
MHA: Monarch

Synopsis Along with the summary Izuku Midoriya was a boy cursed to live a life full of misery and dread. Bullied, isolated, and betrayed by people he thought were friends. The world despised him and hated him due to his misfortune of being quirkless. The young man had his dreams crushed by the one person he admired most in life his hero All Might. Although even through his pain and misery he pushed forward as he strived to be a hero. Though this was not a peaceful world not in the slightest. One faithful day Izuku tried to save the one person who bullied him most and who put him through most of his suffering Katsuki Bakugo, The reason not even Izuku knew “It was as if my body was moving on its own” he would say. Although it ended horribly for the young Izuku it was not the end of his life as he awoke to the surprise of a new power. [You have completed all the necessary requirements of the secret quest 'Courage of the Weak'] Follow Izuku on his journey as he levels himself up to become a better, stronger person one day surpassing All Might himself. A/N: I want to say this before you all hop into the story. The story doesn't immediately jump into Izuku with the system but builds up towards that event. Also, there are changes that were made to the ages of the characters along with the change in the backstory of Izuku and his family. In addition, I want to commemorate and thank Writer Wolfey199 for creating the wonderful story of Solo. Sadly the story was discontinued and abandoned due to the hate gained from some of the readers. I will take it upon myself to create a story that he and all of you can be proud of, This is my first time doing anything like this so tips are acknowledged and appreciated. Lastly, this story will have similar events to the story Solo with some changes as I will be making a new fan fic using the foundation of Solo. Solo Leveling x Boku no Hero Academia. P.S. I will eventually create my own book cover for this fan fic as I don't own the one being used. Canon events will start in chapter two. Enjoy everyone!

Trooper_writer · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Fates Crimson Blood Bond

As Izuku stared up at the monstrous spider, its multiple crimson eyes peered into his soul. The cavernous space seemed to amplify the arachnid's intimidating presence. His mind surged, calculating potential scenarios – from the arachnid lunging in quick succession to patiently waiting for his attack. Dagger held tightly in his right hand, the cold metal felt reassuring against his palm. Blood rushed through his veins, and he exhaled a visible, chilling breath, the frosty air mingling with the tension in the cave. His icy-blue gaze remained unyielding, meeting the arachnid's multiple eyes.

"Even though you are undeniably strong, with a deep chaotic aura, I don't feel that overwhelming pressure...that force capable of making one buckle to the ground in fear or bow in pure terror," Izuku crouched, his body poised like a coiled spring. 'The Blue Poison Fang Rasaka in the station dungeon – a formidable boss with intellect, animalistic instincts, and power, even though it was merely an E-ranked dungeon.' The grip on Izuku's dagger tightened, his knuckles turning white. "In comparison to that monstrous snake, you are unbelievably strong."

"But I'm not scared of your strength; I can hardly feel any pressure emanating from you." With a confident smirk, Izuku voiced, "That means I've grown stronger... strong enough to face a being like you." The spider roared, the cavern responding with tremors. Rocks, debris, and mana crystals fell in chaotic disarray, creating a hazardous environment. Dodging the falling obstacles with agile movements, Izuku's eyes remained fixed on the spider as it secreted a viscous purple liquid from its mouth. With a menacing roar, the arachnid lunged forward, a purple substance dripping from its menacing maw.

'That's definitely poison; I'll need to be exceptionally cautious! My current level is 18, facing off against a formidable C-rank boss...' As Izuku evaded the spider's relentless assault, he jumped forward, initiating a relentless onslaught on the spider's legs and body. His attacks left vivid green and blue streaks inside the cave, a vivid testament to his determination. 'I'm nowhere near experienced enough to wield this dagger proficiently, but it's manageable... Let's use this opportunity for practice!' Izuku's blade left both shallow and deep cuts on the spider's backside as he gracefully moved towards the rear of the cave.

Looking down at his blade, Izuku witnessed the spider roaring in pain, its blood oozing from numerous cuts inflicted by his relentless strikes. Some droplets fell off the dagger's tip, the crimson blood merging with the green ooze of its internal fluids. 'Those attacks worked... well. Rasaka's fang is proving to be a formidable weapon,' Izuku contemplated as he turned his attention back to the spider. His heightened senses flared as he instinctively leaped out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the impact zone as the colossal spider crushed the spot where he stood moments ago, the ground giving way beneath its overbearing weight.

The arachnid, undeterred, commenced spewing out poison in a rapid burst. The purple substance hurtled towards Izuku with lethal intent. Implementing every ounce of his agility, Izuku strained to dodge as many projectiles as possible. Despite his efforts, his left arm suffered a grazing blow, and a system notification promptly appeared.


[The player has been affected by the poison of The Giant Arachnid Buryura. The player will lose 3% HP every second and suffer the status effect nausea.]

The poison-coated arm sparked a burning and grueling sensation, yet Izuku gritted his teeth, allowing only a toothy grin to emerge as he skillfully navigated through the falling debris. The spider, undeterred, lunged back towards him, attempting a venomous bite. However, even amidst the pain, Izuku's reflexes guided him to evade the impending attack, only sustaining minor scrapes on his arms as he gracefully landed on the ground.


[The player's passive ability Longevity cancels the effects of the poison from The Giant Arachnid Buryura.]

The prior burning sensation and pain in Izuku's left arm gradually subsided, replaced by a soothing warmth emanating from the mysterious passive skill – Longevity. 'A passive skill? Longevity? I'll need to delve deeper into these abilities once I leave this accursed dungeon.' Pushing aside these contemplations, Izuku rose from the ground, the remnants of rubble and pebbles cascading off his body. "Out of all the beasts and monsters I've slain thus far, enduring the pain and trials," Izuku stood upright, a triumphant grin adorning his face as he breathed out, "I feel more like a predator hunting prey than a conventional hero." The cave echoed with his resolute declaration.

Crimson eyes locked onto icy blue, and with a charged intensity, they lunged at each other, both filled with the intent to kill.

Izuku swiftly executed a strategic maneuver, leaping over the spider's head and attacking its vulnerable top. The spider retaliated, using its legs to stab at Izuku, but he danced around each strike, narrowly evading the attacks. The spider's legs dug into the floor, creating tremors and cracks. Izuku jumped up, slicing through one of the spider's legs, causing blood to gush out. The leg, however, clung to the inner fluid, blood dripping from the large wound. 'Its skin is pretty tough. If I want to damage it with my dagger, I'll have to dig in even deeper.'

The spider thrust its leg forward like a spear, aiming at Izuku, who retreated. 'It has no blind spots with all those eyes moving in every direction. Eight legs can easily break through the floor and rocks, crushing them like pebbles. Then there's that poison attack from before. However, that skill should help if I'm hit by the poison again. Everything is threatening, but I have to get closer.' With determination, Izuku rushed forward, slicing the top of the spider's head. The blade seeped into its flesh, breaking past the exoskeleton, and blood gushed out, followed by the beast's agonizing yell. Izuku then attacked its back, cutting where he had been landing his attacks. Sweat and blood dripped from his body with each motion. He backflipped, bringing his knife up to protect himself as it slid against the leg, sending sparks flying. A feral grin spread across his face as his eyes returned to their original emerald green.

'How long has this fight been going on? 5 minutes? No, maybe it's been 10 or 15 minutes?' Izuku questioned before jumping backward again, creating distance. 'Damn it!' Izuku felt sluggish as his muscles began to stiffen, his stamina running out. 'I don't have much time left; my stamina is running out the longer this fight draws out. I haven't dealt a lot of damage either...'



'The higher my fatigue is, the slower I become. I need to end this now before I'm too slow to do anything.' Izuku spun the blade around, grabbing it so the edge pointed backward. 'The only way to win this is with that special effect... I need to inflict it on this thing.'

[-Effect 'Paralyze': Attacked foes have a chance to become unable to move.]

[-Effect 'Bleed': Attacked foes lose 1% of their health every 1 second.]

Wasting no time, the spider lunged, and Izuku dashed forward. He glared at the head and eyes before the spider's mouth opened, spewing globs of toxic green liquid. "Shi-" Before he could finish, Izuku jumped as high as he could, avoiding the acid spit that landed on the floor where he stood.

"Acid... of course!" Izuku breathed in, calming himself. "Of course, that poison wasn't all; you hid your trump card." Izuku lowered himself, digging his foot into the rocky floor. 'My time will run out if this goes on any longer. I can't play around. I need to be faster, close the distance with movements even faster than earlier.' Izuku's foot cracked the floor as he dug in deeper, every muscle in his body tensing up. Veins bulged from his legs and arms. "A bit faster!"


[Skill: Sprint was Activated]

[Your movement will be increased by 30%]

Izuku's body blurred into a blue-green mix as he disappeared into a blur, rushing towards the spider. He couldn't give it time to react if he wanted to kill it before it killed him. Izuku put every ounce of strength into his blade, slicing and cutting around the spider's face.

[-Effect: Paralysis has Activated.]

[The enemy's resistance was too high. The effect was canceled]

Izuku gritted his teeth. 'I need to finish this as fast as possible, but I keep missing the critical spots.' He kept moving faster, pushing his body further beyond.


He took a deep breath. 'Faster, I need to be faster.' Gritting his teeth, Izuku attacked again, slicing faster and harder, not giving the spider room to counter. 'A bit more!' Time began to slow for Izuku as his body froze. 'What the?'


Izuku quickly pulled his arms up and blocked the hit as the spider slammed him backward with one of its legs. He groaned, breathing out in a labored gasp, as cracks scattered underneath him. Opening his eyes, he saw the spider's leg coming for him.

In that split instance between life and death, Izuku once more remembered his Daily Quest and the rewards that came with it.

[Reward #1. Status Recovery]

"Status Recovery. Accept." Izuku stated under his breath just as the leg slammed down. The spider roared, attempting to back away, but it was too late. Izuku stood on its face, his dagger embedded into one of its eyes, blood pouring out. He ripped the blade out, kicking through another larger eye.

[Effect: Bleed has Activated.]

Izuku ripped the blade from the creature's eye as both blood and pus began to pour from the now-empty socket. The spider, in its death throes, convulsed violently. It shook its lower body in an unknown pattern, releasing a toxic stream of fluids from its abdomen. A thick, viscous web shot out, ensnaring the surrounding area. The spider then slammed its legs into the ground in a desperate attempt to dislodge Izuku from its lifeless form.

Izuku, anticipating the danger, swiftly cut upwards, tearing through the webbing that descended like a sinister curtain. The severed strands fell onto the spider's body, entangling it further in a grotesque shroud. Undeterred, Izuku resumed his relentless assault, driving his dagger into the remaining eyes of the beast.

The cavern echoed with the creature's anguished screams as Izuku hacked away at its still-twitching form. Blood, pus, and other bodily fluids painted a macabre picture, splattering across Izuku's figure like a gruesome masterpiece. 

[Effect: Bleed has Activated.]

Izuku's attacks relentlessly continued to focus on the eyes of the beast as he carved through the remaining flesh. He moved back to the top of the spider's head, showing no mercy. The upper head began to swell with pressure, blood leaking profusely from every cut and opening. Until, with a sickening explosion, the spider's head burst into a fountain of blood, fluids, and pus.

The spider collapsed backward, its abdomen further impaled by the large rock. The cavern floor was now a chaotic scene of destruction, littered with debris, shattered rocks, and the twisted remnants of the once-formidable arachnid.

In front of the fallen beast, Izuku stood, a vision of horror and determination. Blood-soaked and battered, he clutched his dagger tightly, prepared for any further surprises. The cavern, now silent, seemed to bear witness to the aftermath of this brutal clash.


[You have slain The Giant Arachnid Buryura]

[You have cleared the cavern of the grotesque Queen of the Arachnid]

[Generating rewards...]

Izuku, still catching his breath, gazed upon the fallen creature. The toll of the battle was reflected in his emerald green eyes, a mixture of weariness and triumph. Despite the weariness, the adrenaline still coursed through his veins as he prepared to face the aftermath.

Breathing out calmly, he walked towards the beast, his dagger still clutched tightly within his hand. With more precise strikes, he sliced away at its limbs, salvaging whatever remained from the spider's corpse. A small smile appeared on his face as he observed the three new notifications that emerged in front of him.




With a deep sigh, Izuku muttered, "Thank goodness I didn't accept the daily request reward… today would have surely been my last." His gaze returned to the fallen beast, and he plunged his dagger below its remaining head, curiosity driving him to explore its insides. As the dagger cut through the creature's flesh, a different kind of crystal emerged, distinct from those found in the cave but resembling the crystals within the previous dungeon's beast. 'I wonder if I could sell these… they are one of a kind, those bastards from before planned to do the same.' Izuku scratched his cheek, inadvertently smearing more blood on himself, and extracted the crystal, its once-clear beauty now marred by blood and fluids.

A rattling sound emanated from the spider's abdomen, growing louder as screeches filled the cavern. More than a thousand smaller spiders, sleek and jet-black, burst out from the creature's interior. Their multifaceted eyes reflected a sickly green hue, giving them an otherworldly appearance. Izuku, a mixture of shock and excitement on his face, remarked, "I should have known there would be more after her death. I'll have to do this quickly so I don't use up too much stamina." A smirk played on his lips as he dashed forward in a blur of blue and green, systematically cutting through the spider swarm.

The cavern resounded with chittering and screeching, an eerie symphony of danger as Izuku found himself surrounded by an ever-growing swarm of spiders. The air thickened with the foul stench of their blood, intensifying the atmosphere. Undeterred, Izuku's determination surged, his movements becoming a frenzied dance as he navigated the chaos with unparalleled precision.

His dagger, an extension of his will, sliced through the air, dispatching multiple spiders in a blur of speed. Driven by an instinct to protect their nest, the spiders launched themselves at him relentlessly. Yet, Izuku's agile dodges and calculated strikes turned their ferocious onslaught into a futile endeavor, transforming the cavern into a battleground echoing with their tumultuous clash.

The ground beneath them became slick with the ichor of fallen arachnids, and Izuku's breaths came in ragged gasps. However, the fire in his eyes burned brighter with each passing moment. In the face of overwhelming odds, his unwavering spirit prevailed, and each swing of his dagger became a testament to his unyielding resolve.

As the last spider succumbed to his blade, Izuku stood amidst the carnage, chest rising and falling with the exertion of battle. Covered in blood and viscera, he remained unbowed, a fierce glint in his eyes as he prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. The once-threatening swarm now lay lifeless, forming spreading piles of corpses on the cold cavern floor, blood oozing and dripping, staining the ground in macabre patterns.

Heaving, Izuku cracked his knuckles, meticulously cutting away at the spider corpses, leaving nothing but their blood, the rest stored in his inventory. Returning to the queen's corpse, he continued slicing away at it, placing the pieces inside his inventory. Two notifications emerged in front of him, signaling the culmination of his grueling battle.


[The player has completed the bonus objective: Slay the offspring of the queen; additional rewards will be earned.]

[Generating new assortment rewards...]

Contemplating the notifications, Izuku mused, 'Have there always been bonus quests during these dungeon quests? I wonder what other hidden objectives there are related to this dungeon. But for now, let's just gather these rewards and get out of here. I've been in here for probably an hour or more from just this battle alone.'


[Item: Silken Bounty Pouch]

Item Class: A

Name: Silken Bounty Pouch

Tier: Rare

Type: Special Crafting Material

[This pouch contains the essence of the spider queen's silk, granting it enhanced properties for crafting potent items.]

[Item: Arachnid Swarm Charm]

Item Class: B

Name: Arachnid Charm

Tier: Uncommon

Type: Trinket

Abilities: Summon Arachnid Swarm

[When activated, the charm summons a swarm of a thousand miniature spiders to aid the player in combat for a brief duration. The swarm attacks foes, causing minor poison damage over time.]

[Item: Spider Queen's Nest Egg]

Item Class: C

Name: Queen's Nest Egg

Tier: Common

Type: Consumable

Effect: 'Arachnid Agility': Grants a 20% increase in speed

[A small egg that grants the player a temporary insight into the arachnid world, enhancing perception and agility for a short period. One-time use only.]

[Item: Gold]

[The player gains gold coins exactly 30 pieces]

Izuku smirked at the rewards, storing them in his inventory. "These rewards are interesting. It's a letdown that they're only one-time-use skills, but I can't complain. I'll figure out the best time to use them. For now, let's just get out of here." With a sigh, he made his way towards the entrance, previously blocked by the explosion, prepared to break it down. However, his senses flared up, and he quickly jumped back as the rocks blocking the entrance were blown up by another explosion. "Shit, this place can't take any more of this brutality. It could crumble in on itself. What the hell was that? Those bastards must still be alive. I thought they would have been killed by one of the remaining spiders or trapped within the dungeon."

As Izuku spoke, the eight men he was inside with previously walked into the cave. They saw what remained of the dead boss and the boy they tried to kill waiting for them, covered in blood and pus, as blood stained the ground and rock, crystals, as well as other debris littered the ground, which was cracked and jagged.

"What? The kid's still alive? How the hell did he survive that monstrous beast? The sounds coming from this place alone were horrifying," the flame quirk user spoke up, his voice laced with disbelief as he fixed his gaze on Izuku.

"Is that monster dead?" the leader asked, a hint of suspicion in his tone.

The group murmured among themselves, confusion evident in their voices. "What happened?"

"Did he kill it by himself?"

"That can't be true. There had to have been something else that happened. I refuse to believe he killed that thing!"

"Was that spider just some overgrown beast like the ones before it? No, that thing's presence alone sent a chill down my back. That was no normal being by a long shot," the flame quirk user stated, glaring at Izuku.

"It seems I underestimated you, kid," the leader spoke up, a chuckle escaping his lips. His gaze lingered on Izuku, taking note of the absence of any visible weapon on the blood-spattered teen.

"Hwang, what do we do now?" one of the crew members asked their leader.

"We kill him," Hwang smirked. Izuku lowered his head slightly, a neutral expression masking his thoughts.

'What foolish thoughts…' Izuku held back a glare as he looked up, his face now a mask of composure. "I have a question. Have any of you ever killed a human before?"

The group grinned sinisterly. "Have you?" Each one brandished their own tool or weapon, the leader equipped with a shield.

'What a quirk to be wasted on the likes of you,' Izuku thought, a notification suddenly appearing before him.


[An Emergency Quest Has Been Issued to the Host.]

[Emergency Quest: Kill The Enemies!]

There are entities nearby that intend to 'MURDER' the 'Player.' Slay Them And Ensure Your Safety.

If This Quest Is Not Completed, A Penalty Will Be Issued As A Result.

Enemies Required To Be Killed: 8

Enemies Killed: 0

Izuku's eyes widened in disbelief, his focus oscillating between reading and rereading each message. 'What is this?' Dread filled him as blood rushed through his veins. 'I-'

One of the men wasted no time, launching a fiery assault at Izuku. A scorching burst of flames surged towards him, resembling blazing blades, the air resonating with an ominous hum. The intense heat and crackling sounds filled the cavern, amplifying the danger Izuku faced. The searing inferno aimed to engulf him, leaving little room for evasion.



There are entities nearby that intend to 'MURDER' the 'PLAYER.' Slay them and ensure your safety.

If this quest is not completed, your HEART will STOP.

Enemies Required to be killed: 8

Enemies Killed: 0

Izuku was blasted backward to the opposite side of the room, cuts and burns adorning his skin as his clothes were torn bloody, and scorched. "Hurry, let's get the crystals and get out of here. If this place closes or caves in on itself, we'll die in here," the leader declared as Izuku lay sprawled over broken rocks, his green eyes dull.

'Why, damn it… why…WHY?' Izuku's mind momentarily faltered before revving back to life, a tumult of conflicting thoughts and emotions surging within him. 'Why did I forget?'

'This world…This accursed world is focused on the survival of the fittest more than anything else. They don't care if they have to kill someone to get what they want. They don't care about the blood and bodies that stain their hands.' Izuku's hand curled around the destroyed rocks surrounding him. 'My thinking was wrong until now.' He slowly sat up. 'I mistook home as a safe place.'

Izuku slowly sat up, blood rolling down his face. 'I mistook these dungeons as a safe place. 'He looked at the quest.

'ENEMY.' Izuku didn't feel dread anymore. 'It's forcing me to murder.

If this quest is not completed, your HEART will STOP.

'Kill if you don't want to be killed?' Izuku felt some blood rolling down his face from his forehead. 'Wouldn't it be awkward if I died? This isn't a coincidence, nor goodwill.' Izuku crushed the rock in his hand. 'This is what this power is asking me to do…'

[HP: 1360/2600]

'This system isn't going to make me strong.' Izuku looked at the enemies ahead of him.

"Huh, that guy is alive?" one of the men questioned.

'I saw that it wanted me to be strong. It needs me to be strong... I don't know why, but I'm just some pawn to this system, a person to use for its own needs.' Izuku leaned forward from the pile of broken rocks. "It's great that it's clear," Izuku spoke coldly. "The system uses me, forces me to do whatever it wants, and claims it's for my benefit to help me on my journey to get stronger. And I use the system to gain that strength, to prove to this damn world that I can be something, not a useless heroes who couldn't even save a boy on the verge of death because their quirks weren't suited for the job but a person who can stand above them all." The men were too distracted to pay attention to Izuku as he stood up. The darkness grew around him.

"Hwan, has your skill deteriorated?" His buddy laughed mockingly as his eyes remained fixed on Izuku.

"How embarrassing. He should be able to kill anyone in one shot," another member chimed in, trying to lighten the mood with a tasteless joke. Izuku stood there, silent, absorbing every word.

"Hwan, you should have done it seriously," the leader leaned casually against his friend, trying to brush off the tension.

"I… I guess so," Seiji chuckled nervously, his façade of confidence wavering. 'I definitely put my all into that attack. Was my aim off?' he pondered, feeling a tinge of uncertainty creeping in.

Izuku walked forward, his hair covering his eyes, letting shadows coat his face. "You played around with a person's life, so are you ready to face the consequences?" Izuku asked coldly while stalking toward the eight men.

"What is that bastard saying?" one stood with his arms crossed, no weapon in sight.

"If you've chosen the path of killers," Izuku's gaze turned piercing, his eyes shifting to an intense shade of blue. "Be prepared to become the hunted."

The group fell into an uneasy silence, confronted with the stark reality of an impending 8 vs. 1 confrontation.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him, boss," asserted the user of the sword quirk, his voice laced with confidence as he sauntered over, casually throwing his arm around Izuku's shoulder. The villain, with a smug smirk, lowered himself to Izuku's eye level, while a soft blue light emanated from Izuku's right hand.

"Hm?" the man asked, perplexed, as Izuku wasn't looking at him when he felt something cold against his neck.

With a swift motion, Izuku flicked his wrist forward, and blood sprayed across the floor and in front of him. The air was filled with the sickening sound of splattering blood, and the metallic scent instantly permeated the room. The man's body dropped to the cold floor, convulsing in its final throes as a gargled, unclear word escaped his lips. At that moment, he met his gruesome end, leaving behind only a haunting silence.

"One," Izuku calmly counted off, his voice tinged with gravity, blood dripping from the edge of his dagger.

Enemies Required To Be Killed: 7

Enemies Killed: 1


"What the hell?"

"That bastard, when did he?!"

The group yelled in shock as Izuku calmly walked forward, his dagger at his side, pointing downwards.

"Where did he get the knife!?"

Izuku gripped the handle tighter, his hand turning white as it shook. 'I ended up killing a person... not a monster, a human. Although I can say that the system orders me, it doesn't change the fact that I killed someone. He was going to kill me anyway; why am I so worried?' Izuku looked down at the dead man next to his feet. 'If I don't kill, I will be killed… I can't run away anymore.' He pointed the tip of the blade toward the group. "If only the strong will survive."

Izuku's entire life had been sheltered, but now, standing in the dungeon with his dagger, he felt the weight of his actions. His green eyes burned blue as he glared coldly at the enemies before him.

"I don't know what he just did, but don't let your guard down," the leader tried to stay firm, but the group could see the shadows behind Izuku. "Seiji, give him one more blow." The leader ordered as Seiji lit a massive fire in his hand and attacked. One moment Izuku was in the way of the blast, the next, he disappeared in a blur.

"Your quirk is annoying." Seiji's eyes widened as he stared into cold blue eyes before his body ached and burned, feeling multiple cuts across his body before he couldn't even feel his body as his head rolled, and his vision went black, blood squirting from his neck in small bursts as his body slammed to the ground in his own blood.

The others watched a long-time friend get shredded apart and decapitated, blood spraying everywhere inside the room.

As Izuku swiftly sidestepped the first attacker, his heart pounded with adrenaline in anticipation of the impending clash. The resonance of his sword shattering the floor added a sinister note to the room, heightening the palpable sense of danger. The assailant's world spiraled as a sudden coldness gripped his side, followed by an agonizing surge of pain tearing through his body. His gaze locked onto Izuku's figure, a mix of fear and disbelief clouding his eyes. Before he could comprehend the ordeal, the searing agony of Izuku's dagger piercing his stomach sent shockwaves through his being. A twisted grimace contorted his features as Izuku's hand descended upon his face, crushing his lower jaw with a sickening crunch. Blood spurted forth in a crimson torrent, painting the scene in a macabre display of violence and retribution.

Meanwhile, the second assailant aimed a vicious strike from the side, only to be met with Izuku's deft evasion and swift retaliation. With chilling precision, Izuku deflected the blow and plunged his blade into the man's throat, holding him in a vice-like grip. A small frown etched itself onto Izuku's face as he observed the man's futile struggle, a silent witness to the harrowing spectacle unfolding before him. The man convulsed violently, coughing up blood while tears and mucus streamed uncontrollably from his eyes and nose – a visceral testament to the sheer brutality of the encounter. Muffled pleas for mercy escaped his lips amidst gurgling sounds, begging for salvation from an inevitable fate.

In a final act of merciless resolve, Izuku crushed the man's arm with relentless force before severing his head in one swift motion. The sickening thud of flesh hitting the ground echoed through the cave, marking the brutal culmination of an unforgiving confrontation.

Izuku then turned his attention to the rest of the group, dashing forward, dodging their attacks while slicing their bodies.

"I-I can't move... My body won't move!" One man screamed.

"Is it his quirk!? I thought this place was his quirk!?"

"That son of a bitch!"

The three that screamed suddenly convulsed and bled as blood poured from every pore.

[Effect: Bleed Has Activated]

[Effect: Paralysis Has Activated]

[Effect: Paralysis Has Activated]

Each one let out a scream before Izuku killed them one by one.

"Th-there all dead!?" The leader said with dread and rage. "You bastard, you were hiding your skills!"

"You saw what remained of that boss I killed," Izuku walked closer, only stopping a few feet away from the man.

Enemies Required to be killed: 1

Enemies Killed: 7

"I didn't expect all those bastards to be defeated," the leader glared harder at the green-haired man. Izuku watched as the shield turned red. "Takeshi, you're fierce and strong," Izuku stated in a bland and neutral tone. "But there's one thing you don't know." Izuku's hand grabbed the man's face before slamming Takeshi backward into the floor, making a shockwave of broken rock fly. "I'm always leveling up ceaselessly."

Takeshi stared up at cold blue eyes, remembering the bright green eyes when they first met. He felt terror in his heart as he started coughing. 'W-what just happened?' Takeshi was left on the floor, sprawled out. 'Did he just slam me into the ground?' Takeshi stared up at the shadows that covered Izuku's face. Only the cold blue glow of his eyes could be seen. Izuku's dagger was at his side, ready for the last kill. "W-wait! D-Don't kill me!" Takeshi knelt on the floor. "Spare me! I-I'll give you money! You can have all the crystals here and whatever else; I'll give you anything, whatever your heart desires," The man begged as tears poured from his eyes.

"Three times," Izuku tilted his head to the side. "Are you asking for forgiveness from someone you tried to kill three times?" Blood was still pooling out of Izuku's forehead and down his face to his neck.

"S…stop it!" Takeshi screamed. "You, do you think you will get away with this?!"

"No one will know what happened here. It's my quirk after all," Izuku stared down at the man with indifference.

In a fit of rage, Takeshi screamed out, "YOU BASTARD!" His voice reverberated through the air, filled with raw emotion and fury. But Izuku paid no heed to his words. With a swift and calculated movement, he returned his dagger to inventory before driving his arm straight through Takeshi's chest. The sickening sound of flesh tearing and bones cracking filled the room as Izuku's arm pierced through Takeshi's body, crushing his heart in a single brutal motion.

Blood gushed forth from Takeshi's chest and mouth, painting the surroundings in a macabre display of crimson. Takeshi's eyes, wide with sheer horror and disbelief, bore witness to his own demise as life drained from his body. The pure terror etched on his face served as a haunting testament to the brutality of the act that had unfolded before him.

As Takeshi's cold crimson blood pooled beneath him, staining the floor in a grotesque tableau, Izuku callously shook off the splatters from his hand, an unsettling display of indifference amidst the carnage he had wrought.

"My clothes became a mess again." Izuku stared down at his dirty jacket; which was covered in burn marks and blood as well as pus and other fluids. "Plus, with my body growing, they don't fit anymore. I guess I'll need to buy new clothes." Izuku looked around the room before stepping over the bodies and leaving. The entire dungeon started to shake and crumble. 'The dungeon is closing… time to leave.' Izuku followed the route back to the portal.

As Izuku walked over the lifeless bodies of the defeated men, he meticulously gathered and stored all the crystals scattered throughout the dungeon into his inventory. The dim glow of the loot filled his virtual interface, a visual representation of his triumph. With a decisive motion, he retrieved the last remaining [Low-Tier Life Potion] from his inventory, the cool glass vial clinking softly. Raising it to his lips, he drank deeply, and a surge of rejuvenating energy coursed through him, mending his wounds and boosting his health by 300 points.

As the warmth of the potion spread through his virtual form, a notification materialized before Izuku, prompting him to choose his rewards for completing the Emergency Quest.

Quest Reward

"Emergency Quest: Kill The Enemies'

Completion Conditions Have All Been Met

Choose Your Rewards

Reward #1. Status recovery

Reward #2. Experience points +10

Reward #3. Skill: 'Bloodlust'

Will You Accept Your Rewards?


Izuku's gaze lingered over the options presented to him, and a thoughtful expression played across his face. He pondered the potential uses of each reward, considering the implications for his journey. As he silently contemplated, he voiced his inner thoughts, "These rewards are intriguing, but some seem less valuable at the moment. Specifically, the Status recovery is redundant for me as I've already used my daily reward for recovery. I can simply use the healing potion in my inventory; though it might not be as potent, it's preferable to wasting a reward on redundant healing. While the experience points to enhance my abilities are tempting—extremely so—I've decided to choose the 'Bloodlust' skill. I'm uncertain when I'll have the chance to acquire a similar skill, or if one even exists. I don't want to miss this opportunity; I can always focus on leveling up to gain more experience points in the future." I already have three more from killing the boss so I should be good."

With that said, he made his decision, "The 'Bloodlust' skill," he affirmed.


[The host has chosen the skill 'Bloodlust.']

The system promptly displayed the description of the newly acquired skill:

[Skill: Bloodlust]

Type: [Active]

Bloodlust Lv.1

Usage requirement: 100 Mana required for use

[Harnessing a dark and potent energy, Bloodlust induces an overwhelming aura of dread in the chosen target. The afflicted individual is plunged into a gripping state of fear, an unsettling experience that permeates their very being for a duration of 1 minute. The shadows cast by Bloodlust enshroud the minds of those affected, instilling an unshakable terror that reverberates through every fiber of their being.]

Effect 'fear': All Stats -50%

Reading over the details of the skill description, Izuku felt a sinister satisfaction with his choice. The newfound ability, Bloodlust, promised a mastery over fear, a potent tool to manipulate the minds of his adversaries. As he mentally prepared for what lay ahead, he turned away from the macabre aftermath of the dungeon room and took his first steps towards the exit.

However, just as he approached the threshold, a notification materialized before him, demanding his attention once again.


The host has completed the dungeon. Does the host wish to leave?

All items not collected will be lost forever.

If the host does not select an option within a certain amount of time, he will be forcibly ejected out of the dungeon.


Reading the system's notification, Izuku's gaze shifted from the blood-stained clothes and hands to the grim aftermath of the choices he had been forced to make. The weight of the encounters and the lives extinguished in the dungeon lingered in the air. Exhaling a tiered sigh that carried the burdens of his actions, he uttered softly, "Yes, I am ready to leave."

His answer seemed to trigger a cascade of events as the surroundings began to disintegrate, transforming into swirling blue pixels. In an instant, Izuku was ejected from the eerie realm of the dungeon, returning to the tangible reality he had momentarily left behind.

As Izuku emerged from the portal, he found himself in the fading light of the setting sun, casting an orange glow over the constructed building. The portal shuttered and disappeared behind him, leaving no trace of the intense battle that had just taken place. Glancing around, Izuku noted the eerie stillness, a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded moments ago.

The green-haired adventurer shifted his attention upward, observing the darkening sky. A cool breeze swept through, carrying with it a sense of relief. It was a moment of respite after the intense dungeon encounter.

Bringing out his phone from his inventory, Izuku checked the time. The digital display read 2:24, and a breath escaped him. " "A few minutes later than expected, but considering the events in the dungeon, it's not surprising. My body's still a bit sore even after drinking with that poison earlier." He muttered to himself.

As he began walking toward the gate, a sudden gust of wind rustled the surroundings. His senses heightened as he detected an incoming threat. Reacting on instinct, Izuku deftly dodged the first punch, but a swift second blow connected with his side, catching him off guard. 'Damn it, I couldn't react in time; my body's a bit sore from earlier.' With that realization, Izuku grunted, and the same hand followed through with a sharp slap, inexplicably causing his body to float.

Weightless and caught off guard, Izuku instinctively grabbed the gate to prevent himself from floating away. His gaze fell upon a girl with hazel eyes and brown hair. She wore a utility jacket, adorned with construction dust, and earmuffs hung around her neck—a silent testament to the deserted scene.

As Izuku struggled to make sense of the unexpected encounter, the intensity emanating from the girl was palpable. Gathering his composure, he spoke up,

"Can you explain to me why you would punch a random person and then make them float?"

Despite the floating sensation, he observed the hazel-eyed girl, now recognized as Ochaco Uraraka, her eyes burning with an unspoken rage.

"What are you doing on my family's property!?" Ochaco's voice erupted in anger, her fist clenched with determination.

Inwardly, Izuku sighed. 'Oh, that's right, the daughter of the Uraraka family. Ochaco Uraraka.' His mind supplied the information. Before he could finish his thought, a massive boot crashed against his chest, sending him sprawling to the floor. As Ochaco loomed over him, demanding answers with an intensity that mirrored a determined demon, Izuku met her hazel eyes. The realization dawned that navigating the aftermath of the dungeon might prove as challenging as the dungeon itself.

"Well, this is going to be complicated," he thought, bracing himself for the conversation that was about to unfold.

"I hope you all enjoyed this chapter where we finally meet Ochaco. Apologies for not having a chapter last week; I was overwhelmed with school and had to prepare for a U.S. History test. Despite the challenges, I pushed myself to bring you the next chapter, and I really hope you all enjoyed it. Look forward to the next chapter next week. See you all soon, trooper out!"

Trooper_writercreators' thoughts