
Chapter 43: Date & Change Of Plans



(//AN: As this fanfiction have gotten 1M views, I'm very happy. So I would like to show how the Saiba family looks like.

1. Jun'ichirō Saiba

2. Tomo Saiba

3. Jōichirō Saiba

4. Yukki Saiba

Hope you like how I see each one of them, and yes I made these pictures with the help of an AI image generator like Midjourney.//)



{3rd Person POV}

"You just needed a person to look after these two kids so that you two can fool around." Shoto asked.

Shaking his head, and holding in the laughter, Jōichirō said "No, buddy. No one is going to fool around. We are just gonna enjoy our alone time."

"Whatever, it's all the same. Just be back in an hour or two." Shoto said as he didn't want to start an argument in front of the two little girls.

"Thanks man." Jōichirō said.

Fuyumi went near Shoto and said "I'm sorry Shoto."

"It's alright, just don't do anything weird." Shoto said.

Fuyumi's face went red as she heard what her brother said. So she softly punched his shoulder and said "Shut up."

Jōichirō then dragged Fuyumi away from the two little girls and Shoto, as Shoto looked after Yukki and Eri. Jōichirō also saw Aizawa patrolling around the area, 'No doubt, he's here to look after Eri.'

The first place they went was a cafe that attracted couples mainly. Seeing where Jōichirō was dragging her, her face went red in embarrassment. All because she had seen her friends going to these kinds of cafe's, but she hadn't. To be precise, she didn't want to drag around her underage boyfriend and spill the beans to her parents. But now, she has permission to date him from both the parents.

As they got seated, Fuyumi said "It's my first time in a place like this."

"Mine too. What can I do? My girlfriend wasn't willing to come here before." Jōichirō said in a sad tone.

Fuyumi glared at him as she replied "I just didn't want my family finding out that my boyfriend is underage."

"Oh really?" With a mischievous smile, Joichiro asked.

Sighing, Fuyumi said "We only got an hour, so let's make use of it to the fullest."

"As you wish, my lady." Saying that, Joichiro looked for the waiter and called him "Excuse me, we would like to order."

The waiter came towards their table and gave them the menu, he asked "What would you like to have in this fine hour, Sir and Ma'am."

"I'll have a chocolate shortcake, along with lemon tea." Joichiro gave his order and looked at Fuyumi, and she also gave the waiter her order "I'll have a strawberry shortcake, and lemon tea."

"Anything else?" The waiter asked.

"No, that would be it." Joichiro said.

Giving both of them a small bow, the waiter left the table.

"So, how is your work?" Joichiro asked.

"It's good. Children are wild, but I like them very much." Fuyumi replied with a genuine smile.

"Is that so.." Joichiro said with a warm smile, as her enthusiastic smile was contagious to him.

"Yes, you have no idea! The kids go wild with their quirks, some of them fight amongst themselves too. But overall it's fun. What about you?" Fuyumi asked.

"Nothing special." Joichiro said.

"Still thinking about how to quit being a hero after a day?" She asked him with a playful smile.

Just as she asked him, the waiter came toward their table and served what they ordered.

"Thank you." Thanking the waiter, Joichiro answered Fuyumi "Not at the moment."

"What changed?" Fuyumi asked.

"Well, Crust happend. He gave me a longass speech, and basically told me to find my own reason to be a hero." Joichiro said and started to eat the cake and sip the lemon tea slowly.

"So, if you find the reason, would you continue to be a hero?" Fuyumi asked as she is genuinely curious about it.

"We will know when I cross that bridge." Joichiro said.

As they were chit chatting with each other, Soto who has been assigned as the babysitter of both Yukki and Eri got a text message. Seeing that his eyes went wide.

Dialing Fuyumi's number, Shoto kept on repeating "Pick up, pick up."

As soon as the call connected, Shoto said not giving his sister a chance to speak "Give the phone to Joichiro."

"Listen, Shigaraki made an appearance where our classmates were. And he is after you and Midoriya. Tell me where you are, we need to leave now." After getting their location, Shoto disconnected the call and took hold of Eri and Yuki by the hands he walked towards the cafe.

Before they reached there, Joichiro and Fuyumi were walking towards them. Shoto noticed that Joichiro was looking carefree as ever, even after hearing that one of the villains was targeting him.

"Let's first buy everything we need, then we will leave." Joichiro said.

"Joichiro, this is Shigaraki we are talking about." Shot said, getting a little annoyed.

Smiling, Joichiro replied "Yeah, the same Shigaraki who got beaten black and blue by me. Don't worry, it'll be fine as Erasure Head is in the vicinity."

After Shoto calmed down knowing Erasure Head was near them, they went on with their purchase. Just that, they were doing it in a hurry.


At Class 1A, Aizawa was standing before his students explaining about what happened with the encounter of Midoriya and Shigaraki. As he saw that his students understood what he described, he said "So, with that being the case, we ought to be more wary of the enemy's movements."

Ripping off the field guide he gave them two days prior, Aizawa continued "The destination for our regular school trip will likely be changed. And the new destination won't be announced until the day of the event."

"What!!" A collective exclamation was heard from the students.

They started to speak amongst themselves, as Bakugo told Midoriya that he should have broken some bones of Shigaraki.

Aizawa just gave a blank stare at their interaction and as the homeroom ended, he left the class leaving the students to their devices.

After Aizawa left the class, the conversation between the students started to die down as the next teacher came in, who was the loudest man out there Present Mic who taught them English.

On his way towards the staff room to sleep from the class Aizawa was thinking 'Should I bring Eri with me for this, or should I not? How did Shigaraki find Midoriya? Why did he start to target Midoriya and Saiba? No, why is he targeting Midoriya? I can understand Saiba as he's the one who knocked Shigaraki unconscious at U.S.J, it might have stung his ego or something.' Sighing he said out loud "Too many questions, and I don't have an answer to most of them."