
Chapter 34 - Cheerleaders, Part 1

"Time's Up!"

Each teams stopped as Midnight looked over them she stops and says "Where is Team Daisuke?" Everyone looked around and saw that he wasn't there as Daisuke, Shinsou, Midoriya and Uraraka suddenly appeared beside Midnight.

"You need something sensei?" Daisuke asked making Midnight yell in surprise as she saw Daisuke and his team eating cookies as Shinsou, Midoriya and Uraraka were greatful for them.

"Never do that again! Now give me a cookie and where do you keep getting cookies from?!" Midnight said as she takes a cookie and eats it as she then turns to look at the screen as the team names, ranks and points were displayed

Cavalry Battle Teams, Ranks and Points

Teams Ranks Points

Team Daisuke 1st 10 Million

Team Todoroki 2nd 805

Team Bakugou 3rd 795

Team Ojiro 4th 450


"Now, Let's take an hour lunch break before we continue with the festivities" Present Mic said as the students walked off to lunch, Daisuke was about to go meet with Momo and Iida but he sees Todoroki walk up to Midoriya and the both of them walked away, Daisuke quietly and quickly said "Cloak of Invisiblity" "Silent Steps" "Zero Prescence" "Shadow Begone" "Clones"

5 books appeard and activated on Daisuke as He dissapeared and followed Todoroki and Midoriya, Knowing they'll be talking about Todoroki's past and his quirk, wanting to see if anything changed in the Cannon Timeline but a Clone made it's way to Momo and Iida to tell them that Daisuke felt hungry for more cookies so he went home to get some more, which isn't a complete lie since a 3rd Clone is at home, collecting cookies.

As Daisuke followed them, They stopped at the Faculty and Student entrance and talk there like normal, Todoroki started talking about his past and his quirk as well as how vow that he made to himself to never use his fire side.

Todoroki and Midoriya left the hallway and started talking more as Daisuke silently followed as Daisuke smiled at the progress of the story.

"Todoroki-kun and Daisuke are similar.. both made vows to protect someone yet they end up suppressing themselves.."

Daisuke heard as he smiled, thinking on how sweet and innocent Midoriya is as He looked at the hallway and walked over, as he sees Bakugou walking away as Daisuke smiled

As Daisuke telepathy signalled to the Clones to meet up at the rooftop as they did, Daisuke undid all his spells after he placed the cookies in his 'Pocket Dimension' as He teleported back to Momo and Iida as he sees that their eating with Shinso, Jiro, Kirishima and 3 Students from Class 1-B

"Hello, You're Neito Monoma, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Itsuka Kendo, right?" Daisuke said as he sat down on the seat where his clone sat.

"Yes and Your the Daisuke Yaoyorozu, Class 1-A's Representative, I'm-" Kendo spoke

"You're Class 1-B's Representative, right?" Daisuke asked as he waved his hand at Lunch Rush and made hand signals as Lunch Rush nodded and started cooking more food.

"Yes, I am, How did you know?" Kendo asked as she continued eating.

"You ranked 8th during the entrance exam and Tetsutetsu-san ranked 10th, Really impressive and I saw Monoma-san in action, being able to copy other people's powers is something interesting~" Monoma smiled as he looked at Daisuke

"Wow and here I thought you'd just be an ass like Bakugou Katsuki but your pretty cool" Monoma said as he continued to eat.

"I just wanted to rile people up for the events, It would be boring if everyone didn't give it their all" Daisuke said as he noticed Tetsutetsu looking at him intensely

Daisuke sighed and finished eating as he quickly said "Item Swap" He swapped out his empty tray for a food tray with a note saying 'Good Luck, My Favorite Student!'

"Tetsutetsu-san, If you have a question it's better to ask now then later" Daisuke said as he started eating again.

"I'm just curious.. what is your quirk exactly? Like at the obstacle race you grew wings and swapped out Momo-chan and Iida-kun with rocks to get ahead and at the cavalry battle I saw you pull up 2 steel arms and black fog? Or smoke and got away from Bakugou"

Testsutetsu asked as Monoma, Kendo and Shinso listened "My quirk is called Akashik Records, Basically I can make anything I imagine come true, it's also tied to my stamina, Actually that's why I became interested in Monoma-san"

"In me? Why?" Monoma said as he finished eating.

"I wanted to see if you could copy my quirk, that's all" Daisuke said as he extended his hand to Monoma as Monoma smiled and took Daisuke's hand as they let go as Monoma tried but couldn't use his quirk.

"Sorry but it's a blank" Monoma said as he tried to summon those books Daisuke use but nothing happened just as Denki and Sero walked up to Momo and Jiro, telling them about the girls needing to wear cheer uniforms as Aizawa said.

"Wait, Daisuke did you hear anything about this from Aizawa-sensei?" Momo and Jiro asked.

"Hm.. this is the first time I'm hearing about it too.. but a cheer from the girls might boost the guys moral for the games so why not? Plus I'm sure our classmates wouldn't lie to us, besides.. I'm sure they know the consequences if I find out they did.."

"Alright then.. I guess we're doing this.." Jiro sighed.

"Hey, How about this, How about I come with you girls in a male version of these cheer outfits, so that way you'll at least have the class rep with you"

Jiro and Momo took Daisuke's hand and held his hands and said in a serious voice "Yes please"

Daisuke smiled and finished eating and got up as a book appeared on his seat as he quickly said "Item Recreation, UA Cheer Outfits"

A pile of cheer outfits appeared on the chair as Daisuke gave them to Momo and Jiro who finished eating

"You girls go and change first, I'll call the others" Daisuke said as Momk and Jiro ran to the changing rs Daisuke started telling the girls about it and agreed to do it since he'll be there as well.