
Gao Ming's wonders

After the psychic strength test, Gao Cai took Gao Ming to the training room to examine his progress in psychic abilities. The assessment covered four main aspects: the arrangement of psychic ability characteristics, the speed of completing psychic abilities, the precision of releasing offensive psychic abilities, and the mobility of defensive psychic abilities.

It was clear that Gao Cai wanted to see how far Gao Ming had progressed in using psychic abilities during this period. Then, she would set corresponding assessment standards based on his progress.

Gao Ming, naturally, did not need to hide anything anymore. Gao Cai's actions were entirely for his own good, even if it meant enduring some hardships. Gao Ming had a deep understanding of the saying from his previous life, "Enduring hardships leads to success, and geniuses are made through relentless effort." His own experiences were unforgettable; there was no turning back.

No matter how extraordinary his psychic potential was, there was a truth that stood: the success of a genius was ninety-nine percent perspiration and one percent talent. Although he might have a bit more talent, without putting in the effort, even the best talent could go to waste. Now, Gao Cai was planning his training, and it seemed she wanted to cultivate him into the first psychic sage or even a psychic titled god in the history of the Gao family!

Following Gao Cai's instructions, Gao Ming meticulously assessed each psychic ability. The evaluation took a very long time, and Gao Ming was completely tormented by Gao Cai until late in the afternoon before she allowed him to leave. He hadn't even had lunch; however, seeing Gao Cai satisfied with his 'real' combat data, Gao Ming felt exhausted but relieved. She had been shouting all day, and her voice was still as pleasant as ever.

Ah, women were terrifying when they were serious. Thinking about training under such a formidable woman in the future made Gao Ming shiver.

Dragging his tired body back to the family residence, Gao Ming's mental energy had been drained by a whole day of psychic ability use. With the gentle care of Ling Ping, he took a bath and fell asleep in a daze.

He woke up to a soft voice calling him, and when he opened his eyes, Ling Ping was calling him. When he checked the time, it was already dark outside.

"Ling Ping, how long have I been sleeping?"

"Master, for a little more than two hours. Dinner on that side is about to begin. Will Master be going?"

"Why not? I haven't eaten all day. I'm starving!"

Gao Ming felt refreshed, as the resilience of a psychic's mental energy was extremely strong. Touching his stomach, which had been empty the whole day due to Gao Cai, he felt uncomfortable.

Under Ling Ping's care, Gao Ming got dressed and headed straight to the dining room.

At the dining table, Gao Ming noticed everyone looking at him strangely. However, he quickly understood. Today, he had displayed his abilities in the training camp and, as an awakened individual, defeated a psychic warrior. This kind of situation naturally spread quickly under the intentional dissemination of interested parties.

everyone didn't specifically bring up that incident, but Gao Ming noticed an increase in mentions of him during the conversations leading up to dinner. Gao Meng and Gao Bo's couples would always praise Gao Ming intentionally or unintentionally. It seemed that his outstanding performance had elevated his status among the family members.

Over the next year, Gao Ming underwent strict psychic training under Gao Cai's supervision. She organized his schedule to the fullest extent, leaving barely any time for anything other than sleep, meals, and personal necessities. Gao Ming practically lived at the training camp and rarely had time to return to the family residence.

The training was rigorous, but the results were remarkable.

Gao Ming displayed combat awareness, psychic comprehension, and psychic potential that left Gao Cai speechless. She could only use one word to describe it—miracle.

One year of training led to a miraculous transformation for Gao Ming.

In Gao Cai's words, while Gao Ming's psychic strength might not have reached the level of a psychic practitioner, his true combat power could definitely rival one. This wasn't baseless praise; Gao Cai personally engaged in combat with Gao Ming during his training, and he faced her real attacks, sustaining numerous injuries.

Gao Cai admitted that, during their sparring sessions, she never held back. Even though she only used second-level psychic abilities, her combat effectiveness was no less than that of a practitioner at Gao Ming's level.

Gao Ming's real combat experience increased rapidly in this situation, and his fighting ability soared at rocket speed.

Throughout the year, Gao Cai stubbornly refused to let Gao Ming learn new psychic abilities. Every time he cautiously requested it, he would receive disdainful glances and a casual tone from Gao Cai: "Gao Ming, you are still far from meeting my assessment standards. So, you must work hard and reach my standards as soon as possible."

This indifferent statement made Gao Ming want to spit blood.

Nevertheless, this type of training laid a solid foundation for Gao Ming's psychic abilities.

One morning in the study, Gao Ming was engrossed in a scroll of notes on psychic ability application techniques when Gao Cai suddenly entered.

In recent days, Gao Ming noticed that she appeared less frequently than usual. Excitement surged within him; perhaps he was approaching her assessment standards. This was good news. It seemed he would be freed from this intense training soon.

"Gao Ming, do you want to participate in real combat?"

Gao Cai threw out this sentence without any context.

"Real combat? With you or someone else?"

Gao Ming found it strange. Real combat? It felt like he had been spending every day in real combat. Given Gao Cai's fierce determination, she seemed to want to blast him into pieces as if he had wronged her.

With a mysterious smile, Gao Cai replied, "It's with the Wenren Clan. This is real combat in its truest sense—a life-and-death battle!"

"Ah~" Gao Ming exclaimed, "Teacher, our clan is going to war with the Wenren Clan?"

Gao Cai nodded, "That's right, it will happen in the next few days. This is a good opportunity for you to experience what real combat is like. Hehe, after seeing blood, you can truly grow."

Gao Ming felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. He had been training intensely for this moment, and now he was going to test his real combat abilities. As a man, the battlefield held an irresistible allure, and he felt his blood boiling at the thought. Surprisingly, he didn't have the slightest fear of going into battle.

"Don't be too excited. This psychic war is not an easy fight. If you encounter a formidable opponent, you might not make it. Although your combat strength is not weak, there are much stronger individuals out there. This time, letting you participate is just to let you experience a real bloody battle. Well, after seeing blood, you can truly grow," warned Gao Cai.

Gao Ming was still excited, his eyes shining with determination. He wanted to test his combat strength after all the rigorous training he had undergone. Yet, Gao Cai tried to bring him back to reality.

"You also need to understand that this psychic battle is not an easy one. If you encounter a powerful opponent, it could be a life-or-death situation. Although your combat strength is commendable, there are many stronger individuals out there. Participating in this battle is to let you experience the harsh reality of war. Okay, later, go to the library and learn a few new second-level fire-type psychic abilities. Remember, don't be too greedy. Do you understand why I didn't let you learn new psychic abilities in the past year? I was afraid you would be distracted by too many abilities and couldn't focus on learning application techniques. Also, having too many psychic abilities is not always an advantage. Too many but not mastered is the biggest drawback for a psychic. Every time you learn a new psychic ability, you must fully understand it. This is why I've allowed you to learn new abilities now. In the future, when learning new psychic abilities, strictly adhere to the standards of complete understanding."

Gao Cai poured cold water on Gao Ming's excitement.

Gao Ming quickly adopted a look of earnest acceptance, "Teacher, I understand. I'll go to the library now."

"Go ahead."

Gao Cai waved her hand, watching Gao Ming's excited figure disappear as he rushed to the library. A smile played on her lips.