
Mha: Aegis the Shield Hero

Axel Black doesn't like people coming close to him and likes to keep distance. He keeps secrets to himself and doesn't say much. Ironically, his quirk allows him to create barriers to protect himself and others from attacks. ... If you want extra chapters go support me on patre on. patreon.com/Asceanime

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80 Chs

Chapter 26

Everyone was shookth.

They stared at Axel with wide eyes and complete confusion. Why is he sitting down? Is he that confident? Can he defeat Todoroki like that?

Many questions appeared in their heads as they watched the match. Class 1-A on the other hand was surprised. They have seen Axel do this before during All Mights class, but that was during a team exercise.

Todoroki was absolutely furious as he stared at Axel. With Axel's action, he's basically saying that he isn't even a threat.

If Midoriya was the person who decided to use words to get Todoroki to use his fire Axel was the person who used actions.

The conflict inside Todoroki increased by a large margin as he clenched his hands, nails digging into his skin. He understood that Axel was saying that if he only used his ice then he wasn't worth fighting against with his full strength.

" What are you doing? Get up and fight! " Todoroki yelled.

The conflict was becoming worse and worse. He tried to push it down but it just didn't stop. He didn't want to use his fire. Not again.

" Yeah get up. "

" Start fighting. "

The audience wanted them to fight bit Axel just sat there. He didn't care about the audience. He just stared at Todoroki.

" Make me. " Axel said.

Todoroki flinched as he looked at Axel. Axel had no intention of getting up from the ground. Todoroki's conflict grew stronger. He knew that his ice alone, he would lose to Axel.

If he used his fire he could win. But the trauma just kept coming back at the thought. Again and again.

Todoroki just stood at the same spot as he couldn't do anything. Most of the students looked at Todoroki, wondering why he didn't do anything. Others though suspected that something was going on inside his mind.

They looked at Axel, who could end this fight in an instant, but he kept sitting on the ground, unaffected by the voices around him.

Todoroki was going through multiple emotions all at once. He couldn't stop his thoughts. They kept coming back.

" Todoroki. " Axel said.

Todoroki hearing his name looked at Axel. His eyes mimicked the pain he felt. He felt so defeated and he couldn't do anything at this moment.

" What do think matters in a fight? " Axel asked.

Todoroki looked at Axel after his question made his way into his head. For a moment, his attention was on the question as he pushed back everything else and looked at Axel.

" Skill. That's all. Skill in terms of combat and the way you use your quirk. Nothing else. " Axel said with a serious look on his face.

Axel believed this to be the case. In a fight, he never focused on anything else except for the fight. Analyzing his opponent, working with his teammate, and more. Everything was a distraction that could lead to more problems.

Todoroki looked at Axel. Axel's words struck a chord with Todoroki. In all his fights, he only used his right side because it reminded him of his mother. He made a promise to himself to never use his left side because of his hatred towards his father. He brought other things to the fight.

It weighed him down. He brought his own family problems to this fight. He only used his ice. People could take advantage of that.

'It's your quirk!! '

Midoriya's words appeared in his head. It made sense. It's his quirk.

His ice, not his mother's.

His fire, not his father's.

Opening his eyes, his eyes he looked at Axel with a determined expression. His eyes were calm, nothing was bothering him. Axel noticed and stood up. The audience finally calmed down as they looked at the arena.

No word we're spoken between the 2 as they understood each other perfectly.

Todoroki immediately attacked with his fire, sending a large stream of fire straight towards Axel.

Axel blocked the attack with a barrier as Todoroki used his ice right after to rocket himself towards Axel.

He was right above Axel, as Axel looked up to see Todoroki. Axel moved to the right as Todoroki slammed his ice-covered fist onto the ground.

Todoroki stared at Axel, who rushed towards him with a punch to the face. Todoroki tilted his head to his right, to avoid the punch and tilted to the left to avoid the second punch.

He then jumped back and sent a blast of fire straight towards Axel. Axel charged straight into the fire, his barriers blocking the heat from the flames.

Axel appears in front of Todoroki unharmed and punched him straight in the gut. Todoroki spat out some saliva but then froze Axel's outstretched hand.

He skidded back as Axel broke the ice easily. He placed barriers on his arm to protect them from the ice, then expanded them to break it.

Todoroki sent some ice straight towards Axel. Axel, seeing this coming, created a cone-shaped barrier. The cone spun as it went towards the ice and tore through it like a drill.

Todoroki saw this and used his ice to make a pillar of ice to launch him upward. He avoided the ice and ran towards Axel.

Todoroki appeared in front of Axel and went for a punch to the face. Axel dodged and retaliated with his own punch.

Todoroki dodged that and went for a strike to the face with an ice sword. Axel tilted his head to the side. Axel dodged to his left and blocked the next strike with a barrier. He immediately created a barrier as Todoroki attacked with his fire.

He gritted his teeth as Axel directed the flames to the side with a curved barrier.

Todoroki stopped using his flames and was going to create a glacier at close range but he got hit in the face.

A rectangle barrier appeared to his left and extended into a rectangular prism. It slammed into his and so it the next one.

It pushed him back as blood came out of his nose. He held on though before unleashing the glacier.

The ice went straight towards Axel who expanded his barriers to destroy the ice. The ice however as still there in tiny pieces as Todoroki put everything into his flames.

Unleashing a large blast of fire, it went straight towards Axel. It was the same move he used on Midoriya, however, it was much stronger.

Axel looked at the attack coming and put up a barrier. The flames hit the barrier and were directed upwards, out of the stadium.

People could see a large column of fire as Todoroki tried to break the barrier but he couldn't and had to stop using his flames.

He exceeded his limit. He was breathing heavily as everyone looked at the barrier and Axel. Axel's breathing was slightly off as he removed the barrier.

Axel and Todoroki stared at each other before a smile appeared on Axel's face.

" That was fun. "

" It was. " Todoroki agreed before falling forward. He was exhausted.

" Todoroki is unconscience. The winner is Axel Black. "



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