
A new ceiling (edited)

My life is relatively normal. I work an average job, earn an average wage, and have average appearance. My life began average and it well also end average. Entering my apartment after a long shift at the office i Immediately head of to the bedroom and collapse onto my pillow passing out almost immediately. As I lay their I drifted of into my dreams.

After what can only be described as a heavenly sleep I opened my eyes to find myself in a different room with an unfamiliar ceiling. Turning my head I notice that their was another single bed. Looking at my hands they appeared smaller. " is this the legendary transmigration in all those novels" standing up managed to find my way to a bathroom and saw the mirror, the only problem was that I was too short and needed to look for a step. Once a step had been acquired I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

What greeted me was an androgynous face, deep amber eyes and glossy red hair which reached my lower shoulder blade. " holly shit, am I a woman!" Looking down I immediately opened my trousers" hahaha still have my snake" I couldn't help but smile, their was nothing wrong with being a woman it just being a man for 20 years then changing to a woman in a nights sleep could be mentally exhausting.

Looking back up at the mirror I scratched my head releasing another laugh. " hahaha I wonder where I am" I continue looking in the mirror for a little longer as well I've got a new face. A series of ring blast out and suddenly I lose consciousness whist feeling a blister pain on my upper back. Just as everything fades to black I hear an immature voice " Sakura-san! Gloxinia fainted!"

Sakura rem (first name is rem) pov

"Sakura-san! Gloxinia fainted!" When I heard that shout I stopped for a moment before rushing upstairs. When I got their his back was bulging around the shoulder blades. Just as I was about to touch him a small pair of wings burst through his back, they where beautiful. Small rainbow coloured butterfly wings appeared sprouted form his back. The colour constantly changing and revolving. It was almost hypnotic.

Although I wished to stare longer I knew I couldn't as I had to do my job, picking up my phone I rang

the assistant as it was her off day. Informing her of what happened she begrudgingly agreed. Ten minutes later she arrived, it was a side job for her to raise money whist doing hero studies. " Usagiyama-san, thank you for coming on such a short notice, I know your busy with your hero studies but I can't leave the children alone whist I take gloxinia to the hospital, you will be paid for it of course " I said the last bit with a smile to maybe entice her to take it more seriously.

With a loud voice Usagiyama replied " don't worry Sakura-san I've already finished all my studies for today I was just lazing around at home hahahaha " after a some small talk I took the still unconscious gloxinia into my car and drove to the nearest quirk centre to test and register it"

Since the awaking of quirks hospitals became incredibly full of young children who had awakened their quirks. However this was becoming a problem for the staff situated in them, so they opened new facilities related to quirk testing and registration. It was a wise choice as it decreased the amount of work health doctors needed to do in hospitals, it also added new occupations like quirk doctor, quirk councillor and so forth.

It was a 15 minute drive from the orphanage. Once we arrived I place gloxinia gently in my arms and moved towards the clinics doors. It was rather full but had enough staff for me to be situated with a few minutes. Placing gloxinia on a bed all I had to do was wait for him to regain consciousness and they could begin the testing.

Whist waiting I couldn't help but think about the day gloxinia arrived. He had nothing but his name and the clothes on his back. He appeared newborn yet he was left abandoned on my orphanage steps, most children their had parents, they where child who lost their parents by villain attacks or due complications at birth. He however, was the only one abandoned, they tried to find his mother through DNA testing but their was no trace of a woman with the same traits as him recently giving birth. Heaving a final sigh I closed my eyes and wait for him to awaken.

30 minutes later gloxinia awoke

Gloxinia pov

"Erahhhh, what the hell happened" rubbing my forehead I couldn't help but sit up. The memories of the previous gloxinia had entered my mind. Wait that's why I looked familiar i became gloxinia form seven deadly sins and quirks, I'm in my hero academia. Scratching the back of my head something appeared in my line of sight. It reminded me of a video game style system.

[Template system

Name: Gloxinia (no surname)

Race - royal fairy

Age - 6

Template - first fairy king Gloxinia, Gloxinia Of Repose

Notice - for awakening the system you have received 5% bonus.

Template progress - 5%

power level - 2500

Notice - train or defeat enemy's to gain progress, progress will also be earned based on the level of events you change]

Looking at what was in front of my I couldn't help but think ' well that's interesting, legendary no mythical template system, I wonder if I'd get another after I complete it'

Sitting up I look around the room to see the matron talking to a nurse Noticing my steering they put their attention onto me. "Ara Ara, your awake gloxinia-Kun. These nothing to worry about whist you where asleep we ran some test your perfectly healthy." Looking at who spoke I saw a beautiful woman ' who is the nurse and why did they make her so beautiful, life truly is unfair' she was tall, beautiful and slender woman with long legs , light blue hair that reached her knees and crystal blue eyes.

Staring at her I couldn't help but be stupefied by her appearance " I think I'm in love, shit I said that out loud" at that the nurse was visibly please the matron however was not. It was then I remembered I'm a child now and such language isn't normal or appropriate. The matron was furious, she was boiling I could see she was going to grill me out afterwards inside the car.

The nurse was greatly amused by my statement " Ara Ara maybe when your a bit older I wouldn't mind showing you the ropes" giving me a wink she began ask questions about what I think my quirk could do. I didn't answer truthfully. After a few dumb questions which received dumb answers she showed my a scan of my foot. " typical a person with a quirk has a double jointed toe, you however have a triple joined toe meaning you possibly have two quirks" looking at this I couldn't help but be amazed. Was it a coincidence or done on purpose by some higher power which put me here. Naming my quirks I went with fairy kings physique, and Disaster. For my description I gave it a watered down version of what the system described them as to not gain the attention of a certain villain.

Most of what happened was mediocre, after some mandatory tests I was give the green light and sent home in the car Sakura turned to me with a stern look " where did you here that language young man!" I was stumped and said the first thing that came to mind " my maths teacher " all she did was huff start the car and mutter something about making a complaint to the school. The car journey to the orphanage was uneventful and so was the rest of the day. However tomorrow I would test my powers.