

Daoistah03FM · Cómic
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9 Chs


Being a hero isn't about being fame, money, attention, or being strong, a hero is all about sacrificing yourself to save the people who have fallen into despair and make a change for the future.



**Izuku's POV**

It's been quite a while since the Vigilante Silent appeared on the scene, and people haven't stopped talking about him. His nocturnal acts of saving people and stealing from villains have sparked endless debates. Many disapprove of his methods, arguing that saving people should be the heroes' job, and stealing, even from villains, is still a crime.

"Did you hear about the Vigilante Silent?"

"I heard he saves people and steals at night."

"Why haven't the heroes caught this guy yet?"

"He's incredibly good at avoiding detection."

"He's stealing, which is illegal."

"Even if it's from villains, his actions are still against the law."

"Yeah! They need to catch him quickly!"

Honestly, I don't care much about their views on Vigilante Silent. To me, saving people is heroic, and stealing from villains to make gadgets for my future endeavors is justified.

If you're wondering what kind of powerful gadgets I'm making, well, I'm starting with an arc reactor for a power source, inspired by Iron Man. Then, I'll develop nanotechnology to create a suit that can transform into any weapon I need and a device that can suppress someone's quirk, even mutant types.

Don't worry about the money I've used. I bought materials to make gadgets and sold them online. Being only 13, I couldn't just show up with lots of money without explaining where it came from. My mom agreed to me selling my gadgets, and I've been making things that help people control their quirks and improve their daily lives. Surprisingly, my dad, whom I've never met, helped me with a portfolio. I need to ask Mom about him since the anime never revealed who he is.

I was planning to move out of that old basement and into an old garage condo that cost ¥88,000,000 plus renovations. Renovating was tough, but I did it. Now, the garage door has a custom security system with cameras, and the inside is spacious with a second floor. The ground floor is a workshop with all my tools, a gym, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a custom computer setup. I also made a solar power generator to cut down on electricity bills. The second floor is my living quarters with a bed, TV, couch, and another computer setup. With everything done, it was time to build the arc reactor.


Three weeks since moving into the garage condo, I spent most of my time there, even sleeping sometimes. I had to temporarily pause my vigilante activities to focus on building the arc reactor. The materials, especially the palladium, were expensive and took a while to arrive, but it would be worth it for an unlimited power source. I wished I had Momo Yaoyorozu's quirk; getting materials would be so much easier.

When the materials finally arrived, I went straight to work. The garage condo was filled with loud noises and bright lights. After five weeks of grueling work, I finally did it. I created the arc reactor. I placed the palladium inside and used the generator to power it. It started glowing brighter and brighter until the light settled. I looked at the glowing device with pride and joy.

"Finally! It's alive! ALIVE! HAHAHAHAHA!"

*Cough! Cough!*

Okay, that was a bit overboard. But it's finished, and it's generating 3 gigajoules per second. I integrated it with my generator, and now I don't have to worry about electricity bills.

I heard a ring at the garage door. Checking the monitor, I saw Mom standing there with a bento. She was probably worried about me. I opened the door.

"Hi, Mom. Why are you here?"

"I was checking if you're taking care of yourself since you've been here a lot lately," she said with concern.

Her worry made me feel guilty. "I've been busy with a project, but don't worry. I'm not neglecting my health."

She seemed relieved and reminded me not to overwork myself. After giving me the bento, she left. I wasn't hungry yet, so I left it in the kitchen. With the weekend here, I focused on making more gadgets and a new suit for my vigilante persona.


"Ahhh, that was exhausting." I spent two days in the garage perfecting my new suit. It was a long process, but worth it.

The suit is made of Kevlar, which is extremely strong, lightweight, and resistant to corrosion and heat. It has retractable wing gliders for aerial maneuvers, dual tonfas with hidden blades, fingertip strings for swinging and combat, wall-clinging capabilities, smoke bombs, repulsors for flight and energy blasts, and hidden arm blades. The arc reactor powers the suit.

The design, inspired by Iron Man and Spider-Man 2099, is entirely black with white accents and a quarter note rest/silent emblem on the chest. The mask features glowing spider eyes and a built-in radio for police reports and communication, along with a black hood with white edges.

I looked at the suit with a satisfied smirk.

"This will make my vigilante persona a lot easier."

With everything ready, it was time to test the suit at night.


**Later at night**

I stood atop a building, excitement coursing through me. Ready to test the suit's transportation, I stretched, took a step back, and prepared myself.

"3... 2... 1... GO!"

I ran forward and leapt off the building, shooting a string at another building to start swinging. Each swing was exhilarating!

"Woohoo!!! This is amazing!!!"

People below noticed and started taking pictures.

"Who's that guy?"

"Is that a new hero?"

"He looks amazing."

With the attention on me, it was time to try the glider. I gained momentum with each swing and expanded the glider, soaring through the air. Smiling beneath my mask, I activated the repulsors to increase speed. The wind around me was an incredible sensation.

But the fun had to end. I heard a police report about a villain attacking two heroes in a populated area. I changed direction and sped towards the scene, ready to help.


That's all for today's chapter I hope you like it!😊😊😊

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