
MHA - Phoebe X Dabi

My own spin from My hero academia with a female lead Phoebe falling for bad boy Villain Dabi

Emmasdarkness · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Stranger

Phoebe Granger – Age :25 – quirk – leopard beast: the ability to shift into a leopard as well and partially transform parts of her body.

Phoebe woke with the sun glaring through the slit within her curtains, groaning she pulled her blanket to cover her face attempting to return to her dream state, after a few minutes with no avail she shouted in frustration and kicked the blanket from her. Phoebe rubbed her eyes wiping the last of sleep from them, she rested her arm over her face, she sighed.

"Well fuck it, I suppose I should get up" she groaned, still not ready to start her day, she climbed off her bed and walked into her bathroom, she stripped out of her clothes leaving them discarded on the floor and turned on the shower, she stretched up her body, the movement caused her boobs to jolt, she caught her own reflection within the mirror and winced, she always hated the way she looked, she was bigger than most woman, she had meat on her, her skin was marked with light birthmarks in the shape of rosettes, even in her human form she still had her cat ears and tail and whenever she smiled you could see her canines. She hated herself.

Phoebe entered the shower stall, the heat from the water burnt her skin, she welcome the pain, she looked up to at the shower head allowing the water to rush down her face. She knew she needed to get ready, she quickly washed her hair and body and turned off the shower and stepped out. She reached for her towel only to come away empty.

'damn it to hell I forgot my towel again' she thought, Phoebe walked out the bathroom, leaving wet footsteps behind her, she grabbed a towel off her desk and rubbed down her body quickly drying herself, not having the time to blow dry her hair she towel dried it as best as she could, groaning her hair was going to end being wavy which would cause it to become unruly later, but hey that was a problem for future phoebe, she laughed to herself.

Phoebe dressed herself in black knee length shorts and a white vest, accompanied by blue lacey underwear, her blonde medium length hair came just passed her shoulders and laid perfectly just above her boobs, with her hair still damp, she rushed downstairs and quickly slipped on her shoes before leaving the house, slamming the door closed on her way. She ran down the road and decided to take a short cut through an alley, completely lost in her own thoughts she didn't see that there was someone in front of her before it was too late.

Phoebe fell backwards on to her arse with a thump. "ow, fuck that hurt, watch where you're going dickhead" she shouted at the person in front her.

" you ran into me Baka" the person replied, in a male husky voice.

"Baka, how dare you?" she replied jumping to her feet, she activated her quirk in anger, her claw grew and her teeth elongated further, phoebe ran forward she judgment and moves clouded with rage, she swiped her claws towards his face, he easily dodged to the left, as he did he kicked phoebe in the chest causing her to fly backwards into a wall, she coughed as the impact vibrated through her back before she could counter he moved into her personal space, hand wrapped tightly around her throat he lifted her slightly with ease, as if she was just a petite girl, but she wasn't. Her toes barely reached the floor. Phoebe struggled within his grasp which only seemed to please him more judging by the smile he had on his face.

Phoebe did what came natural to her in a situation she had no control over.

" if you're going to keep your hand around my throat either knock me out or clear whatever plans you had for the day" she sarcastically rasped.

The male in question laughed in response, he lent in close his breathe tickled her, yet it only started embers within her.

"Oh really now" he whispered near her ear. "what did you have in mind little mouse" he asked.

Phoebe couldn't help but blush, usually that comment threw people, yet he seemed to just get off over it. She swiped her claws towards him again, he just about avoided the attack, instead of a deep gash, they lightly cut him still enough to draw blood on his face, the blood slowly dripped from them , running down his cheek, phoebe swallowed as she watched as one the droplets atrailed down on to a staple that was embedded within his flesh, it was then that phoebe actually took note of this males appearance, his face from his ears down his jaw line and under his mouth was half scarred from burns, along with under his eyes, his neck scars seemed to go further but the tshirt he wore hide the rest from her, Even with the jacket he wore with the sleeves rolled up she noticed more scars that ended at his wrist, the metal staples followed around the edges of all his scarring. most people might have flinched at his appearance yet he had the complete opposite affect, everything about this male screamed villain, she did always like the troubled guys.

Phoebes gaze rose back to his face and the blood droplets that continued to run down his cheek, phoebe licked her lips and wished he was closer so her tongue could lick them away, her mouth watered just thinking about it.

" so much for mouse, more like kitty, a kitty with claws" he said with his free hand he used two fingers and wiped the blood from his face, phoebe followed the movement, her green eyes brightened, pupils slit, he brought his fingers in front of her face, she rewet her lips with her tongue, he followed the movement and she followed his fingers.

"kitty likes what she sees huh" he brought the bloody fingers closer to her mouth, her tongue reached out stealing some blood from them, the embers within her turned to flames fanning throughout her body, 'damn' she thought she shouldn't be getting Aroused, but she knew she hadn't had sex since her last boyfriend over a year ago.

"open up kitty" he commanded, his tone had little shivers run through her. Phoebe obeyed parting her lips, he brought the two bloody fingers to her mouth running them gently over her bottom lip before they entered her mouth, the metallic taste swirled around her tongue as she licked and sucked his fingers clean. He groaned as he slowly removed his fingers from her mouth just before he removed them fully she nipped the tips of them.

"Bad kitty" he scolded her by tightening his fingers around her throat, phoebe felt herself give an little involuntary purr with pleasure to which he chuckled "was that a purr?" he asked bringing his face closer she growled in response she didn't want to admit just how much this handsome stranger affected her, after all she still had what was left of her pride.

A phone ringing broke the atmosphere they had created, reality set back in and phoebe remembered she was going to be late meeting with a teacher from UA, one her friend had set her up for a job, one she didn't really need or want. Phoebe grabbed the wrist that had her throat constricted and pulled, he laughed and fished his phone from his trouser pocket.

"I'm not finished with yet kitten, now be good and don't make a sound" he commanded her as he swiped his finger across his phone screen to answer the call, bringing the phone to his ear.

"what, I'm busy" he Grunted, with phoebe's hearing being as acute as a cats she easily heard the callers voice.

"Busy with what, oh are you having fun Dabi, you were meant to be here over 10 minutes ago, what fun are you having?" it sounded like the caller was two people both talking and both wanting answers one was serious and the other more carefree and excitable.

"I said I'm busy Twice now fuck off" Dabi replied and hung up the call, set his phone to silent and slipped it back within his trouser pocket.

"Now where was I?" he asked, as he ran a finger down Phoebe's jawline, running it through her still damp hair, carried on down till it reached the mounds of her Boobs. "Blue bra, my favourite colour" he muttered to himself, his hand squeezed her boob, kneaded it before alternating to the other one, the dampness from her hair had soaked through her tshirt and into her bra, creating the extra friction that had her squirming within his grasp, his hand travelled further down passed her stomach until he reached the waistband of her shorts, phoebe's eyes widened surely he wouldn't do nothing here, in the middle of the day where anyone can see them and to phoebe's shock she found that she kind of liked the idea.

He slipped his fingers under both waistbands and through her curls to her wet pussy, he pushed 2 fingers inside her as his hand grounded against her clit and he pumped his 2 fingers inside curling them to rub that sweet spot she let a little moan slip before she bit down on her tongue to stop herself.

"I will make you purr for me kitty just you wait" he stated as he squeezed tighter constricting the blood flow to her brain all while he rubbed and pumped her faster, she felt the pressure build higher and higher, Dabi stepped closer to her body enough for phoebe to grip a hold his shoulders , her claws dug in there, her hips shameless ground against his hand, the pleasure reached its final moments, Dabi released his grip around her throat the blood flowed quickly back to her brain, the pleasured increased, phoebe moaned loudly as she orgasmed, Dabi continued his pace prolonging her orgasm , to avoid moaning louder she bit into the crook of his neck sinking her fangs into him, she moaned louder the sound muffled.

Blood dripped into her mouth and Dabi groaned in pleasure, enjoying the pain she inflicted upon him. She slightly sagged against Dabi's body releasing her mouth and claws from him if it wasn't for Dabi holding her against him she would have fallen to her knees.

"If you had screamed any louder, you would have certainly caused curious people to check in" he whispered in her ear, chuckling to himself he continued "you had better keep more quiet as we continue otherwise we will draw a gather interesting crowd"

"Continue, but I've had my fun I wasn't aware this quid pro quo" she struggled Nonchalantly raising her head from its current position on his shoulder, she pushed against Dabi and moved around him she only managed to take a few post orgasm footsteps forward before she felt her wrist being shackled by a hand.

"Kitten where do you think you're going? I'm not finished with you yet" he replied as he pulled her towards him, she fell easily back against the hard muscles of his chest, with how close she was she could feel his erection as it strained against his trousers and rubbed against her arse.

" Yet this concerns me how?" she quickly retorted Knowing full well she was pushing his buttons and yet she didn't care there was a part of her that craved more of this touch, needed more of him in every possible way. She knew she had been successful when she heard him growl , she felt her body turn around and the breathe slam out of her lungs as her back made contact with the wall next to her, Dabi stepped in closer holding both her wrists above her head with his hands, she was once again at his mercy, she knew she would break his hold, knew she could just escape and flee from him, but she needed this. Needed him.

"Bad, bad kitty that wasn't every nice of you, no this won't do" he smiled at her he released his grip from her wrists only to grab hold of her hips and lift her into a position that had her sex rubbing against his erection, phoebe squirmed in his arms, a soft moan escaped she was still sensitive from her orgasm. Dabi pushed her harder into the wall with one hand it left the grip on her hip, she felt it move to her sex, she felt heat emanating from his hands when she looked down a small blue flame what the fuck she thought, the flames started to burn through her shorts and passed her underwear he quickly extinguished the flames before they would burn her.

"You ruined my clothes" she panted, she tried to put more of a pout on her face, she failed miserably, she was turned on, a rosy blush on her cheeks, breathes in short pants.

"So" he replied completely aware of his effect on her, she could hear the sound of him unzipping his trousers, she felt his dick push against her, teasing her, rubbing against her clit, moans filled the air as he continued, she felt as if she was floating higher and higher yet before she could fall hard with the orgasm that threatened to take her he stopped.

"what the fuck Dabi?" she screamed at him, she wanted desperately to cum yet it was just out of her reach, she tried to grind against him to find release but he adjusted his hips so she could no longer find the pressure she needed, phoebe growled at him, anger replaced the euphoria she was feeling just a minute ago. She tried to move her hand so she would find release yet he grabbed her wrist and found the other one pinning both hands above her head.

"now don't move kitty" flames surrounded her wrists with just about enough room so they wouldn't actually burn her, she could feel the heat emanating from flames warming her wrists, she felt brave and moved her wrists slightly she felt the flames lick her skin, pain flared thorough her body she grinded her teeth together, the pain felt amazing, it only further heightened her senses, she moaned.

Dabi laughed and lent in close to her face his lips just about brushed against hers she felt him adjust himself so he lined up perfectly with her entrance, before she could even register what was happening he impaled himself in her, he trapped her scream with his mouth, kissing her passionately as he moved with in, each lazy stroke rubbing her sweet spot, phoebe kissed him harder grinding against him, she wanted him to move faster, to move harder. Phoebe bit down on his tongue in warning, his blood dripped into her mouth she sucked on his tongue drawing more into her mouth.

Dabi moaned in her mouth her bite flipped a switch with in him, his movements become harder, became rougher, he ground her against the wall the rough texture scratched her skin exposed on her shoulder blades, Dabi lifted her higher and continued his onslaught like he was possessed, pleasure flooded through her veins, throughout her entire body, she could feel herself coming close, phoebe began to purr the sound vibrated in the mouth and throughout her body, Dabi could feel the vibrations all the way to her womb, he couldn't hold himself back, he felt when her orgasm hit her, her womb pulsed around him, squeezing him, Dabi felt his own release spill inside her, he gripped her hips tighter as she broke from their kiss to scream his name.

Dabi extinguished his flames, her arms feel down resting on his shoulders as they both tried to calm their breathing. Phoebe felt completely stated, despite how relaxed Dabi felt with in her arms he still remained inside her and still held her to him like she was his lifeline.

"Told you I would make you purr for me kitty" he whispered.

Hey, hope you enjoy

Emmasdarknesscreators' thoughts