
chapter 2


His father slammed the door of their home shut and started to yell and Charles.

"YOU FUCKING USELESS SHIT" Charles's father yelled


Charles looked down as he squeezed his small hands. This action however was noticed by someone, his mother.

"How dare you ball your hands into a fist. DO you want to hit your father. We brought you into this world and we can take you right out" she said.

Hearing about what Charles was doing his father grinded his teeth in anger as he walked closer to Charles and slapped him across the face.

His father had a big build and was overweight. This meant that the power he hit Charles with easily knocked him over.


"arghh, stop please" Charles said as he started to tear up.

"Stop crying you fucking shit" His father said as he picked Charles up by his collar and slapped him across the face once more before taking off his belt and whipping him across the legs.

In the small house the sound of leather hitting someone and the cries of a young child rung throughout.

After a couple minutes of slaps and whippings, his father finally thought it was enough. He put down the belt and told his wife to bring Charles into his room.

After getting dumped on his bed, Charles couldn't help but sob lightly and curse them in his mind. '*Sniff, *sniff*, Why me. What did I do. I HATE THEM. I WISH THEY DIED' Charles thought as he grinded he teeth in anger. (Again in I believe that children and people in this world mature much faster than normal. Especially for those who's understanding of things is much higher)

Charles then stopped crying as he sat up from his bed with a grunt from the pain, and started playing around with his quirk to take some focus off what he went through.

As he was playing around with his strings he finally made a successful humanoid out of his string. Charles started giggling as he said "Hehehe, I'll call you tony".

He then proceeded to make the humanoid made out of string dance around. As he was doing this the expression on his face changed.

He kept on playing around with his strings, and after a bit longer he created his second humanoid.

"Hehe, you'll be called Danny" Charles said as his facial expression changed once more.

He was about to continue playing around until he heard a knock on the door. Charles's smile disappeared as he quickly put on a shirt and opened the door.

"Here's your food brat" his mother said as he gave him a plate.

Charles gently grabbed the plate from her and smiled. "Thanks mom I love you" Charles said as he smiled brightly with his eyes closed.

His mother kissed her teeth in annoyance before closing the door. After the door was shut Charles opened his eyes.

A cold glint shined off his grey eyes. His smile then disappeared and he walked back to his bed.

Charles then looked at the two humanoids made of strings and said "I really want to go away and live with you guys. A place where we can fly around anytime we want. You guys have to come since you're The first friends I've ever made".

He then went ahead and ate the small amount of food that was on the plate. After finishing up his food he put the plate on a desk near him and tried to fall asleep.

Alas not even sleep was easy. Loud songs playing in the living room and the loud cheering coming from his parents and some other voices. He just couldn't even have a break.

After tossing and turning around in his bed, he finally fell asleep.

That night Charles had a strange dream. He was in a room that had three beds. That wasn't all though. On two of the beds there were kids who looked just like Charles. The only difference being their hair colors. One had black hair while the other had blue.

"Who are you guys. Why do you look like me" Charles asked the two.

The two just smiled as one of them responded a couple of seconds later.

"We're your friends. I'm Tony" said the black haired one as he smiled and waved his small hands.

"I'm Danny" the blue haired one said shortly after Tony with a smile and a wave.

Charles hearing this laughed aloud and cheered happily. But his cheering didn't last long as he asked a question. "Are you guys going to disappear after I wake up".

The two looked at Charles weirdly before simultaneously saying "NO".

Once again Charles started cheering. After a quick celebration they started to play around and think of ways to use strings.


Waking up, Charles immediately said "You guys there". Shortly after asking that he heard two voices inside his head.

[Yup], [Yes sir].

Charles let out a sigh of relief before getting up out of his bed and walk to the washroom. He brushed his teeth with his old toothbrush and used the toilet.

After finishing up his business he went back to his room and started to play around with his quirk.

[You should do what we talked about yesterday. Make the strings sharp, if you do that it can solve the problems for the future] Tony said.

Charles nodded and tried to make the strings more durable and sharper. He summoned a string from his finger. Charles then closed his eye and willed the string to be more durable and sharper.

When he opened his eyes the string amazed him. Instead of it being wobblily and bendable, the string right now was as stiff as a rock. Not only that but when Charles slid his small finger across the string, he started bleeding.

After getting the string to do what he wanted, he got up from the floor before jumping on his bed a cheering aloud into his pillows to make sure no one heard him.

[Yessssss] Tony cheered.

[Wooooooo] Danny also joined in on the fun.

They then continued to practice making it sharp and durable with out it being stiff. Alas, this was something that they couldn't reach just yet.

After all, Charles had only had his quirk for three days.


Instead of practicing strong moves the three decided to focus on having more control over the strings before doing anything like making new moves.

They then went on to practice moving multiple strings at once in different directions. At first this was incredibly hard but after a couple of hours they somewhat got it down.

[Lets stop practicing for now. Lets get something to eat] Tony said.

[But she hasn't called us today. We can get in trouble] Danny said in a worried tone.

"We have the three of us. Plus we can practice use our quirk in action" Charles said.

[Fine] Danny gave in, as it was already two against one.

The other two then cheered out in success before doing their first ever mission. 'OPERATION: EAT GOOD'.


AN: SO some may think that creating the new personalities was something i put in on a whim but i planned for it to happen this soon.

- AS you saw in chapter 1 Charles's attitude went form disgusted to submissive. After getting beaten this chapter you saw him finally really lose it. He used his quirk to sooth his loneliness. This resulted to him creating two different personalities.

- Tony is the outgoing, social, and more don't give a fuck personality. He's gonna be more like the devil on the shoulder making Charles experience things he would have never felt. Think of him as a delinquent who doesn't take shit form anyone. He will be doing most of the business in the future.

-Danny is the personality that holds the fear of his parents. He will later on be more of the angel on Charles's shoulder, and will be the most gentle of the three. He's also the smartest of the personalities. He's the only one who wont fight others due to the gentle nature and instead will be more of the healer when the other two personalities get hurt.

- The main personality is Charles. He's gonna be the one who holds the anger, most destructive capabilities with his quirk, and will be more of a leader in the future due to his charisma, and manipulation of others.

- ALL THREE will be amazing fighters, its just the only one who will go straight for the kill is Charles. Tony will go more for crippling his opponents and as I said before, Danny is there for healing their body.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Legend27creators' thoughts