
Methuselan Blood

"What is wrong with me? Why wouldn't anyone dare approach me?" Alice thought as she sat on her desk. She always finds herself alone. "Open your eyes" "Who are you?" Alice exclaimed at the person who appeared before her. The tall handsome man gave her a stoic expression. It wasn't long before she notice after pondering for a while that it was only a dream. She was back again on her desk. She observed her classmates enjoying what was left of the fifteen minute break. They were all happy, chatting, sharing food, playing video games, simply socializing. She rarely speaks to her classmates because of the fact that they would only acknowledge her when they work on a group project, or a team building, saying what she needed to say, after what was requested of her to do or to accomplish, after exchanging thoughts with others in that certain group, she would just be ignored again like she is clearly invisible. It wasn't just with her classmates it was the same with other people, with an exception, her family. Alice wasn't anyone special. She wasn't a very intelligent student, not an athlete, she doesn't have a golden voice, she was completely devoid of talents, sometimes she even thought she doesn't exist. Alice could blend perfectly in the crowd though, it's a dominant trait of hers that she is perfectly aware of. One incident happened though,,,

Valkyrie_me · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs


The following day I didn't saw Regal inside the mansion. Willow says he was handling matters in Vorytheridia.

He returns late at night and leaves very early the next day. It was already almost two weeks like that. I eat by myself every meal. Willow was getting busy as well, he also leaves the mansion after he finishes attending to his chores, it seems to be an errand Regal requested him to do.

I stayed inside the mansion because of the snowfall. The weather was terrible, unlike the other day. There was a blizzard. It was too cold as well, the sunshine last time was never to be seen again, the skies turned gray and thunderclaps are very likely to occur. The wind was harsh as it blows making eerie sounds against the windows of my room.

I always spend my time away in front of the fireplace reading a book, I accidentally found a huge library in the mansion without asking for Regal's permission I entered it, Willow told him about it because I have been such a chicken to even say a word about it but, I reasoned that Willow should tell him because he was always a way I don't happen to stumble at him around the mansion anymore. Willow said Regal surely wouldn't mind of me using the library but nevertheless, I wanted to ask permission from him but I was too shy, Willow, in the end, had abode by my request, Regal said he was fine with it.

All the books I'm quite interested in were all in a hardbound, which means its too thick for me to carry all the way into my room without making a few stops on the corridors. I should ask Willow for help regarding these books.

I want to be a doctor after I graduate in college, its a dream I've always want to achieve since I was a child.

I'm beginning to enjoy the company of these friendly books around it made me forget the time passing by.

Later that night I took a half bath and changed into new sets of pajamas reaching my bed I covered myself with the blankets and fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up with a start when I feel the room was surprisingly cold, the fire in the fireplace was put out. The thunderstorm was so strong. I can hear the wind howling outside.

I covered myself with the thick blankets but the cold seeps into the mattresses making me shiver, from my breath comes out white misty fog, a loud thunderclap startled me, the windows suddenly opened all at once as a strong gust of wind rushed into the room, blowing away the remaining candle burning, hurriedly I went out of the bed running out of the room not bothering to close the door behind me.

The gust of wind blows away the burning candles in the corridor, I ran and ran until I was enveloped by the blinding darkness, frightened as I was I felt a doorknob behind me luckily when I turned it, it was open, I pushed the thick door made out of wood stumbling in as I entered the room. I fell on the carpeted floor. I quickly got up and closed the door before the wind blows out the candles inside the room. Facing the now locked door, I was washed with relief.

When I turned around my jaw almost dropped. Regal was there. Silently staring at me😶 Goodness! He is in the middle of changing his clothes! Of all the rooms in this mansion, why am I in Regal's room?! He was wearing a black trouser with a white shirt, buttons were left undone, I can clearly see his sculptured abs amidst the firelight, his hair slightly wet. He must've returned not a while ago.

My face was hot. I quickly turned around facing the door apologizing over and over again. I heard nothing from him.

Until not a moment too soon I felt strong hands on my waist. He was hugging me from the back! My heart started to beat fast, my senses overwhelmed with such adrenaline. What to do! My thoughts were shouting that I should run away but my feet were rooted to the spot.

"My lady Alice, might I ask you what are you doing in my room?" He asked. I can feel his breath on my hair. I imagined him smirk or, was it he did.

I struggled to organize my thoughts before I answered.

"I couldn't get back to sleep because of the storm, the wind was able to get inside the room blowing away all the candles, it was too cold and dark," I said managing to make my voice sound natural. I hope he doesn't notice any of my flustering.

I felt him hold both of my hands. "Your cold" he uttered.

He leads me close to the fireplace and let me sat on a chair. I rubbed both of my hands together as I held it close by the fire feeling the warmth.

I could feel his stare at me. I never met his eyes. After a while, he went to his bed and lie down.

There was a thunderclap again making me jerk at my seat. I was not very good with thunder, I was more afraid of it than the dark. When I feel I was now warm I told him,

"Regal could you help me get back into my room, I want to get back to sleep," I said standing up.

"Willow is not back from the errand I sent him, better stay inside my room the rainwater must have already drenched yours," he said with his eyes still close.

I sighed.

"Ok then, good night," I said. I lay on the soft couch facing the fireplace.

Tired, I immediately closed my eyes. I dreamed about Regal.

"Silly girl" I heard Regal whisper in my ear. "You'll hurt your back in the morning"

I felt the soft and warm mattress on my back and the warm blanket that covered me up to my shoulders. Regal hugging me in my dream, it strangely felt warm and safe.


In the morning, I opened my eyes my vision didn't seem to be blurry today. I tried to get up but I couldn't. Strong arms held me in place I was lying on my side facing his broad chest. Regal was sleeping soundly beside me. I tried removing his hands on my waist but he won't let me, he stirred a little and pulled me closer to him and muttered, "Get back to sleep it's too early"

To my relief, my clothes are still intact. Phew, of course, he is not that kind of man, it was silly of me to even think that, and relieved too. Thank goodness.

I looked at the clock. It was 8 in the morning. It's not, that, early.

"You seem to be late, young master," I said prying his arms away with full strength but he didn't even notice. I thought he has something to attend to, in Vorytheridia.

"It's my day off today, it's fine" he uttered, suddenly he kissed my forehead I was taken aback with what he did that I blushed madly at him. What's with him?

His eyes looked down at me playfully. He took the telephone near the bedside table and dialed a few numbers. Someone answered on the other line.

"Bring some food in my room," he said wearily talking on the phone. He paused as the other person speaks on the phone. "No, she's here with me," he looked at me once again.

",,,,,,I'll be expecting you in 15 minutes" then he hung up on the telephone and placed it back on the bedside table.

His hair was pretty disheveled and the color of his dark hair deeply contrasted his green eyes. It was very lucky for me to see these things in such close proximity.

It was weird to say but I know he is tired, he didn't look so but, I can feel he is. Something must have happened.

He let go of me to my relief, but instead of getting up, he towered over me in bed, my eyes widened. He slowly lowered himself into my neck, I felt him breathing in my scent the same time I felt his energy weakening, and then he went up the bed.

"Forgive me, I just felt so tired after the events yesterday, I was preparing things for our return, now if you'll excuse me," he said as he stepped to turn away from the bed but I know something's not right.

"Hold on," I told him, out of impulse I immediately placed my hand on his forehead. He was extremely burning.

"Get some more rest...

Unconsciously I touched his hair with my hand. I heard him sigh with relief.

I continued caressing his hair gently, as his breathing evened.

After a while, I heard a knock on the door. It must be Willow.

"Come in" Regal finally let me go he went out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

Willow cautiously entered the room and prepared the food. He greeted me with a good morning he was as cheerful as ever he was back from work.

He retreated from the room when Regal returned he has this knowing smile as Regal dismissed him. Men, you never know the code amongst them.

I asked Regal if I could use the bathroom he answered with a nod. The bathroom inside was far more luxurious than what I have ever seen in my whole life. Rich people could actually invest in these things.


I chewed my food slowly, Regal just drank a glass of water and some kind of a pill that dissolved into the water it turned red he finished it in one gulp and return to lie down on the bed.

After I finished eating on cue, Regal opened his eyes, he reached and pulled a string beside the lampshade with his long slender hands, there was a knock on the door and Willow took the dishes away in a swift movement, he gave a bow before he left the room.

Why is everyone in a hurry to do something today? I shivered it was still cold although the fire was crackling in the fireplace.

I felt Regal shifted to his side facing me. "A song," he said "I want to hear a song"

Before I could refuse him he said "I know you can sing I saw your school record it says there that you are in a choir"

I looked at him. He has great stalking abilities, getting accurate information from trusted sources.

"I've never had the chance to perform on stage, I never received a letter that I was going to play the part, anyway I will heed to your request," I said, his eyebrow raised and he smirked, it was stunning to look at.

"Just this once young master," I said his eyes seem to sparkle when he heard me say, young master, I decided to call him with his title I don't want to be rude. I always call him by his name it seems inappropriate, he always calls me with a title though, I am sure that it's one thing that takes time before I get used to it.

He didn't speak but pulled me on his chest instead. Boy, he's serious about sleeping the whole day and not to do anything.

I sang a song that I have always known from deep in my heart. I didn't know the lyrics but I can never forget the tune. Mine turned down hums turn into a clear vocalization only for him to hear.

He was silent. My song ended and I cleared my voice. "It was a little bit sad, that song of yours where did you learned it?" He asked playing with my hair his long slender fingers ran through them it made me feel sleepy.

"I've always known it as long as I remembered" I whispered and yawned. I fall asleep late almost every night the books are keeping me awake, I don't notice the time flies so fast while I am reading.

I saw him looked at me with tender eyes. I yawned again. "Sorry," I said I looked at him apologetically. I heard him chuckle and said "Sleep"

"No," I said snapping out of my dreamland.

His eyebrows met. "What is it?" He asked.

"I have to make sure you get your sleep first," I said blinking a few times to shake off the drowsiness away.

I saw his expression softened for a second he was about to argue but he looked at my eyes.

"Well then, make sure you are still here when I wake up, or else" he warned giving me a smirk.

As if his hands are not caging me up, I couldn't even turn on my other side.

"Rest assured young master, now sleep," I said patting his arm lightly as he slowly closed his eyes.


Regal was gone when I woke up. Is he ok now? I decided to get back to my room. I wonder.

When I opened the door, Willow was there smiling at me. It seems Regal doesn't want me to get lost in his mansion, again.

I followed Willow back to my room. I tried to let myself be familiar with each corridor but then I always get lost when Willow wouldn't assist me especially on the way to my room.

Since it was about a month that I am living here, I expected that I could already get back to my own room at the very least but no, the hallways and the corridors horribly looked the same in my eyes, they confuse me by just looking at them, would this ever end?

Before Willow left he gave me a piece of paper folded into two. I took it and stared at it for a while when I turned to look at Willow he wasn't there anymore.

I placed the paper on my bedside table. I noticed the room was back again to the way it was before, never showing signs of the incident last night, Willow must've taken care of it. I took a bath and brush my teeth. After changing into blue pajamas this time with printed soft pink shells. I decided to check out the paper Willow handed over.

Like the work of a skilled architect, the sketches in the paper were marvelous. Wearing my glasses on pushing it to the bridge of my nose to clearly examine the map.

It was very detailed and it was drawn in 3D. I can explore the house now, without worrying of getting lost but, why give it to me this time when they could have given it to me sooner, I never would've bothered them bringing me to the right room whenever my presence was needed or even go back to my room without further ado. Are they looking after me? I shrugged my shoulders, now why would they do that? That question seems to have an obvious answer.

Maybe they thought that within one month span I could already memorize the whole house😅 but then for someone who has no sense of direction, literally direction, it was impossible for me😥

A little excited, I went out the door and ventured out to my new adventure. I don't usually go out of my room as I don't want to get lost or much worst I may shut myself inside huge rooms and be left in the dark. I swallowed hard thinking about things scaring myself with my imagination as a few gruesome images of how one could die in an unknown old place that I nearly went back to my room.

I was already a few corridors away from the library where I was supposed to go, then I heard someone talking, I stopped from my tracks in the middle of the corridor it was from one of the rooms, three rooms away, I spotted one room wherein the doors were open I heard Regal talking through a phone from where I was, he sounded defensive which I haven't seen yet, as it was not in my vocabulary to eavesdrop I turned around to the direction where I came from but, what I heard next almost made my heart stop.

Footsteps arise, not from a single person. I turned towards the door wide eyes. My hands I hid behind my back grasping the paper tightly. Looks like I was wrong it wasn't a phone call.

"I always knew this day would come, that I could finally hold you again, I love you with all of my heart Regal, I will not let anyone or anything to keep us apart ever again"

Regal was out of the room wearing a formal attire he was stunningly handsome with a beautiful girl clinging to his arm looking at his eyes as he stepped out of the room, she was so absorbed by Regal she didn't even notice I was there, my lips parted a little, in silence I let out a large breath.

Both of them stared at me. I flinched from where I was standing. My eyes landed at both of them. They look good together. They are like a match made out of the heavens.

The girl was red-haired in sophisticated waves that fall down to her shoulders. She wears a cream-colored dress that reaches her ankles with intricate laces at the sleeves and at the seams of the dress. She has pinkish thin lips and a tall nose, her eyebrows well-shaped above the deep blue eyes that were full of innocence to look at. Her skin is pure white and flawless. She was breathtakingly beautiful.

This is what I have been telling myself. I'm such a nobody to be his bride or to be his queen, the idea was far too absurd I laughed in my mind. I might even look like a rag beside him.

Regal looked at me intently without saying any word. The girl looked at him and he followed his gaze to look at me with furrowed brows.

What do I do? I can't just turn my back and leave them. I opened my mouth to speak first and break the awkward silence but I heard someone shouting my name.

"Milady Alice!" Willow appeared he was carrying five hardbound books as thick as a dictionary in the libraries in my highschool.

He was carrying it with ease I can't even see his face while he speaks because it was already covered with the books piled up neatly in his hands.

"Pardon my intrusion but these are the books you requested to read the other day milady, where would you like to read it?" He asked.

I am not bothered with your interference at all Willow. I was luckily saved by the bell.

"I-I would very much like to read outside Willow, thank you for bringing the books" I managed to say. Willow placed the books lightly on a single wooden round table present within the corridor, he placed it without a sound. He bowed at Regal and the girl greeting them a good afternoon.

He let me check if the books were precisely the ones I requested. I felt the searing stares behind my back. Regal's cold gaze the most. I want to bury my face on the pages of the book I'm holding. I badly want to disappear from where I am standing.

After confirming the books for my reading this afternoon which didn't take ten seconds as I flipped the pages I decided to read them all.

"If you'll excuse us, Young Master Regal, Princess Citherindine" Willow said bowing at them.

Willow lifted them up on his arms I tried helping him but, I couldn't even lift a single book off the table, as I was not helping, I made sure the books were securely in place.

Willow did the task without much effort like he was only carrying a tray with a pot of tea instead of an estimated 15 kilograms weight of the books he's holding.

Regal stayed passive. It was hard to decipher whatever he is thinking. I closed my eyes before making a short courtesy by bowing my head and swiftly turning around not making any eye contact on either of them.

The paper was folded safely in my hand. I hope he didn't see it or if he did, then I don't have to explain why I was dragged by my feet to that corridor.