

He entered a room which had a balcony and throne, on the throne he saw Big Boss while in front of him stood Gray Fox.

"Welcome Snake to your final test." Big Boss introduced,

"You shut the fuck up, this is between me and him." Solid snapped back as he tossed his equipment aside, near the entrance.

"I see you're taking a new approach to your attitude, my boy. I'm proud but this is the grand stage, you will not just be fighting Fox for revenge but also for the world's survival." Big Boss took out a device in his hand, he then pressed a button on his throne to activate something in the room. The portion of the floor where Gray Fox and Solid Snake were standing slowly rose up, a group of cameras came out from each wall and poles rose from each corner of the square platform. From the poles came out barbed wire that attached to each pole, surrounding the men and making a ring. The center of the ring opened up and out came a small table that held two buckets and hand wraps. One bucket had a brown substance and the other had broken shards of glass,

"In ancient times, warriors of Muay Thai would wrap their hands and smear their fists with a mix of glue and broken glass. You two shall wrap up to your elbows then smear the glass and glue mix up to your elbows as well." explained Big Boss as he turned the cameras on while the two fighters approached the table. The broadcast is being aired worldwide, even the team at FOXHOUND were confused once they saw this broadcast on their screens. Every major city aired this all around the world with Big Boss in center stage,

"Ladies and gentlemen of this world for those who don't know who I am, I am Big Boss and I am the leader of Outer Heaven. For too long, you people have been enslaved to the systematic cycle that your governments created to oppress you. They believe they can control everything, your lives, your marriages, your history and now your future. I've heard that you people have been scared of a bug that can shut down computers on midnight New Years Eve but now I bring you an ultimatum. What I have in my hands is a device that not only will shut down all your technology using the government's EMPs but also rain the world's nuclear weapons across the globe. Now you may be frightened right now, especially on a day when we are to be together with our families while parents prepare to tuck their kids in tight and leave presents under their trees to make the kids believe a fake bearded man broke into their house and left it there. But I am real and Santa is not, so I can give this gift to the world, a fighting chance before the end of the world. What I have here is two gladiators drawing their swords and forming their ranks for armageddon. Two brutal machines of combat and warfare who are about to fight each other to see if you die or live." explained Big Boss, he pointed at Gray Fox who was almost done wrapping his arms but kept his glare on Solid Snake.

"The first is my champion, an unstoppable demon in combat and wearing his blood red bandana, Frank Jaeger Aka Gray Fox!" announced Big Boss, both men began smearing their arms in the glue before putting their fists in broken glass bucket,

"And now your champion, the man who holds the fates of every person in the world, the hero of the Outer Heaven Uprising and the best FOXHOUND operative. David Halley Aka Solid Snake!" He announced. Once the fighters were ready, the table disappeared and both fighters began stepping backwards.

"Surrounding the ring are ropes of electrified and slightly explosive barbed wire like the ones used in Japanese Pro Wrestling deathmatches but this is not pro wrestling, this is a deathmatch for the world's survival.

"Can you tell from the look in our eyes, Snake? We're going nowhere from the battlefield." said Gray Fox with a smile,

"You and I, we live our lives like we're ready to die, we're going nowhere. You can run, but you'll never escape, you can do it over and over again but someday it'll get to the point when you question, 'Will we ever see the end?'. The truth is, this battle between you and I isn't about Gustava nor the mission, this is about the one thing we're good at, the one thing you and I were born for, combat." continued Gray Fox,

"You want to pretend there's no way out of this, you gave me no choice in what I'm about to do. No matter what it takes, I'll kick your twisted insane ass!" Snake declared as he assumed his stance, Gray Fox assumed his and Big Boss just cackled at what he was going to witness,

"Signal the sirens and rally the troops! Ladies and gentlemen, it's the moment of truth!" shouted Big Boss with his arms spread open. Solid Snake and Gray Fox charged at each other with so much fury and determination. They threw their first punch at each other, colliding their fists with each other's face, shards of glass cutting their face and their adrenaline numbing their nerves. Solid Snake spun and threw a backhand fist but Gray Fox ducked and punched Snake in the gut then spun for a roundhouse but Snake was quick enough to lean back then attempted a roundhouse but the experienced warrior punched the incoming kick then swept the leg to get Solid Snake off balance but the FOXHOUND operative caught himself and flipped backwards onto his feet. Fox rushed in and threw multiple punches at Snake, the FOXHOUND operative blocked them but felt some of the shards cut his biceps. Fox then spun for a push kick but Snake luckily closed his guard but felt pushed by the force of the kick, nearly going to the ropes. Quickly, Fox did the kick one more time but Snake simply leaned to the side then rushed towards Fox with arm set up for a lariat but Fox leaned back and dodged the attack. He then flipped backwards and spun in mid air to kick Snake's back, then wrapped his arms around his waist to lift him for a German suplex but Snake slithered his way out and landed on his feet. Right before he could turn, Solid Snake dropkicked him with such force, Gray Fox lost balance and stumbled, nearly coming close to the crackling barbed wire ropes. Snake ran up behind to do a kick but Gray Fox blocked it then grabbed Snake's head into a clinch. Fox gave him elbow after elbow, giving him a nasty cut on the side of his forehead. Fox then rocked Snake with a stunning knee strike then moved him to have his back facing the ropes. Quickly, Fox spun around to do a roundhouse but Snake luckily recovered and ducked forward to avoid the roundhouse then socked Gray Fox with an uppercut to launch him up but Fox flipped backwards to recover. The FOXHOUND operative charged at Outer Heaven's champion and threw a right hook but Fox blocked it then leapt up to kick Solid's head, worsening the cut. He went for a punch but Snake flipped forward to do an axe kick but Fox caught him and held him up. Snake tried elbowing Fox but the experienced warrior took the pain from the shards and tossed Solid Snake onto the barbed wire, sparks of electricity went off as a small explosion blew into Snake's back. His back had cuts and his nerves were on fire from the agonizing pain. Snake fell forward onto the mat, with half of his uniform torn off, Fox ran up and kicked Snake up to have him go face first into the barber wires, causing another electrocution and cutting Snake's forehead. When Solid Snake turned around, his face was covered entirely with his own blood, a crimson mask for warriors. He heavily breathed as the electric shock really knocked the wind out of him,

"C'mon Snake, you don't want to die here especially when the whole world is in your hands." Fox said to him, Snake gritted his teeth in frustration. He wasn't going to give up here, not after everything he went through, he won't let them both get away with this. Fox kicked Snake once more but Snake stayed trying to get himself up. He got on one knee as Gray Fox kept punching him in the right side of his face, a cut formed under Snake's right eye but Solid Snake was not going down. Adrenaline pumped through his body, the rage from before burned brighter than before and his eyes were more bloodshot and enraged. Big Boss saw the look in Solid Snake's eyes as Fox kept punching him to no avail, he wasn't going down without a fight. Big Boss couldn't help but smile widely as Snake roared a primal scream and punched Fox hard enough to make him stumble backwards. Big Boss couldn't help but say one thing.

"The Leviathan has awoken."