
Meta Essence CYOA 89

Essence of the Elder Blood

•You may remake your body however you want, even turning it into any of the different species from the Witcher universe.

•You are able to make the negatives of a medieval world, such as Hygiene, smell, sanitation and etc. not exist for you and everyone around you. This is an effect you can toggle at will. This will work in a way you prefer, even retroactively. People will have white, clean teeth, it won't smell like a shithole unless the place is known for it, people will be clean and not smell like they haven't bathed in a month, etc. Or you can make the effect only around you and those close to you, making people around you slowly become cleaner with better hygiene while near you, while bad smell and dirt is still there, but lessened in your surroundings. Or maybe some other way.

•You have now become an active carrier of the Elder Blood, granting you the ability to manipulate and control both time and space. This starts out allowing you to simply teleport in short, controlled burst, or travel across dimensions in the local multiverse. But in time you will find yourself increasing in power and completely master both time and space to unprecedented levels. You will never have this power go out of control or do something you don't want it to, such as becoming unpredictable, uncontrollable and creating extremely dangerous explosions.

•Another bonus of the Elder Blood is that it makes you an incredibly powerful Source. A Source is a person born with a natural affinity for magical abilities. Usually, a Source would find it rather difficult to control their magical power, but you don't have that problem. You may also teach other Sources to control and command their immense powers without any danger.◦Even if you are a male, you may have the activated version of of the Elder Blood.

◦You may optionally receive the incredibly green eyes and ashen-white hair that comes with it.

•Optionally, you may receive the training of a sorcerer. You will equal Yennefer and Triss in both knowledge and skill when it comes to magic. This also gives you the knowledge of how to create the Elixir of immortality that the Sorcerers use to live forever.

•Optionally, you may become a Witcher, receiving the enhancements and training of a Witcher. You will have the physical prowess, knowledge, skill and experience of Geralt in his prime. You can opt out of the sterile part of the deal if you want.

•Optionally, you may become a Master Swordsman, surpassing the combined talent, skill and experience of Geralt, Ciri and Bonhart.

•You can at any time make any world you are in go through a Conjunction of the Spheres, filling the world of with hundreds of creatures of all shapes and sizes, as well as magic.

•Optionally, you may receive your very own sword. It will fit you perfectly, being the perfect weight, size and balance to feel like an extension of yourself. But the greatest benefit of this sword is that it is a perfect alloy of silver and steel, making it just as effective against men as it is against monsters. It will also never blunt, break or shatter. It is also enchanted with a near unique effect. It will grow stronger with you, always growing just as strong as you are. It is also incredibly good at channeling magic and other similar powers you have. Not only that, but each blow that hits a combatant increases both the damage the sword does and your speed by 10% while in combat. The increase is lost over time.

•Optionally, you may receive a Djinn, capable of granting even the most far-fetched wishes. Yours is not limited by three wishes, and can never escape it's bottle prison, giving you access to infinite wishes. A mage can also draw on its energy, using it to cast spells without having to call on Power from traditional sources, being a lot safer option.

•Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.◦Cirilla "Ciri" Fiona Elen Riannon.

◦Yennefer of Vengerberg.

◦Triss Merigold.



◦Enid an Gleanna/Francesca Findabair.

◦Keira Metz.

◦Anna Henrietta.

◦Sylvia Anna.

◦Corinne Tilly.

◦Fringilla Vigo.


◦Sile de Tansarville.

◦Vivienne de Tabris.

◦Queen Calanthe.

◦Any other character from the Witcher universe.

•Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of the Witcher, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of Sephiroth

○You may remake yourself however you want.

○You have been infused with DNA from an extraterrestrial life-form identical to Jenova when you were still in the fetal stage, then infused with large amounts of Mako, granting you incredible, inhuman physical prowess and several additional abilities, alongside limitless potential. Optionally, you may also choose to receive Sephiroth's platinum hair and glowing make eyes.

○You have the ability to manifest a single black wing in your right shoulder, granting you incredibly fast and fluid flight. Optionally, you can manifest a pair of wings instead of only one.

○You will find that you have immense natural talent when it comes to combat capabilities and weapon proficiency, equal to Sephiroth, which is at its greatest when it comes to swordsmanship. You are also ambidextrous, just as good with one hand as the other. Optionally, you may also receive his vast skill and experience as well, making you his equal.

○You are also able to empower any bladed weapon you own to cast powerful blades and energy waves, like a crescent-shaped energy beam that can easily cut through giant steel structures. You can also use this energy in a lot of other ways, like increasing the sharpness of your weapons or something else.

○You are able to materialize a weapon of your choice at will, though as a default it is your very own version of Sephiroth's Masamune. Whatever the weapon it is will feel like an extension of yourself, fitting you perfectly and allowing you to wield it effortlessly and efficiently. It is also supernaturally sharp and indestructible.

○Optionally, you may design your own Limit break.

○Your alien cells also grants you access to these otherworldly mental abilities, which are all highly intuitive to use.


■You have incredible telekinetic abilities. It can even be used to manipulate matter directly to fuse it and transfigure it.


■You can read the mind, memories and emotions of others, even able to communicate with them by projecting your voice or images in other minds. You can use this on anyone with your cells no matter the range or their mental defenses/resistances.


■You are able to use this unnatural ability to teleport, allowing you to instantly vanish into thin air to instantly reappear somewhere else. You are even able to teleport other people.


■You are able to fly and levitate effortlessly, just like Sephiroth, even without your wing.


■You are able to go intangible at will, allowing you to pass through solid matter.

○Illusion Creation:

■You have the incredibly versatile ability to create and manipulate illusions.


■Sephiroth can easily take over the mind or influence those who carry Jenova Cells in their bodies. If a person doesn't have a strong spirit and mind, the cells cause them to lose their will and become puppets for Sephiroth and mere extensions of Jenova, as seen with the Sephiroth Clones who only have devotion to them. Cloud himself figures out his pursuit of Sephiroth wasn't of his own volition, but simply Sephiroth's influence on his thoughts. Even if they can withstand the presence of the cells, Sephiroth can force his control on them, best seen when he forced Cloud to give him the Black Materia (an event whose recollection is muddled in Cloud's mind) and try to kill Aerith when she was praying for Holy.

○Your alien cells also grants you access to these otherworldly biological abilities, which are all highly intuitive to use.

■Biological manipulation:

■You can easily change the shape of your body and manipulate your biology, or the biology of others who have received alien cells from you. You can also manipulate the biology of those who haven't received your cells through touch.


■You can quickly regenerate damage done to your body, including lost limbs and wounded organs. If the damage sustained is too great, however, you will still survive, but will need the process of the Reunion, to heal yourself.

■Pain Bind:

■An ability that allows the user to heal wounds and take away the pain of a person, and, at any time they wish, they can reopen the wound and injuries they had previously healed and return the pain in full force to said person.

■The Reunion:

■Perhaps the most notable of the alien race's abilities. Even if your body is torn to pieces, your parts, even single cells will eventually gather back together to rebuild yourself, regardless of the conditions and of how far away they are from each other. By injecting normal people with your Cells, you can have their wills overridden by you, leaving them with no other purpose than gathering together for you,

○You also have any other abilities Sephiroth either have shown or most likely have before his merging with the Lifestream, but not mentioned above. This includes any inherent abilities of the alien known as Jenova as well.

○Optionally, you may receive Fenrir, Clouds personal motorcycle only made for you.

○Optionally, you may receive the Buster sword.

○Optionally, you may receive the Fusion Blade. It grants you access to the Omnislash v6.

○Optionally, you may receive a case containing three vials containing mako-green liquid, and one vial containing a platinum liquid. Each vial with green liquid grants whomever ingests the liquid access to the power of SOLDIER, one vial for each class being the limit to how powerful they become. This enhancement comes without the reduced lifespan and accelerated cellular degradation, having no drawbacks. The platinum liquid contains altered Alien Cells (from an Alien like Jenova), which when given with a green vial gives the recipient the same abilities as Sephiroth, with which green vial deciding how powerful the recipient actually becomes, the First Class granting equal power to Sephiroth, and the others granting lesser level of powers, all without any genetic degradation as it is a perfect infusion of the Alien's cells. All of these vials have no negative consequences, and refills after use.

○Optionally, you may have a chest containing all the different Materia, including the White and the Black Materia, at all of it's levels. Any Materia taken out will be refilled when the chest is closed.

○Optionally, you may receive Sephirot as your companion. Sephiroth is known for maintaining an aura of cold professionalism and composure, that often makes him look antisocial, being aloof and distant among most and rarely mingling around with his fans, and due to his power, Sephiroth is extremely confident, though not to the point of arrogance. Despite this, his demeanor is used to hide his noble traits: For all his coldness, he is known for his bravery and staunch loyalty to those he care about. He has no interest in self-glory, and treats everyone rather politely and gently, as long as they are not enemies. He also has a sense of humanity as he has contempt for true immorality and disgust over inhuman experimentation. While well-spoken, socially graceful, calm and composed, Sephiroth is not without a dry sense of humor and at times he can show frustration. He can form genuine friendships with others, as shown by how he quickly befriended you, and when you helped him discover the real truth about his parentage and birth, you gained his eternal friendship and loyalty. He is guaranteed never go insane, no matter what.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

■Aerith Gainsborough.

■Tifa Lockhart.

■Jessie Rasberry.


■Madam M.

■Claudia Strife.

■Lucrecia Crescent.


■Goddess Minerva.

■Any other character from the FF7 universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the FF7 Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of Prototype

○You may remake your body however you want.

○Prototype is the term used to describe individuals who have been infected by the DX-1118 C strain of the Blacklight virus. The viral strand genetically rewrites the host's cells, re-purposing it to suit its needs. Your incredibly resilient DNA allowed your humanity, personality and memories to survive the transformation, all while gaining powers and abilities similar to Alex Mercer and James Heller.

○The genetic rewrite caused by the Blacklight virus has evolved your body, thereby giving you superhuman abilities, and transforming you into deadly shapeshifting beings of nearly limitless potential, power, and destruction. You can fashion portions of your body into weapons and cause mass devastation to the environment with your incredible superhuman physical strength and durability (to the extent of being bulletproof and unharmed from extreme impacts such as falls from any height, explosions, etc.). Newly enhanced musculature and strengthened epidermis, as well as bodily tissue increases your strength, speed, reflexes, and agility by shifting your biomass to your limbs, allowing you to break the boundaries of human sprinting and jumping/climbing ability to perform amazing parkour feats with limitless stamina. Plus your new physiology also allows you to glide through the air.

○You are also capable of self-regeneration, usually by consuming living biomass to regenerate and heal yourself, though evolution eventually allows you to heal completely without consuming. When you consume an individual, you retain and assimilate the memories and the DNA of that individual. This, paired with a Prototype's ability to mimic voice and appearance (including that of their clothing and equipment), turns you into a potent infiltrator of almost any security.

○Prototypes possess a sharpened sense of sight which allows them to see into the thermal spectrum. You also have a predatory sonar sense to hone in on prey from a distance. Your other senses are also heightened, but never causes any hypersensitivity or discomfort.

○You have access to all the abilities of both Mercer and Heller, from the Blade and the Whipfist, to the Armor, all at their most powerful level. You may choose the appearance and shape of all your abilities, and will find you have instinctive talent and skill in how to use all your abilities.

○You also have the ability to create Evolved, which are a species of lesser viral shape-shifters. They are more limited in power and abilities when compared to a Prototype, but are still highly powerful and versatile. All the evolved have an ability that separates them from each other. You may choose what weapon and uncommon abilities they have, or you can leave it up to chance, in which they might gain something new and unique.

○You have the ability to create infected, and can also influence how the infected ends up becoming, designing them to your own specifications. Any infected created by you can be controlled by you.

○Optionally, you may receive a group of ten Evolved. Their individual personalities and appearance is up to you, the relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and they will be irrevocably loyal to you. You can also choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are.

○Optionally, you may receive a group of ten Project Orion Super Soldiers. Their individual personalities and appearance is up to you, the relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and they will be irrevocably loyal to you. You can also choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

■Any character from the Prototype universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the world of Prototype, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of the Homo Drakensis

○You may remake yourself however you want.

○You are now a Homo Drakensis, a member of the Draka.

○Thanks to genetic engineering, your body has been vastly improved.

○The basic enhancement gives you superhuman physical capabilities, which is greater than the greatest of Draka.

■Your strength is twice as strong as the strongest of Great Ape.

■Your speed is almost six times the human maximum.

■You have perfect balance, perfect proprioception, perfect kinesthetic sense and perfect coordination.

■You have better night vision and hearing than that of a cat and the sense of smell of a bloodhound.

■You can regenerate from any wound that doesn't kill you, while also being unaging, your body forever kept in the prime of life.

■You can digest anything organic, and ignore disease and infection.

○Your mind has also been enhanced granting you what's essentially an IQ of slightly over 200, alongside a near-eidetic memory. Unlike ordinary Draka, you have not lost any imagination or creativity. You may opt out of the IQ increase if you want, or lower it if you don't want it to be so high.

○At will, you can shut off your senses of pain.

○You have conscious control over your own pheromones, being able to use them to subliminally arouse, intimidate, or charm susceptible human beings. Yours are even stronger and more effective than the greatest of Draka, allowing you to almost affect ordinary Humans as if they were Homo Servus. However effective you want/imagine them to be, is how they are, and you can use them exactly how you want to.

○You also have any abilities a Draka has that is not mentioned here, but improved.

○Unlike ordinary Draka, you can sustain yourself on an identical amount of nutrients as an ordinary human being.

○You may choose if your children will inherit your Draka genes, or not. If they do, then they will become full Draka.

○You have received the training, skill and experience of a Draka recon-commando, giving you the spec-ops training of the best of the Draka, making you physically and mentally the equivalent of a super-soldier ninja.

○Optionally, you may receive the greatest ability of the Draka, being their incredible Plot Protection and Luck. This is what allowed them to become the Super State they became, and you have this effect all on your own. If you are to lose to anything or anyone now, they better be a reality warping monster of godlike might.

○Optionally, you may receive a Layer knife. The layer knife is a knife with a single-molecule diamond and steel edge with its electron shells collapsed to pack atoms closer together than nature would allow. It can cut through almost anything.

○You have a suitcase containing ten vials filled with a serum, which when ingested turns the recipient into a Homo Servus. The Vials are refilled once emptied.

○You have a suitcase containing one vial filled with a serum, which when ingested turns the recipient into a Homo Drakensis. The Vial is refilled once emptied.

○Optionally, you may receive a complete technical database of all the scientific and technological knowledge that has been found/learned by either the Alliance or the Domination, all the way up to the interstellar era.

○Optionally, you may receive 10 Homo Servus of your own design, their gender, personality and appearance being entirely up to you. You can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. They will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

■Any character from the Draka universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the Draka Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of the Asha'man

○You may remake yourself however you want.

○You have mastered "the Flame and the Void". This refers to a concentration technique used in combat arts throughout the cultures and Ages of the Wheel of Time universe. It is based on the visualization of a single flame of a candle into which the person could throw all their emotions, fears and obstacles which block them from performing. All concerns, thoughts, even the concerns of life and death - can be learned to be fed into the flame. You enter a state of nothingness, your mind completely cleared from fears and emotions leaving you in a hyperaware state of consciousness to be able to focus exclusively on your desired task. This allows the user to perceive reality cleared from everything distracting. Being in the state of nothingness allows one to ignore the physical senses of the body of the performer. Cold or heat of the surrounding environment, pain of the injury, tiredness of the body, soreness of muscles are only observed from a distance as the subject would be someone else's body. All while it focuses your senses, increases the speed of your reflexes, and enhances the accuracy and skill of your fighting skills. Another technique is to imagine one becomes one with their weapon and one with their targets or opponents, removing obstacles of rational thoughts and emotions such as the opponent is stronger or more advanced in combat, and such, allowing you to act without thoughts, fear and anything else that would hinder you in combat. You don't have to fear going too far into the void, as you have mastered it completely. You are able to teach others how to use the Flame and the Void.

○You were born with the spark of the One Power, and have been able to channel since you were a child, able to hold Saidin perpetually, even when sleeping, an almost unique ability. You are as strong in the One Power as it is possible to be, equal to Rand al'Thor and Ishamael, while also having the highest level of strength possible in all the Five Elements, alongside having all the known Talents of the One Power, some unknown talents and even some talents that no one but you have, all at their highest level. Described as a raging torrent of the Power which must be subdued and dominated by a strong- willed channeler in order to be controlled, you will find the One Power easily following your will. Actively embracing the One Power will drastically enhance the your senses and reaction time. All five of your senses are expanded, allowing you to make out the stitching on far-away people's clothing for example, or to hear heartbeats to intuit whether someone is lying, even able to sense if are any people within a hundred leagues. Merely holding the one power makes your senses sharper and better, your reactions quicker, life itself feeling simply more, all without any hypersensitivity and other drawbacks from it. In terms of reaction speed, you will experience a "slow-down" effect automatically when weaving and responding to other combatants. A man channeling Saidin will start to "slow," meaning that he doesn't age in the same way as a man without the ability, giving the man a longer life equal to the amount of power they have. The strongest, which you are, have the lifespan of a millennia.

○You are incredibly skilled at making Ter'Angreals, capable of creating and even improving and modifying all the known Ter'Angreals. You are also highly skilled in creating your own Ter'Angreals, with functions and abilities you desire.

○You may opt out of any Talents you don't want.

○You are immune to the Dark One's Taint, and as such you will not even feel it's touch on Saidin if it exists. This will prevent you from turning mad from channeling the One Power.

○You have received the training of an Asha'man, and have the experience of one who fought and lived through the Last Battle. You know all the known weaves, and are incredibly skilled in using the One Power.

○Your dreams are protected and cannot be invaded or manipulated without your consent. You are also protected against any negative influence from Tel'Aran'Rhiod.

○Optionally, you may be a reincarnation of someone from ancient times. Usually, everyone from the world of Wheel of Time is this, but you have been granted a boon from it. This will make you learn knowledge and master skills much faster, as if you are remembering how to do them and shaking of the rust that has come from nothing using it for a long period of time. This works on everything you try to learn and master, allowing you to do in a year what others spend decades mastering. This is especially great when it comes to the One Power, where you have the same level of skill as Lews Therin at his best, though with a broader level of knowledge and ability due to you having the highest level of strength possible in all the Five Elements, alongside having all the Talents of the One Power. This also grants you knowledge from the Age of Legends, allowing you to create things like the Nym and Chora trees.

○Optionally, you may become a Ta'veren of equal level as Rand Al Thor, the strongest ta'veren in known history. But unlike ordinary Ta'veren, who are spun by the Pattern in a way that suits it, you will find the Pattern spins in such a way to suit you, making reality alter itself for you. Wealth and fame will drop into your pockets as if from the sky; men who wanted to kill you might decide to follow instead, and women with ice in their eyes might decide to melt. Arrows fired from afar will miss, and in a time of peaceful contemplation, you will be alerted and escape any threat. Your probability-altering effect extends throughout entire cities when you make an appearance. Your force of will combined with your ta'veren nature also provides an extremely powerful influencing effect on others, bending them in ways that suit you. In effect you manipulate both people and events on a subconscious level, where people find themselves acting out of character in order to benefit you, and events seem to spin just the way you want, seemingly out of good luck. This also gives you the ability to bring out the best in others, allowing them to for example learn to fight much faster than normal training should allow. You will not find your Ta'Veren having any negative effects, being only positive in a way that suits you. No one will be able to find you by tracing the effects of your ta'veren on the Pattern. Should you truly desire someone dead, then reality will shift as so to make them die in some way of possible. This can be that their hearts suddenly stop beating, or they fall down a step of stairs and break their neck. This won't work on immortals, however. All of this can be controlled and toggled at will, and will never work in any way you wouldn't want to, even becoming as weak or strong as you want.

○Optionally, you may choose to become a Blademaster, with the talent, experience and skill of Lan Mandragoran and Jearom at their best combined, them being the two greatest Blademasters to ever live. You are also an incredible teacher, capable of turning the average farmboy into a blademaster that can defeat Myrddraals within months.

○Optionally, you may become a WolfBrother like Perrin, with the mastery he gained at the end of the series.

○Optionally, you may become a Treesinger, making you an incredible singer, with an inhuman talent for the Songs of Growing, better than the greatest of the Ogiers, even as a human.

○You also receive a Power-wrought sword made specifically for you in such a way as to make it feel like an extension of yourself. Optionally, it may come with a Heron Mark to symbolize a Blademaster.

■Optionally, it may be any other weapon, like an Ashandarei or a Hammer.

■Optionally, it may come with the same effect as Mah'alleinir, making it feel pleasantly warm to your touch, but makes it burn anyone on the receiving end of it. It will also prove capable of permanently killing the special breed of Darkhounds that can usually only be killed by Balefire, and other beings with similar immortality.

○Optionally, you may receive an angreal that is so strong to be considered almost a sa'angreal, that works for Saidin. It can take any shape you want it to take, chosen now when you take the Essence.

○Optionally, you may receive a Sa'angreal equal to the Sakarnen, that works for Saidin. You have bonded this Sa'angreal to yourself, making it so that channeling the One Power through it against you in a harmful way will cause it to burn the channeler from the Pattern. It can take any shape you want it to take, chosen now when you take the Essence.

○Optionally, you may receive a Choedan Kal, the most powerful Sa'angreal ever. The original Choedan Kal is a very large statue of a man holding a crystal ball, half buried in a village of Tremonsien in Cairhien. You have your very own version of it, hidden inside an inaccessible pocket dimension, allowing you to use it no matter where you are. It is controlled with a ter'angreal called an access key, which is needed so that the channeler may survive and wield the massive amount of the Power available by the Choedan Kal. You have the only access key, which takes any shape you want it to take, chosen when you take the Essence. Neither the main Sa'angreal nor the access key will be destroyed or break through heavy use of the One Power. You find that you won't struggle with wielding this amount of power.

○Optionally, you may receive 100 highly trained and battle ready Asha'man that are irrevocably loyal to you. Most of them are of slight above average strength, but one of them is equal to Logain and takes on the role of leader for the group.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.


■Elmindreda "Min" Farshaw.

■Elayne Trakand.






■Halima Saranov.


■Birgitte Silverbow.

■Morgase Trakand.

■Any other character from the WoT universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the WoT Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of the Aes Sedai

○You may remake yourself however you want.

○You were born with the spark of the One Power, and have been able to channel since you were a child, able to hold Saidar perpetually, even when sleeping, an almost unique ability. You are as strong in Saidar as it is possible to be, equal to Lanfear and Alivia, while also having the highest level of strength possible in all the Five Elements, alongside having all the known Talents of the One Power, some unknown talents and even some talents that no one but you have, all at their highest level. Actively embracing the One Power will drastically enhance the your senses and reaction time. All five of your senses are expanded, allowing you to make out the stitching on far-away people's clothing for example, or to hear heartbeats to intuit whether someone is lying, even able to sense if are any people within a hundred leagues. Merely holding the one power makes your senses sharper and better, your reactions quicker, life itself feeling simply more, all without any hypersensitivity and other drawbacks from it. In terms of reaction speed, you will experience a "slow-down" effect automatically when weaving and responding to other combatants. A woman channeling Saidin will start to "slow," meaning that she doesn't age in the same way as a woman without the ability, giving the woman a longer life equal to the amount of power they have. The strongest, which you are, have the lifespan of a bit less than a millennia.

○You are incredibly skilled at making Ter'Angreals, capable of creating and even improving and modifying all the known Ter'Angreals. You are also highly skilled in creating your own Ter'Angreals, with functions and abilities you desire.

○You may opt out of any Talents you don't want.

○You have received the training of an Aes Sedai of an Ajah of your choice, and have the experience of one who fought and lived through the Last Battle. You know all the known weaves, and are incredibly skilled in using the One Power.

○Your dreams are protected and cannot be invaded or manipulated without your consent. You are also protected against any negative influence from Tel'Aran'Rhiod.

○Optionally, you may be a reincarnation of someone from ancient times. Usually, everyone from the world of Wheel of Time is this, but you have been granted a boon from it. This will make you learn knowledge and master skills much faster, as if you are remembering how to do them and shaking of the rust that has come from nothing using it for a long period of time. This works on everything you try to learn and master, allowing you to do in a year what others spend decades mastering. This is especially great when it comes to the One Power, where you have the same level of skill as Lanfear at her best, though with a broader level of knowledge and ability due to you having the highest level of strength possible in all the Five Elements, alongside having all the Talents of the One Power. This also grants you knowledge from the Age of Legends, allowing you to create things like the Nym and Chora trees.

○Optionally, you may become a Ta'veren of equal level as Rand Al Thor, the strongest ta'veren in known history. But unlike ordinary Ta'veren, who are spun by the Pattern in a way that suits it, you will find the Pattern spins in such a way to suit you, making reality alter itself for you. Wealth and fame will drop into your pockets as if from the sky; men who wanted to kill you might decide to follow instead, and women with ice in their eyes might decide to melt. Arrows fired from afar will miss, and in a time of peaceful contemplation, you will be alerted and escape any threat. Your probability-altering effect extends throughout entire cities when you make an appearance. Your force of will combined with your ta'veren nature also provides an extremely powerful influencing effect on others, bending them in ways that suit you. In effect you manipulate both people and events on a subconscious level, where people find themselves acting out of character in order to benefit you, and events seem to spin just the way you want, seemingly out of good luck. This also gives you the ability to bring out the best in others, allowing them to for example learn to fight much faster than normal training should allow. You will not find your Ta'Veren having any negative effects, being only positive in a way that suits you. No one will be able to find you by tracing the effects of your ta'veren on the Pattern. Should you truly desire someone dead, then reality will shift as so to make them die in some way of possible. This can be that their hearts suddenly stop beating, or they fall down a step of stairs and break their neck. This won't work on immortals, however. All of this can be controlled and toggled at will, and will never work in any way you wouldn't want to, even becoming as weak or strong as you want.

○Optionally, you may become a highly skilled Dreamer, like Egwene, with the mastery she gained at the end of the series.

○Optionally, you may become a Treesinger, making you an incredible singer, with an inhuman talent for the Songs of Growing, better than the greatest of the Ogiers, even as a human.

○Optionally, you may receive an angreal that is so strong to be considered almost a sa'angreal, that works for Saidar. It can take any shape you want it to take, chosen now when you take the Essence.

○Optionally, you may receive a Sa'angreal equal to the Sakarnen, that works for Saidar. You have bonded this Sa'angreal to yourself, making it so that channeling the One Power through it against you in a harmful way will cause it to burn the channeler from the Pattern. It can take any shape you want it to take, chosen now when you take the Essence.

○Optionally, you may receive a Choedan Kal, the most powerful Sa'angreal ever. You have your very own version of it, hidden inside an inaccessible pocket dimension, allowing you to use it no matter where you are. It is controlled with a ter'angreal called an access key, which is needed so that the channeler may survive and wield the massive amount of the Power available by the Choedan Kal. You have the only access key, which takes any shape you want it to take, chosen when you take the Essence. Neither the main Sa'angreal nor the access key will be destroyed or break through heavy use of the One Power. You find that you won't struggle with wielding this amount of power.

○Optionally, you may receive 100 highly trained and battle ready Aes Sedai that are irrevocably loyal to you. Most of them are of slight above average strength, but one of them is equal to Alivia and takes on the role of leader for the group.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

■Any character from the WoT universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the WoT Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.

Essence of the Arcane Emperor

○You may remake yourself however you want, even changing your race into any known race from the Arcane Emperor universe. Optionally, you may choose to have the physical effects of having a high Charisma stat, making you that much more attractive in a way you want.

○Optionally, you may at will make your eyes glow, your eye color becoming enhanced while your eyes shine with unimaginable power. Your pupils also holds the same swirling darkness that Void Lords holds in their eyes. The same darkness that preceded untold death. Darkness only the few who survived being in its presence could ever discern. The more powerful you are, the greater the effect of this.

○You are now an Archon, a being of limitless potential. A ruler of the Arcane Energies and the Origin of Magic itself. One who peers into the very secrets of the universe. The Arcane is in its essence, an energy of Chaos. Yet to subdue this Chaos is to weaken it, but to use its very Chaos in its control is to fully grasp upon the Arcane and rule over the powerful energy as it's master. Allows you to learn of any skill at its initial stage, and all of its further stages far easier. This gives you all the other benefits of an Arcanist and Archon.

■200% General improvement and growth to Arcane spells and skills.

■100% General improvement and growth to all skills and spells.

■25% Total improvement in all Magic and Energy Manipulation.

■25% Total decreased cost in any cycling of Arcane Energy.

■Allows the initial learning of any skill and its second level far easier.

○You already know these skills:

■All Language Translation:

■All non-runic Languages shall be translated to the one you are most knowledgeable in.

■General Affinity Attuning:

■To attune one's body toward Mana. A general skill covering all and basic forms of attunement.

■Mana manipulation:

■Allows the user to directly manipulate his own Mana and pull on Mana that exists beyond this dimension.

■Arcane Attunement:

■Allows one to use the Arcane Power stored within their mana to cast Arcane spells. Mana can be converted into Arcane Power.

■Arcane Energy Manipulation:

■Allows the user to directly manipulate his own Arcane Energy and pull on Arcane Energy that exists beyond this dimension. Mastery will improve all Arcane skills and spells.

■Arcane Presence:

■Wield the power of one's Mana Pool, laden with Arcane Power, to apply a pressure upon the intended area.

■Arcane Awakening:

■Ignite and Cycle the Arcane Power within one's self in order to significantly increase one's power.

■Arcane Invigoration:

■Empower one's very heart and lifeblood with the strength of Arcane. Bring the Order of Arcane throughout the natural cycle of one's body and heal any damage.

○You already know these spells:

■Arcane Bolt:

■Fires a bolt of concentrated Arcane energy.

■Arcane Blade:

■Creates a blade of unleashed Arcane Energy. Can become an extension of any body part or magic catalyst.

○Optionally, you may also choose to be a Harbinger, a tier 2 version of the Voidwalker class. One who has wielded Magic to master the omnipresent Void. Whose presence heralds the Call of the Void, and the coming of its power free from restrictions. Their path is unblockable, their will immovable, their power as unlimited as the omnipresent Void itself.

■200% General Improvement to Space, Time, and Void Magic and Skills.

■100% General Improvement to Space, Time, and Void Manipulation skills.

■70% Less Cost for all Void-related Magic and Skills.

○You already know these skills:

■Void manipulation:

■Allows the user to directly manipulate the Void.

■Void Resonance:

■Increases one's ability to use Magic to wield the power of the omnipresent Void.

○You already know this spell:


■Step through the omnipresent void.

○Optionally, you may also choose to be a Manaborne, One created under a natural baptism of Mana, who can wield such energy as if another limb. Mana is but another extension of their existence, for their use and for their taking. Mana serves to fulfill their will. This not only grants you an increased amount of mana and a rapid mana regeneration, it also gives you the skill to rip out someone's Mana pool (or equivalent) and take a minor portion for yourself permanently, effectively increasing your maximum amount of mana.

○Optionally, you may receive the System, and become the source and manager of the System. The System governs all aspects of life for its inhabitants, and is capable of spanning multiple worlds and help guide inhabitants towards power through the use of its various sections. The System is a strange existence and no one really knows how it came about or its purpose, not even you. Through it, people can gain Classes, Spells, Skills, Talents, and many other things. As the Manager, you are able to grant others access to the system, and you may alter it in any way you want, like changing its structure. Here is an example on how you can change it:

■You can make it so that instead of level 25 being the limit of a Class, you can make it level 100, and instead of having to use a Dungeon to advance your Class, it automatically does so when it reaches 100, until you reach the end of the class tree.

■Optionally, the system automatically changes so that it becomes your ideal version of the Arcane Emperor system.

○Instead of having to use an existing, physical Dungeon, you instead have the ability of Dungeon Create, allowing you to create dungeons yourself, like a combination between the Gamer and the Arcane Emperor.

○Optionally, you may receive the skill know as Sleep Learning, which is the ability to practice and improve skills or spells while sleeping. At will, you can make yourself you fall asleep within seconds. You then have 2 modes of Sleep Learning to choose from.

■One where you enter a white space and can try to create new spells, rituals, wards, enchantments and etc, all without any danger to yourself. Nothing you do damages your actual body, though if a mistake rips your body apart you will still feel a brief amount of pain. This white space can take on whatever appearance you want it to, and you are not limited to learning Magic. Time here moves very slowly compared to in the waking world, allowing you to do several weeks of experimenting in a single night.

■Then you have the other mode, in which you select a skill/spell to train up and your unconscious mind levels/trains/studies for you, allowing you to wake up having almost mastered whatever it is you chose. You can however not master or learn anything new in this mode, only mastering whatever you have already started learning. This allows you to do several weeks of training in a single night.

■In both modes you have infinite mana/stamina, meaning that nothing tires you.

■Even without a system, this one also grants muscle memory and physical skill.

■You will wake up fully rested, but continuous use over several nights will leave you mentally exhausted and can lead to a feeling of being burned out, though a night without using Sleep Learning will quickly fix that.

○You now have your very own Spatial Ring, which allows the user to access a small pocket dimension outside of normal Space-Time for storing and retrieving objects. You can store and retrieve items at will, and can mentally access a mental list of everything stored inside the ring. It has infinite storage capacity, but the largest thing you can put inside it at once is an item the size of a large car. You are also able to create your own Spatial rings.

○You now have The Book of Rainer Nvos, the Arcane Emperor, which allows you to gain everything Rainer Nvos gained. This includes Classes, Spells, Skills, Talents, and many other things, even his knowledge. This is indexed perfectly, and when you open up the page with what you want, you only need to touch the part of the page with what you want to receive whatever it is, automatically receiving it.

○You now have your very own Mana Well, granting you access to an endless source of Mana, and any other capabilities of the Mana Well. You already know how to draw upon the mana within. You also have a blueprint that shows you how to create Mana Wells, step by step, only needing something to act as the well, a lot of magic and a lot of time to enchant the container. It also shows a way for someone to connect themselves to a Mana Well, to grant them constant direct access to endless mana and any other benefit that might be achieved, all without any consequences.

○Hilt of the Blade, an artifact that can either manifest a blade made from Arcane energy or a blade made from Void energy. It decreases the cost of Arcane Blade by 99%. Can extend the length of the blade from the hilt up to 6 feet, and can teleport the hilt to one's hand at will. It also increases the damage done via the blade by 100%. By pushing magic into the blade beyond the necessary amount, you can release an arc of destructive arcane energy while swing the blade.

○Optionally, you may receive your very own Fairy Homunculi as your familiar, similar to Rainer's Luna, with the same powers and abilities, if a bit stronger. You may design her to your own desires, from appearance to personality to your relationship and anything else. She can at will change from her pixie size to her full size, and is irrevocably loyal to you. She has the power of true Faerie Fire, which holds within it the power of the Fae. No Magic can stand before its consuming Flame, nor can any light compare to its healing touch. Yet thanks to you, this Flame reaches beyond; it is empowered with the might of the Arcane gifted by you, and with it imbues the Holder. Her Faerie Fire can potentially heal anything, and can consume and burn any magic it comes across into nothingness. And unlike Luna and other faeries, yours can create as much Fairy Dust as she want without any trouble or negative effect, not being limited at all, while the effect of the fairy dust she produces will always be just as effective at dose 100 as it was at dose 1. She also has all the other abilities that Luna has.

○Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

■Kara Varg.

■Luna Emralira-Igna.

■Any other character from the Arcane Emperor universe.

○Optionally, you may at any time choose to take a one way trip into the Arcane Emperor Universe, or a variation of it. This can be any alternate universe, like a fanfic or a universe made perfectly for yourself. You can either simply be dropped in or reincarnated into the body of an existing character or someone new.