with romance, development, and fights, hope you'll enjoy it.

ImAGhostcreators' thoughts