

Sorry for not uploading the bonus chapter. I will upload it tomorrow.

(I never expected reaching the first goal would be easy for you guys )


(A/N)- I haven't decided on a hero name, and I couldn't land on a hero name no matter how hard I try and rack my brains. So could you please choose a name that fits MC, though I did think of using two names ... but I had kicked them aside for now.

Your Opinions- ( It would be nice if I could decide on a name in 3 days)

You have given me names, and they were many good ones among them, but I still want a few more, and I hope I could collect some good bunch and filter it out after.


" Straiten YOUR BACKKK!!!"


" My back hurts, grandma."

" It is ok. You should handle it."

" Yeah, how can I handle things when you keep taking away my energy?"

" This is the 'Phase-2' training Oki, this is how you will improve reaction and battle experience, and even if you get hurt, Chiyo is here, and... I also called another friend of mine. He will be with us for few months."

" I know you told me 'Phase-2' training is the best for me, and there are 4 phases in total, right?"

" Yes, they are. Phase-2 Is for reaction time, Phase-3 is for strength, and finally Phase-4... covers everything."

" So is phase-2 easier than phase-3? "

" You should have asked me when I told you about the training regime."

' Who in the world can have a calm mind after a no-stop 5Km run?'

So... it has been about 3 weeks since AllMight and I fought... well, 'fought' isn't the appropriate word... let's leave it aside for now. *cough-cough*.

After my spar, AllMight and Grandma had some serious talking between themselves for a week, and I assume that it is something related to AllForOne. Speaking about my spar.


The night after the spar against AllMight-

[ System- You have gained 56TP today]

[ You have completed a Hidden Task]

[ Hidden Task- AllMight (1)

Requirement- Fight AllMight at his prime.

Rewards- Sleep Inventory and Body Upgrade- Pain resistance (lesser) (Body upgrade) ]

" So I completed a hidden task... Hey! Speaking of tasks, why didn't you give me any tasks? I even forgot about the 'Task' until you reminded me!"

[ System - There were no tasks available for you as of yet.]

' Well, I am pissed off.'

" Well, send me ba- Oh wait, show me my 'Info Board ' "

[ Opening 'Info Board]

[ Name- Oki Takemekazuchi

TP- 20,692

Body Upgrades- Stamina regeneration (Lesser) Lvl-2

Pain resistance (lesser) Lvl-2

Skills- Body control (Legendary)

Calm mind (Legendary)

Quirk- Instinct ( high)

Precision ( Quirk ) ( Lesser )]

" Nice... now send me back."


So managed to get myself an upgrade, and it does help in 'Phase-2' training.

So what is 'Phase-2' training? Well, it is a type of training given by grandma. In this training, a person's release of kinetic energy is regulated at low levels. This puts more pressure on one's body.

As usual, my training starts at 2:30 and goes till 8 or 9. Then, grandma starts my phase-2 training.

The first would be me dodging random logs which are tied to trees. Next would be sparing with grandma, which always results in me sleeping on the ground every day after the spar. Today I didn't get knocked out as in previous days.

I look at a mandrin tree in the garden and release a sigh. Siser Melo hasn't even spoken to me once this whole 3 weeks. She doesn't look at my face, she treats me like air, and I don't like it. Her childish personality is no more, and this saddens me.

I join grandma, who is on her way to the Orphanage.


Melo P.O.V-


' Why does he have to push himself? What is in the hero profession? Nothing! Hero Licenses is nothing but a faster death certificate contract, and it is more evident for Oki'

' Why does Mom have to train him? She wants to make him quit the hero profession by this hell training, the previous 3 heroes who asked mom to train quit the training after a week, but how can Oki still move?'

' Mom is teaching Oki more and more things and trying to stress Oki... but why doesn't he quit? Why is he so persistent in becoming a hero? I stopped talking to him so that he can realise my feelings...'

' He realised my thoughts and feelings, but he still persisted in training. How will I stop him? I don't want him to die, and I am sure mom has changed from last month. This time she doesn't want Oki to quit but to persist.'

" You should have asked me when I told you about the training regime" - Velocity.

' Huh, seems like today's training is about to end.'

'Huh?' Did Oki look towards me? How? I am covered by thick leaves, and I am sure none knows I am here...'

" I will make you quit your training Oki, I will."

With that, I got down from the tree and head to the Orphanage while thinking about how to make Oki quit his training.


Velocity's P.O.V-

' He has been working hard and giving his all in my training. I have never seen such a bastard of willpower other than AllMight. Nana, you seeing your quirk's 9 th successor? Hope you give his blessings. This time I am sure AllForOne will rest for good.'


I lift the call.

" Hello, is this Yui?"

" Yes? Oh, Torino, it seems your back."

" Don't throw me away like that. My old bones are still better than yours."

" Will see about that."

" Ok, so can you tell me where your exact coordinate is?"

" Why?"

" I- I am lost."


The day's afternoon passes by, and soon evening arrives, which means my evening training time. I take long strides and reach the training place and wait for grandma to come.

Soon I see her, but there is another person with grandma.

' Who could this guy be? '

" Wait, is this person grandma was talking about after the training?"

' He could be.'

Grandma and the mysterious new person come into my clear view, and seeing the person, I am kinda surprised, and it is stupid, I tell you. The friend grandma was talking about is none other than Grand Torino, AllMight's teacher!


That is what I heard, and the next I notice is a yellow shoe to my face, but I dodge it by sidestepping the attack. This was possible due to my 'Instinct'.

Grand Torino slides on the grass, but it was not too long before he dashed towards me. He started to come at me with different angles, and it started stressing me out. I was dodging left and right and also trying to counter, but... there was never a chance.

The spar continues, and it was 3 minutes in. Mental fatigue started to take its course. Even AllMight didn't get me to this level. I am sure some veins would be popping on my forehead. So, I started to calm down and close my eyes, and now I will only rely on instinct. Though I am mentally tired, relying on 'Instinct' would be stupid. But why am I using it? It is simple, actually. I thought of Black Bulls Yami yelling, ' PUSH PAST YOUR LIMITS ', so I thought of doing that today. Though I stand no chance against Gran Torino, I will give my all.


(A/N)- How is the chapter development? Any advice and suggestion, please mention them in the comments. I will take the training arc a bit slow, and MC will be training until 11. I want to explore and build his movements.


Yes, then:

350 power stones for an extra chapter.

Currently (104/350)