
MHA: Stacked Cards - The draft page

Literally just my draft page for my other fanfic.

DaoistreLnu5 · Cómic
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13 Chs

Draft 1- Chapter twelve: One down.

(UA Cafeteria - 7:30)

"This food is great! Lunch Rush really outdid himself!" I told Nezu as we ate breakfast together.

He wanted to speak to me, so I decided I needed some extra calories.

"Yes it is, Lunch Rush, along with all of our staff are priceless in their abilities as heroes and educators. But that wasn't why I called you here Izuku." He said as he eyed my plate.

I laughed comedically at his sudden change of attitude. Once he saw my messy fingers and my plate, his tone shifted suddenly, like seeing a spider in the bath.

His expression switched from calm and happy to worried and disgusted when he saw the remains of my food, I had eaten 30 or so rib steaks. It left a pile of cleaned out and disregarded bones, most of which were burned to mush due to my acidic saliva.

He must have noticed how messy it was, sauce covering my hands. That's probably it.

"I may or may not have eaten less food yesterday than needed, my body needed the carbs to function for most of my abilities, in tandem with the various quirks working in the background, I needed to eat alot of food, so-" I pointed to my mouth as he sighed, helpless at the sight of my sauce covered hands.

I absorbed the sauce on my fingers moments later, to which he looked distorted; Perhaps he noticed the large smile on my face, and could only stop expressing anything.


Fatty foods like ribs were necessary for my calorie mark, I don't even want to check how much energy I wasted in my escapade yesterday. Let's just say, Tens of thousands of calories burned away in mere hours was much more than a marathons worth of food, not even considering the flight back, which I may have rushed in an attempt to catch sleep.

Unlike others, Stamina for me was a matter of how many resources I had. While others had to deal with the wearing of their bodies and risks of damages, my powers took most of that for my body, making me unable to tire physically; but how many resources I had was another question entirely.

I was running several quirks, mutations especially, which used up alot of energy to sustain; If I couldn't maintain that energy, I wouldn't feel tired. I'd probably drop immediately. Likely dead. I could still feel exhausted, like in the mornings, but that didn't translate to my body; Since I couldn't really wear my limbs, I couldn't tell when I was running out of fuel, not unless I used a quirk to do that. Manually.

"I'll see if I can find a solution for your calorie issue; For now, the cafeteria will supply more food for you during your meals."

He spoke, lowering his head in a yawn; maybe he had a rough night?


Did he know? Is that why I'm here? No. Unlikely.

He'd have other heroes on guard, I can't feel them here.

Keeping my composure, I wait for his next words.

"As for why you're here. Here's your task for today, your going to assist the heroics department for the rest of the day after the battle trials and classes you have.

Meet Power loader, he'll start helping you for today, then you can do the rest for the weeks after. You'll still have to socialize for the rest of the week, so don't get too distracted with you're work."

Nezu handed me an envelope, labeled 'Basics to Cesium Fission'; Wow, it seemed like it was off the market information, not the type you'd find online or in textbooks.

Why would he do this? I don't get his play.

"If you're going to do something, do it right." He grinned, almost laughed at my eyebrows twitching. Did he just insult my craftsmanship? I'll show him. Watch as I build the best reactor you've ever seen.

... probably should ask for help though.

(Ground Beta Observation room - 8 am)

We had arrived to the observatory room where the large computer screen had revealed itself as the centerpiece of the wall.

"Ah. You know, these things are tight, right?" Izuku said as he sat in a lotus form, crossed legged, wearing white colored collars on both his wrists and neck. They were tackers meant to adjust for Izuku's quirk, which meant they were made almost entirely out of synthetic materials.

My quirk, "Tracelessness", would not allow me to be seen on cameras or other devices, and I had no way to turn it off either.

Nezu had prepared these trackers in the middle of the week as he worked on the bird defense mechanisms. It should work to track and emulate a 3d model of my body in real time; I was also informed not to shapeshift too much as to keep the mechanisms responsive to my movements. They seem to be mechanical, reacting to the contractions of my muscles to map my movements.

Shame, I wanted to use my "Slime" in a real batt;e, but I'll have to stay in my human form.

"Heroes aren't always comfortable, Izuku." Nezu replied with glee at the suffering.

Sadist. He did enjoy my pain more than he admitted.


The sound of the door opening brought both of our attentions, as a popular hero entered the room; All Might.

A sincere silence was thick the moment he entered, his smile shaking ever so slightly.

He was dressed in his hero costume, covered in his fashionable red blue and white. Standard All Might, like the day I met him.

I looked at Nezu and asked, "How many favors do I have from last time?"

I was referring to my decapitation, of course. I got a few perks from that time, which is one of the only good things to come out of that.

Using a favor from Nezu, the principle of one of the most prestigious and popular hero schools, on something like skipping classes, when I could already do that without much issue from the teachers, was a waste; But if it meant I didn't have to deal with All Might, I'll take it.

I could always find another way to get a favor.

He replied with a smile, "A genie only offers three, Izuku. But he'll be teaching you over the year, you won't escape him easily, even if you use one now."

Sadist. He knew I wouldn't waste it.

I sighed out and gave a nod.


All Might was surprised as he didn't expect anyone to be here.

Why was Principle Nezu here?

Why was I here?

Somehow, his thoughts were visible in his face, his expression still comic.

It almost made me chuckle, but it didn't. I never really spoke with All Might after that day, nor did I plan to. It was one of those 'Never meet your heroes' types of things.

The class soon followed into the room as Nezu stood to leave.

They were in various costumes, ones which I myself had refused to get for a few reasons. I needed to make them out of my fibers, else some quirks wouldn't function.

And most looked inefficient. Many looked stylized, but at least they outfitted with relevance to their quirks.

Someone actually wore a diaper? Seriously? Why?

Nope, not touching that fetish fuel.

"Ah, Principle Nezu! Young Midoriya! Why are you two here?" the Number 1 Hero just stuttered out finally. His smile didn't waver this time.

Seems he was clueless about my trackers.

"I was helping Izuku with his equipment, the tracking software should be functional when you turn it on. I'll be on my way, take care then."

Nezu took a glance at Bakugo, and left the room silently, with a smile stapled on his face.

Bakugo gulped at the sight, what did he do?

"Was that the principle?" Kirishima asked. Mina was about to speak, but All Might interrupted. Seemingly confused about the collars.

"Yes! That was Principle Nezu, UA's Principle! Young Midoriya! I didn't realize you ordered your equipment so early, even before I gave the others! I'm impressed at your enthusiasm!"

All Might laughed comically, inciting the others to look at me in sudden shock. Many eyed me, carefully, scared?

They all had a mixture of emotions on their face, some were impressed, others envious, many hardened their expressions at my collars and cuffs, possibly interested in my costume.

I was only wearing a hoodie as it was, along with some shorts and shoes, all grey and white.

"Not exactly, the computer and camera system fails to monitor me due to my abilities, as such, you've been given the 3d tracking software to see my actions live." I said sighing, was he really a teacher?

All Might stutters for a moment, "O-Oh, yes. I forgot about that. I think it was in the briefing." He spoke as he pulled out his miniature notebook.

It was the size of 4 of his fingers.

He muttered to himself for a moment, "3d tracking.. Izuku's quirks... Enabling the cameras.." Then turned back to me,

"AH! Yes, now I remember! Good job Izuku! You've saved me the trouble of trying and failing to set it up!"

I cannot even reply to that.

Neither can the class.

Deadpanning the hero as he sweated; They look at him blankly, almost disappointed.

All Might coughs and continues his talk.

"EHEM. Now that you're all here, we can begin the trial! I assume you've been briefed Izuku?" All Might looks over at me; Nezu explained the game earlier.

Essentially, its a pair versus pair game where each party plays defense or offense. 'Heroes' have to target the nuclear bomb with the top floor of the multi leveled building. 'Villains' have to defend it; if either one can capture the other team, they win; But if the timer runs out, 'Villain' team wins.

Not too difficult to manage.

"Yep. We can start." I said, though the kept staring at me.

"Great! Then it's time to raffle the teams!" All Might said as he pulled out a jar of papers; one by one, each paper pair was revealed, going from 'hero' team to 'villain' team back and forth.

The results weren't bad; somehow I feel that things were rigged. Why Nezu?!

Denki Kaminari <-> Kyoka Jiro

Yuga Aoyama <-> Mashirao Ojiro

Toru Hagakure <-> Koji Koda

Hanta Sero <-> Tenya Ida

Mina Ashido <-> Fumikage Tokoyami

Momo Yaoyorozu <-> Ochaco Uraraka

Eijiro Kirishima <-> Minoru Mineta

Mezo Shoji <-> Rikido Sato

Bakugo Katsuki <-> Izuku Midoriya

Tsuyu Asui <-> Shoto Todoroki


Bakugo and Todoroki.

Sadly, I was with Bakugo. Damn it.

I have to do all the work by myself. Or... I could use him actually; He'd work as a projectile.

I'm against Shoto, who seemed very intriguing.

I saw Shoto's quirk, it was powerful, he produced ice at extreme quantities. His father should be the number 2 Hero, Endeavor. A fire quirk should exist instead, but he used ice; Was he hiding something?

He only produced Ice from one side of his body, I could sum it up to say he's right handed, but not with who his father is. Did he generate fire from his left?


I'll ask in the trial.

For now, let's watch the matches.

"Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Yuga Aoyama and Mashirao Ojiro! You'll be fighting first!" All Might spoke with enthusiasm, as if he wasn't painting the walls with it constantly.


Most of the tests have passed. Only mine is left.

There wasn't much to note, many were boring.

The first test was won by Kaminari and Jiro. They got a surprise attack on Aoyama, shocking him unconscious, while Ojiro was distracted by Denki, who was fairly 'buzzed'. A side effect of his quirk? Not good.

Kyoka took the moment and captured the bomb. Fairly simple plan.

Second test was easier; Tenya had underestimated the perks of invisibility, but Sero captured Toru and Koji easily when they tried to throw a surprise attack; their attempt failed, bringing the victory to the villains team; Tenya and Sero were elated.

The third test was an interesting fight.

Momo and Uraraka made sent the bomb into the stratosphere; Initially, Mina's acid had caused many of Momo's attempts at capture or combat to fail.

Tokoyami power acted well against nets and capture weapons. Momo used a mixture of smoke bombs and flash bangs to disorient the two and give Ochaco enough time to send the actual bomb high into the sky. Momo used a combination of 20 or so flash bangs and plastic nets to capture the 'Hero' team, ensuring that Tokoyami couldn't retrieve the bomb.

Mina couldn't break out of the plastic material easily, and Dark Shadow, Tokoyami's power, was tired from the flashbangs.

It was much more fun than the other fights, though I would definitely used Momo's power differently.

She utilized illusions and blinding tactics to disarm the two, why not induce nausea aswell?

Humans by nature hate disgusting smells and sensations, if you could, create a noxious mixture of mustard gas and generally disorienting chemicals; I would have attacked with paralytic nerve gas, or in the context of this fight, a pain inducing gas made to disarm, to disorient and disable them before the risk of a counter attack is made.

Why even fight with her quirk? Just snipe them.

After that, I suppose a corrosive toxin would hold back any advancing troops.

But this is a class trial, so I suppose it would be troublesome to do that.


Okay, okay. It would most likely get me expelled; even though its more efficient in a real fight.

Now, fourth fight.

I underestimated the diaper boy, Kirishima aswell.

They both fought to the best of their abilities, and the battle was indeed a close one. But Shoji and Sato lost; Shoji, knowing about Mineta's ability and risk, took the initiative to fight on the second floor, flanking and surprising the two 'Heroes'.

Shoji's first move was to eliminate Mineta, which he couldn't do so a specific reason.

He wasn't there.

Kirishima had distracted the two long enough for the real Mineta to climb the outer walls of the building, reach the highest floor, and capture the bomb.

The ball made decoy on Kirishima's back was only revealed by the end of the trial, they were unable to even get past the second floor stairs in time to stop Mineta.

A great misdirection, Mineta and Kirishima had used an exterior method to enter the building for their goal.

Maybe I should do that, since Ice boy might just freeze the entire building.

Should I destroy the building?


Me and Bakugo are standing outside the building. A standard 6 floor apartment building, seemed nice; Though it was only like that from the outside.

5 Minutes has been allocated pre-match for any of our needed preparations, such as strategy or quirks; it was very thoughtful, though I'd rather be able to move my body in the way I please, since these cuffs aren't doing me favors.

Anyway, I can do this with many different ways. "Somnambulist" should work if they stay still, but I'm sure they'd move first.

Bakugo stood there awkwardly, almost sweating from being next to me.

What the hell happened to him?


It didn't matter.

Since seeing his face alone makes me pissed off, I'd like to try out a few of my new abilities on functional candidates.

He's no exception.

I can't use "Slime", even though that form is much more comfortable than my 'human' one. I can't damage the equipment either, otherwise the class won't see my fight, and Nezu may double my punishment from before.

I guess I'll just do this the old fashioned way; Flight and bullets.

Bakugo is the bullet.

"So. Shoto is most likely going to freeze the entire field inside the building. But that's good. I have a plan." I say to Bakugo, who just nervously nods.

His attention is now on me.

"You'll need to have alot of sweat ready, are you able to generate it fast enough." I say with no expression.

"Y- Yeah, I'll need a few minutes though, my grenades need to fill up." He motioned to his hands.

It's not fast enough, I'll need to give him a push.

"When I throw you. Explode forward." I said confidently.

He nods before screaming, "WHAT-" But he can't finish that sentence.

"MATCH START!" The speakers scream louder than Bakugo, His expression of fear is hilarious.

He starts backing away, but I grab his collar, holding him in place.

I can hear it, The ice reaching for us a few stories at a time, its crackling sensation.

My smile, now deranged, makes him sweat further.

"Terrify enemy"

I induce even more fear into him as my eyes glow red, my hair rises and my smile grows even further across my face.

Much further than what's humanly possible.


In an instance, me and Bakugo are lifted into the air at a high speed; nothing terminal or lethal to him, just enough to make his sweat glands pick their pace even faster; His terror is useful in these situations.

I soar high, high enough for Bakugo to almost piss himself; the scene under me had changed drastically, turning from a normal building to a spiked glacier filled field of ice and sharp steam.

Fuck. That could have been bad.

For Bakugo, Maybe I should drop him...

"Minor Heat Emission"

My body temperature almost becomes boiling, the outside of my skin had become scorching, almost burning the living ball of liquid nitrogen as he flinches.

I can't accidentally ignite the sweat he has, else we'll both go kaboom.

I minimize the heat near my hand, leaving the remainder of my body burning while my hand is only somewhat hot. Enough for him to sweat even more.

"Are you ready?" I said with a chuckle.

Bakugo frantically shakes his head, "Deku Wai-", That's my fuse.

"Don't miss!" I throw him directly to the walls of the roof at an extreme speed. Should be enough right? If he doesn't want to turn into paste, he should use his ability.

"SHIIIIIITTTTTT" Bakugo screams as he flies like a mini missile. Right as he reached the concrete walls, he pulls the pin in his 'grenade' gauntlet. I threw his body no where near a window.

He'll make one.


(Todoroki POV)

Shit. I didn't realize-

"Are you alright Asui?" She's freezing cold! What the hell... I may have overdone my quirk a bit.

"~hic ~hic I'm fine, Ribbit. It's the cold, I get a tad bit sleepy when it's cold. Frog's don't do well in the cold." She says, slowly falling to the ground. Sleepier by the second.

Damnit. I should finish this quickly then. I didn't guess this would happen.

Even Asui picks up on the sound, as her head visibly jerks. She's still awake.

.."shiiiiiiii" I hear at the back of my ear.

What are they planning?

What's that sound?

It sounds like... Bakugo?

"IIIIIIIT!" I hear from the wall behind me. Before I can move, we are both knocked to the ground by a sudden force.



*cough cough

*Cough Cough

Fuck. What just happened?! Wait-

"Asui!" I call out.

"I'm alright! What just happened?!" She said disturbed by the effect of the explosion. My ears are ringing.

Smoke fogged our sights, the concrete powder in the air seemed to not like our lungs as every breathe we took was infused with its toxins, and the large explosion removed the room and walls of this room, leaving half the upper floor standing.

Our sights clear in seconds, I can see only a single figure on the ground... but he' passed out.

Bakugo... ?

Why is he- He's unconscious!

"Knock knock. Oh wait, I'm already in." I hear a voice behind me.

A sinister one. My hair stands on its ends, I try to make ice from my hands, but nothing happens.

I turn from Bakugo's body as soon as I hear it, but before I fully rotate, my face is grabbed by a bare hand, and my eyes partially blocked.

"Now then, let's get rid of you first." Izuku says smiling widely to me, his cheeks and bones seem distorted, like someone tried to draw a caricature of him.

His eyes are red, like Aizawa's.

I can't use my quirk. Damn it.

"Let go of him! Ribbit!" I hear from my side, Asui's tongue hits his face as an extreme speed, but his jaw simply distorted to bend to that shape. He tongue bent inward into his face before bouncing away.

"Thank you Asui. You've saved me the trouble; once the device has been removed, I'll make sure you 'Villains' enjoy prison!" His teeth sharpened.

His eyes became blacker where there was white.

His smile bloodier, dripping from his teeth.

"After all, There's no need to fear, I AM HERE." He laughed sarcastically; I can't move!

"I said let go!" Asui kicks Midoriya in the side, but he distorts his body again, turning what should have been a broken rib or few, into a mild nuisance as her foot bounces away like her tongue.

His hand never left my face.

Asui is on the floor a few meters away.

"You want me to let him go?" I don't like the tone, his teeth enlarge as his smile widens.

What is he aiming at?!

"Alright." In a movement, he tossed me outside the broken walls, 6 floors from the ground. I fell, but was at least able to use my quirk after I moved out of sight, if he stays still, I can get him!

"Catch him then." A barely audible voice.


Asui! No!

She leaped out of the window a few moments later. Her tongue tied around my waist and stomach, she leaped across the windows.

There was nowhere for her to jump!

I use my quirk to make a slope of ice; pulling her tongue to get her closer, I grab her tight and we enter a roll. I made the ice as smooth as possible, but the force still leaves a few cuts and bruises on us both.

Damn it!

I had my shot! I could have gotten him!


Asui is passed out. We lost.

(General POV Observatory)


'What the hell did Nezu feed this kid.' All Might thought.

"What the hell?!" Screamed Kirishima; Everyone was wide eyed at the display. He had Aizawa's quirk, So the fight was easy enough for him.

But... How the hell can he fly?!

"Can we even beat him?" Asked another, Mineta. They all looked down at that statement.

Technically, he could beat them with their own abilities.

"He has to have a weakness. Somehow. No quirk doesn't have some side effect or some price to pay." Said Jiro, as she contemplated the scenario.

All Might flinched at the reminder. The price. He couldn't help but concentrate on the boy's face on screen; the software mapped many things unaware to Izuku. Including his facial expression; moments ago, it was a widened smile, a maddening glare, now, it said 'error'.

He couldn't help but sulk; the reminder of his consequences. Only further reason to train his disciple sooner; As soon as possible.

"Technically, couldn't he negate any negative effect of a quirk with another quirk?" Asked Sero, as the group frowned.

"Izuku truly is amazing. Balancing that many abilities must be much more difficult than we can assume. He'd need to use all of them instinctually, if not manually control them." Spoke Tokoyami.

... "Could he also use a quirk for that? Like, a multitasking quirk?" Ojiro spoke after. More worried than anything.

The faces moved from complicated to defeated.

".. WAIT! I think I know his weakness! Calories! Like mine. He couldn't use so many quirks simultaneously without needing an enormous amount of energy!" Momo spoke suddenly excited. She found it. His weakness!

All they'd actually need to do was stall! He couldn't possibly use that much energy for long!

".. But. Couldn't he also supplement that with a quirk?" said Toru. As everyone's expressions froze in their excited state.

They all looked defeated again.

(Izuku POV)

Well, that was boring. At least I have their-

*Cough Cough Cough

Shit. More blood.

Funny, I seem to be changing by the second. My bones feel softer, stronger. Let's test it; My tongue wrapped around the bomb in an instance. I feel faster than before, like I'm jacked up.

Even my reaction speed increased. I already have a quirk for that, but I'm faster somehow.

"Hero Team Wins!" All Might spoke as Bakugo had just awoken. His eyes barely opened, gazed on me. He almost fainted again.


"Inko's attraction"

The bomb enters my hand. In an instance, Bakugo leaped to me in rage moments later.

His explosion attacked my body, aiming for my chest, but I can't risk damaging the collars.


His arm was deflected by the pillar rising out of the ground. As per the cheapness of the materials in the building, the plates were mostly made out of various materials, but the floors were made from cement.

It was one of the only actual parts made of cement, including the pillars and structural holdings; there was small amounts of cement in between the walls aswell, but the outer shell of the building was the part with the greatest concentration.

Guess Cementoss has his work cut out. I may have been dramatic.

"You Bastard!" The boom box screamed. "You threw me like a pole! I could have died!" Another explosion, his arm deflected again. His hands now crossed and held in place.

He's complaining about being thrown around.. That's really...

"And?" I asked with little emotion. He stuttered for a moment.

"Don't like being thrown around now? I thought you loved using explosions, loved throwing things around. What changed?" The rage in my eyes was visible, as he stopped for a moment.

His eyes widened, he grit his teeth.


"Now Now Boys! The match is over! Head on back to the observatory for your assessment!" All Might spoke through the speakers.

Bakugo check his ears moments later, tinnitus is quite a funny thing, isn't it? You'd think he'd be alright after so many uses of his quirk, but hey, must still hurt; is that why he screams?

Reluctantly, we head back.

Though it would be nice killing the bastard, I'd just rather eat something good.



"Now! Can anyone tell me who was the MVP?" All Might said as we all stood infront of me. Tsuyu, eyed me from the side, obviously upset at my actions. Many were. Should I apologize?

I've been getting too violent recently.

I'm not sure why, but, I don't like it.

Momo raises her hand; Excited?

"Momo?" All Might asks, "Izuku was the MVP; but he did overdo his part." She said as the screen replayed the footage. Her face contorted at the sight.

Apparently Nezu failed to mention the fact that the Collars tracked facial movement and bodily morphing to an extent.

Along with temperature, pressure per inch, and scale per part, like teeth, bones, and arteries; Which means he could have used this simulation to test the extent of my capabilities, if not the scale of my powers, cheeky.

Very Cheeky; I can't tell if I should feel rage, or laugh. Right now, I think rage is justified.

He's trying to collect data. If he can't fight my quirk, He'd fight my tactics.

I'll have to make a counter attack then.

The screen did exactly what it was meant to, make a 3d model of my body; which case, the change in ratios to my smile, teeth, and movements, made me look like a monster. An inaccurate one, which distorted my image past the amount I did.

The class was fairly scared by the sight.

My actions may have seemed cruel to the two; which only added to the sight of their horrified faces.

Momo spoke, "Izuku had effectively captured the bomb, however, he did it in a far more villainous way than the actual villains. He used Bakugo to open a path to the villains, and capture the bomb using Asui's heroic nature to remove them out of the picture, and capture the bomb... But." She glared at me.

"He could have ended it without harming the two. So, Izuku. Why did you?" Momo seemed upset.

"Simple. Shoto underestimated me, Bakugo was a liability and there was a nuke." I said in a single spoken sentence.

..They looked confused and upset, the heroics department was naïve.

"Let me elaborate; Shoto's quirk isn't ice, is it?" I look at him, to which his eyes opened wide.

"You can use fire, right?" I said grinning. The others widened their eyes.

So I was right; in which case this quirk wasn't too bad at all.

"Either way; Shoto's quirk is a risk for me. I couldn't have him freeze the entire block; not considering Tsuyu, who due to her quirk, almost fainted, I though it would be best to end it quickly."

"Still. You could have d

(It ends here, sadly.)

An old and silly chap I wrote.

DaoistreLnu5creators' thoughts