
MHA: Monarch

Synopsis Along with the summary Izuku Midoriya was a boy cursed to live a life full of misery and dread. Bullied, isolated, and betrayed by people he thought were friends. The world despised him and hated him due to his misfortune of being quirkless. The young man had his dreams crushed by the one person he admired most in life his hero All Might. Although even through his pain and misery he pushed forward as he strived to be a hero. Though this was not a peaceful world not in the slightest. One faithful day Izuku tried to save the one person who bullied him most and who put him through most of his suffering Katsuki Bakugo, The reason not even Izuku knew “It was as if my body was moving on its own” he would say. Although it ended horribly for the young Izuku it was not the end of his life as he awoke to the surprise of a new power. [You have completed all the necessary requirements of the secret quest 'Courage of the Weak'] Follow Izuku on his journey as he levels himself up to become a better, stronger person one day surpassing All Might himself. A/N: I want to say this before you all hop into the story. The story doesn't immediately jump into Izuku with the system but builds up towards that event. Also, there are changes that were made to the ages of the characters along with the change in the backstory of Izuku and his family. In addition, I want to commemorate and thank Writer Wolfey199 for creating the wonderful story of Solo. Sadly the story was discontinued and abandoned due to the hate gained from some of the readers. I will take it upon myself to create a story that he and all of you can be proud of, This is my first time doing anything like this so tips are acknowledged and appreciated. Lastly, this story will have similar events to the story Solo with some changes as I will be making a new fan fic using the foundation of Solo. Solo Leveling x Boku no Hero Academia. P.S. I will eventually create my own book cover for this fan fic as I don't own the one being used. Canon events will start in chapter two. Enjoy everyone!

Trooper_writer · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Echoes of Clashing Realities

The following morning, Izuku stirred from his sleep with a hearty yawn, his unruly mop of green hair a wild tangle. The room, shrouded in a gentle darkness, only illuminated by traces of sunlight filtering through the window, presented a peaceful start to the day. Shaking off the remnants of sleep, Izuku groggily rose from the bed, anticipating the arrival of the daily quest window. Soon enough, the quest emerged, appearing in front of him.


[Daily Quest: Preparations to become powerful]

Push-up, 100 times: incomplete (0/100)

Sit-up, 100 times: incomplete (0/100)

Squats, 100 times: incomplete (0/100)

Running, 10 km: incomplete (0/10)

*Warning: incomplete of Daily Quest will result in appropriate levels of punishment.

Ignoring the daily quest, Izuku headed to the bathroom, where he diligently brushed his teeth. Gazing at his reflection in the mirror, he couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in his physique – the increase in height and the absence of fat on his face. Running his fingers across his cheek, he muttered, "My body really is changing rapidly."

Completing his morning routine, he glanced towards the shower, reminiscing about not taking one the night before due to exhaustion and his mother using it. Deciding he could freshen up later, he turned his attention to the daily quest hovering beside him. "I'll tackle it once I make it to school. Should be able to knock it out with our gym exercises," he mused before stepping into the shower.

Post-shower, Izuku donned his school uniform, feeling a hint of annoyance at the prospect of another day at school. Despite the reluctance, he suited up and gathered his belongings, leaving them neatly arranged on his bed. Checking the time, he noted he still had about 15 minutes before he needed to leave.

Making his way to the kitchen, he found no sign of his mom. "Is she still sleeping?" he wondered aloud. His eyes fell on the note with the medical bills circled, prompting him to head to his mother's room. Hearing her sound asleep, he smiled, acknowledging that she deserved the rest.

"Mom, I'm heading to school now," he softly said, bending down to give her another gentle kiss on the forehead. "Take your time; you need the rest. Love you." With that, he left the room, heading back to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast as well as prepare himself food for lunch. Ever since he started working out for his quests, he needed to eat more, so he created a somewhat diet for himself.

Returning to the kitchen, he prepared a quick meal, grabbing some fruit, making toast, and pouring a glass of orange juice, along with an assortment of foods for lunch. As he ate, thoughts swirled in his mind. "I wonder if there's anything more I can do to help her," he pondered, contemplating the financial burden on his mother.

His gaze drifted to the note once more. "Maybe I should talk to her about it, see if there's anything I can do. It's not just her fight; it's ours." Determined, he finished his breakfast, jotting a note for his mom that he was off to school. Placing it on the fridge, he cast one last look at the circled medical bills, whispering, "I'll find a way to help, Mom. I promise." As he finished his meal, he cleaned up the kitchen, leaving everything tidy for his mom. Gathering his belongings, he headed out the door, feeling the warmth of the sun caressing his skin.

As Izuku neared the school, thoughts raced through his mind. 'Strange, normally Bakugo and his lackeys would still be outside. Well, they're probably inside already. I wonder how he is after the attack.' Shaking his head to clear those thoughts, Izuku continued to walk, pondering his options. 'Maybe I can convince the quirkiest principal to give me the exit exam early and just leave school… I really don't feel like dealing with the bullshit today...'

Abruptly stopping short of the doors, an idea struck Izuku like a bolt of lightning. 'That's it. I should have done this years ago.' He huffed into the school, heading straight for the office, passing onlookers. Many students stared, confusion evident on their faces, and a common thought echoed through their minds, "Is that a new student?"

Izuku was accustomed to the attention but quickly deciphered what they were saying. Thanks to his enhanced senses, courtesy of his increased stats in Sense, he could pick up on conversations and whispered speculations.

The whispers and comments buzzed around Izuku as he walked through the school corridors.

"Who is that?" a student asked aloud.

"I have no clue, is someone transferring in?" The student next to him replied.

"He's pretty cute," a timid girl uttered softly.

"Wonder if he likes blonds," a short girl with mid-length blond hair said, glancing at her friend as they observed Izuku.

"Who the hell does this asshole think he is?" An average-sized guy with short hair and brown eyes voiced his irritation.

Izuku rolled his eyes, dismissing the comments as he continued walking. The occasional stares and whispers were nothing new to him, but today was different. He had a plan in mind that could change everything.

Entering the office, Izuku saw the only person in this school to ever show him true love and kindness as she typed away at her computer. She was a bit on the older side; however, her beauty was by no means hidden. Deep, curly hair reached to her shoulders, matching her eyes. Her skin was tanned, resembling chocolate. As Izuku looked at her, he smiled, greeting her with a familiar warmth. "Hello, Mrs. Sung," Izuku grinned, a customary expression whenever he saw her. She looked up at the sound of his voice, and her jaw slightly dropped, pausing from her typing. "M-Midoriya… is that you?" Mrs. Sung exclaimed with a look of surprise and astonishment, standing up from her chair, hands on the desk, staring in disbelief.

"O-of course, who else would I be? I know I've been gone for a while, but I didn't think you'd forget about me," Izuku joked, his cheeks coloring slightly as her reaction caught him off guard. She worried about him, much like his mother, checking on him whenever she saw him in school or during their talks. Mrs. Sung chuckled a warm sound that filled the room.

"I could never forget about you, Midoriya. You're like a ray of sunshine in this school," she said with a fond smile, a glint of pride in her eyes.

Izuku, still blushing, scratched the back of his head. "Well, I'm glad to be back. I missed you, Mrs. Sung."

Her eyes softened, and she patted his shoulder gently. "I missed you too, dear

As Mrs. Sung's gaze lingered on him, she suddenly remarked, "Have you been working out or something?" She scrutinized Izuku for an uncomfortable amount of time, prompting him to cough to divert her attention.

"Uhm…a little bit" Izuku shrugged, adjusting his bag. "Well anyway Now, why have you come?" 

"I wanted to speak with the principal. Is he in his office?"

Izuku's uniform was a snug fit, and he couldn't button his jacket anymore, so he left it open. Luckily, the white shirt underneath was big enough to accommodate his body, feeling almost like a compression shirt for workouts.

"Why, yes. He is indeed in today. I will go and notify him of your arrival," Mrs. Sung said, heading toward the principal's office. After a while, she returned, telling Izuku, "You may go in now." She pointed to the door, and Izuku smiled, bowing.

"Thank you." Izuku opened the door, revealing the principal behind the big desk, casually eating an apple. The middle-aged man had graying hair and a mustache, giving him a distinct appearance. Students often mistook him for having a pig mutation quirk due to his looks.

"How may I help you, young man?" The principal smiled, a rarity in Izuku's experience. 'That's not normal. At all,' Izuku thought as he cleared his throat.

"Um… I would like to take the final exams early so I can get out of your hair, sir. I would see it as a benefit to both of us if I were able to graduate sooner, by any chance," Izuku swallowed dryly as he met the principal's gaze.

"Sorry, but what's your name again, young man?" The principal asked, still not recognizing him.

"Midoriya Izuku, sir?" The pig-like principal's jaw dropped as he released his grip on his apple, his eyes fixed on the boy – no, man – standing before him. "Two weeks ago, this kid was as skinny as a toothpick, and now he looks better than most of the gym rats in this school."

"M-Midoriya!? It can't be. What in the…?" The principal squealed in disbelief. "No way that is you!"

"Um, yeah… it's me, sir," Izuku replied, rubbing his neck while averting his gaze. The principal continued to stare, taking in the sight of the emerald green eyes and freckles adorning both cheeks. He noticed the absence of Izuku's usual stutter and neck-rubbing habit. It was almost unbelievable.

"Why do you want to take the test early?" the principal asked, attempting to regain his composure.

"I just think it would be better for everyone if I graduate and get out of here as soon as possible. You won't have to deal with me anymore, and neither will the teachers. Katsuki Bakugo would leave me alone, and there would be no more distractions in your school," Izuku explained with a polite smile, hoping the principal would grant his request.

"Hmmm. That does sound good, and even if I want to deny this, you have amazing grades. So, come here after school. I will have your test ready and maybe your diploma as well," the principal said with a creepy smile.

"Thank you, principal," Izuku replied as he bowed. "I will see you after school." With that, Izuku left the office, shutting the door softly behind him. A massive grin spread across his face as he relaxed. 'It worked; he really agreed.' Izuku thought as he breathed out a sigh of satisfaction and relief.

As he made his way through the empty hallways towards his homeroom, Ms. Sung waved at him from her desk, pointing at the counter near the door to indicate a late pass for him. He grabbed it and bowed five times before leaving.

Upon reaching his homeroom, Izuku knocked softly on the wooden door. 'Hopefully, this is the last time I ever walk through these doors,' he murmured to himself.

Izuku cautiously turned the doorknob, letting the door creak open slowly. The eyes of his classmates followed his every move, an unspoken tension in the air. "Sorry, I'm late," he mumbled, almost apologetically, as he handed the teacher the late pass.

The teacher, a stern figure with a no-nonsense demeanor, shot him a disapproving look before accepting the late pass. Izuku could feel the weight of the gazes from his peers, whispers, and hushed comments brushing against his ears. He made his way toward his desk, a worn-out piece of furniture with peeling paint, chipped sides, and legs that seemed on the verge of giving up. The insults and threats carved into the desk were like scars, a testament to the unforgiving environment of the school.

Sighing, he took a moment to gather himself. His gaze fell on a peculiar sight – eight red spider lilies delicately arranged on his desk. Those flowers, symbols of remembrance for the departed, stood out against the bleak backdrop of his desk's harsh reality. With a gentle touch, he moved the flowers to the corner, a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken tribute.

As he settled into his seat, a classmate couldn't resist the urge to break the silence, "Midoriya, back from the dead?"

Izuku offered a wry smile, "More like resurrected from a long break."

Another classmate chimed in, "You look different. Been hitting the gym or something?"

He chuckled, "You could say that. A lot has changed."

The teacher, deciding it was time to resume the lesson, cleared his throat and began discussing the day's topics. Izuku, however, found himself lost in thought, contemplating the intricacies of returning to a place that held a mix of memories – both bitter and sweet.

As time passed, they eventually reached the gym class – an intriguing experience, to say the least. In the locker room, as Izuku was getting dressed alongside the other boys, a silent tension hung in the air. All eyes, even Bakugo's, were fixed on him, confusion and anger etched on their faces. Izuku's physique clearly stood out among them, a testament to his disciplined routine. The cold glares from his peers were met with indifference, as he considered them unworthy of his attention.

Exiting the locker room, Izuku opted for some light stretches before deciding to tackle his daily quest, knowing he wouldn't be picked for any team games. He headed to the track, aware of curious glances from some students, but he paid them no mind. Push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and a 10km run were on the agenda, a routine ingrained in his daily quest.

Mid-workout, Izuku couldn't resist checking his stat screen. "My muscles grew… there's no way that my physical state changed after exercising for just a few weeks. So it definitely means that my status affects my body," he pondered, biting his tongue to stifle his musings. "Since I kept increasing my strength stat, my body's probably changing accordingly," he concluded, eyes fixed on the stat sheet.


Name: Midoriya Izuku Level: 18

Job: None Fatigue: 3

Title: Wolf Slayer

Hp: 2220/2220

Mp: 379/379

 Strength: 48 Vitality: 27

 Agility: 27 Intelligence: 28

 Sense: 27

 Remaining Points: 12 

As Izuku sighed, contemplating his stat distribution, he pondered, "Maybe I put too many points in strength… What happens if I keep putting points in?" His gaze shifted towards one of the school's renowned gym rats, a massive bodybuilder type. Izuku's eyes dulled, and he shook his head. "Hopefully not that." Unaware of the onlookers, he powered through well over 100 push-ups. "Since the synergy between strength and agility is good, I'll put some into that… Health is better the higher it gets, and sense is more useful than I imagined." He looked over toward the intelligence stat and said, "As of right now, I'll prioritize strengthening the other stats till I get a need to increase intelligence."

With a quick hop, he stood up, stretching his legs. Unfazed, he turned away, walking to the track, oblivious to the fact that most of the guys were now face down, panting, and holding their arms in exhaustion as some of their arms were shaking.

"what the hell is he?" One student question.

"A freak... that's what. Another student spoke out.

"Did that loser finally get his sorry ass a quirk after that stupid stunt he pulled a few days back?" Another one chimed in.

The air buzzed with hushed comments as the students observed Izuku's seemingly superhuman feats. However, one student stayed silent, glaring at Izuku – Bakugo. He watched the boy he used to bully every day transform into a machine, muscles working seamlessly as he ran faster than anyone in the school, some even with slight speed quirks. Izuku's breath didn't even falter. Bakugo clenched his fists, small explosions sparking within them. He couldn't forget the recent villain incident.

A screech from the villain rang out as Bakugo's face was being freed from the creature. Getting closer, Izuku desperately tried to pry away the thick, slimy mass that held Bakugo.

"Why are you here?!" Bakugo demanded, frustration evident in his voice.

"My body moved on its own! I don't know why!" Izuku replied frantically, continuing to pull.

As Izuku struggled to rip away the sludge that threatened to smother Bakugo again, Bakugo watched his every move. Anger and rage brewed inside him. The kid with no quirk, the pitiful loser who kept believing in a dream he could never achieve, was trying so damn hard to save him – a boy blessed with a strong quirk. Thoughts churned in Bakugo's mind, and despite the anger, he felt something else – a hint of guilt.

Looking at Izuku now, Bakugo asked one question, "What the hell happened to you, Deku?"

Izuku scrutinized his status window, contemplating where to allocate his points. After careful consideration, he decided to put 2 points into strength, bringing it to 50, 8 points in Agility, increasing it to 35, and 2 points in Sense, making it 28, leaving intelligence at 28. "I guess this should be fine for now," Izuku said, perking up, only to encounter someone in his way. Without hesitation, he leaped over the obstacle and continued running, determined to complete his daily quest, needing just another kilometer to finish. His legs propelled him forward without pause.

Meanwhile, Bakugo growled as he watched Izuku effortlessly clear the obstacle. Observing Izuku running around the track, seemingly lost in his thoughts and oblivious to the fact that he had just jumped over some student, Bakugo exclaimed in frustration, "What the hell?"

Soon, the class came to an end, and the boys all made their way back to the locker room. As Izuku and the rest found themselves in the locker room, gazes fixated on him varying from anger, surprise, and confusion danced in the eyes of his peers. Bakugo, while putting his clothes back on, replayed everything Izuku did in the gym and the recent villain attack in his mind. His fists clenched unknowingly, sparks flaring out.

Unperturbed by the stares, Izuku prepared to leave. However, mutters and words started to flow from some of the boys in the locker room. As Bakugo heard them, his anger flared up, and he yelled at the others. The boys instinctively stepped back, but Izuku met Bakugo's gaze with cold, emotionless eyes.

Bakugo's voice sliced through the charged air, a volatile blend of anger and frustration. "What's with those damn eyes, Deku?" he sneered.

Emotions surged within Bakugo, and a tense silence gripped the room as he continued, each word a cutting edge. "You changed. You're different from that loser before. Those eyes... they mock me like I'm some insect in your eyes, like I'm lesser than you." The intensity of his feelings rose, and memories of their shared history played vividly in his mind, recalling the same look Izuku gave him once before, back when Bakugo and his lackeys beat him in an alleyway. Those eyes, those cold blank eyes from that alleyway incident fueled the turmoil within him.

Overwhelmed by emotions, Bakugo lashed out at Izuku. Sparks and explosions erupted from Bakugo's palm as he unleashed his pent-up frustration. Fear flickered in Izuku's eyes, but his determination did not falter. Bakugo attempted to launch an attack, but with swift movements, Izuku dodged it. Seizing the moment, Izuku, with calm resolve, grabbed Bakugo by his shirt, pinning him to the lockers with a thud. Izuku's voice cut through the tension. "Bakugo, you're the one who's changed. You used to be someone I looked up to, someone I used to call a friend, but after you gained that quirk, all I see now is someone consumed by anger and superiority. I won't let you belittle me anymore. Now, what do you want, Bakugo?"

With those words, Izuku's grip tightened on Bakugo's shirt, the locker room buzzing with a mixture of shock and surprise. The other boys watched the unfolding confrontation, unsure of what would happen next.

Amid the murmurs, one boy asked, "Did Midoriya just call Bakugo by his last name?" Another nodded, and they all fixated on the intense scene. Bakugo, fueled by resurging anger, snarled and declared, "I saw that split second, for a split second, you felt fear – fear of me." A smirk adorned Bakugo's face as he locked eyes with Izuku. "You may have changed and gained some quirk, but you're still that loser, that weak Deku from before."

Hearing this, Izuku's eyes glowed a deep icy blue before he smirked right back at Bakugo. "You say I'm still the same weak Deku from before, yet you're the one pinned to a locker, mouthing empty words."

Bakugo's anger surged like molten lava, ready to erupt. He was prepared to unleash a biting retort, but Izuku's grip unexpectedly weakened. Bakugo felt the pressure release, and he was free. Confused by this sudden change, he watched as Izuku said something, his words cutting through the charged air, indifferent to the boiling rage and frustration emanating from Bakugo.

Izuku walked away with measured steps, each footfall echoing in the tense silence. The locker room held its breath as the sounds of the other boys' hushed voices filled the space, a symphony of confusion and speculation.

Just before Izuku disappeared from view, Bakugo couldn't resist letting out one last barb. His voice, sharp as a blade, sliced through the lingering tension. "Don't think for a second that this changes anything, Deku! You're still a worthless loser!" The words hung in the air, a parting shot filled with resentment and unresolved animosity.

As Izuku exited the locker room, the lingering reverberations of that split second, the unintentional fear he had revealed, clung to him. The hallway stretched ahead, bathed in the soft glow of flickering fluorescent lights, lined with lockers. Clenching his fists, he navigated to the next class, indifferent to the curious onlookers' lingering glances and whispers. The rest of the day blurred into a backdrop of noise, conversations, and footsteps melding into a background hum.

After school, Izuku found himself once again in the austere setting of the principal's office. The room exuded an air of authority, adorned with dark wooden furniture, and carried a faint scent of aged paper from the numerous books lining the shelves. Two teachers flanked the imposing figure of the principal, each with stern expressions and stacks of papers in hand. The teachers, dressed in professional attire, bore the unmistakable aura of educators accustomed to maintaining order. Their watchful eyes hinted at shared curiosity about the unusual circumstances.

"Midoriya, you're here for your early graduation test," the principal announced, breaking the silence.

Izuku nodded, his response measured. "Yes, sir. I'm ready."

The principal handed Izuku two stacks of neatly organized papers, setting the stage for the final exam.

"You have 2 hours, no cheating," the principal declared with a smile concealing a deeper intention.

"Understood," Izuku replied, his voice steady.

Approaching the exam with focused determination, Izuku sensed an undercurrent of anticipation in the room. The atmosphere carried the weight of the teachers observing the student they were expelling.

In just Under an hour, Izuku completed the test, the room steeped in tense silence. He meticulously reviewed his answers and, with a confident nod, handed the completed exam back to the principal.

"Very well, Midoriya. We will review your results and let you know soon," the principal said, offering a cryptic smile.

The principal handed the papers to the teachers, and they graded them quickly. Their eyes kept drifting back to Izuku, who observed them not making a single mark on the test. Izuku sat quietly and waited, his gaze fixed on the teachers as they finished and stared at the principal.

"He passed," they spoke simultaneously. Izuku breathed out in relief.

"Well then, Mr. Midoriya, congratulations. Here you go," the principal said, handing Izuku a diploma with the school seal and his signature.

"It was a pleasure learning under you, sensei," Izuku lied but held the diploma tightly. "Have a wonderful life." Snatching his bags from the floor, Izuku left the pig-like principal's stained office once and for all. Now, he could start looking for dungeons since he was out of school.

With that, Izuku left the office with an air of quiet assurance, the door closing behind him with a muffled thud. As he made his way home, he opted for a shortcut through an alleyway, unaware that this path would lead to an unexpected confrontation with Bakugo.

Izuku stared down at Bakugo, a sensation of newfound height in his favor. The growth was apparent, and Izuku couldn't help but think inwardly, 'I guess I did grow some.' Suppressing a chuckle, he restrained himself, not wanting to provoke Bakugo any further. When Bakugo questioned him, Izuku met his gaze calmly.

"What do you want, Bakugo?" Izuku inquired, maintaining composure as Bakugo approached, jabbing his finger against Izuku's chest.

Bakugo's frustration bubbled up, and he demanded answers. "What the hell happened to you, Deku?"

Izuku didn't flinch, responding calmly, "I just started working out after that day, nothing more, nothing less." He reached up, rubbing his neck, and added, "Why do you even care? You never cared back then when you beat me to a bloody pulp. What's with the change? Is it because of this?" Izuku gestured towards his body. "Is it because I'm different? No, it can't be. I've always stood apart from the rest of you – quirkless in a world where quirks reign supreme, in a society where one's worth is measured by the power they possess."

Bakugo looked at Izuku, his emotions shifting as he diverted the topic to the villain incident. "Back then, I didn't ask for your help. I never asked for a quirkless nerd like you to come and help me. Look where helping a quirk user like me got you? The damn hospital, dumbass! I thought you died."

As Bakugo's emotions flared, a small sense of guilt crept up inside him once more. He continued, "Give up being a damn hero. Like you said this is a world where quirks reign supreme. This is no life for a quirkless like you Deku!"

Bakugo grabbed Izuku's school uniform, and in response, Izuku grabbed him by the shirt. Breaking Bakugo's grip, Izuku shoved him back, stating, "I helped you not because I wanted to save you. I helped you because my body moved on its own to save a person in need. If you were to die that day, your mother would never be the same. Your family would have crumpled to ashes, only to be brushed away by the cold winds of depression."

Izuku, tears in his eyes, continued, "Even though you would beat and ridicule me, causing scars and burns, making me lie to my mother, hiding the pain and sadness, I wanted to die. I wanted to escape it all, just like you said before, that I should take a damn swan dive off the roof and end it all. But even through all that, my body decided to help you, one of the people who hurt me the most."

His eyes now shining a deep icy blue, Izuku spoke again, "But hey, I guess you got one of your wishes in the end. I'm not gonna be some cheap-ass hero like All Might or some ego-driven hothead like you. I'm gonna prove something to this damn world my own way, even if I have to do a little bad to do it. Now grow up. We are almost in college, and you're acting like a four-year-old having a temper tantrum."

Izuku shed a tear at that moment before concluding, "I'm done playing these childish games, Bakugo. I suggest you do the same before a hero catches onto what happened inside that school, not just from you students but the faculty too. They might just push it under the rug once they find out you all were just picking on some weak quirkless kid like me though."

Walking away with a frown on his face, Izuku left Bakugo standing there, unable to utter a word. The gripping sense of guilt intensified within Bakugo as he clutched his fist, growling out a single word, "Deku..."

Later that day, as Izuku stood outside his apartment, he took a deep breath before opening the door. The familiar sight of his mother sitting at the kitchen table greeted him, her routine unchanged. Wanting to maintain the tranquility, Izuku quietly removed his shoes and headed towards his room.

However, before he could retreat entirely, Inko's voice called out, "Izuku." Inko spoke without opening her eyes, and Izuku paused in the hallway, awaiting her words.

"Yes, Mom?" Izuku responded, feeling as if her gaze dissected him. Inwardly, he pleaded, 'God, please stop looking at me like I'm your favorite set of china that will break into a million pieces if you breathe on it wrong...'

"Did anything happen at school today?" she inquired, finally ceasing her visual inspection. Izuku exhaled. "Are you okay? You would tell me if someone hurt you, right?" 

"No, today was honestly perfect. I didn't get into any trouble or anything like that. I even took my finals a bit early, so I don't have to bother you about anything related to school now. I have one last assignment they wanted me to do for good, so I'll go quickly finish that up, love you. Be safe on your way to work. And one more thing, are we still going to be continuing our talk from before when you come back home?" Inko smiled sweetly, "That's great I'm proud of you, sweetie. I'll make your favorite for dinner tonight when I get back and we'll celebrate. I love you too, and yes, we will be continuing our talk," she added with an affectionate tone, though the signs of tiredness lingered in her words.

With a quick goodbye, Izuku disappeared into his room, momentarily forgetting it was covered wall to wall in All Might posters, drawings, figures, and trinkets adorning his desk. Surveying the scene, Izuku sighed and thought, 'Right, I need to fix this and put this all away.' He grabbed a box from the closet and carefully stowed away each figure and poster, neatly organizing them in the cardboard box. Once done, Izuku taped the top shut and wrote:


Placing the box at the back of his closet, he sat on his bed. The black sheets covered it, and as he leaned back, rubbing his eyes, he muttered, "Inventory."

The blue screen opened, revealing his blades and other items stored within. His gaze then shifted to another Random Loot Box, patiently awaiting its unveiling. "Random Loot Box," Izuku uttered, finding a black box with a golden string tied in a bow resting on his lap. He picked it up, crushing it in his hand, and blue pixels and golden lights enveloped his hand, leaving behind a steel key.

Examining the new window that materialized with the appearance of the key, Izuku read its contents.

[item: Dungeon Key]

Item class: C

Type: Key

[A key that allows the Player to create an Instant dungeon. You may use this in the Uraraka construction site at Mie Prefecture.]

Reading over the text displayed on the window Izuku looked on with a hint of confusion as he asked aloud "Wait Uraraka construction site how long will it take to get there? With that, he quickly grabbed his phone off his desk and searched for the construction site.

Looking he saw as it read "4 hours and 42 minutes by car," Izuku buried his face in his hands. 'Damn I did expect it to be that far but I should be able to make it If I Leave like I'm leaving for school… and take a bus I could be there in 5 hours 5 in a half at the most. complete the dungeon and make it back?' Izuku shook his head as he started planning. 'This would be a C class dungeon though… much harder than the E rank from before, could I do this?' Izuku asked no one as he taped his chin softly before shrugging. "One way to find out," Izuku mumbles as he continues to work on his plans. 

Once his mother left for work, Izuku decided to get some sleep, realizing he would need it for his upcoming trip. Later, he awoke to the comforting smell of his mother's cooking in the kitchen, a sign that she was finally home. Weary yet determined, he made his way to the kitchen and found his mom meticulously placing plates of katsudon on the table. She looked up, offering a warm smile, and said, "I was just going to wake you. Come and eat, dear." Grateful for the meal, Izuku sat down, ready to share a quiet dinner with his mother.

As they savored their meal, Inko broached the topic of the previous day's events. "Izuku sweetheart, I've been meaning to talk to you about yesterday. You don't need to worry so much about the medical bills or anything like that." Pausing, she caught Izuku's attention, and he looked up from his plate. "I appreciate your concern, really I do, but you're my son, and I don't want you stressing over things like that. We'll manage, okay?" Izuku nodded, responding, "Okay, Mom."

Inko's expression turned serious, her eyes brimming with tears. "You know, after that... that incident, when I saw you, I almost passed out. I couldn't control my emotions; everything in my body was on the verge of shutting down. Before I even knew it, I was crying like a little girl again, snot coming from my nose and tears drowning my face as I saw all the... blood that covered your body." Inko's voice quivered with the pain of that memory, and Izuku, feeling her anguish, rose from his seat to wrap his arms around her, offering comfort. She continued, her voice choked with emotion, "Mitsuki was there with me, and she, too, was crying, seeing the state you were in, as well as the state of Bakugo. At that moment everything froze around me; every event I ever shared with you, from when you were born until that fateful day, flashed in my mind. I thought I lost you; I thought I was never going to see my baby again…"

Inko's cries intensified as she recounted the terrifying moment. "It was the most terrifying moment in my life. I could barely breathe; it felt like my life was falling apart like everything I worked for had crashed down on me. I could only hear the sounds of the officers and heroes as they wanted me to stand back from your body. Soon, I heard the loud ringing sirens of the ambulance as the medics there attached all types of tools and equipment to your body, trying their best to stop the bleeding." The painful memories seemed to flood back, and Inko took a deep breath before continuing, "Though, so I thought, as when me, Mitsuku, and her husband made it to the hospital, the doctors immediately rushed Akatsuki to the emergency room. Mitsuki and her husband wished me luck as they went to their son, but when it came to you, they seemed like they didn't care, like you were not even their concern... like—" Her cry intensified even more as she put her hands to her mouth, struggling to articulate the unspeakable. "L-like you weren't about to die."

The anger and frustration welled up within Izuku as he remembered the feigned smiles and deceptive talks with the doctors and nurses. "I should have known those smiles were nothing but masks hiding their true feelings of hate and unwantedness towards me," Izuku thought, his anger evident in the icy blue glare and the deep frown that marked his face. As he listened to his mother's heartbreaking account, it became clearer that they were dismissing him simply because he was quirkless. Izuku's anger surged, and he stammered, "Mom, I-I didn't know it was that bad. I-I—" Inko cut him off with a sigh, gently continuing, "No need to be sorry, but I had to miss work, risking losing my job just to be by your side. The bills kept piling up, and they even increased because of what they did, but I couldn't bring myself to leave you alone. You're all that I have left, Izuku. I-I wouldn't know what I'd do without you."

"I'm sorry, Mom," Izuku said, his eyes reflecting sadness, anger, and guilt. Inko reassured him, "No, don't be sorry, sweetheart. I just want you to know how much I love you and worry about you." Izuku softly responded, "I love you too, Mom," as Inko smiled.

Inko shifted the conversation slightly, "I've been contemplating your father recently, considering the concerns. Have you ever wondered about him?" Intrigued and slightly uneasy, Izuku looked at his mother, asking, "Dad? Well, not really. I mean, you've always been there for me, and he's been busy with matters overseas, trying his best to get money for the rest of us, hasn't he? So I try my best to stay strong and be by your side."

Inko nodded slightly before saying, "I know, and I'm grateful for that. But there are some things I haven't told you about your father, things that might shock or concern you. Would you like to hear about it?" Izuku, curious and a bit uneasy, looked at his mother and said, "Yeah, what do you mean, Mom?"

Inko then got up from her chair and told Izuku to follow her to her room. As they moved towards her room, the air was heavy with anticipation. Inko reached into her dresser and pulled out an old dusty newspaper. Dusting off the cover and flipping through its fragile pages, she arrived at a page revealing a headline recounting a mysterious disappearance. Skimming through the missing people, she pointed at one of the faces in the fading photograph, saying, "That's your father, although it is a bit faded due to time."

Izuku showed a look of surprise on his face, mirroring the shock Inko felt when she first found out so long ago. Inko continued, "That day was the first day I was truly heartbroken. I was at the time making sure you were ready for school, and a while after that, we were told that you would be quirkless." Izuku frowned at those words, and Inko continued, "I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how I was going to do it all—taking care of you, being there for you, and going to work all together, but-" Inko started to tear up once more, "I managed and tried my best. I hope I did well."

Izuku reassured her, "Yes, Mom, you did amazingly well." With that, he embraced her in a hug before letting go. Inko continued, "I cried for days, trying to find out anything I could regarding your father's disappearance, but I found nothing but the same thing over and over, that it was caused by a quirk accident or a strange phenomenon. But in the end, the newspapers and news reports all said the same, that they passed away because of that incident. However, I didn't give up hope. I believed that he was still alive, so I would tell you that he was just overseas doing work, unable to take care of the family because of serious matters."

"I'm sorry, Izuku. I'm sorry I lied for so long, but I just wanted to protect you. I didn't want you to go and try to find him by some unknown means. I wanted to keep you safe with me." Inko started to have tears come down her cheeks as she returned to the kitchen, and Izuku, in a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts, followed her back.

Returning to the kitchen, Izuku confronted the revelations, his emotions lingering. "Given that all of that was a lie, that means you've been dealing with so much through all these years that I couldn't even imagine." Inko nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Since that fateful day, I had been doing my best to care for you, Izuku, sacrificing whatever it took, whatever was necessary, because you were all I had left in life. You were the only thing keeping me going."

Inko moved closer, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead and wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Tears welled up in Izuku's eyes as she said, "Be safe, Izuku. I don't want to lose you too. I love you." With those heartwarming words, she wished Izuku good night and headed to her room, leaving him to grapple with the whirlwind of thoughts. Tears began to fall from his eyes as he could only say one thing, "Mom..."

Later, heading to his room, Izuku lay back in bed, contemplating everything he and his mother had talked about. He whispered, "Don't worry, Mom. I'll be here for you always. I won't let anything happen to you." With that, his eyes shone a deep blue before they shut, the soft comfort of sleep taking over him.

The following morning, Izuku stirred from his sleep, immediately completing his daily quest to avoid any penalties that might dampen his day. He couldn't forget the experience in that nightmarish desert; one round of penalties was more than enough. As he headed into the shower, the memories of that challenging ordeal lingered in his mind.

After completing his morning routine, Izuku donned a plain black shirt, paired with black jeans and a light green jacket. The familiar red high tops completed his signature look. Leaving a note for his mother, informing her of his intention to deliver the final assignment to the school and that he would return after her work hours, Izuku made his way to the bus station.

Upon arriving at the station, he collected his ticket and patiently waited for the bus. The conversation with his mother echoed in his thoughts, and he couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast between his carefree superhero play in the past and the complex reality he faced now. A sigh escaped him as he scrolled through the news feed, pondering the monsters that awaited him in the new dungeon and the mystery behind being sent 373.4 kilometers away from home.

With a grumble of frustration, Izuku boarded the bus as it finally pulled in, bracing himself for the unknown challenges that lay ahead.

Five hours later, in the quiet countryside, Izuku stirred from his short nap. His phone displayed the time: 2:24 pm. 'Alright, that's enough rest. I can wrap this up quickly and head home.' Surveying the abandoned construction site, Izuku raised an eyebrow. With a graceful leap, he vaulted over the gate, landing on the other side like a shadow in motion.

Approaching the towering skeletal structure, Izuku retrieved his dungeon key from his inventory. A crackling spark of blue light accompanied its emergence, unlocking the gate. The gate creaked open, revealing a yawning blue portal with an otherworldly aura. As Izuku prepared to step through, a sudden awareness tingled in his senses. Swiftly evading an attempted grab from behind, he leaped into the portal.

The transition through the portal brought him to a dark cave. A system notification promptly announced his arrival


[The Player has entered the instant Dungeon.]

As the familiar sights of the world faded, replaced by a surreal landscape of purples and blues, a gentle breeze whispered through the ethereal surroundings. However, the enchantment ended abruptly as Izuku found himself in a cave, the would-be assailant following suit.

Adjusting to the surroundings, Izuku questioned, "What the hell? Other people can come in?" The notification flashed again


[The Player has entered the instant dungeon of the grotesque Queen of the Arachnid.]

The echoes of approaching creatures filled the cavern, prompting Izuku to confront the group that had attempted to grab him. "Right now, if you want to get out of here, we have to work together, or we are all going to die," Izuku declared. The realization of being underground dawned on the group, and Izuku couldn't help but notice the still-open portal.

'That's interesting… so it didn't close like before.' Focusing on the group, Izuku observed their words as the leader spoke up, "Didn't you know this place is our turf? We already kicked those money-hungry construction workers out of here, so what the hell are you doing here?" The leader grinned, but Izuku's attention shifted to the sounds of approaching spiders.

The small spider creatures emerged from the shadows, their sleek, jet-black exoskeletons glistening eerily under the dim light. Eight spindly legs clicked menacingly against the cavern floor, each tipped with razor-sharp, needle-like claws. Their multifaceted eyes reflected a sickly green hue, giving them an otherworldly appearance. As they scuttled across the floor, their movements were unnervingly quick and erratic, creating an illusion as though they could vanish and reappear at will. A low, guttural hiss emitted from the spiders, sending shivers down the spine of anyone within earshot and evoking an instinctual fear of the unknown.

"Right now, we need to focus on surviving. Let's work together," Izuku suggested, observing the men relaxing. "Fire guy, light up a flame as big as you can!" Issuing orders, Izuku saw surprising compliance. The fire guy created a fire with his quirk as flames enveloped his fingertips, soon growing bigger as he sprayed out alcohol from his mouth, burning some of the spiders in a vast expanse of flames, providing light and revealing the shadows dancing around them.

The spiders approached with rapid movements, their hisses echoing in the cavern. The group worked cohesively, using their quirks to eliminate the threat. "Over here!" one of them screamed as they conjured up a crimson glowing shield, holding back some of the spiders. Another, his hand glowing a deep purple, manifested multiple swords above him, skewering some of the spiders. However, the relentless arachnid onslaught persisted, with their sturdy exoskeletons and ever-growing numbers.

Observing their teamwork, Izuku couldn't help but appreciate their efficiency. As two spider creatures approached him, Izuku quickly crushed them beneath his feet, their hisses being the last sound he heard as their blood stained the ground. Salvaging the remains of the grotesque spiders, Izuku made his way to three more spiders, swiftly killing and salvaging their remains into his inventory.

After the battle, the men were left panting as sweat dripped from their bodies but grinning. "That was actually kinda fun to go all out without being called a villain," one remarked. "Agreed, man, I feel like a kid in a candy store," another added. Izuku, too, couldn't deny the sense of thrill in the fight.

The leader, a scruffy-looking man with a malicious grin, approached Izuku. "We aren't done are we?" "No. My quirk is like some game; I get these places and must kill monsters and then the boss before I leave. Luckily, I had you guys here to help out." Izuku lied as he walked ahead as they followed deeper into the caverns.

"Hm, yeah, also before we get to the boss. Why did you guys kick a construction company out of here? I mean, they were just building what they were paid to build," Izuku inquired, his disapproval evident. The leader spoke up as he said, "Those pitiful money-hungry bastards tried to tell us to leave the site, so we did what we had to and drew a bit of blood from their daughter, threatened to do something to his wife. The trash immediately folded over and let us do what we wanted after that." The leader's words hit Izuku like a punch to the gut as he and the group began to laugh. Clenching his fist, he thought, "Scum." However, soon the laughter of the men stopped, and so did the group.

"Oh my god," the leader muttered, staring at thick webs creating an entrance. Some insects they saw earlier were wrapped tightly in threads. The boys stared back at Izuku, who just shrugged.

"It's the boss room probably. So, we should be quiet just in case it's not active," Izuku walked ahead of the guys. After a few more minutes of walking, they came across a room filled with blue crystals. Izuku blinked owlishly at them. 'The station dungeon didn't have these…'

"Wow, this is amazing!"

"If I had to guess, these could fetch over 10 million Yen. What do you think, greenie?" The leader turned to Izuku, his eyes gleaming with greed.

"I couldn't tell you; this is the first time I've seen it myself." Izuku lied as he walked over, inspecting the crystals. "Magic crystals?" Izuku felt a chill go down his back as he turned around, seeing shadows covering the eight faces of the group like devils.

"We're splitting it evenly," the leader declared, and Izuku couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to turn. The leader pointed out the boss room, and the group cautiously proceeded. After encountering a giant spider, the group realized they needed to deal with it before claiming the crystals.

"I don't have the equipment to get anything," Izuku shrugged, not revealing his true capabilities. The group decided to retrieve a missing member who could create tools while Izuku kept an eye on the boss. The leader's too-nice smile raised Izuku's suspicions, but he played along for now.

Listening intently, Izuku heard the leader instructing someone named Seiji to block the boss room's entrance. Prepared for what might come next, Izuku observed every move and word, pretending to be weaker than he truly was. The tension in the air thickened as the cavern awaited the next turn of events.

"Greedy," Izuku muttered disdainfully, turning his attention to the giant spider as an explosion rumbled through the cavern, causing the entrance to cave in. A surge of power emanated from the room, and Izuku looked up to witness the monstrous spider beginning to stir. The colossal arachnid descended to the floor with an unsettling grace, its sheer size dominating the cave. Its eight crimson eyes glowed malevolently, casting an eerie light across the chamber.

The Giant Arachnid Buryura's mouth opened, unleashing a deafening roar that echoed through the cave. Izuku observed the nightmarish visage before him with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The creature's long, spindly legs seemed to stretch on endlessly, each limb terminating in a razor-sharp point. Its exoskeleton, a mottled combination of deep blacks and ominous purples, gleamed ominously in the eerie light.

The arachnid's monstrous size inspired terror, as its looming presence dominated the landscape. The cavernous space seemed to shrink in the face of its overwhelming dimensions, instilling a sense of helplessness in those who came face to face with it. The crimson eyes, glowing with an unholy light, pierced through the darkness, fixating on its prey with malevolent intent.

'Enormous size, long legs, and its strength are on another level,' Izuku thought, sizing up the formidable opponent. However, a smirk crept onto his face. 'Nonsense…'

Izuku's eyes slowly turned a vibrant shade of blue, the crystals around him seemingly amplifying their glow. In his right hand, his silver dagger materialized in a blue light. "I'm going to have fun killing you."

As if in response, the spider roared again, its menacing presence filling the cavern. Izuku met its gaze unwaveringly, the air thick with anticipation. The cavern echoed with the impending clash between the determined Player and the monstrous arachnid, a symphony of dread and determination resonating in the depths of the cave.

Hey, readers. I hope you all enjoy today's chapter as we delve into school and regular life for Izuku. He discovers more about the burden and sacrifice his mother had to go through while he went around without even knowing. We'll see you all in the next chapter, be safe and stay kind. Trooper out.

Trooper_writercreators' thoughts