Waking in a strange yet familiar room the main character now will rise to the top of one most dangerous worlds of fiction with his new cheat. P*TREON:(without spaces) patreon . com / Evans269
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~
"Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!"
- Don Quixote Doflamingo, One Piece)
The next day, Sunday.
It's now early in the morning. I mean, I'm a space station, there's no morning here, so I'm using the New York timezone as a reference. It's 04 AM in NY, and I'm again in the training room familiarizing myself with my new powers and changes.
I noticed a loophole... To cheat through the assimilation process. Partially at least...
Works like that, yesterday I noticed that I can't use all the cyborg features of Inuyashiki because of the low percentage of assimilation. But... If I use the Alt-form Mechanic and change my body to that of Inuyashiki, I can use all his body features like his back thrusters, laser guns, and others.
With a little practice, I can change only the part that I want, so will have no loss to me, and I won't need to change my external appearance.
The problem is that I can't cheat all the way, the potency of attack and range of the technopathy as examples has not changed. I will have to go through all the assimilation processes to be able to use 100% of Inuyashiki's power level.
And now I'm trying another idea that came from the same source.
I will only transform specific parts of my body into animal parts to use these advantages more efficiently.
There's no lack of people theorizing about how a "human-like" animal would be or how strong/fast a human-sized animal would be. Like ants that can lift 50 times their body weight. So if I can accomplish it, I will take another leap in strength.
Not to mention other benefits...
Right now I'm so focused that sweat has already built up on my forehead. Looking at my right hand I try to change just what I want.
Mantis Shrimp... The little animal that can punch like a bullet. And if we bring this power to the human level...
Try to change my muscles and joints in the biological springs, latches, and levers that the mantis shrimp uses to punch I fail again. Making only small changes are too hard.
"*Huff* Truly my hardest power to use" I sigh, before trying again.
The main problem is because my Beast Boy card is the Teen Titans version. A young and inexperienced Beast Boy. Full of untapped potential, so I will not gain any practice or experience from him.
I already proved that I can go beyond what my templates have accomplished when I unlocked my own type of Observation Haki... I just have to do this the hard way.
Probably will be easier when I achieve 100% assimilation with Beast Boy, but there's no problem in training right now. The percentage is going up fast while I train either way.
I already did something simple like making scales cover my arm and make gills while still a human. But changing such specific and intern parts... Of a crustacean on top of that, which has biology so different from mine, it's very difficult.
Another thing that I tried is making something of an animal appear in a different part of my body. Like making a wasp sting appear at my fingertips, or changing my tongue into a tentacle of a Blue-ringed Octopus.
I'm just being able to hold the change for a few seconds. Might be useful in the future, like making the hole where spider webs come out on my wrist, like Tobey Maguire Spider-man.
Instead of getting out of my... you know.
I'm taking inspiration from a manga from my past life... Terraformars. There are many OP animals on Earth, If I can use them to the fullest... I will have many, many new abilities.
Tardigrades and their survival capabilities, the proportional strength of many insects, many poisons, and the many regenerative abilities of the likes of planarians and some starfish.
And who knows what type of dangerous beasts have walked the earth in the past? We see fossils of dinosaurs, mammoths, and saber-toothed tigers, but it's the insects and other small animals that are truly OP.
After one hour more of practice I decided to stop, today I should finish the assimilation of Luther Strode and Beast Boy. I will try later.
Luther give me some very good control of my body, will be a boon.
I patiently wait for the MRI machine to finish the scans.
"Okay, sir. All done. We finished your list too." One of my bots informs me as I get taken out of the scans.
After that, I revert to my normal body. I was 100% Miles during the process.
I'm changing myself in all my alt forms and then making scans, exams, and checking my genetic code to see the changes.
To see if I gain another organ or something like that. I will continue to do this in the future. Like when I get Dark Danny ghost physiology.
"Knowing yourself is half of the needed to always win your battles..." I paraphrase Sun Tzu.
I'm very curious to check my brain activity in these alternative forms. I want to see if changes anything.
Honestly, it probably doesn't change much. Some things simply don't make much sense, maybe it's just how power works. Good powers will protect the user.
For example, when I change into animals, my brain remains normal. Very strange... Funny that I can't speak because of the change in my vocal cords, but my mind is mostly unaffected.
Except for the small influence of animal instincts.
Something like that shouldn't be possible. How do I maintain the same level and intelligence if I transform into a bird? *Sigh*
I think there's a realistic take on this power in The Boys Diabolical. The guy transforms into a gorilla to fight, but when he transforms he simply forgets about everything and is left with a gorilla mind.
Some powers just work.
Like invisibility... The way that deflects light particles to prevent the user from being seen while at the same time allowing the user to see... I sigh again... In my last world, something like that shouldn't be possible.
But again... It just works. Like King Crimson...
"Sir, Busujima-san is waiting for you outside." The bot tell me.
"Hm? What time is in New York?"
"0816" The bot answered like an astronaut. By the way, I need to ask for the time in NY because if not they will give me the time based on the Greenwich line which is the standard used by people in space stations.
I walk out of the exam room and come face to face with Saeko.
"Good morning. Are you hungry?" I ask
"Good morning. A little yes..." She answers. And I feel like one of those people that forgot to feed and give blankets to their friends during sleepovers.
"Let's go to the cafeteria." I say leading the way. "I didn't get a chance to show you everything here, right?" I ask and she nods.
Yesterday she is very impressed to be in space. Normal I guess and made me think...
Damn, I'm in space. In my last life only astronauts, the elite of humanity, people who need great physical and mental conditioning, could be here where I am.
And I will go much far. Heh. I'm truly grateful for the opportunity, even with the danger of dying at any second.
My spar yesterday with Saeko ended as expected, I gave her a beating. Even equalizing my status with hers. But it was a good fight.
Saeko is better than I expected, she learned and adapted quickly. Her assimilation progressed to fifty percent during the half-hour spar.
I thought of teaching her Haki like I did Kaina, but I don't want to overwhelm her too much for now.
I gave her some interesting powers. To bring her to the "superhuman" status.
Just some minor enhancements to her physical strength and a copy of [Overclock], one of my Trump quirks but I think if combined with an Iai technique can create a very strong combo.
"So... Tomorrow you will start a new life as a transfer student. Nervous?" I make small talk while we both eat.
She smiles at me. "Not at all."
"Oh~ Most people would be worried in make a good first impression or something."
"Fufu. I will just be myself. Is the only way that I will act. The 'impression' part depends on others and... I can't control this." She says with a calm gaze.
"Good mindset, you should write a self-help book." I say making her laugh.
Almost everything that she said is true, I can tell. Except for the beginning... She will not be "herself". Her true self can't be accepted by the modern world. Is what she thinks
I decide not to comment on it for now, I will solve this "darkness" of her at later date.
After this, we talked about ourselves. She says that is just her and her father in her last life, and she does not know her father's whereabouts when everything went to shit.
She gave me more details about the zombie apocalypse. She never met the main cast, and she was very well by herself. Till a certain idiot that she met fired a gun, blowing up a gas station and attracting a fair amount of zombies. Her boken, which was already worn out, ended up breaking and she was overwhelmed by more than fifty zombies.
In the end, she committed suicide using the broken and pointy part of her wooden sword to pierce her throat.
Well, she is a badass. Exactly like I imagine what a samurai would be like.
She is a national Champion in Kendo too, zombies shouldn't have been the end for her if it wasn't for her high school girl stamina. Too bad...
I'm really curious to see how far she can go with the proper power-ups and opportunities.
I talked a little about myself too, Nothing much. And this made me think that maybe I should reveal even less personal information to the other summons.
Especially the "bad guys".
Saeko is okay, she is the first "international agent" so she will be in my inner circle eventually, but the others... I will treat them differently. Equity, you know? Treat people differently based on their differences.
Humming to myself I watch the dozen serums vials being filled and mixed in the lab. Simulations run on my computer but I'm very confident that this serum is at least five times more effective than the serum I made at BNHA world.
The capacity to bring a person to peak human level of Erskine Super Soldier serum is a great boon to my own creation.
Honestly, I would rather wait to win some more formulas and projects from the world of Marvel to perfect my serum. Like the Extremis virus, Centipede Project, and even Luke Cage power.
My own serum uses my blood to give a person high adaptability, especially to their own powers.
Erskine serum gives peak human capabilities.
Extremis give incredible healing factor.
Luke Cage's power, which comes from the formula of Dr. Noah Burstein gives "invulnerability". Is just really durable skin.
I want a serum that can give everything.
Is an unreachable objective for now, but one day... One day I will make this serum affordable to everyone. When I am in power, where I can control the world enough to be sure that this won't be misused.
First, distribute to my own meta nation, as a test. Everyone will be better. And then I expand.
Sincerely, the potential of the Super Soldier serum goes much beyond military purposes.
The serum can make humans better, jump steps in our Evolution and bring us closer to the other races in the universe. Honestly, I think all races at some point have developed a "super Soldier serum" in their history.
I think Thanos himself is full of genetic enhancements and cybernetics augmentations. The comic version at least... The MCU downgraded how smart he really is.
And he is not that cool too. With that "Holy Warrior" vibe in a crusade to make a better universe.
He is just Marvel's biggest simp.
Unfortunately, he is a dangerous simp.
Sigh, I really need to know what's happening in the universe. Maybe Thor has a way to get intergalactic News, I will ask him next time.
I decided to do the summons already. Right now, is truly the best time to bring these guys.
With the exception of Edna, she can be considered a little special, so I will summon her later, to not bring her together with this "Bad Batch".
I head to the Training room again.
Saeko and Cathulhu have followed me and are by my side as I customize the background of the ones that need it.
Hehe. I have some plans for them.
Clicking in confirm I summon Erwin, Saul, Armstrong, Uvogin, Rob Lucci, and Johan. All together.
Only the first three with backgrounds.
I keep standing waiting for them to appear. Cathulhu at my feet and Saeko a little behind me.
The familiar scenes of them being formed by motes of lights take place. Saeko looks closely, being the first time she sees from this perspective.
Hmm, by the way, Shego had asked to be present when I did the next summon. Now is too late... I didn't expect useful summons to come and now is the best time. I can't wait.
The six of them appear. Their appearances are exactly as expected. With the exception of Erwin, Saul and Armstrong, I customized their background to make they younger.
The three of them are in their mid-twenties.
Because when I went to create Armstrong's background I realized that I can't make him a Senator right away. It seems that the reality warper power from the essence has a limit about affecting too many people.
So Armstrong and the others are just people who have just graduated from college and will start climbing into their position from the start.
Well, with my help and their talents will be fast. They already has the experience.
Everyone has different reactions to their sudden appearances.
Erwin, the tall blonde man looks around for a bit before he notices me and doesn't shift his gaze anymore. His posture is straight and his face is serious.
Saul is the most flustered with the whole ordeal of changing universes, frantically looking around. Honestly, he's the first summon to show so much surprise. Well, he's the normal reaction, right? He is exactly like in the show, just younger. Without wrinkles and with a head full of hair(You're welcome).
Not-Senator Armstrong also only looks younger. He is the same fucking mountain of muscles with a friendly smile on his face. He is just standing there(Pun intended) calmly.
Now to the people who didn't receive the background.
Uvogin is a tanned and brawny man, full of hair on his body and head. His hair looks like a mane. He looks like a brute and is exactly what he is. He also looked around for a bit till he saw me. Maybe his battle instincts are warning him because he's looking at me pretty seriously.
Rob Lucci is using the full White three-piece suit from the CP-0 and ... Oh ~ Looks, is his pigeon. He's using a top hat and a tie too. Hehe. Cute.
As I think about it Rob Lucci kneels down to me.
Oookay~ Awkward... I think is part of his soldier mentality, right?
"You can rise." I say calmly.
The rest of the people look at me with measuring eyes. Ugh, Johan, don't smile at me. You give me the creeps.
Johan looks like a truly harmless handsome young man. With a gentle face, and calm smile. But his eyes... No wonder people say that the "eyes are the window to the soul", his true nature is leaking out through his dead eyes.
I feel I've seen enough and I decide to start talking.
"You know... Will be a bother talk with you guys and explain everything so..." I start uploading knowledge about this world to them using my telepathy. Very basic and easy to understand because of Uvogin, Rob Lucci and Erwin who are from very different worlds from here.
All of them groan in discomfort as they adapt to their new memories.
"My name is Hector, just so you guys know. But don't talk about me out loud ever. Call me boss, leader or whatever... But don't use my name when talking about me." All information that I give them is about the world. Nothing about me. No way in hell I'm giving information about myself to them, especially Johan.
With time they should discover on their own. But like this, the Bond relationship will go up. Stonks.
I start to circle them. These guys will need a different approach from the girls, I wonder if anyone will give themselves for me to use as an example. Power play is always useful in this "new subordinate" scenario.
"I know about you guys. I can begin by saying that, no one in this room, with exception of the lady over here, is a good person... Including me" I say looking at them one by one "Obviously, there are various degrees of bad. Some of you just receive cruel orders." I look at Lucci.
"...Some of you gave cruel orders." My gaze goes to Erwin.
"But I can say for sure, that all of you guys are willing to dirt your hands, right? And you guys are very good at that too." I stop in front of them again.
"And this is exactly what I need you all for."
"I have an objective! Bring a change to this world!" I say gesturing to the widow that shows Earth. The curtains open revealing the scenario of space and Earth
This time all of them show surprised faces. None of them were ever in space before. "To the ones that don't know..." I look at Erwin, he is the one who is the most behind. "That is our planet. We are in space and I will take you guys to live your lives there later. Everyone with his own mission..."
"I will not give details now, I believe that all of you know the importance of compartmentalization. You guys just need to follow the orders."
"Don't worry, that I'm not a bad employer. In no time you will all see the benefits. Money, a long and healthy life, power... True power." I put emphasis on the last part. "In most of the cases you guys can live normally and freely, but following certain rules that I will quote in the future."
"If you guys search in your memories you will see that you have a very comfortable life in this world already. You're welcome." I said to the trio with the background.
"And the rest, I thought that you all would prefer the anonymity, but I will give money to start a life from zero." I speak turning to the ones who are actually going to act on the villain side.
"Any questions before I continue?"
Erwin raises his hand and starts talking when I give permission.
"I have a request..." He says.
Oh~ "Keep going..."
"You give us knowledge about the... omniverse. Your power can... manipulate it a little, right? Is it possible to go to my universe? I have an unfinished mission there." He says.
That's a first. Everyone that I summoned doesn't have a huge attachment with their former universe. Erwin really has a huge sense of responsibility, huh. And maybe he's curious, he died before reaching Eren's basement.
He wants to know the truth... I can use that.
"Well... I know everything about your world, Erwin. All the secrets. Do you want me to tell you?" I ask, making him widen his eyes.
"Let's do it like this..." I start before he responds. "In the future, I plan to visit your world. Don't know when, but if you do a good job. I will take you with me to take care of your regrets. If you want to know about the basement and the secrets of the titans, I can tell you now." I say.
He pauses for a long time. Now I'm curious, maybe helping with his regret will increase the Bond Relationship faster. It's good to give him a reward too.
And is not like I will lose anything going to his world, the Ackerman bloodline is something that I'm eager to study. And that Crystal thing is also a fuel.
"All right, I will do my best. I hope that you won't forget about this promise." He says before relaxing.
I shrug my shoulders, what is he gonna do if I go back in my word? I don't even specify what he needs to do, or how long will take to travel to his world. All the cards are in my hand.
"If it is like that, I would like to go back to my world too and kill the Chain Bastard that killed me." Uvogin said suddenly making me look at him.
"No…" I say simply. I think I just found the example... C'mon, give me the opportunity... You're the most short-tempered in the room.
"What?! Why this your bastard-" Oh~ Nice. Internally I smile. But my face grows cold and I release my Haoshoku Haki.
I was expecting this.
So easy to manipulate these guys when I know everything about them.
Third Person P.O.V.
Instant pressure affects everyone. Obviously, Hector holds back when using Haki against some people, like Saeko or Saul.
But everyone can feel that their life is not in their hands anymore.
Hector has enough control to give pressure on different levels. Just enough for everyone to stay conscious.
"Huh?" Hector looks downright pissed after hearing Uvogin talk.
Faster than anyone could see he attacks Uvogin. Using his right hand he presses Uvogin face to the ground. A one-meter-wide crater appears around Uvogin's head.
"Are you forgetting who you're talking to?" Hector asks with an eerie calm voice. His eyes blazing with power. "I brought you into this world... I have all the right to do the opposite."
Is Hector overreacting? Maybe. But like he said. None of these guys here are saints. Hector doesn't treat people with equality, but with equity.
These people need a little "tough love" to be put in their places. Better prevent now, than need to correct some wild behavior later.
"If I say no, is no. You don't question me, Uvogin. But I will explain myself this once." Hector says not letting Uvogin raise his head. "Erwin there asked me to go back to help his comrades, fight for his people... You? You want some petty vengeance against a well-deserved punishment, you genocide maniac."
"You fight a one-a-one, and you lose. Deal with it. After taking so many lives, why are you don't accepting your own demise, huh?"
Strangely Hector sees Uvogin Bond Relationship go to (2/10). Maybe Uvogin is one of these guys who respect strength above all else.
Finally letting go of Uvogin's head, Hector straightens up and looks around. "Let me take things clear... I know that you guys have killed, scammed, tricked and toyed with people's lives. And I want you all because of this. But..." Hector's eyes grow cold again and Haki is again released from his body.
"...I have a bottom line. We don't touch normal and innocent people." He says with purpose. "I don't care if you guys use murderers, pedos or rapists to sate your urges. But if any of you touch a single hair of someone innocent..." he didn't finish because there was no need.
Someone more attentive would notice that Hector appears to be talking directly with Johan, although his words are to everyone.
The pressure suddenly vanishes and Hector takes on a friendly expression.
"That said, working to me has plenty of benefits. You guys will be very happy." He smiles, his change is so abrupt that he sends a shiver through the less hardened summons.
"But before I give your guys my blessing... Uvogin."
"Do you know how to awaken the Nen in someone?" Hector asks suddenly.
"Never taught anyone." This is Uvogin's reply.
"I see... So punch me." Hector says smiling
'What the fuck? Is this some kind of trap?" Uvogin thinks warily.
Everyone else also makes strange faces too.
"What's the problem? Chickening out?" Hector mocks with a smug smile.
"Your littl-" Uvogin starts off irritably before stopping as he remembers what happened a minute ago.
"Just punch me to try to awaken my Nen." Hector says.
"Isn't that simple, you know? The masters infuse someone with nen carefully to open the Nen nodes." Uvogin speaks. The rest of the people in the training room don't understand the conversation.
"Yes, this is the safe method within the dangerous method... Just punch me with your nen already, your pussy. Don't you want to take revenge against me because I cleaned the floor with your ugly face?" Hector mocks again.
You can see the veils pulsing in Uvogin's forehead and neck.
"I will show you." He says through gritted teeth.
"All of you, take some steps back." Hector warns and everyone obeys, Saeko giving Hector a worried look.
Nen... The power system from the Hunter x Hunter world. The technique that allows the user to manipulate their life energy(aura). Similar to ki or qi, but more versatile.
Everyone has life energy(aura) but only nen masters can manipulate it freely and have it in great amounts.
In the world of HxH, there are two ways to awaken Nen. To open the Nen nodes, it is necessary for arduous training and meditation or... Like Gon and Killua did, having the help of a Nen user to open their nen nodes and by inserting their own aura in the target body.
Some people awaken nen without even trying. Generally, people with Nen are from the Special type.
As Uvogin said, this fast method of learning nen is a dangerous process. But different from what he believes it is not necessary to have good control over Nen to awaken someone's abilities.
In the Chimera Ant arc, the chimera ants began to awaken Nen after being attacked by Nen users. And then they used the crude method of punching each other to awaken the Nen.
This method has a survival rate of 10%.
The main plot is even a huge selection where they would make thousands of new Nen users to be soldiers and food by this "selection process".
That is, it is possible to awaken Nen by being punched by someone with Nen. Uvogin doesn't know it because a normal person would normally don't survive the attack.
Chimera ants have sturdy bodies to survive the attack.
And Hector has too.
And the Aura that is the fuel to the Nen is not some special power of the HxH universe.
Is life energy. Everyone has it.
So there's a huge chance that Hector could awaken Nen by being punched by Uvogin.
This is one of the reasons he summoned Uvogin. Uvogin doesn't have a special technique that Hector covets, he is an Enhancer that punches people. Simple as that.
If he is Netero, Meruem or another with a Nen of Special Type or with a huge amount of experience, Hector would have assimilated him.
Uvogin stops in front of Hector and prepares to strike.
Hector narrows his eyes seeing Uvogin's action. First of all, he is using his left hand and doesn't appear to go all out.
'Is he holding back on his own? This looks a little out of character... Is the influence of the Essence?' Hector muses to himself.
Uvogin prepares and punches Hector in his right chest.
A little shockwave spread but Hector remain unmoved. Looking almost contemptuously at Uvogin's fist resting on his chest Hector says.
"Seriously? Did you not eat breakfast? If this is all that you can do I will be very disappointed..." He says with a bored face before putting his hands in his pockets.
Hector had planned to defend himself with Haki and other powers secretly as a show of power, but it is totally unnecessary for him to put effort against this weak punch.
"Okay then." Uvogin says before clenching his right first. No one can see, but a great amount of aura is being emitted from his fist.
Hector's eyes change, and blue covers all of his pupils and his sclera. Clock engine patterns that form some sort of magic circles appear in his eyes.
'Oh, I can see now. Like steam... So this is his aura.' Hector takes a closer look at how Uvogin moves his aura inside and outside his body.
'This must be Ken, one of the advanced Nen techniques.'
While Hector thinks about it Uvogin punches him again.
A much louder sound is emitted this time, but again Hector doesn't even move a millimeter.
"Hah~ This isn't gonna work. Try again. Full strength. I will make myself the weakest possible, like a baby." Hector says with a sigh "No wonder you got your ass kicked by the 'Chain Bastard'... Did you know that he took a shovel to the duel because he knew that he would need it to bury you?" Hector adds.
This seems to do the trick because Uvogin looks really pissed now.
The aura emitted by his body even makes the weakest members give a step back. Hector can see with his All-seeing Eyes of God that the aura that was previously transparent-white became crimson in color.
'Did change with his mood, or is this just him going all out? Does everyone have different colors? I remember that Netero and Gon's aura is golden, right? Well, when Gon goes to kill Pitou his aura became black, or this is just an anime thing? 'Hector distracts himself while Uvogin accumulates Nen in his first.
'A Ko now, huh? Fucking finally...' Hector recognizes another of the advanced Nen techniques.
Nen is one of Hector's favorite power systems in the anime omniverse. Aura manipulation is nothing new in any manga of battles. But Togashi-sensei explains very well the in-and-outs of how people use Nen.
(Info Dump ahead)
Nen has four basic techniques that anyone needs to know to be considered a Nen user. And seven advanced techniques that are variations and combinations of the basic techniques.
The four basic techniques are: Ten, Zetsu, Ren and Hatsu.
First of all, it's important to know that everyone has aura/life energy. And this energy is constantly escaping our bodies and eventually, we will run out of life energy and pass away.
Ten, the first basic technique allows the Nen user to hold his aura more tightly. Enveloping his body in a protective layer of aura. Gon and Killua stated that it's like being enveloped in a very impact-resistant jelly.
And is because of this control, that many Nen users have long lives.
Zetsu, the second technique is even more extreme. The nen user closes all his "Nen pores", don't allowing his aura to leave his body. Is a technique used to erase his presence. The downside is that the user becomes very vulnerable without any aura to protect himself.
And Ren is the complete opposite of Zetsu. The Nen user emits his aura frantically, allowing his body to grow significantly in strength. But is a very tiring process.
Hatsu is very... unique. Is the unique way that all Nen users release their aura. In simple words, the Nen user secret techniques.
And this is something that made this power system interesting.
In many fictions, some people receive their powers naturally, and conveniently these powers are a good fit for them. A guy good with a sword awakens a convenient power that uses the sword...
One Piece like to subvert these expectations and going in the opposite direction of these clichés. It is common to see people that can't use their powers properly for several reasons.
In the case of Nen, you create your own technique. And the strength of the technique depends on a few factors, but one of the most important is the compatibility with the user's personality. Like a hobby or some talent, or even some life experience.
The more the user likes the technique itself, the stronger it will be.
A clever way to give people powers compatible with their personalities.
Now about the advanced techniques, they're basically a specific use of a basic technique or a combination of the two of them.
The advanced techniques are: Shu, In, Gyo, En, Ko, Ken and Ryu.
Shu is someone using Nen in an object, enhancing the said object. Very common in fiction. Busoshoku Haki can do something similar.
In is a better Zetsu. The user masks his aura, allowing it to go undetected without the need to become vulnerable. But there's a weakness...
The Gyo, that is the act of concentrating "most" of the aura in a part of the body, enhancing greatly this body part capability. A special use of concentrating aura in the eyes allows the Nen user to see auras hidden by the In.
Attention to the word "most".
The user doesn't concentrate all of his aura in a part of his body with Gyo, because this act will let the rest of his body unprotected...
And this is another advanced technique, the Ko. Very risky. Concentrate 100% of his aura in a body part.
The Ryu corrects it, a master of Ryu can freely control the aura of his body. Putting different amounts in different body parts depending on the need. Like Putting a huge amount in the arm that is punching and putting another huge amount in the abdomen that will be punched at the same time.
Then there's Ken, a combination of Ten and Ren. It is very simple but very exhausting. It is just the use of the Ren constantly and allows a more Strong protective layer on the user body.
And at last, but not least... En. Is also the use of Ten and Ren. But En uses the scattered aura to detect everything. Like Observation Haki.
You can imagine the En like that... there is a thin layer of life energy covering everyone, even non-nen users. The user of En expands this layer, allowing him to feel and see the vicinities like he is touching with his own hands.
Hector previously used En's idea as a basis to train his "Telepathic field".
There are others more unique techniques. Like Meruem's unique way to use En... He transforms his aura into small particles and spreads much far instead of just making a "nen field".
(Info dump ends. Sorry, but it's important. I don't copy past from any place and try to explain nen in a less boring way. I think this is better than saying snippets later or letting you guys need to Search on your own .)
Uvogin focus on his Ko. Ko is a risky move, but no one will attack him anyway.
He pulls his fist back before giving Hector his strongest punch.
"Big Bang Impact!"
'Oh yes, they have names to super moves too... And in their universe truly make the attack stronger. Anime logic. I'm not proud to admit that I yelled sometimes in the BNHA universe too...' Hector thinks calmly as he lowers his defenses.
The punch hits Hector square in his chest, making him bend forward slightly.
A huge shockwave spreads in the training room.
Hector is sent to the wall, but his feet are still dragging on the ground, making two huge scars on the ground.
Hector hits the wall.
"Holy fuck! Did he kill him? Now what?" Saul Goodman exclaims shocked, still not accustomed to the fact that people like that exist.
"Hector..." Saeko mutters worriedly and starts rushing to help him. But...
Once again a crushing pressure enveloped everyone.
Making it hard to breathe.
"What... monster..." Uvogin mutters in shock, mouth agape.
He is the only that knows Hector would survive because he didn't see Hector's aura disappear at any time.
But now, even he is scared.
The pressure being issued from the hole in the wall is tremendous.
Is different from when Hector used Haoshoku Haki.
If previously Hector's Haoshoku Haki is like being very close to a Hurricane, with the wind pushing your body backward and with no air going to your lungs.
Now is like everyone has fallen into a deep part of the ocean.
Like the air is solidifying. Their shoulder feels heavy. It's equally suffocating but in a different way.
They can see Hector calmly using his hands to get out of the hole in the wall.
A single step that he takes, makes the pressure increase.
"So this is Nen... I'm glad that worked. This anime body is useful." Hector says analyzing his own hand with his eyes.
Aura is life energy. Everyone has it. And it is possible to increase by training.
But there are people who are born with different amounts.
The chimera ants are an example. Especially the King and the Royal Guard.
Hector has an infinite lifespan now, thanks to Luther Strode. But this only means that he has an inexhaustible reserve. That doesn't mean that his reserve is already big. His incredibly sturdy body is helping him release insanely large amounts of aura.
Hector has the Source of all living matter from Attack on Titan too. That surprisingly will help him increase his aura passively even without effort.
He is not even using Ren, but his aura could be comparable with Neferpitou. But this can also be because of the unconventional method of awakening Nen. Many people who survive the "baptism", perish because they can't control the aura/life energy that crazily escapes their body.
Eventually exhausting their life energy.
After becoming satisfied with his inspection Hector decides to restrict his aura.
Ten... He uses it naturally. Then Zetsu. 'Easier than I thought.'
Hector considers trying using Ren, but decides against it after seeing everyone panting. Only Rob Lucci and Uvogin are a little better, but even then looks like they have just fought for their lives.
The normal ones are on the ground kneeling and gasping for breath.
'Hm~~ If I put murderous intent behind my Ren, people will break mentally? Something like that happens in HxH… I will try later." Hector thinks as he slowly approaches everyone.
"Congratulation Uvogin." He says and then raises his thumb. There's a little smear of blood on his finger. "Your attack managed to take a drop of blood from me." Hector finishes with a smile.
That's good praise. Even if Uvogin doesn't know that.
Hector even let Uvogin's aura go rampant in his internal organs because he knew that he can recover easily. But make him cough a drop of blood... Hector is a little impressed.
But to Uvogin and the rest, looks like he is just flexing.
"What? Surprised that I'm Strong? There are many people stronger than me there..." Hector says pointing to the wall showing the space.
"And you guys can be strong too... I can share my powers with you all. Remember what I said about receiving my blessing" Hector says. If he already showed the stick, it's time for the carrot.
"First of all, let me give your guys some well-deserved basic protection." Hector says before his eyes become serious. He is concentrating a lot now.
Everyone, even Saeko, feels their mind become heavy. A discomfort spreads through their head.
Sometime later Hector relaxes and everyone release a sigh of relief that they are not knowing that they are holding.
"What did you just do?" Armstrong asks, while clutching his head and noticing everyone doing the same.
"I just gave you guys protections against telepaths." Hector says don't bothering himself with their discomfort. "In this world, there are people that can read minds, I assume that you guys wouldn't like that. I too need to protect my secrets, so I set some defenses in your minds." 'Will defend their minds from everyone but me.' Hector thinks internally
Like Hector has said, these guys can be problematic.
So taking inspiration from many fanfics where Xavier put 'backdoor' in Jean's mind to always probe her memories undetected. Hector did the same.
He will check their memories periodically. See what they're doing.
Especially Johan... Although he doesn't want to touch Johan's mind even with a ten-foot pole, he is too cautious to let Johan be at his own devices.
Sincerely, Hector wants to have minimum contact with him. He will not underestimate Johan's ability to get under people's skin.
"Now, is time for the good part... Time to become... better." Hector says before extending his hand to Uvogin's head.
He remembers reading about Uvogin wanting to have a punch as strong as a Nuclear bomb. This type of guy who pursues strength is easy to understand and to please.
The Bond Relationship with Uvogin is already 3.
After distributing the adequate powers to his new summons, Hector dismisses everyone.
"Except you Erwin. Your world is too much backward, you need some personal guidance. Follow me." Hector says "The rest... just follow the bots to your rooms. There are some things like Money, tech devices and others things to help you guys."
Unfortunately, till the serum is completed Hector can't give all the powers that he wants. Personally, he wants everyone at least Spider-man strong, with a great healing factor, and then with adequate powers depending on the summons capabilities and talents.
"Armstrong... Later I will call for you. I want to study your nanomachines." Hector says to the muscly man.
"You're the boss, Boss." Armstrong gives a salute and a nod. His smile never changing.
'What a friendly fella to a final boss.'
"Follow me, Erwin. We have so little time." He says before leading the way.
Helena P.O.V.
Passing through the portal, I am finally home. I mean, Hector's home. Mine is another, that I will need to move today. But I think I will always consider Hector's house my home.
Walking through the room in Isabella's Infinity Castle power or whatever, I reach the door to the house.
Putting the password, and then putting my digits and retinae I finally have access to the real house.
"Paranoid... Typical Batman."
It appears that Isabella can make a room that connects two places not very far.
So using a room as a medium is possible to connect my and Shego's House to this place. So as Hector says "Is not like we won't see each other more often. I'm just a portal away."
Groaning and putting my bags down, I relax. Okay, that's a relaxing trip, but it's always good to come back.
Coming downstairs I hear Isabella finally arrive behind me, but I don't care.
Going to the living room I see Hector in his chair.
"Oh~ You two are back already? Welcome." He says smiling. "you girls look beautiful by the way. And I thought that it is impossible already." He adds.
"Heh. Shego will love hearing this." I say "New pet?" I ask seeing that he is holding a turtle in his lap.
The turtle has a gap on his shell in the format of a key. Knowing Hector and Cathulhu this can't be a normal turtle.
"Yes, meet Gamera. hehe. I could name him, I'm surprised, you know?" He says. I don't understand the last part, but it appears that he name the turtle after that monster that fights Godzilla.
"Where is Shego?" He asks
I notice something, there's a board game on the table in his front and there's another chair. A visit? No, Impossible... A new companion.
"She is a little late because she annoyed Isabella. So Isabella is not transporting her heavy bags from her." I leave with a smile.
"Annoyed Isabella? How?" Hector asks confused
"Heh. She loudly declares in a certain shop: 'Look Isabella this is so you!' while showing a very skimpy french maid outfit. Everyone in the shop started looking at Isabella strangely after that."
Hector laughs out loud. "Haha, yeah I think she deserved it."
"That clothes have less fabric than napkins." Isabella said at my side.
At this moment a woman, a teenager appears from the kitchen holding a trail with two cups.
She has purple hair and eyes, and Asian features. So I was right.
I look at her and wait for Hector to introduce us.
"Meet Busujima Saeko. Saeko, meet Helena and Isabella. Our new companion, just like you two. We are playing Shogi before you guys arrived." Hector says.
The teenager, Busujima, put down the trail that contain tea and give us a bow. "A pleasure to meet you two. Hector-san talked a lot about you all." She says politely.
"Likewise." I say and Isabella bows too.
I'm still observing her carefully, it's not because I trust Hector now that I will trust everyone that he brings with his power.
"So you are really bringing other people, huh? Any interesting new power too?" I ask.
"Well, I can do this now." Hector says while opening his arm like a cyborg, showing a high-tech weapon underneath it.
"Sonuvabitch! I knew that you were too perfect to be real! So you are a fucking Robot!" And this is Shego arriving like Shego.
She is holding many bags that she just drops on the ground.
"Where can I order some more of you? I want twenty." She says as she approaches Hector.
"Welcome back Shego. And no, I'm not a robot, this is just a Technorganic power if you want to know." Hector calmly explains "And you can't handle twenty of me. You can't even handle one of me." Hector says smirking and raising one eyebrow.
"Wanna bet?" Shego says sitting on Hector's lap like is the most natural thing in the world. Hector remains unaffected as always.
"And who the fuck are you?" Shego says hostilely turning to Busujima while still sitting on Hector's thighs. She even reclines herself on him. Making him his chair.
Shameless cougar.
"Nice to meet you. You must be Shego-san. Hector talked a lot about you. My name is Busujima Saeko." Busujima says politely and bows again.
"Oh~ Talked? Talked what exactly?" She asks turning her face to look at Hector, her face very close to his face and neck.
"He said that you're a precious companion and friend." Busujima says smiling.
"Oh~ He said that? But he said that I'm only a friend? In truth, we are more than that." Shego lies easily "You're smelling good. New perfume?" Shego asks abruptly while she goes even closer, sniffing Hector's neck.
Hector gets serious "Are you feeling something strange?" he asks
"Eh? No, why?" Shego asks
Hector hesitates for a second before answering. "I received a new power package. and one of the side effects is pheromones that make me 'irresistible' to the female gender." Hector says making quotation marks with his fingers "I'm suppressing them, but it appears that is not enough." He finished a little unsure.
Hm. I'm glad that he comes clean with us. I like Hector's honesty and sincerely, I've seen worst powers that make me much more uncomfortable. Like X-ray vision and telepathy.
But I was never worried that Superman would check out my titties.
In the end, it's all about the user.
"Hum.*Sniff* No, no. I'm not feeling any 'irresistible' urge. You just smell good" Shego says after checking.
"I'm glad. This power is more trouble than it is worth." Hector sighs. "And your guys don't look as disgusted as a expect with my reveal." He said looking at me.
"I've seen worse." I say simply shrugging my shoulders.
"Wait! I'm feeling something..." Shego says suddenly making Hector's face look serious. "I... I... I'm all hot and bothered... Hn~ Hector... You need to take responsibility." She says moaning and panting while she turns to mount him.
"You're lying, I can tell" Hector says simply before phasing through Shego, letting her fall face first on the chair.
"So is just your normal horniness. I think there's no cure for that, unfortunaly." I say and Shego gives me the middle finger.
"Tsk. I shouldn't have said the truth so early." Shego pouts.
Yeah, a mistake on her part. But she probably felt that Hector is bothered by this whole pheromones thing and she wants to assure him. In the end, she cares about him too, is not just her horniness.
"And! Your mister!" She points at Hector "You promised that I would be present the next time that you would bring people here. I bet that there are other women too. You lecher, I have seen through your harem plan already." She says accusingly.
"Well... First of all, most people are male this time. And I decided at the moment to bring them now to take advantage of the momentary chaos on New York." He says shrugging. "And you would don't want to meet the rest anyway. Except for Edna, that you will meet later."
"Why not?" I ask
Hector doesn't respond, but I hear a ping coming from my smartphone. "Isent the information about them to you guys."
He does not even touch his smartphone. New power too?
I look at the info or our new "friends".
"Uvogin... Crimes: Mass murder, Assault, Cannibalism and Theft" I read out loud and then look at Hector.
"Johan Liebert... Crimes... Whatafuck. Why is this guy not dead again?" I ask Hector with a little of heat in my voice.
He shrugs his shoulder. "As I say, I don't choose who I can bring."
"But you can choose to bring him or not."
"Yes, and I bring him because he is useful" He interrupts before I continue. "And expendable."
"Relax Helena, He is in the palm of my hand and will never escape. You share my philosophy that is impossible to eradicate crime on Earth. So he is useful to control crime. Bring back that old school mafia that has boundaries and limits."
"But this guy..." I start.
"If he steps out of line I will kill him." Hector interrupts me again and I swallow the words I was about to say.
Hector is dead cold serious now. His eyes were sharp and his tone of voice leaves no room to the discussion.
"I have no attachment to Johan... He is not like your guys. I will not hesitate to separate his head from his shoulders if he does something against my orders. And I've already left strict orders of what he can't do." Hector says it with finality and there's nothing more I can say.
He can do that too.
I almost forgot because Hector is nice to us, but he can end us at any time.
It's a sobering revelation, but I have no reason to think that he will use his control over me to do something bad. He hasn't done anything so far.
"Okay, I trust you." I say
"Thank you." he smiles
"By the way, these profiles. You have one from us too?" Shego asks while skimming through the new people's information.
"No, there's no need. I will only do this to the new people now. So you know who you're dealing with. The three of you are a little special for being the first ones."
"Ownt, I'm special." Shego smiles before throwing herself at Hector again.
I can only roll my eyes at her antics.
"You're scaring the newbie."
"*Sniff* They grow up so fast." Hector fake cries while he sees us off. From now on we will no longer live together.
"Look at your guys, already moving out." He continues.
I can only roll my eyes to him.
I don't know, but he looks more... funny. Maybe he's finally being himself with us. Like me, I think he is very cautious of us in the beginning and now he is lowering his almost impregnable guard..
"Oh~ Acting like a parent... Do you want me to call you 'Daddy' too?" Shego says catching him off guard.
"Better not... yet" He answers
"Ooooh~ So at some point-" And then they start their thing. Their back and forth. Get a room already you two.
"You are already moving out too?" I ask the Japanese girl.
"Yes, I have school." She answers.
"Sucks to be you." Shego says.
"Remember to use the special cellphone or the Palantir to call, Saeko-san." Hector says.
We finally said goodbye.
Now we won't see each Other that often.
That is what I'm thinking.
Third Person P.O.V.
Next Day.
Hector comes home after another boring day in school.
When he arrives in the living room, he sighs.
"I know I said you guys could visit at any time but isn't it a little too soon?" He asks Shego who is lying on her stomach on the couch while she uses her smartphone.
"What? I'm a guest now. Treat me better. You're a horrible host. Geez." She says simply.
"I thought that you guys would enjoy your new freedom."
Helena emerges from the kitchen and speaks.
"We are bored."
Hector can only sigh.
"You guys know that 'Hector' can't know 'Shego and Helena', right?" He asks while sitting in his chair.
"Yeah yeah. We used the portal. We are not coming here from the front door." Shego answers.
"What are you watching?" Helena asks Shego.
"A tutorial on how to make Eidolon's hairstyle."
"Yeah, there are many people with goatees nowadays, because of Stark." Helena speaks. "People already start copying the heroes."
"Celebrity worship is sick enough, now that there are literal superheroes things can go very crazy." Hector says remembering some weird shit that he saw about himself on the internet.
Like a goth woman who tattooed "Eidolon personal onahole" above her ass.
He doesn't know if he should feel flattered or freaked out.
"Yeah, yeah... check this out." Shego says before starting Reading something.
"Thor trembles when he looks at women now, his throath dry and his muscles tense. And he only finds solace in Eidolon Arms. The trauma of the battle in New York changed the thunder god forever. He doesn't trust people of the opposite gender anymore. Only the one that released him of the clutches of the evil witch could reach his heart..." Shego tries to continue but then she starts laughing uncontrollably while clutching her stomach.
"But what the actual fuck is this abomination?!?" Hector asks with his mouth agape.
"It's a fanfic! Haha" Shego answers while laughing. " 'Love, Thunder and Power'. The love story about a broken god that now has a phobia of women and the mutant outcast. Their find solace in each other Arms. PFFt HAHAHa" Shego is out of breath now. "Oh god, I'm gonna die from laughing."
"That's it. I've seen enough. I'm destroying humanity now. There's no hope. This is my Vilaiin origin backstory." Hector says still shocked.
He is seriously thinking of joining forces with Ultron now.
"This is nothing. Wait for the fanarts to appear." Helena says with a distant look and a frown on her lips.
"THERE ALREADY FANARTS TOO! HAHA" Shego says suddenly before she starts to type in her smartphone. "Look at this." She says showing the screen.
"Ugh. Me and Cap?." Hector says disgustedly.
"There are some interesting ones too. Look." Sego shows another.
But now is from her and Hector.
It looks like the theme is BDSM, because Lady Jade is on her knees choking in Eidolon's dick while mascara runs through her face. Eidolon is holding her by a leash and Lady Jade hands are tied behind her back.
Hector can only facepalm.
"So it begins. The price of fame, I guess." Helena says looking at the drawing.
"Is this that common in your former world?" Shego asks
"Yeah. There's a superheroine that has it worse. Powergirl..."Helena says remembering her past life.
"Well, dressing in a one-piece swimsuit with a boob widow attracts the wrong type of attention." Hector says next.
"Yeah. I never understood her choice of clothing." Helena says.
"Looks who is talking. You left your abs bare to the world." Shego accuses Helena.
"Excuse me, is not everyone that can use Unstable Molecule Fabric to their clothes. Do you know how hot is using my former suitg? If I need to let some part bare to breathe, much better being my stomach." Helen defends herself.
"Fair enough" Shego shrugs.
"Master Hector, I would like to ask to not make a public appearance. Never." Isabella adds with a strange face.
Hector can only sigh. "Yes, Isabella. Relax, I will not force you to do anything."
"Damn, there's really a lot of super hero porn already." Shego says while scrolling through her smartphone. "Look at this." She shows them.
Hector's facepalm again.
"Why me and Susan Storm? We have exactly one interaction with each other." He asks after seeing a blonde woman using the Fantastic Four costume while bouncing on a guy using his own suit.
"Who knows... There's some drawing of me and Hulk and I bet that is just because we are both green." Shego says.
'Now I don't know what is worst. Porn parodies about me or the girls. I never thought that I would say this but... Fuck you Rule34' Hector thinks.
"And why Alexis Texas is Susan Storm?" Hector asks murmurs to himself.
And he realized that is the wrong thing to say just after the words left his mouth.
Everyone start staring at him
Shego "..."
Helen "..."
Isabella "..."
"I mean... *Cough* Who is this lady so proficient in the ways of human reproduction?" he asks with a robotic voice.
Shego only narrow her eyes to him. "You're surprisingly nice to the Invisible Woman that day..." She says.
"What? Do you want me to punch her for just blocking my path. Chill..." Hector defends himself.
"I've seen your mother's pictures by the house..." She continues.
"And?" Hector asks before taking a sip of his drink
"Blonde with blue eyes... Did you have an Oedipus complex?"
"Pfffft" He spats on the floor, but stops the liquid telekinethically and cleans everything. "Hell no! Gross."
"Hey, just asking."
"Nope. Ugh... Well, theoretically everyone has a little of the Oedipus complex because their father and mother are the 'basis' of the ideal person from the opposite gender. But no! I don't have an Oedipus complex. And the fact that Susan Storm looks a little like my mother means nothing to me." Hector starts before answering calmly. "Ugh, Now you destroyed my chances with her with and Emma Frost. And Carol Danvers." Hector shudders while retreating to his room.
The three girls look at each other.
Shego smile.
"Smart..." Helena compliments.
"There's too much competition." Shego answers.
"But who are the other two? I need to check. So many rivals" Shego says before going out to check on Hector's database.
"This is the new transfer student. Please, present yourself to the class." The teacher says to Saeko.
"My nmae is Busujima Saeko. Please take good care of me." Saeko gives a deep bow.
Her beautiful appearance of her attracts the attention of the boys and some girls. The other girls are jealous and hostile toward her already.
Right now she has black hair and eyes, thanks to the little pendant that Hector has given to her.
Funnily enough, she thinks is strange that everyone has black hair. To her, the great variety of colors is the norm.
Hector's instructions are just to live and inform him of anything strange.
As a coincidence, a girl called Hisaki Ichiko is in the same class as Saeko.
New York Police Department
"This is?" Captain George Stacy asks Officer Mahoney
"Captain! This is the new guy Erwin Smith." The officer says passing some papers to the captain.
Checking the papers George Stacy can see that Erwin Smith has high qualifications, passing with flying colors in the academy.
Is only natural, in the world of Attack on Titan, Erwin only loses to Armin in intelligence. With a high I.Q is easy to Hector customize a good background for Erwin.
"You're German?" George Stacy asks looking at the 6'2" blonde man.
"Naturalized American, Captain." Erwing gives a salute.
"I see. Your help will be appreciated, Smith. But New York is going through rough times. Are you sure that you are fit to the job?" The captain asks.
"I will do my best" Erwin replies confidently.
"Is a good beginning. Welcome to the New York police force." The two shake hands.
"Thank you, sir. I will not disappoint."
Senator Stern looks at his new assistant. He is a huge man full of muscle.
"What's your name again?"
"Steven Armstrong, sir. A pleasure to work for you." Armstrong says amicably going for a handshake.
He holds Senator Stern with his two hands, bows a little, and smiles.
"You're huge." The Senator comments.
"Heh. I was a quarterback in college. But after an injury, I devoted myself more to my studies. But I still have a healthy body." Armstrong answers with an easy smile.
"I've seen your qualifications. Impressive. Hope that you can do good work. The world is a mess with all this super humans that don't respect our laws appearing."
"I wholeheartedly agree. No one is above our nation and our laws, sir." Armstrong replies with a smile "I see what you try to do about Stark. Too bad people are riding high in his popularity and don't see the danger in letting one person monopolize that technology."
"Exactly! And I'm the bad guy? To try to bring our nation above others.?" Stern says pleased that someone understands him.
"When you make the mother of all omelets, you can't fret over every egg..." Armstrong shakes his head with a smile. "So what that you're confiscating his weapon? Would not be the same if someone make a nuclear bomb?"
"Yes." Senator Stern looks at Armstrong again "I think I can use someone with your talents and vision, Armstrong."
"I am honored, sir." Armstrong replies with a friendly smile.
Saul Goodman is feeling good.
In the beginning, he was with cold feet about this whole super-powered people ordeal.
But he is an adaptable man.
His last life is not an overly pleasant one.
Rarely does someone like him. Everyone thinks that he is an asshole.
It bothered him until he realized that he's good at being an asshole, so he embraced this new way of living.
And now, someone wants him exactly because he is an asshole.
He is hopeful about his new employer.
He is younger now, smarter, full of energy and he even has a shadow of a six pack underneath his suit.
Life is good, but it can be better.
Now he has the chance to restart from zero.
With his experience, it will be a breeze.
It sucks to lose his fame and reputation, is after all one of the most important things to a lawyer, but he can work things out.
His new job as a public defender will jumpstart his career.
He opens the interrogatory room abruptly.
"Oh, oh. Please step away from my client, officer! Congratulations Mr. Brown, your savior is here." He says flamboyantly.
His job is simple.
According to Hector, many criminals have just received anbad hand from the world. A obvious thing by the way. Not everyone is a criminal by option.
So Saul will help these poor souls to have better lives.
Now, about the Other not-so-much poor souls. The real motherfuckers... When Saul releases them he will give his new boss a call.
And a certain black-clad hero will catch the criminals again.
'Is infinity money baby, let's rock the system.' Saul thinks.
In an apartment in Hell's Kitchen, a man is trembling after having shot his girlfriend.
His mouth is agape and his eyes are wide. His hands lose their strength and he releases his gun.
In a dark corner of the room, Johan Liebert observes the view from the widow, without caring about the tragic scene that he himself is responsible for.
Walking a little in the dangerous parts of the city, Johan is mugged. The unlucky robber has no chance.
After being defeated and having a little talk with Johan, somehow the man ended up killing his own girl.
hHw? Johan played with his insecurities.
How Johan knows the mugger's insecurities?
Well... Hector gave fucking Johan Liebert Telepathy.
Nothing strong, just a beta-level telepathy. Capable of read minds and seeing some memories.
Hector is a little curious about how much damage Johan can do to the criminals with his new power.
Johan is a mad dog, Hector wants him to bite other people. That is the best use of his talents.
If one day Johan bites Hector's hand... There will be no more Johan.
"It's okay Jamal, she deserves it." Johan's soft voice addresses the young criminal.
Jamal had a beatiful girlfriend. A little above his league, and this is the source of his insecurity.
Seeing Jamal's memories Johan saw how jealous he is of his girlfriend and one of his better-looking homies. A homie that is always very funny when Jamal's girlfriend is present. And she is always laughing with him.
After a friendly talk with Johan, Jamal snapped and this is the result.
"Let's search for your friend. Don't worry I will help you." Johan puts his hand on Jamal's shoulder.
Jamal is a small criminal, but he killed an old couple some months ago. So he is within the limits of what Hector allows. His girlfriend is an accomplice of his criminal activities too. Hiding drugs, Money and guns in her apartment from her.
And funny enough, the girlfriend is really cheating on Jamal with his friend.
"But before we go, Jamal. Why don't you present me to you boss? Is it true that he has connections with the Kingpin? I always thought that the Kingpin is an urban legend." Johan saying smiling.
"So this is the place, huh?" Uvogin asks with his arms crossed while he looks around the underground arena.
"Yes, on the surface looks just like a bunch of rich people having fun watching super-powered people fighting, but in truth, the Kingpin is using this place to recruit new henchmen." Johan answers Uvogin, like many of the rich people here, he is using a mask.
"Adapting, huh?" Uvogin conclusions.
"Yes, criminal bosses are not stupid, the ones that are don't last long."
"How did you find this place so quickly?"
"I asked politely some people" Johan answers making Uvogin snort.
Criminals already noticed that they can't defeat the heroes by conventional means. And heroes can't be bribed or blackmailed like a normal cop.
Now, the criminal bosses, specially Kingpin are trying to even the playfield.
Many maybe are trying to do lab experiments and other means.
But one of the ways is through this criminal arena. Huge rewards to the winners, with this they can acquire people without trouble.
The fact that people come here is already a testament to their greed. So it should be easier to convince the fighters to work for them.
"You're next. Hold back a little to not scare the possible employers. But at least show that you can at least deal with Spider-man." Johan advises.
"Okay, looks unbeatable but not scary enough to make these bastards piss their pants."
"Yes. Even better if you look like a simpleton brute that only cares about money, women and fighting."
"Okay." Uvogin nods "You've worked hard. Already accepting your place under our boss. Trying to be praised as a good boy?" Uvogin tries to provoke his colleague to measure him.
"Huh. I'm truly... curious." Is Johan's reply.
"Maybe it is because of my lacking of true feelings... But I can feel it clearly. His power changed me." Johan say
"I care for him now… slightly. Is a novelty."
"Well, that's... good? I think..." Uvogin asks unsure.
"Yes…" Johan gives a sick smile "I ask myself how I will feel if he dies."
"Did I will despair? Broke in tears? I'm very curious to feel this. I almost want to make this happen..."
"But something deep in me prevents this... I think if I do this will not have the desired effect. Will be meaningless. Will be such a shame... to lose this chance."
"This is such a good opportunity to feel firsthand what everyone feels in their darkest moments. To finally understand how deep is the abyss of despair."
"On a side I want him to succeed in everything and share his joy. But in another hand, I have nothing against seeing him fail... Huhu. And if I make him kill me? How will I feel?"
"Is betrayal that painful, Uvogin?"
"Can I make him like me enough to make him feel bad for killing me? Can I accomplish my perfect suicide by his hands while burying him in darkness?"
"I want to see and feel those things... Hehe. I'm glad that I come here." Right now Johan has a large smile on his face.
'Holy shit this guy is completely nuts. He is Hisoka level of nutcase. Even myself felt a shiver hearing this bastard talk nonsense.'
Zeta Space Station
"You need to have control over every fiber of your body" Rob Lucci advised with his arms crossed.
Hector is training the Rokushiki.
In truth, is not hard for him. He already has very good control of his bodyand he passes the physical requirements.
'Tekkai' Hector becomes rigid, his body like a rock. 'At high levels, these must become useful. Like Nen, there advanced techniques of Rokushiki, like a long ranged Shingan'
Hector likes to gain powers. And even better if is from different sources.
As an example, Hector can teleport. And he has many ways to do it. But he wants to be able to do this in every way.
Magically, technologically, by his own power, with an innate power of some race on the future.
If someone blocks Hector's magical powers, he can use them from other sources. And so on. Hector doesn't want to have a weakness to be explored or a blindspot.
Normally this would be a pipe dream for anyone. People have limited time and talent. But not him, his true potential is that eventually, he will be good at everything.
He just needs time.
But now with his own efforts, he can shorten this time.
"Now is Kami-e"
"Yes... Hm... Yes... This is the body of a God!" Edna Mode exclaims dramatically while analyzing Hector's physique.
He is only in his boxers right now.
"Did you guys mind?" Hector says exasperated to Helena and Shego that is observing him with great attention while eating, like a show.
"No, we don't mind." Shego says "Did you mind Helena?"
"Not me, you can continue".
Hector can only sigh to their hums of appreciation. 'I will see your girls too, wait for it.'
"What do you want to your suit, darling?" The diminute woman with a bob cut, that looks much younger now asks.
"Well, I like black and white. My body can change, and the UMF is already good. I just want a better design" Hector answers.
"Yes, yes. Your old suit looks like have been designed by an five year old child with a crayon." Edna says dismissively.
"But this cape has to go. I will not allow you to use this abomination." She says turning her face to the side with a 'Harumph'
"Edna, we talked about this. My mantle can be detached easily. Will not be a problem. And it's good to hide things." Hector says placatingly.
"Humph. I will not make your a new one then. You need to go out looking like an emo Hogwarts student.
"Is okay, I just want a new design from my suit."
"This is an insult to my skills... But okay. I will make better white lines, will accentuate your muscles." Edna starts to say excitedly.
"Your muscles will make all other men's testorone levels drop down by your sheer presence alone. Women will want to have your superior babies." Edna gets excited and points to the sky with a smile full of teeth.
"By the way, it's possible to disguise... You know... The volume on my crotch." Hector interrupt her little embarrassed.
"Ooh." Edna slowly turns around "But this is one of the things that I would accentuate. You need to flaunt your superiority to everyone know who is the alpha in the precint."
'Sigma' Hector jokingly thinks.
"But it's okay darling, there are ways to make that your penis won't arrive in places before you." Edna says rolling her eyes.
"Now is time for you two. Purple girl... No capes!"
"And you... Why did your suit look like a cubist painting?"
'Heh. I like her' Hector thinks
After taking everyone measures and preferences Edna says goodbye.
She has a house in Paris, and thanks to the background card Hector was able to bring all her technology with her.
"Now Darling, it's time to rock the fashion world. Bye Bye." She says while she walks through the portal.
"Thanks Edna, You're awesome." Hector says goodbye.
"Tell me something that I don't know, darling."
A.N.: Hello there. Everyone is good?
Now is the time to the AUTHOR NOTES. I will say some important things now.
And answer some F.A.Q.
The Mc's appearance.
You guys know that Hector previously is a skinny nerd 6/10.
Now, after assimilating this last batch is safe to say that he achieved the absolute 10/10. He is as handsome as humanly possible. Without "God of Beaty", Incubus Bloodline and other bullshit that he will not gain for now.
Appearance, like money and intelligence, is a great thing that make life easier. Hector knows this and make he will use this. But he needs to hide his identity. Is too little time to become so beatiful. So... I will describe hi appearance with images as a reference.
Hector as Eidolon will let himself go. He is 6'4" ft. As a reference Cap is 6'2'' ft and Thor is 6'6'' ft. He will grow even more probably. He only 16 after all.
As Eidolon, because of his half mask, any youthfulness of his face is hidden. So people think that he is him his early twenties. Hi only change his hair to white and make it's long to make Eren's man bun. His eyes change colors constantly. But generally is that brilliant purple of Royal Titans.
As a civilian, Hector will settle for being 6ft. He looks skinnier than his Eidolon counterpart. He uses large clothes. Glasses and let's his black hair fall on his face. He almost always with a bored expression.
There's a difference between Hector's and Eidolon's posture too. One walks with his puffed chest, confidently and his presence alone can suffocate someone.
Hector on the other hand will not receive a double take if someone passes by him on the street.
But people are not stupid. Girls can look at hector and see "Oh~He is cute. He would look better if he takes care of himself" Woman has attention to detail.
Hector looks a little unremarkable at first glance. Recently I see Record of Ragnarok and ou can imagine Hector like Beelzebub. Just with glasses.
Now to the questions...
About his powers.
Someone asked if he copied Shinso quirk in BNHA. During that Bank robbery sccene.
You guys can consider taht every quirk that appears in BNHA, Hector has a copy too. But Hector will not use his "villaionous" quirks to do hero work.
BTW, recently has been revealed the second user quirk. Thanks I don't invent some bullshit. Is an OP quirk but it need to charge. So you consider this the reason that Hector don't use it against Thor. This quirk and Fa Jin.
Hector's cyborg body against Magneto...
Dudes... *Sigh* He can change between normal(flesh and bones) and cyborg body anytime. He can even use Inuyashiki powers without turning himself into a cyborg. But will be weaker.
As a comparison. If Hector assimilates a dragon. His flame breath would be weaker in human form.
Now let's show your guys something funny.
In my last chapter, I wrote this phrase.
"Whatever... I shrug my shoulders. I don't need to treat these guys like I treat Shego and the others."
Context, Hector is talking about the evil summons.
And someone comment this.
"Are you a misandrist or a misogynist because this statement encapsulates both variances of hate speech. I have flagged the author and story based upon the hate speech written"
To make myself clear.
No one can treat everyone equally.
I emphasized two times in this chapter that Hector will treat his summons with equity.
He doesn't care about gender, race, religion.
He cares about the character's past actions.
He will treat Then based in this,
Sorry, dear reader. But if you saw misogyny in this statement. Maybe the problem is in your eyes. You're the one seeing hate were there none. I'm not even religious, but God bless you and seeks for help. Touch grass or something. Get off Twitter. Not everything is about race and gender, okay?
Now at last.
In the chapter that the world reacted. We saw Magneto and the Professor reaction.
Some people are surprised about how chill they are.
Hehe. Are you guys not sick of Magneto as a "Crazy irrational supremacist" in most of fanfics and the professor as a "Mind rapist dumbledore."
Maybe they're not that bad. People has layers you know?
Let's analyze Xavier. He messed up with the Phoenix.
But he is a handicapped man that meets a multiversal threat. He doesn't know how to deal with deal. He is afraid. He himself thinks that he needs to shoulder this responsibility. He doesn't know that he is making a time bomb. He has no prior knowledge.
He is a man that his only way to be safe from people is his telepathy. And then he meets something above his comprehension. That throws all his efforts in the trash. Understandable that he is afraid; Well, it's don't excuse him. But he is not a villain. Just a little unlikeable.
And Magneto.
Fun fact: Did you guys know that in the "Secret Wars" the saga where the Beyonder wants to understand good and evil and put Heroes and villaisn to fight... He puts Magneto on the side of the heroes. He thinks that Magneto is a hero.
I fanfics, to creat a conflict is easier making Magneto a guy who wants to crazily recruit someone by force. Forcing his way of thinking. A very hateable trait to anyone.
But I like Magneto. Principally in the movies. To Magneto, Eidolon is a strong mutant that can defend himself, so he is not worried about him.
He thinks Eidolon will eventually fail and see for himself that there's no way of coexistence with humans.
And someone asked how he knows that Eidolon wants to make a "middle ground" between Magneto and Xavier ideologies... Well, Hector doesn't hide this from Jean and Jean doesn't hide this in the Institute. And you guys think that Magneto doesn't have some spy there?
Well, about Magneto... I like "A song of Ice and Fire", you know? Rarely are there truly evil guys there. There are people with certain motivations. If we understand them we can break down their personalities and see that they're not a villain per se. Sometimes only broken or misled people. Like Jaime... Everyone hated him in the beginning I bet.
I don't want these characters to be one-dimensional like most fanfic.
Things are not that simple. I want to do justice to their amazing characters.
And despite that, conflicts happen, with good vs good(very common in the comics now). Evil vs Evil. Not only good vs evil.
Let's see how Eidolon and Magneto's meeting will be.
And well... Hector can't have a bad relationship with his future father-in-law.
Bye bye. Till next time.
Stay good.
Nothing to add here.
Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.
Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.
Till next time.