
MHA: Ryo

In a world where quirks define destinies, Ryo, a 15-year-old boy with galaxy-like eyes and extraordinary potential, is unexpectedly thrust into the spotlight when the world learns he is the son of All Might, the Symbol of Peace. With a tragic past marked by abuse and loneliness, Ryo discovers he possesses not one, but two powerful quirks—one that commands others and another that grants immense physical strength. As he navigates this new life under All Might’s care, Ryo struggles to understand his place in a world that is both fascinated and fearful of his potential. Amidst media frenzy, hero expectations, and his own insecurities, Ryo embarks on a journey to become not just a hero, but the greatest one the world has ever seen, all while learning the true meaning of family, love, and self-acceptance.

stxrm23 · Cómic
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14 Chs

A New Beginning

Ryo stirred awake, his body feeling oddly rested as he slowly opened his eyes.

The unfamiliar softness beneath him was unlike anything he had ever known. As he blinked away the last remnants of sleep, he realized he was lying in a comfortable bed, its sheets crisp and clean.

Confused, Ryo sat up, glancing around the room with a mixture of wonder and wariness.

The bedroom was bathed in soft morning light filtering through the curtains. The walls were a calming shade of blue, and the room was decorated with posters of heroes, prominently featuring All Might. On one side of the room, a desk with a computer and various supplies stood neatly organized. There was a shelf lined with books appropriate for someone his age, alongside a few carefully arranged All Might action figures.

Ryo's eyes widened slightly at the sight, curiosity getting the better of him. He slipped out of bed quietly, his small feet barely making a sound on the carpeted floor. Approaching the shelf, he reached out tentatively to pick up one of the All Might figures, his fingers just grazing the edge of it.

Suddenly, the door to the room swung open with a loud, energetic voice booming, 

"I am here!" Ryo jumped slightly, his hand retracting as he turned toward the door, where All Might stood in all his towering glory.

The hero's broad smile filled the room with warmth as he looked at the young boy who was now fully awake.

All Might stepped into the room, his presnece commanding yet comforting.

"Good morning, Ryo!" he greeted his voice carrying it's usual enthusiasm. "I'm glad to see you up and about. How are you feeling?"

Ryo blinked up at him not knowing how he knew his name as he processed everything. He wasn't sure how to respond, the events of the previous day feeling like a distant, blurry nightmare. His confusion must have shown on his face because All Might's expression softened as he approached.

"I'm sure you're wondering where you are," All Might said, kneeling down to be eye level with Ryo. "You're safe here, in my home. And... well, I wanted to ask you something important."

Ryo's eyes, though calm on the surface, showed a flicker of curiosity. he nodded slightly, signaling for All Might to continue.

Taking a deep breath, All Might placed a gentle hand on Ryo's shoulder. "Ryo, I want to adopt you. I know this might be sudden, and I'm sure you have questions. But after everything that;s happened... I want to give you a place where you can feel safe and grow string."

Ryo's mind raced. The idea of being adopted by All Might, the greatest hero, seemed almost surreal. he hesitated, the remnants of his past experiences making him wary of trusting too quickly.

"Why?" He asked quetly, his voice steady but tinged with uncertainty.

"All Might's gaze softened even further, filled with compassion and understanding.

"because no child should go through what you did, Ryo," he replied gently. "You deserve a chance to be happy, to become the hero you want to be, and I want to help you achieve that."

Ryo fell silent, his thoughts swirling. He looked down, processing everything. The pain of his past was still fresh, but the sincerity in All Might's voice made something stir in his chest–a small glimmer of hope he hadn't felt in a long time. After a few moments, he looked up at All Might, his eyes steady but holding a new sense of determination. "yes," he said softly but clearly. "I want that."

A wide smile broke across All Might's face, his eyes shining with pride and joy.

"That's wonderful, Ryo!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement. "I promise, i'll do everything I can to give the life you deserve."

As the words left All Might's mouth, Ryo suddenly became aware of the sensation in his body. he felt more energized than ever before, his previous wounds seemingly healed. He looked down at himself noticing the absence of pain and fatigue.

"What... happened to me?" he asked, a touch of wonder in his voice.

All Might chuckled warmly. "Ah, that would be thanks to a good friend of mine who has a healing quirk. You were in a rough shape, but they made sure you'd be back on your feet in no time."

Ryo nodded slowly, absorbing this new information. Everything seemed so different now–– so much better. But before he could dwell on it, his stomach growled loudly, reminding him of a basic need he hand't fulfilled in what felt like forever.

All Might laughed heartily, the sound filling the room with a sense of normalcy. "Sounds like someone's hungry! Come on, let's get you some breakfast."

Before Ryo could react, All Might effortlessly scooped him up into his arms, surpring the boy. It wasn't a harsh or violent movement like he was used to, but gentle and secure.

He felt a warmth he'd never experienced before, and though his expression remained calm, something in his chest fluttered–– something like trust.

All Might carried Ryo downstairs to the dining area, where a large table was already set with a variety of dishes. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, making Ryo's stomach growl even more. His eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight; it was more food than he'd ever seen in one place.

Setting Ryo down in a chair, All Might took a seat across from him, watching the boy's reaction with a soft smile. Ryo, despite his hunger, waited for All Might to start eating first, a habit ingrained from his harsh upbringing. All Might noticed this, and his smile grew a bit more tender.

"You don't have to wait for me, Ryo," All Might said gently. "You're free to eat as much as you want, whenever you want. This is your home now."

Ryo looked at him, processing the words. It took a moment, but he slowly nodded, reaching for a plate of food. As he took his first bite, his calm demeanor cracked just a little—this was the best food he'd ever tasted. Each bite brought a new sensation of warmth and comfort, something he'd never known in his previous life.

As All Might watched Ryo eat, a sense of pride swelled within him. He knew this boy had endured so much, and he was determined to give him a better future. "This is just the beginning, Ryo," he said softly. "You'll never have to worry about going hungry or being alone ever again."

Ryo, despite keeping his usual calm expression, felt a surge of emotion at those words. He didn't respond verbally, but the way he focused on his food spoke volumes. All Might could see it—the small signs of trust beginning to form.

Once they had finished eating, All Might leaned back in his chair, a satisfied grin on his face. "Alright, Ryo. We've got some important things to take care of today. But first, let's get you officially registered as part of the family."

Ryo nodded, his mind already racing with thoughts of what that might mean. As they left the house and made their way to the hospital, Ryo couldn't help but notice how different everything felt. The world seemed brighter, more open, and filled with possibilities.

At the hospital, the adoption paperwork was swiftly processed, and Ryo's name was officially added to All Might's family registry. It felt strange, seeing his name next to All Might's, but it also filled him with a sense of belonging.

Once the formalities were over, All Might led Ryo to another part of the hospital where a doctor was waiting for them. "I thought it might be a good idea to get your quirk assessed while we're here," All Might explained with a smile. "Just so we can understand it better."

Ryo nodded, curious about what they might find. The doctor greeted them warmly and began conducting various tests, observing Ryo's abilities with great interest. After a series of examinations, the doctor finally sat down with All Might and Ryo to discuss the results.

"Well, young Ryo," the doctor began, adjusting his glasses as he looked over the data. "It seems you have two distinct quirks. The first one is something we've never seen before—it's an emitter type quirk we're calling 'Final Command.' It allows you to issue commands to different targets, whether they're objects, people, or even your own body. It's a powerful ability, but we're still learning more about its full potential."

Ryo listened intently, absorbing the information. The idea of being able to command anything sounded almost too incredible to believe.

"The second quirk," the doctor continued, "is also an emitter type, granting you enhanced physical strength and combat capabilities. It's space-themed, focusing on powerful energy attacks and hand-to-hand combat. When activated, it creates a black star-like energy aura around you."

All Might's eyes widened in surprise as he heard the doctor's explanation. A smile slowly spread across his face as he looked at Ryo, who was taking in everything with his usual calm demeanor. "Two quirks… and both of them so unique," All Might said, his voice filled with pride. "You're going to be an incredible hero one day, Ryo, if that's what you choose to be."

Ryo remained quiet, but a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The idea of being strong, of having abilities that could help others, filled him with a quiet determination. He didn't fully understand what it all meant yet, but he knew one thing—he wanted to be someone who could protect others, just like All Might.

With the assessments complete, All Might and Ryo returned home. As they walked through the front door, Ryo looked up at All Might, a question lingering in his mind. "Is that room I woke up in… is it mine?"

All Might chuckled, ruffling Ryo's hair affectionately. "Yes, Ryo. That room is all yours. I had it decorated just for you."

Ryo felt a warmth in his chest, something he wasn't used to feeling. It was strange, but not unwelcome. As All Might went to sit on the couch, Ryo followed, sitting down beside him. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes—he was beginning to trust this new life.

All Might noticed the gesture and couldn't help but smile. He reached for the remote and turned on the TV, letting the noise fill the room. But before the program could even begin, Ryo looked up at him with wide eyes. "Can I… become a hero like you, All Might?"

All Might looked at the boy, his heart swelling with emotion. He shook his head, but his smile never wavered. "No, Ryo. You won't just be like me—you can become something even better. You have the potential to be the greatest hero this world has ever seen."

Ryo's eyes widened at the words. Something clicked inside him, a resolve forming as he heard All Might's encouragement. "Then… I want to become the greatest and number one hero ever. In the entire world," Ryo declared, his voice filled with a quiet, but fierce determination.

All Might laughed, the sound rich with pride and affection. "That's the spirit, Ryo! And I'll be here to support you every step of the way."

Ryo nodded, his calm expression masking the fire that now burned in his heart. For the first time in his life, he felt like he had a purpose—a future. And with All Might by his side, he knew he could achieve anything.