
Chapter 53: Time Ring

{3rd Person POV}

"Okay... Where the hell am I?" Jōichirō asked himself after looking around the never ending vast expanse of field filled with green smoke or dust particles.

Jōichirō looked confused as he had not experienced even when he died in his previous world and reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia.

Waving his hand through the green dust, Jōichirō looked around and picked a direction to walk.

As he was walking in the direction that he selected to move, the green dust grazed past him. He walked for hours and hours but he couldn't find anything at all.

After walking for some time, Jōichirō stopped at a place that showed some kind of green screen. Walking up to it, he touched it, and as if turning on a television, the screen turned on and started to show some scenes.

Looking at it closely, Jōichirō muttered "Why is this showing my childhood?"

Jōichirō extended his hand to touch the screen but he was sucked into it like a black hole "What the hell!?"


'Where the hell am I?' Jōichirō asked himself.

Looking around he saw that he was in a hospital, outside of an operation theater to be precise. Seeing that, he muttered 'What is this place?'

"AHHHHHHH" A high pitched scream was heard from the operation theater. Jōichirō looked at the closed door and again, a high pitch scream was heard "AHHHHHH"

Curious about the scream, Jōichirō went towards the door, and he passed through the door easily 'What the hell??' Jōichirō exclaimed.

Looking down to his body, he saw that it was transparent and that he was floating, not walking.

Seeing that his feet were not touching the ground, Jōichirō said to himself 'Am I in my astral form? Cool!'

Shaking his head in amusement, Jōichirō floated towards where the scream was heard.

'Mom and dad??' Jōichirō was surprised to see his younger versions of his mother Tomo and father Jun where the screaming was heard from. And, the scream originated from Tomo who was on a bed and Jun was right next to her with his hand held by Tomo in a vice grip.

Seeing all that, Jōichirō understood 'This is my birth, right?'

Just as he muttered that, the doctor pulled out a baby covered in blood and other fluids. As soon as the baby was out of Tomo's womb, the baby cried.

Handing the baby to Tomo, the doctor said "It's a boy, congratulations."

"Thank you." Jun told the doctor and hurriedly looked at his first born son.

Tomo was also looking at her baby, who was observing both of them with curious eyes. The baby extended its hand and took hold of Tomo's forefinger.

With her eyes wide, Tomo said with a happy voice "Honey, he's holding my finger."

Jun gave a side hug to Tomo and said "I can see that."

"Excuse me, sir." A nurse called Jun, and he reluctantly looked at the nurse and gestured to continue "Can you name the baby? We need to clean him up."

"Sure, his name is Jōichirō. Jōichirō Saiba."

Just as Jun said Jōichirō's name, a green swirl appeared next to the astral form of Jōichirō. Before he could do anything, the green swirl absorbed his astral form, but Jōichirō didn't panic as he felt no hostility from the green swirl and just like that, astral Jōichirō disappeared from the time he was born.


"Jōichiro, what quirk do you think you will get?" Jun asked a four year old Jōichiro.

Placing his hand on his jaw and rubbing it like he was in a deep thought, Jōichiro replied "Mom's quirk!"

"Not dad's quirk?" Jun asked Jōichirō.

"No! I don't want to hear what other people are thinking! It's annoying." Jōichirō grumbled.

"Mmmmm, yeah, it was tough at first. I didn't like it either." Jun said after pondering for a moment.

"See! I don't want to hear what others think at all!" Jōichirō told his father and ran towards his mother who was preparing for their lunch.

As he entered the kitchen, Tomo asked Jōichirō "What is it my baby?"

"What's for lunch?" He asked back.

"Mackerel and rice." Tomo replied.

"I want eggs!" Jōichirō said.

"Right right, you need eggs. But not today." Tomo told him.

"Okay." Admitting defeat he agreed with it as he doesn't want to throw a tantrum.

As Jōichirō was walking back to the hall where Jun was, he stopped midway and looked up tilting his head. He squinted his eyes but he didn't find anything there, shrugging his shoulders he continued his walk.

'Damn that was close. My perception was high in the past too huh?' A transparent teenage Jōichirō thought to himself where the young Jōichirō looked.

'But why am I seeing my past in a third person view? And how can I get out of here? So many questions.' Teenage Jōichirō floated towards where the young Jōichirō had gone.

Just as he reached there, teenage Jōichirō saw his younger self lying on the floor. 'Ah! This the time I manifested my quirk. I didn't know what quirk I would be manifesting, but I seriously wished to get my mom's quirk, which is similar to a green lantern's power ring.'

Shaking his head, teenage Jōichirō observed as his father came running towards young Jōichirō and picked him up, trying to wake him up, but to no avail.

Right then, Tomo also came from the kitchen after hearing the frantic shouts of Jun. And both of them took Jōichirō out of the house, so they could go to the hospital.

As teenage Jōichirō was observing the scene a small smile crept up on his face as he saw how much his parents cherished him. 'Mmm?' Teenage Jōichirō saw a green swirl next to him, looking back at his younger self and his parents he muttered to himself 'Looks like the temporal ring around my heart is doing this.'

Shaking his head and giving one last look to his family, teenage Jōichirō placed his hand into the green swirl. And just like that, astral Jōichirō disappeared from his past when he manifested his quirk.


'Okay, where am I now?' Astral Jōichirō asked himself as he appeared in a different place.

After observing for a minute or two, he said 'I'm in my current home. That means, this is the time when we started our restaurant business.'

Floating down and passing through the floor, astral Jōichirō reached the restaurant below his home. Looking around he saw an eight year old Jōichirō helping in the kitchen by cutting the vegetables. Seeing that astral Jōichirō smiled.

"Jōichirō, are the carrots ready?" The chef asked from his counter.

"Yeah! It's ready." Jōichirō replied.

Walking up to Jōichirō from his counter, the chef looked at the diced carrots and said "Good. Practice a little bit more, then you will be able to dice them up quickly.

"Okay! I'll practice, but you have to keep your promise." Jōichirō told the chef.

Chuckling at Jōichirō, the chef said "Sure kid. When you have mastered in the art of cutting things up, I'll teach you how to cook."

"YES!!" Jōichirō shouted as he raised his hands over his head.

Patting Jōichirō on his shoulder, the chef said "Now, it's time for you to clean up. It's almost time for school."

"Oh my god! Mom's gonna kill me! See ya!" Saying that, Jōichirō ran straight towards the ladder that connected to the upper floor.

"Huuuuu... Energetic kid." Chuckling, the chef went back to his counter to finish his prep work for the day.

Astral Jōichirō looked in the direction where his younger self went and muttered to himself 'Man, this brings back memories.'

And just like the previous two times, a green swirl appeared in front of him. Extending his hand to it, Jōichirō said 'Let me go back to my time.'