
MHA: Strongest Hero

I am not good with synopsis but just read tbe first chapter Read ahead on patre on/madtitan

itrywriting · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

"My baby is so cute; I could love him forever!"

"Of course, Marie, our little William is the best thing in the world."

I look around and see a couple speaking in Japanese, holding hands, and lovingly smiling at each other… No matter how many times I see it, I still can't wrap my head around the fact I have reincarnated into a different world as a baby. Perhaps it's for the best. After all, I didn't exactly live the best life in my old world.

I was orphaned at a young age, grew up to be broke, and struggled to even pass high school, let alone enter university. Because of my poor education, I barely managed to scrape myself a job at a lousy restaurant as a waiter, luckily my deadbeat parents left me with good looks, or else I would pretty much be a beggar.

Living life as a baby was extremely easy and most of the time, I found myself being bored. I couldn't move my body to will, which meant I couldn't walk or even talk; all that came out of my mouth was a bunch of nonsensical gibberish.

"William, we will treasure you forever and give you all of our time and attention!"

My mother, Marie said as she grabbed me from my pram and started cuddling me.


4 years have passed and I am happy to say I found out a lot of information about my new world. Firstly, I was reincarnated into the world of my hero academia, a world filled with villains and heroes as a norm. To say I was excited would be an understatement, I am ecstatic. It's everyone's dream to live in a world with superpowers.

Secondly, I inherited the power to manipulate metal as I will from my parents. My dad has to ability to move things with his mind, and my mother can conjure anything from metal, which gave me the combined quirk of metal manipulation, practically making me the magneto of my hero academia. It has the potential to be a powerful quirk if used right, I have many ideas in my mind that I want to try.

As soon as I got my quirk, I started training every day by practicing my quirk on metal and slowly increasing the weight of metal I can lift off the ground, which right now is 20 kgs. Quite good for a 4-year-old. I haven't been slacking on the physical body compartment either, I train every day, with at least an hour of running and a few other exercises. Just because I have been reincarnated doesn't mean my life will go easy, I still need to work hard.

Speaking of my parents, they must be quite bored with me, because a year after I was born, they made me a sister. She is 3 years old and I must say, she is quite smart for her age.

Another thing I found out is, that my family lives in Shinjuku prefecture, the hometown of Midoriya and Bakugo.

"Wil-lin, wi-ill you pla-y wi-ith me," my sister says, coming up to me, fumbling her words, with a ball in hand, all giggly.

"Sure Viola," I nodded as I smiled at her. In all honesty, she has become a reason for my happiness in this life. How can you not love her; she is cute and extremely lovable. I will do anything in my power to keep her happy, even to the extent of killing villains if the situation arises.


Another 4 years pass and I am currently in preschool. To be honest, the school has been easy and a joy to attend. It was fun talking to kids half my original age, and also trumping every kid in grades. It's a delight seeing the annoyed look of the class when the teachers announce me as the number 1 in marks.

Both Midoriya and Bakugo attend the same middle school as me. Which wasn't surprising at all as we all live in the same district. My parents are good friends with theirs.

Right now, I'm training my Metal manipulation quirk. I can lift 70 kgs of metal off the ground with relative ease. I can lift more if I push myself. However, this isn't enough, I need to strengthen my quirk even further.

After arriving in this world, I decided on my goal. TO BE THE GREATEST HERO THAT EVER LIVED! I am not just going for the number 1 spot. No, I want to be hailed as a hero that no one in the world could hope to match. I want to strike fear in the hearts of villains.

I am not going to waste my second life on something as mediocre or boring as being a top 5 hero. I will live life to the fullest and enjoy myself.

Therefore, I need to be stronger. That's the reason I train a lot harder than anyone else. There's someone else here with me while I train.

"Wi-illiam, do you think I can be a hero. I-I don't even have a quirk," Midoriya says as he watches me train my quirk. He is doing his physical body training under my instruction. Most people get their quirk at the ages of 4-8, and Midoriya being 8 means he isn't ever going to develop a quirk. He feels sad because of that.

I quickly became friends with Midoriya after I entered preschool.

"Sure, you can, Midoriya. I believe anyone can become a hero. You just need determination and willpower to be one. Becoming more fit and training hard will help, trust me," I lied through my teeth. Hero-ing is impossible for people without quirks, you would just be an easy kill for villains. However, I know the future and Midoriya is going to acquire, quite frankly the most broken quirk of all time.

That's why I am helping him train his body. In the anime, he couldn't properly use his quirk because his body was weak. However, this time he will be able to hand All-for-one's power.


AN: MC isn't a good-natured person. He would kill, manipulate people to his benefit.

Release schedule: Hopefully everyday if I'm not tired or sick.

Read 1+ chapter on patre on/madtitan.