
New Member Arc - Prologue

"Akane! Ready or not here I come!" a voice called.

The girl was curled up in a ball in a random cabinet at the mansion her grandmother owned, determined to win the game of hide-and-go-seek.

Even at fourteen, the girl was childish and playful at heart. Her body (not fully developed, but not absent) was scrunched up together in an uncomfortable looking position. Akane wanted to see the seeker in the room but her leg was covering the peephole. To see through it she would've had to move a lot and have the chance of the seeker finding her. She tried moving quietly, and for a minute it began to work, but her elbow hit he wrong floorboard and it made the slightest creak.

The seeker made footsteps closer to her spot in the cabinet, and she leaned closer to the wall as if it would stop her from being seen. When she leaned against the wall, it seemed...soft.

It was probably just a figment of her imagination.

She pushed at the cabinet wall and its seemed to sink inward. It wasn't part of her imagination! She pushed more at the soft wall as the steps came closer. The footsteps stopped.

Akane shoved against the malleable wall and it snapped as something gripped on the outside of the cabinet door. What was on the other side of the cabinet shocked Akane. It was a hole in the room wall! She Reached into the dark hole in the wall and her hand disappeared. The cabinet door swung open and it startled Akane. She leaned backward and tumbled headfirst into the hole in the wall.

Hello! I am the author and I just wanted to say thank you for reading the prologue. It was short, but I hope you enjoyed it! The actual beginning of the Arc will begin Saturday, February 20 with 1-3! I wanted to give a preview of what MgFORCE5 will be like. Have a good day, please vote my story with stones, and review if you enjoy it!!!!! :)

TamedMantiscreators' thoughts