
MHA: Monarch

Synopsis Along with the summary Izuku Midoriya was a boy cursed to live a life full of misery and dread. Bullied, isolated, and betrayed by people he thought were friends. The world despised him and hated him due to his misfortune of being quirkless. The young man had his dreams crushed by the one person he admired most in life his hero All Might. Although even through his pain and misery he pushed forward as he strived to be a hero. Though this was not a peaceful world not in the slightest. One faithful day Izuku tried to save the one person who bullied him most and who put him through most of his suffering Katsuki Bakugo, The reason not even Izuku knew “It was as if my body was moving on its own” he would say. Although it ended horribly for the young Izuku it was not the end of his life as he awoke to the surprise of a new power. [You have completed all the necessary requirements of the secret quest 'Courage of the Weak'] Follow Izuku on his journey as he levels himself up to become a better, stronger person one day surpassing All Might himself. A/N: I want to say this before you all hop into the story. The story doesn't immediately jump into Izuku with the system but builds up towards that event. Also, there are changes that were made to the ages of the characters along with the change in the backstory of Izuku and his family. In addition, I want to commemorate and thank Writer Wolfey199 for creating the wonderful story of Solo. Sadly the story was discontinued and abandoned due to the hate gained from some of the readers. I will take it upon myself to create a story that he and all of you can be proud of, This is my first time doing anything like this so tips are acknowledged and appreciated. Lastly, this story will have similar events to the story Solo with some changes as I will be making a new fan fic using the foundation of Solo. Solo Leveling x Boku no Hero Academia. P.S. I will eventually create my own book cover for this fan fic as I don't own the one being used. Canon events will start in chapter two. Enjoy everyone!

Trooper_writer · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs

Chapter 4 Shattered Dreams

As Izuku walked, he eventually arrived at a small underbridge. Looking down, he thought to himself, "You decided back then, didn't you? That's right. I shouldn't be concerned with what others think. I'll keep going, holding my head up high and pushing forward!"

Thinking of the future, Izuku marched forward with vigor, his fist held high as he let out a hearty laugh that echoed through the underpass, as he confidently stepped into the unknown.

Unbeknownst to Izuku however, a slimy, grotesque, green liquid started to form ominously behind him, growing in size as it rapidly began to take the form of an inhuman abomination.

Hearing something behind him, Izuku quickly looked back in shock and horror as the abomination continuously grew, soon encompassing a large space of the underpass.

The green substance began to morph and change, forming a large set of razor-sharp teeth and a pair of dingy yellow eyes with piercing crimson pupils that seemed to bore right through him.

"Shit, a villain!" Izuku exclaimed in fear, his body paralyzed by terror as he backed away from the grotesque creature. His mind whirred with dread at the sight of a villain.

"A medium-sized invisibility cloak..." The Villain's crude and ugly voice reverberated throughout the air as it plunged toward the terrified Izuku.

Izuku desperately tried to run away in panic, but it was futile as the creature's slimy body started to engulf him, as he felt himself being dragged deeper and deeper into its body.

Izuku tried to scream for help, but his cries were muffled by the creature's thick, slimy mass. He felt completely helpless as he felt himself slowly being absorbed by the creature. 

"Don't panic. I'm about to take control of your body. Calm down, brace yourself, it's going to hurt for 45 seconds, and then things will be better after that... eventually."

The Villain cackled menacingly as its slimy substance slowly slithered around and invaded Izuku's helpless body.

Izuku gasped for air as he desperately tried to pry away the thick substance from his mouth, his voice trembling with dread as he choked out, "I-I can't....breathe...."

The creature only cackled menacingly at Izuku's struggles as he said "You can't grab me. I'm fluid! Though thanks for the help kid. You're my hero. I didn't think I'd come to this city." 

As Izuku continued to struggle against the abomination and its relentless advances, his breath came in labored gasps. His vision started to blur and the darkness started to close in as he mumbled in despair, "My body... there's no strength left... Am I dying? Am I really dying?"

As tears streamed from his eyes, his face slowly became engulfed in the sinister green substance; his desperate pleas for help becoming more and more muffled, wishing for somebody, anybody, to save him before it was too late, before he would be lost forever to the inescapable death that awaited him.

"NO!" An anguished cry of desperation and fear escaped Izuku's mouth as the creature's relentless advancements ceased as it looked behind, its eyes widening in shock and horror at the sight before it.

"It's all right now, young man. I am here!" Said a man, large and muscularly defined, standing proud in a white t-shirt, grocery bag in hand, and radiating a heroic smile.

Without a moment's hesitation, the abomination lunged its grotesque hand toward the man, slime stretching out from its fingers. But the man was ready, dodging the attack as he leaped towards the creature with an unwavering smile.

Another hand aimed at him while he was in mid-air, yet the man's agility allowed him to avoid it as the hand crashed into the side of the underpass.

Wasting no time, he positioned his leg as he tightened his fist and roared with a thunderous shout, "Texas Smash~!"

As the wind pressure surrounded the man's fist, with a mighty surge of power, he sent the abomination flying away in jagged pieces, its cries of "Wind pressure?!" echoing throughout the underpass freeing Izuku from his capture.

As Izuku opened his eyes he saw the vague blurred figure of the man as he uttered before his body dropped to the ground his vision fading to black "All...Might..."

"Hey, are you awake?" Asked All Might as he lightly slapped Izuku's cheeks a few times.

"Oh, good!" exclaimed All Might with a beaming smile as he noticed Izuku's eyes starting to open.

Izuku's eyes widened in shock, and surprise as he stepped back upon seeing All Might.

"I'm so relieved that you're all right," All Might said with a chuckle, shaking his head. "I apologize for involving you in my battle against evil. I usually don't make mistakes like this, but I was feeling unusually energized on my day off in an unfamiliar place. But you were a big help. Thanks!"

"I've captured him safely!" All Might said triumphantly as he held up the bottle containing the remains of the green abomination towards Izuku.

Izuku could only look in shock and astonishment at All Might as he said " The number one hero...All Might... H-he's really here. He looks completely different in person!"

Izuku's eyes widened with admiration and excitement as he leaped off the ground, nearly stumbling over himself in his haste. "An autograph!" he exclaimed, his nervousness evident. Hastily, Izuku grabbed his notebook and asked himself, 'Where should he sign?' before breaking into a bright smile and answering his own question.

As Izuku flipped through the multiple empty pages of the notebook he exclaimed in surprise as he found All Might's signature written on a two-page spread.

"When the hell did he sign it?!"

Looking between the autograph and All Might Izuku beamed with delight, thanking All Might repeatedly with a huge smile on his face.

All Might, with his same warm smile, waved away Izuku's thanks as he grabbed hold of the bottle containing the abomination.

"Well, I need to take this guy to the police and-" Before All Might could continue however he was shocked as he looked at Izuku who with trembling hands and tears starting to fall from his eyes.

With concern in his voice, All Might asked Izuku, "Are you hurt, young man?" showing his concern for the boy.

"N-no," Izuku thought, tears threatening to spill down his face, I-I just wanna know..." He thought back to all the countless times people had discriminated against him for his lack of a quirk, insisting he was unfit to live in a world where quirks reign supreme.

All the bullying and injustice he had endured, the betrayal and heartbreak he had faced from people he once believed were his friends, all of it culminating in his desperate plea for an answer as he asked "Can a quirkless person be a hero?!"

As those words reverberated throughout the area an atmosphere of utter silence was created as not even the chirping of birds or the sound of others could be heard.

All might looked into Izuku's bright emerald as his heart ached 'The lad wants me to tell him he can do it, to be a hero even without a quirk of his own. He wants me to say yes and give him the courage to go off into this cruel world, but I can't. I can't let him die! I won't!'

Thinking back to his past, All Might's expression turned to a frown. 'I know how this kid must feel. If it weren't for her, for my master, I wouldn't be the man I am today. But this boy, he can't go into this world like that. The years I've spent of being a hero have taught me that people can die in this dangerous, dirty, and crime-infested world; it's not meant to be walked by a person born without a quirk.'

Soon the voice of All Might could be heard as he said "Young man, the path of a hero is littered with danger, cruelty, and the potential for death. Loved ones could be hurt, and without a quirk to call your own, I do not believe this is the right choice. It is alright to have dreams and goals, and I commend you for it, but realistically, a person without power in a dangerous situation would likely be injured or worse, killed, I am truly sorry. I wish the best for you, so please take my words into consideration the path of a hero is not meant to be walked by the quirkless." 

As All Might said those words he looked at Izuku with eyes filled with sorrow as he said "I'll be leaving" as he leaped away towards the horizon leaving Izuku standing there as the words of All Might repeated through his mind. "The path of a hero is not meant to be walked by the quirkless." 

Izuku felt a deep sense of anguish, heartbreak, and despair as he stood there, unable to control the tears streaming from his eyes and the snot leaking from his nose. His fists were clenched so tightly that blood began to trickle from them. He desperately wished to scream, to cry out, but nothing came except for his tears. He sank to the ground, overwhelmed by all of the people who had crushed his dreams saying he could never be a hero, that he could never be what he wished to be, all because he was born Quirkless. But the words of his idol, All Might, telling him he couldn't achieve his goals, hurt more than anything his peers had ever said or done. 

As Izuku laied on the ground in tears a sliver of the slimy green creature lingered before slinking away into the sewers, a small cackle echoing throughout the tunnels, sending a chill down the spines of any nearby creatures as the slimy creature grew in mass.

As the creature angrily roamed the sewers, fury building with every crawl as All Might's victory continually echoed in its mind. 'Texas Smash~!'

"If it weren't for that bastard..." The creature bellowed as it slithered out of the sewers and into a dilapidated alley.

As the creature slithered through the dank alleyway, its slimy green residue trailing behind it, it stumbled upon a group of unsuspecting teens. A devilish grin spread across its face as it spotted the blonde-haired Bakugo who exuded an air of confidence and power. With a menacing growl, the creature began to creep closer, as it said, "You...."

As Bakugo and his group of lackeys walked through the alley, one of them asked him a question that made his blood boil "Hey, Katsuki, weren't you and Midoriya childhood friends?" 

Hearing those words Bakugo clenched his fist and let off a multitude of explosions in his hand as he said with a cold tone "What of it?"

"Nothing just why were you friends with a quirkless loser like him?" said the lackey as he looked towards Bakugo.

Bakugo's temper flared as he spun around, shouting, "Shut up! A bastard like you wouldn't understand!" With a sigh, he kept moving through the alley, though a voice seemed to follow him. He looked back, yet there was no one there. "Where the hell did you guys go?!" Bakugo shouted out, but all he received was an eerie silence of the wind as it blew past him.

Turning back around, Bakugo felt a chill of terror as he beheld the horrifying sight before him. The sludgy creature seemed to pulse with an otherworldly power as it spoke, its voice echoing with a sinister promise "An invincible cloak with a great quirk!" Before Bakugo could react, he was engulfed in darkness.

Back with Izuku, his tears streaming and his snot leaking, he thought back to his own words "I shouldn't be concerned with what others think. I'll keep going, holding my head up high and pushing forward!"

Despite the pain of All Might's words forever burned into his mind, he grabbed his things and walked towards his home, a look of dread and sorrow painting his face. 

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter It's a little on the short side in my opinion wanted to add more but didn't wanna have you guys wait too long. If you have anything you wanna ask or say just put it in the comments. Have a great day and see you guys next week!

Trooper_writercreators' thoughts