
MHA: Power's Of Redo Of Healer

"Come with me, dear foolish brother, why do you resist?" A man with short white hair says with a vicious smile. "Because you're wrong, because I can't allow you to do what you want to do Big Brother." A sickly man says with a look of determination permeating along his whole being. "That's a mean thing to say, I'm trying to compromise here is tolerance not part of your justice." The man says with a hurt look on his face pleading his case to his brother. "Right now the world is in chaos, meta powers should not be used to further your own self-interest, you're only thinking of gratifying yourself!" The man screams at his older brother, reasoning with one of his own gritting his teeth. A man was watching this interaction with a frown watching the displays of both of their ideals trying to be projected onto one another. "This conversation is going nowhere." A man said while watching the latest episode of MHA. "If I was there I would do it differently." The man chuckled at his own thoughts before a blinding light hit him. "Where am I?" "Purgatory." "Who are you?" "ROB." "Why am I here?" "Cause I'm bored." "Hmmm makes sense." Warning: The MC is very manipulative and uses people for his own gain. He kinda a piece of sh*t so don't get mad at me cause I warned you, I could care less if you read my story or not I do this to be better as a writer.

Siebog · Anime y Cómics
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48 Chs

Chapter 27: Pulling Out The Weeds Part 1

Rifle: Quirk allows the user to extend a rifle from the right elbow. You can extend a tendril rifle that can curl up to form a scope. Can also create various types of bullets, such as hollow-point bullets and curving bullets, from your hair by twisting and molding it like Epoxy putty and hardening it to be as strong as any ammo. The range of the rifle fire is 3 kilometers.

Intentions: The quirk allows for the user to be able to deduce whether someone has good or bad intentions towards them.

Escape: A quirk that only activates in the time of need allows the user to always give a perfect getaway route.

Fast: Allows you to make small projectiles travel at twice the speeds it usually can.

Knee Pads: Allows your knees to always have a cushion making harm almost impossible.

Toe Hands: Allows your toes to be able to grab things like hands.

Luck: Grants the user more luck than the average person.

Brass Knuckles: Allows the user to form brass knuckles on their knuckles.

Rusty Breath: Your breath can make metal rust faster.

Shin was quietly looking at all the new quirks he received from the dropoff and nodded to himself knowing he could make use of all of them.

"Doctor if I may." Arashi asked from the other side, showing a troubled and hesitant expression.

"Arashi calm down a little, I understand your troubles with people with authority and power but I'm not one to get mad at someone over a conflicting opinion." Shin smiled under the mask as Arashi took a deep breath.

Frankly Arashi had been a little too stiff for Shin's liking, it also didn't mean he hated the respect he was shown but it was a little tiring seeing Arashi always walk a tightrope all the time around him.

"Thank you Doctor, it's just that in this plan you have us destroying five smaller gangs and not their side hideouts but main bases, the casua-"

"Arashi there will be no casualties." Shin calmly spoke yet the persistence and curiosity never escaped Arashi's eyes.

"How can you be so sure?" Arashi finally questioned Shin for the first time, making Shin's eyes form into crescent moons.

"There's a reason why I call myself the Doctor." Hearing those words caused Arashi to shiver internally under his gaze, thus he decided to remain quiet for the rest of the car ride, deciding to trust in Shin's words rather than needlessly question them.

10 minutes later



Immediately upon entering the Tetsu gang's territory the cars began to come under fire though everyone didn't flinch and kept driving without the slightest intention of stopping.

Shin had decided for now the external quirks he would show to the Yakuza would be Whirlwind, Metal Spikes, and Heal.

Heal was explanatory since he needed to show he could heal people, the reason for Whirlwind was because he already showed it though he would only use it for mobility, and Metal spikes because it was his only offensive quirk that didn't scare people right away since the others could either blow them to pieces, turn them to ash, erase their whole being, or explode their whole body.

Shin also wanted to be underestimated in the future for his offensive qualities since the more lax people were in trying to deal with him the less headaches when it came to planning but this was only when he was still climbing the Yakuza's ladder as he decided once he became the head he would crush everyone with his full might.

Quirks were common nowadays but people born naturally with more than one were uncommon and were usually affiliated with All For One which Shin didn't want for the two to be associated since someone could try and compromise his standing.

In reality Shin wanted a misconception to form where he was born with multiple quirks and then he would go from there.

From the side Shin saw they were getting ready to ambush the cars while most likely wanting to destroy a couple to reduce their numbers.

"Stop the car." Shin ordered and the driver hit the breaks.


This prompted his car to get the most attention as the main focus of the bullets suddenly became him now.


"Wait here." Shin ordered while putting on sunglasses and Arashi closed his mouth.

The bullets reflected and cracked all around the car causing him to wait since unlike him the people inside were not capable of surviving a bullet to the head.

Finally Shin opened the door when he counted it was clear before shutting the door immediately behind while strolling into the center of fire under the gazes of the Yakuza and Tetsu alike.


"Hello everyon-"





The thugs finished reloading their pistols and continued their firing at Shin to which he somewhat expected.

'It looks like the days of villain monologuing are over.' Shin rubbed his chin as the people around him all widened their eyes at the scene.

"How are we all missing!" Someone shouted from the side frustrated at seeing Shin yawn.


Shin didn't use barrier but instead used whirlwind to curve the trajectory of the bullets and the reason lay in the sunglasses.

From an outside perspective he looked relaxed and unwavering showing himself to be exhibiting little effort however in reality his eyes had been moving at insane speeds while using search as well as his faster cognitive speed to survey his whole surroundings to then calculate everything with the help of High Specs.

Every sound, sight, and even smell was accounted for so that Shin could maintain the aura of a calm and relaxed man.

"Can I finish?" Shin asked, seeing the bullets had finally come to a stop.


A bullet sounded from his right causing a shell to zip at Shin's head at intense speeds as the air swirled and pushed all around it making way for the fast projectile.

Shin peaked to his side seeing it fly at his temporal lobe and activated whirlwind immediately after confirming the trajectory.

The bullet was suddenly surrounded by an embrace of wind as it was slowly but forcefully guided upwards much against its wishes.

Shin's hair whisked a little as the bullet traveled directly above his head making a sudden gust to sprawl all around his hair before his strands eventually came to a halt.

"Do you know where you are?" A bald buff guy shouted out gripping a plastic bottle tightly in his hand.

"Yes I do." Shin nodded his head making the bald guy scrunch his eyebrows at his taunting manner.

"Then you know your trespassing in Tetsu terr-"

"I think you don't know where you are." The man's eyebrows twitched at Shin's words.

"You're in Yakuza territory, so in fact you're the one who's trespassing." Shin words made the surroundings thugs chuckle.

"What are the Yakuza going to do?" The man started pulling something out of his back pocket revealing it to be another plastic bottle.

"THE YAKUZA ARE A BUNCH OF WASHED UP OLD MEN!" The man slurred his words though his shout was clear for all to hear as he threw both plastic bottles as they started to glow mid-air.


The bottles exploded in close proximity to Shin as black smoke instantly surrounded his whole area of view.


"Wait, the Doctor wouldn't have stood still if he didn't have something in mind." The driver was about to get out of the car until Arashi stopped him.

Every second that Shin had stepped out of the car, Arashi had been watching and observing every single thing but the thing that stood out the most to him was how calm he could be in this situation.

Seeing him not even flinch at bullets rocketing at him made Arashi know deep down that an exploding plastic bottle wouldn't bother him in the slightest.

Shin didn't wait for the smoke to clear as he rushed out causing some shock to appear on the surroundings faces at his seemingly unharmed appearance.

The smoke forcefully made way at his advance as Shin pushed a metal spike from his hand while reinforcing it before bulking his muscles a couple of times though he compacted them so as not to show any discrepancies with his current appearance.

"Huh?" The man's eyes widened seeing Shin right before him in what seemed like a second and when he looked down it was then when he muttered his words.

Shin put his hand on his chest while ruthlessly pulling back on the metal spike with the other resulting in a heavy flow of blood gushing outwards at the sudden entrance in his body.

Plastic Explosion: Upon contact makes plastic into a deadly explosive and can be detonated upon the users will.

"Should have listened." Those were the last words the man heard as he fell into the deep abyss.

"YAKUZA ATTACK!" Shin's sudden proclamation was met with battle cries.

The 13th division upon seeing Shin's spectacle caused the fighting spirit within them to burst forward as the dead flame that was always lurking in their hearts was instead ignited into a wildfire.

For too long had the Yakuza been spat on and its name been rung through the mud, when Shin made his proclamation a while back it made them skeptical but after seeing him right now it felt like they were watching an immortal general on a battlefield.

The surrounding Tetsu members flinched seeing the 13th division start to overwhelm them and when the prospect of feeling came across their minds it was already too late.

Shin threw his glasses off while propelling himself forward as he flicked his metal spike to the side forcing the blood off of it as a red line formed from splattered blood.

Blood splattered all over Shin as he swung his spike down at the nearby thugs while shooting spikes at those in the distance.

"RETR-" The shout was cut short as a spike ripped through his head leaving the Tetsu members confused at what to do next.

The morale of the Tetsu fell harshly as the spirits of the Yakuza all rose to their peaks, some members even threw their guns to the side and brought out their katanas in an effort to be more efficient in close quarters to cause discourse within the ranks.

The scene that Shin painted consisted primarily of red as he looked over the work he drew after the final members were taken care of.

"Doctor!" Arashi called out, rushing to Shin to grab his attention from the sight he created.

Shin already understood from his anxious words while turning his head over to the side seeing people injured on the brink of death.

Shin didn't hesitate and walked over to the members who were all surrounded by their brothers showing heavy faces.

Everyone knew that in battles there were losses however Arashi didn't want to see his men die like this and held onto the straws given to him by Shin earlier.

"I don't want to die." A man choking up blood spoke, holding out his hand into the sky.

"You won't." Shin appeared at his side grabbing his hand while placing the other on his chest.

Numbing his pain he still saw the scene of this man taking a bullet into his lung resulting in his injury now knowing that he was drowning in his own blood.

The bullet wound closed instantaneously causing the surrounding members to freeze in shock seeing a fatal wound become healthy in an instant.

It was then the name 'Doctor' resounded in all their minds seeing Shin move onto the next fatality injured man.

One by one they all became shocked, even the previously injured men seeing that their own wounds were now healed.

The questioning gazes that haunted Shin started to slowly morph into that of one of respect and curiosity after he showcased his capabilities.

"I'm sorry to say this but none of you can die until the Yakuza reclaims its glory." Shin's words made their heartbeat in anticipation.

The words felt surreal to them however when Shin spoke those few words it sounded like an actual fact, they all grew up hearing of their own organizations greatest in the past but that's all it was, the past.

"YES DOCTOR!" Arashi was the first to shout, causing the others to jolt from their own thoughts.


"Gather ammo from the bodies, we're heading on foot now." Shin announced as the 13th division nodded their heads before proceeding to carry out his orders.

"Is there a problem Doctor?" Arashi walked to Shin's side.

"I still don't understand why that guy didn't blow up our cars when we first arrived." Shin had been thinking partially of this while slaughtering the Tetsu members since it was weird that they wouldn't utilize this guy's quirk for that.

"Maybe he just arrived." Arashi scratched his chin and was also a little confused after thinking about it.

Shin knew that in the end they were just a bunch of people with ill intentions rounded up into a rag tag group but he didn't think they were this unorganized.

"Doctor, do you maybe...…have multiple quirks?" Arashi asked having his curiosity get the better of him once more.

"Yes, and no I'm not related to All For One." Shin wanted to stomp the thought that might appear in Arashi's mind that he and All For One are related instead of letting it sit.

"N-no I did-"

"It's fine I understand how rare it is to see someone with multiple quirks and not relate them to All For One." Arashi inwardly scolded himself seeing Shin's cold eyes at the mention of All For One.

"The man holds no sense of duty and to be honest I would appreciate it if you wouldn't relate me to him in the future." In all honesty Shin didn't care about All For One in the slightest but it didn't mean he wanted the Yakuza to know this.

All For One was obviously a touchy subject in the Yakuza for the sole purpose being that their demise in the underworld was in part because of him.

"I understand, I apologize." Arashi, who knows how touchy All For One is first hand, felt a little remorseful at bringing it up.

"No need to apologize, things like this would've surely come about in the future so I'm glad you brought it up now." Shin turned toward Arashi and smiled at him, giving him some sort of relief.

"Let us set off!" Shin announced and the Yakuza stopped what they were doing to form in front of Shin.


At the Tetsu main base

"You're sure it's the Yakuza." A large man with a long white beard and gray hair known as Ohta took out his cigar and asked.

"Yes boss."

"And it's the 13th division?"

"Yes boss and they killed Chibi." A man adorning brass knuckles known as Renji calmy gave out the information he got from someone who was watching from a distance.

"How many?" Ohta's face became grim after taking another puff of his cigar.


"Only 50?" Ohta immediately raised an eyebrow as that anxious feeling in his stomach quickly extinguished.

"How many did Chibi manage to kill?" Ohta asked again.

"0." Ohta face palmed at this.

"That fucking drunk." Ohta spat out throwing the cigar to the ground.

"How many fucking times have I told that idiot not to drink on duty and now in the end that useless bastard didn't even manage to kill any of them!" The man roared, making the surrounding people flinch.

"Gather everyone that has fighting capabilities while using the others to move the storage to the underground route." The man ordered, causing a corresponding nod.

"And you boss?" Renji asked and the man scoffed.

"It's only the Yakuza, and on top of that it's that worthless division that barely even has fighting quirks." Ohta scoffed once more, making the other people smile at his confidence.

"We'll drive them out of our territory since it's nothing to be afraid of." Ohta announced and like a domino everyone started getting to work.

"Boss but what if-"

"If they defeated Chibi with blue flames then we would have retreated." Ohta sighed, already knowing what would come if he dealt with the blue flame wielder now.

"We have lost a lot of supplies and money thanks to that sudden attack so right now we need to buy time in case we end up being overwhelmed." Ohta wasn't an idiot and after living so long in the underworld he knew a thing or two.

But right now Musutafu was on edge thanks to those flames and Ohta had already been planning to move operations out of Yakuza territory since he needed to regroup more instead of having countless useless conflicts with the Yakuza.

"After this attack we're moving out of the Yakuza territory." Ohta's statement was met with shock from Renji.

"But boss the agreement-"

"The Inawa are just trying to use us but we already used them as much as we could without much drawbacks so after we squash the 13th division we'll move onto the North side of the slums." Ohta had already used the Inawa as much as needed and wanted to expand his operation which meant escaping from their thumb.

"Yes boss." Renji had known Ohta for a long time and trusted him dearly so his acknowledgement was quick.

"AHHHHH!" A blood curdling scream resounded in the distance causing both eyes of the two to focus on it.

"Boss we have a problem!" A man rushed out from the side with some blood splattered on him.

"What is it!" Ohta stood up knowing that something must've happened, making him feel anxious again.

"It's the Yakuza! They brought someone with them!" The man yelled as Ohta's mind went into a frenzy.

"Who?" Ohta asked, rushing over to the door.

"He calls himself the Doctor and-"


Author's Note: I know right now it might seem repetitive but the reasoning will be explained later and by the next two chapters you'll see why so just trust.