
MHA: Son of a Hero

Hiroshi Yagi was born as the result of the Japanese government's efforts to secure the future peace of society by using the number 1 hero All Might's sperm. Blessed with his own unique power Hiroshi will develop a more nuanced understanding of what it means to be a hero, recognizing that true heroism goes beyond power and rankings. Ultimately, his character arc will revolve around finding his own identity as a hero and surpassing his father in his own unique way. Yo it’s Frosted Dao So… this idea has been in the back of my mind for a really long time, and I just said screw it imma do it so here it is I am not best writer this is my second time writing a fanfic first one was a hot piece of … you know so take it easy on me Cover not mine none of the characters in the story belong to me only my OC Stay frosty

FrostedDao · Cómic
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8 Chs

Origin Revealed

"What am I "

Ryosuke peered out of the window, his gaze fixed upon the vibrant green mountains enveloping the hill.

He turned to Hiroshi and asked a question, "Hiroshi, have you ever wondered why I decided to reside on this hill?" The young boy's face reflected a mixture of perplexity and curiosity as he responded, "Grandfather, you've never revealed the reason to me."

The elderly gentleman gazed at Hiroshi with a nostalgic expression, as though he were attempting to recollect memories from a bygone era.

There was a time when I had a wife, and a daughter who I cherished with all my heart, and a son who was destined to carry forward my family name, he reminisced.

But one day, that all changed as I was driving back from work.I came home to find the police had surrounded my home, and as I got closer, I saw them.

The elderly man's demeanor suddenly turned solemn as he said, "apparently a criminal had broken into my house and was holding my family hostage.

The villain, was apparently on the run for killing civilians nearby.

Sadly, he chose to target my home and my family. The police couldn't take the chance because of the risk involved , and the local heroes lacked the necessary quirks to free the hostages in time. I was about to enter by myself.

When my daughter suddenly burst from the house, sprinting with tears streaming down her face. But before she could run into my arms, he knifed her down right there on the pavement"

Hiroshi's eyes widened as he saw the old man from a different perspective.

He recounted how they had arrested the perpetrator, but it was too late, as he had already taken his wife's life and left his son traumatized.

This immense anger he felt consumed him for years, ultimately driving him to establish the public safety commission that it's a few Old friends with the intention of preventing such tragic incidents from occurring again. I made it my life's mission to prevent other families from suffering the same fate as mine, and I chose to retire in a secluded place, far away from any influence or contact with anyone else. I came here to die.

" But this world needs heroes, they need someone to look up to for hope for a better day and All might your father gives them that.

Hiroshi's eyes widened in disbelief as he heard the shocking revelation. "Wait, you're saying he's my father?" he stuttered, a mix of surprise and confusion etched on his face.

The truth was revealed - the public safety commission, worried about the future peace of Japan, needed a successor for the aging hero All Might. Unfortunately, Endeavor, the number two hero, could never come close to what All Might represented.

They needed someone with even a small chance of inheriting All Might's power, and who better than his own child? So we achieved his seed and that itself took lots of trial and error, but we had pretty resourceful agents.

Hiroshi's face displayed sheer horror as he stammered, "D..does he have any knowledge of me ?" The elderly man gazed at Hiroshi intently, wearing a solemn expression, and assured him, "No, he is completely unaware of your existence, and it's crucial to keep it that way.

Hiroshi you are a rare gem, one in a million. The odds of you being here were incredibly slim, if not nonexistent."

"So that's why you trained me, if I were to develop All Might's quirk," Hiroshi said, gazing at his grandfather, the man he had known since childhood.

"Even though your quirk is undeniably powerful, we don't think you inherited it from All Might," Ryosuke said, the boy looked puzzled. The elderly man turned his gaze towards the window and replied, "You have an exceptionally strong quirk.

It only grows stronger over time, and you will never lose your strength as you age. However, All Might has grown weaker since his prime, and we believe that you have a mutated version of your father's quirk."

""Right from the start, I never had a say in whether or not I wanted to become a hero, it was ingrained in me." The elderly man stared at Hiroshi, expressionless. "Even though it wasn't your decision, your abilities indicate that it is your fate."

Hiroshi's anger intensified, resonating deeply within him. "And what about you? Why were you chosen to look after me?" The old man appeared to have aged significantly. "I was the only logical choice," he responded. Feeling betrayed, Hiroshi stormed out of the room.

Ryosuke looked at the ground and for a second a look of pain could be seen on his face until it disappeared


Hiroshi appeared to effortlessly ascend several hundred feet in the air as he jumped into the dense forest.


As the wind brushed through his hair and a sensation of overwhelming strength surged within him, he effortlessly soared across vast distances within mere seconds.

Eventually, his eyes caught sight of the distant town, and he gently descended onto a towering tree, merely observing as the townsfolk carried on with their everyday activities.

Hiroshi pondered, perched on a tree branch, watching the townspeople as they went about their daily routines with radiant smiles

"They seem to be filled with joy, is this why you fight so hard

To preserve this feeling of peace, father."

* I'll play along for the time being, I'll keep doing my part and train to better control this power and evaluate whether or not this world is truly deserving of my devotion. I wonder how you would react to me, Father; would you love and accept me or consider me an abomination? *

Hiroshi leaped from the tree heading back home, unleashing a powerful gust of wind that shook the area to its very core.

This moment allowed him to accept who he truly was and reaffirm his chosen path in life.

With haste, he arrived at his home where he discovered his Grandfather tranquilly meditating near the pond.

Approaching him, he sat down upon the ground before him and began, "So, was your journey enlightening?" his grandfather questioned sternly. Filled with guilt, Hiroshi replied, "I apologize, but I needed to delve into myself to see if becoming a hero was truly my own path."

His grandfather unveiled his void-like eyes and fixated them upon Hiroshi with an expression of keen interest. "And what conclusion have you reached?"

Hiroshi gazed up at the crystal-clear skies and, wearing a somber expression, "I am uncertain if this world truly requires my existence, but I want to comprehend why my father protects it. If I must endure the life of a hero in order to find out why, so be it.

I dont want to treat me not like your grandson, but as a student I wish to learn how to control this power within myself, so when on the day I truly, take, his spot nobody can deny my claim to it", Hiroshi said with a cold expression."

Ryosuke smiled a maddeningly terrifying smile " then I will turn you into a weapon that cannot be broken. Are you prepared for that ."

Hiroshi Bowed


It's ya boy frosted back with a reflection so I want to a note that I didn't forget about Ryosuke power to mind control someone I just made it so he actually cared about Hiroshi that he just decided not to use it. But he's split between his organization and Hiroshi even I don't know what he'll do at this point but as you see Hiroshi gained another reason to become a hero and surpass All might ( he already did in terms of power but we're talking about character) any way thanks for reading

Stay frosty

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