
Chapter 2: A new friend

Two look each other in silence. Where as Catnap was conflicted by emotions of confusion, depression, denial and a whole lot more Izuku on the other hand was excited yet nervous at the same time. 

" Um.... H-hello "

Izuku was first to break the silence as Catnap looked up at him since he was now a small little plushie. Catnap has conflicting feelings for the broccoli bean as he feels like his a friend and savior while also afraid and confused but thankfully Catnap decided to hide these conflicting emotions and decided to just talk.

" HeEeLllLoO " Catnap said in a deep bitcrust husk voice.

" U-um I'm i-izuku, w-what's your name? "

" CaA- cAatT- Catnap " 

Catnaps deep husk voice slowly adjusted. Sounding a bit more approuchable as Izuku's fear slowly fade's and was emmidiently replaced by curiosity and excitement.

" Amazing! Nice to meet you catnap! "

" I guess.... "

" CLICK! "

" Izuku-kun? "

Sadly there conversations ended there as Inko peaked in Izuku's room. After Izuku's scream from a while back Inko stop from what she was doing and tried check on her son. The door was half open as she looked through the door. Izuku's dim room shine a bit to the light coming out from the door. The light showed her son unlike Catnap who was not shined by the light and was hidden from Inko's view 

Izuku turn's to her mother as his eyes sparkle. He look back at Catnap as he can't wait to show his quirk to his mom.

" Catnap! "

" Who? "

Inko who couldn't understand what her son meant notice his finger pointing in some figure as Inko froze once she noticed an upright purple cat plushie. There eye's met as Inko felt like the plushie is alive. The way it has permanently smile as wide to the point that it looks unatural and unnerving to its glowing white ring like eyes that seems to stare at your soul.

Inko's mother instict's came in as she felt like the need of defending her child from the plushie until Izuku broke her action by suddenly saying.

" Mom this is Catnap! Catnap this is mom! "

Izuku shouted trying to introduce the two but Inko wasn't having it as she bend down to Izuku and check on him to see if his alright.

" Izuku-kun are you alright? D-did something happen to you? "

" Yes! Mom my allmight action figure just turn into Catnap! Mom I think his my quirk! "

" Quirk? "

Catnap suddenly ask a bit confused but Inko upon turning to look at catnap again felt a bit unsure as she look at her son and ask.

" Uh.... are you sure Izuku? "

" Yes 100%! "

" Then.... Ugh we could go to a quirk specialist in the morning and register him there. Though you should take some rest. We don't want the doctor to be waiting right? "

" Yay! Sure mom! "

Izuku 's joy and excitement didn't die down. I mean what kid wouldn't be? It's his dream to be a hero and the fact that he has a quirk make him so excited on learning what his quirk can do.

Inko though happy for her son can't shake the feeling of uneasyness when catnap is around. She couldn't know why but she just felt like her son isn't safe near the ever smiling cat plushie.

But being a supportive mother as she is she decided to let it slide and talk to herself that it would be fine as izuku's smile made her truly believe that catnap is harmless.

Well harmless for now atleast. 

Catnap still processing what these two are saying decided to get all the answers when he has the time to talk to the green broccoli bean. As he stares at them quietly like a silent shadow.

After inko says a few more words for her son she kissed him on the forehead before lifting him and putting him to bed.

" Sleep well izuku-kun "

" Smooch! "

" Mom I'm not a baby anymore stop it "

" Hehe okay okay goodnight "

" Night! "

After putting izuku to bed Inko kept an eye to catnap. It's motionless gesture did made her worried but soon decided to trust her gut's. She left izuku's room as the sound of the door clicked making it obvious that the room was closed.

Catnap now that inko's mother is gone began walking towards midoria's bed. Catnap used it's tail to go up and jump a few inches of the blanket before taking a hold of it and climb up to izuku. 

Izuku noticing catnap saw that he walk towards his left side. His eyes still unchanging as he ask.

" Do.... You want to sleep "

" Well.... Yes since mom said I need to be early "

" I see.... You.... Want me to help you sleep? "

" I guess.... I really miss all might though.... "

' I see but '

" Who's all might? "

" He's like the greatest hero of all time!! A number one hero! "

" A number one hero?... If I bring you one could that help you sleep? "

" Um yes! "

Catnap turn to the room as he saw that there are so many posters and toys of all might plastered all over Izuku's room. Though Catnap is confused by this weird obsession he still decided to get one toy from his room.

It doesn't take genius on which all might he was refuring about as the room said's it all. Catnaps purple tail then began to stretch and move towards one all might toy on the shelf. Though he was kinda surprised that he could do this it felt almost instinctual to him.

The tail stretch all across the room until it reaches for the toy. Catnaps tail recoil around the all might toy after which he retraive it back to him. 

' This is new? '

He thought once he made his tail drop the toy on his plushie hands.

" I-increadible! Catnap that was amazing! "

" I.... Guess.... Here "

" Oh thanks catnap "

" No problem.... So anything else? "

" Well nothing I'm good. Thanks catnap for giving me this "

Izuku said as he hug 's his all might toy. Though catnap has some experience dealing with children at Playtime Co. This was the first he felt something coming from his heart. 

Something that he never thought he would experience feeling's of.


' This is strange. Did the prototype has given me a new hope. Is this the freedom that he promised? '

He ask himself as he remembered his death that day. How his so called God reach to him thinking he can finally gain freedom until he killed him. The feeling of being killed by the one you worshipped made him think for a second which causes Izuku to notice.

" Catnap? Are you.... Okay? "

" Yes i-izuku.... I'm fine.... I hope you have a good sleep izuku "

" You too. Do you want to sleep with me? "

" Yes.... I hope you have a goodnight "

Catnap said as red smoke started to appear from his mouth. At first Izuku was startled until he inhale the smoke. He felt slowly drifting to sleepiness as his eyes begin's to be too tired to open and the feeling of a comfy bed made him drift to sleep easily.

The red smoke around Izuku continue's to linger for a bit before catnap sat next to Izuku. He couldn't sleep even if he wanted to but he decided to pretend to be asleep.

I mean isn't it nice to just pretend to have some form of illusion rest. Even if you know for a fact that you will never rest.