
Meta Essence CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers ( I do not own anything from this) I upload this for the Meta Essence Community

Ai_ENMA · Cómic
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Meta Essence CYOA 83

Essence of Kamen Rider

By drinking this essence, you gain the power to transform into a Kamen Rider

●You gain a Rider Armor and Belt of your own design

●You can summon and unsummon the belt any time you want.

●Your belt come with cards that hold the power of every Rider, similar to Decade

●You gain the knowledge of how to use a card's power every time you use it.

●When a card is used, your armor is changed to that of the Rider on the Card and you gain all their power and weapons, similar to Zi-O.

●You have access to a Final Ride that lets you use every Rider's power at once.

●Optionally, you may choose to receive any of the following people as your companions. You can pick as many as you want. The relationship between you and them is whatever you want it to be, and you can even choose exactly how romantically and sexually experienced they are. This can be different for each of the characters but they will all be irrevocably loyal to you.

●Optionally, you may have a one-way trip to the Kamen Rider(Multi-)universe, at any point in the story/timeline. By default, you appear on Earth where Tsukasa Kadoya lives. But you may start in any other World of your choice in the Kamen Rider(Multi-)universe. Instead of being simply dropped in, you may also choose to get reincarnated or even gain a history and memories in that world (maybe merging with a local counterpart). You can replace Tsukasa Kadoya or any Character in this story/timeline that you want.

●Optionally, you may receive any object from the Kamen Rider(Multi-)universe like the Aurora Curtain.

Essence of Supernatural(TV-Series)

Upon drinking this you hear an Old Impaler as he drives on the Highway...you hear how God is writing Books about a brother duo's journey....you hear the cries of Crowly who is again on human blood...

● God creates you, you are a celestial being known as a Seraphim. Don`t worry he won´t know that you are an outer being. 

●You are responsible for maintaining Heaven and fighting against the Demons of Hell in an eternal war. Similar to your demonic counterparts, you too can only interact with the physical world through the usage of a human body, called a vessel. However, unlike demons, you require permission to possess your vessel (though how you obtain that permission is up to you). Optionally, you can choose not to have this weakness. 

● Your current body or the body you choose to be either Inserted or Reincarnated into will be transformed into a perfect vessel for you. As a Seraphim, your spiritual form and voice will prove overwhelming to most mortals. It can cause effects such as burning eyes or bleeding eardrums. 

●Your size has been described as "approximately the size of the Chrysler Building." When outside of a vessel and on the physical plane, you will appear to humans as either a brilliant white light or a bluish luminous smoke. Becoming a Seraphim has granted you a whole host of abilities, such as nigh-invulnerability (angels are immune to all forms of harm except Angel Blades, Holy Fire, and beings more powerful than themselves, such as Archangels, an Primordials). Optionally, you can choose not to have this weakness. 

●You also possess limited cosmic awareness, allowing you to have knowledge and awareness of certain topics in the universe, including demons, Enochian symbols and magic, spells, prayers, and all languages (dead or alive, written and spoken). Angelic senses and perception are incredibly enhanced, enabling you to recognize beings based on their body odor and genes, see atoms and ions, hear conversations from miles away, and taste every molecule in a meal. Optionally, you can choose not to have this weakness.

 ●You can also see the true form of other angels, demons, and reapers, as well as sense the location of every being in the universe, except those protected by Enochian magic and those stronger than you who choose to hide and Teleport, wherever you sense, reach. Furthermore, you possess limited chronokinesis, allowing you to travel through time, send others forward or backward through time, and manipulate time itself (e.g., freezing or speeding it up). However, repeated use of these abilities can be draining on your Grace.

●Additionally, you have a whole host of additional abilities, including reality warping, telepathy, telekinesis, high-level healing & Biokinesis, advanced Dreamwalking, and the ability to hear prayers directed at you.

●You have also been given an Angel Blade and Sword. These weapons can be used to kill most supernatural beings by channeling your Grace/Soul against your opponents. However, they are unable to kill beings stronger than you, such as Archangels. If lost or stolen, you will always be able to call them back to you. Be aware that while within a vessel, angels only possess their powers thanks to their Grace. If your Grace is taken or drained, you become like a human, retaining only your angelic senses, while your Grace slowly regenerates. The regeneration process could take months or even years, depending on how much has been taken. As a side effect of having cosmic senses, you are unable to enjoy food like usual. Your heightened senses allow you to taste EVERYTHING you eat. Optionally, you can choose not to have this weakness.

●Optionally, you may choose to become a Guardian Angel to the Winchster Brother or any other character from the Show.

●Optionally, instead of just being an Angel, you are a Nephilim, a being that is half-angel and half-human.

●While most would think that this would make you weaker than your Seraphim parent, it is actually the opposite case. This is because as a Nephilim, you were born with both Angelic Grace and a Human Soul. The combination of these two sources is like adding nitrous and a supercharger to a car.

●The human soul supercharges the Angelic Grace, making a Nephilim eventually become more powerful than the angel that sired them.

● Since you are half-human, you do not need a vessel to interact with the physical world; you were already born into yours.

●As a Nephilim, you have inherited all the powers of your Seraphim parent, and the soul you inherited from your human parent has enhanced all your abilities far beyond those of multiple Seraphim combined, though still below an Archangel.

●With time (10 years), your Grace will reach the potency and power of an Archangel's Grace.

●You also have a few new abilities, such as life force draining and the ability to change your age as you wish. (Note that losing your Grace as a Nephilim is more dangerous than as an Angel because your Grace is what keeps your Angelic and Human sides in balance. The loss of it will cause both sides to fight each other, resulting in immense pain, sickness, weakness, and so on, until your Grace regenerates. Optionally, you can choose not to have this weakness.)

●Optionally, you can choose to be adopted from Mary Winchester one year before Sam Winchester is born. Do not worry the Yellow-Eyed Bastard(Azael) won´t find out you are a Nephilim, in fact, nobody will find out as long you don´t tell them.

 ●Optionally, you may be an Archangel, Archangels are primordial angels that existed long before the creation of the Universe itself.

●They are the highest celestial beings, second only to the Primordials, and are regarded as Heaven's most fearsome wrath. The mere presence of an Archangel on Earth without a vessel can cause minor tremors, blackout the entire Eastern Seaboard, and generate strong winds and heavy rainstorms.

●Being possessed by an Archangel is psychologically and Spiritually damaging to a human; some have been left in a drooling, catatonic state after possession or experienced complete breakdowns. While you don't have to worry about this since your body is your true vessel, if you choose to use someone else as a "Meatsuit," you should be aware of the consequences they may face if you don't fix them upon leaving.

●All your abilities and powers, both physical and spiritual as a Seraphim, have been massively enhanced, granting you greater access to angelic abilities.

●Archangels are said to possess lower-tier nigh-omnipotence. They have a tremendous and nearly unlimited power supply, known as Archangel's Grace (which is vastly more powerful and potent than an angel's grace), allowing them to accomplish almost anything they desire with a few exceptions.

●Examples of their power include killing lesser beings with a snap of their fingers, hand waves, or focusing their power through their eyes to cause the combustion of molecules (making them go up in flames from the inside out) or freezing them (turning them into a solid block of ice by stopping molecular movement).

●Gabriel can create objects out of thin air or create multiple universes based on TV shows to manipulate the Winchesters.

●Other abilities include Lucifer turning human souls into demons, Michael sending two humans back in time with a single touch, obliterating targets with holy energy (which can be controlled and concentrated), granting powers such as immunity to seraphic smiting or super strength, flawless resurrection and healing, near-omniscience and awareness of the universe, sensing events across time and space (including reality warping and timeline changes), energy blasts, flight, exorcism, thermokinesis, shapeshifting, clairsentience, limited precognition, power nullification, lie detection, the list goes on but it's for you to discover.

●Archangels are mostly immune to the weaknesses of angels. Angel blades can only harm them, Holy Fire causes pain but is not fatal, and the Colt, which is said to kill anything, only inflicts pain. Enochian sigils have weakened effects on them. The few remaining threats to Archangels include Archangel Blades when wielded by other Archangels, having their Grace taken (although it will regenerate over time if taken), a Ma'lak Box, and higher-level beings such as God and The Darkness.

●Your angel blade and sword have been upgraded into personal Archangel Variants capable of killing an Archangel or Nephilim like Jack Kline, while keeping the vessel unharmed. (As an Archangel, you can now dial back your senses to enjoy food and drink as humans do once again.)

●Optionally, you are the Spawn of an Archangel, your Angel parent wasn't something as common as a Seraphim. No, they were an Archangel, one of "Heaven's Deadliest Playlist," making you potentially one of the most powerful beings in existence (in time). (You can choose who "it" was like Lucifer, Gabriel, or Micheal ) 

●The mixture of Archangel Grace and your Human Soul has pushed all your abilities, powers, physical and spiritual, beyond any individual Archangel. As you grow older, you will surpass the power of all of them combined. As of right now, you are capable of feats such as awakening an Angel sleeping in the Empty (located outside of creation) from inside creation, creating your own angel with practice, casually granting someone the power to defeat a Prince of Hell, weakening or nullifying the power of those weaker than you.

●You can also sense other universes and open portals to them, allowing you to travel the Multiverse. With time, practice, and power, you will be able to teleport to them without the need for portals. As you grow, the ability to traverse the whole Omniverse will open to you.

●Being the Nephilim of an Archangel has also made you immune to almost all weaknesses of Angels, including most of the weaknesses of Archangels.

● As of right now, unlike Archangels, your power can no longer be contained by Lucifer's Cage or the Ma'lak box if you don't wish. However, an Archangel Blade can still harm and kill you, and Enochian Warding will still be able to trap or depower you. But as you grow in power, even these weaknesses will leave you. Someday, you will be able to reach the level of Primordials such as God, The Darkness, Death, and The Empty (centuries on its own, and decades with perks).

●Optionally, you can choose to be adopted from Mary Winchester one year before Sam Winchester is born. Do not worry the Yellow-Eyed Bastard(Azael) won´t find out you are a Spawn of an Archangel, in fact, nobody will find out as long you don´t tell them. 

●Optionally, you may be a Cambion, specifically a hybrid between that of a human and a demon, making you half-human and half-demon, the half-step between human and demon.

● The normal weaknesses of either race do not bind you and still keep a soul that is natural to humans and can no longer be kept at bay via faith, holy water, salt, or any other stereotypical weakness of a demon. Your body has been enhanced so that you could take down a continent with barely any effort, tank hits from a nuclear bomb without a scratch, most weapons made by mortals cannot harm you, and you have virtually infinite stamina.

●You require no food, water, or oxygen to stay alive, but you can still eat and enjoy it. 

●You also have senses stronger than those of the most perceptive animal.

●You do not age; the only way to die would be through someone killing you.

●Your demonic powers are vast and many, including but not limited to: biokinesis, electrokinesis, invisibility, pyrokinesis, thermokinesis, telepathy, mental manipulation, soul reading and manipulation, demonic energy manipulation, teleportation, terrakinesis, voice mimicry, weather manipulation, regeneration, telekinesis, and low-level reality manipulation. However, your abilities are powered by your demonic energy, which is enhanced by your human heritage and soul, allowing you to do anything with demonic energy, including wish-granting so long as it's within your power and making contracts or deals for people's souls. However, it doesn't have to be just souls that you can make deals with; you can take virtually anything so long as the deal is upheld.

●You can be summoned by those trying to summon demons. However, it is your choice if you wish to be summoned or not. You will only get a mental message that someone is trying to summon you. The more time that passes, the stronger you get.

● You feed on the souls and worship of humans, growing your power the more faith or souls you consume, and your souls react to your demonic energy, acting like a superconductor and supercharging your powers. While you are still alive, you maintain human and Demon forms that are around ten times stronger than your human form.

●Once you die, you can possess humans until you regain your physical form. Your demon form is a multidimensional form that takes the appearance of your sins and is an energy being in nature when physical. This form can also take the appearance of black smoke when non-physical which allows for the possession of humans.

●Optionally, you can choose to be adopted from Mary Winchester one year before Sam Winchester is born. Do not worry the Yellow-Eyed Bastard(Azael) won´t find out you are a Cambion, in fact, nobody will find out as long you don´t tell them. But be ready if you tell this Dean or John Winchester that they may be wary of you at first so you better be a good child/sibling. 

●Optionally, you can be a ...N̵̙̑ȩ̶̯̲͎̌p̵̢̥̜͈̑̌̾h̸͉̾͜ȁ̴̯́̒͂l̵͐̾ͅę̶̝͆̆ͅm̶̲̍̕.... now listen that is a very serious decision, it should not be chosen lighthearted. Castiel once said "There's more... this child will neither be a Nephilim or Cambion. It will be something far more terrifying. The stories that have been told and now they'll come true."

●A Nephalem is the offspring of an Angel and Demon. They have the grace of an angel, demon blood or angel blood running through their veins, and a human soul made from the human vessel possessed by the Nephalem's angel and demonic parents.

●Nephalems are quite unique and far more powerful than any Nephilim or Cambion, regardless of how significant their parents are, a Nephalem will reach a high level of power that surpasses even an Archangel.

●A Nephalem is part angel and demon. It can join either side, but if the being chooses to side with angels, then it's declared as an enemy of hell. If siding with hell, then angels will hunt it down and kill it. A Nephalem can remain neutral and only fight for themselves.

●No angel or demon has seen a Nephalem or what its capabilities are, but only learn from the stories fabricated by supernatural entities. Every angel, demon, monster, deity, fairy, or anything else is very well aware of what a Nephalem is and why they are terrified by one.

●The Deities call the Nephalem their Ultimate Judgement and the Fairies view one as their own boogeyman.

● Nephalem's Powers and Abilities are: 

◦Nigh-Omnipotence: A Nephalem is immensely powerful, even than any Nephilim or Cambion. It doesn't matter how powerful their parents are, they will reach Nigh-Omnipotence level of power and abilities. A Nephalem is considered one of the many beings to be even called a god/goddess and become a new creator. As a child, they equal with a Cambion that's empowered by Lucifer or possibly greater. A teenage Nephalem will equal a young Arch-Nephilim such as Jack Kline. An Adult will be ten times stronger than any Arch-Cambion/Nephilim and will reach Yahweh level, meaning they'd hold the power similar to a Primordial Being that can create or destroy, although not exactly equal as an actual Primordial Being to fend off against, but to create or erase is a rare power for a being that is not a Primordial Being, Shard, and Demiurge to wield, which is the whole reason why the Natural Order cannot have too many Nephalems per one existing universe as that amount of power is way too dangerous to leave unchecked. Castiel stated that even with 30-40 millions of souls, he dare not face Michael or Lucifer individually or the two working together and he compares on how he would fare against his own daughter. If he were to have face off against his own daughter as an adult, Cassandra would treat him like a chew toy.

◦Absolute Existence: A Nephalem is immune to the laws of the Natural Order except for only one existing Nephalem can exist at a time and they're infertile. The can exist out of creation and travel into another alternate universe without the laws or rules of the universe affecting their memory or powers and abilities, altering them to match their alternate counterparts like other individuals.

Creation: A Nephalm holds the power to create, which is much more difficult then destroying. A Nephalem's power of creation is equal to that of a Primordial Entity and better than a Arch-Nephilim.

Destruction: A Nephalem hold the power to destroy and by that definition it means to erase any object or being from existence. A full power, when the Nephalem erases something, it can erase that thing to the point of non one even remember it existed in the first place and the only beings who can remember are Primordial Entities, other Nephalems, and Arch-Nephilims. If a Nephalem carelessly uses this power, they can run the risk of erasing everything of creation.

Mediaekinesis: A Nephalem can manipulate the purest type of energy that flows from various of planes in existence. With this energy, a Nephalem can make themselves even more stronger than before. A Nephalem is capable of even creating angel grace, which is nearly impossible for any individual to do unless they are Yahweh level. It is also worth mentioning that their body is made up of Ether as well.

◦Omnifarious: A Nephalem has shape-shifting powers at such high degree that they can alter their appearance down into segments and take on the form of any individual in creation.

◦Shape-Shifting: A Nephalem can later it's appearance into anyone without limit. A Nephalem can appear human but they are also capable of having a true visage like angels, but unlike an angel that can harm those who cannot handle their true visage, anyone can perceive a Nephalem's true form.

◦Transcendence Form (Arch-Nephalem): For regular Nephalems, when a child or teenage regular Nephalem reach adulthood, all of their powers will reach at an astronomical level of power and are equal and have become an Arch-Nephalem.

◦Arch-Nepahelm Immunity: As a transcendent being, a Nephalem that is not sired by an Archangel will become immune to weapons such as The Colt or First Blade. Neither weapon would be able to kill it. Powerful angel sigils such as a dampening sigil can only last for approximately ten seconds and afterwards the sigils are useless until another time.

◦Angelic/Demonic Blood Consumption/Empowerment: By consuming vast quantities of either angel or demon blood, a Nephalem can bolster their angel/demon powers onto a different level and their psychic powers as well. Unlike a normal human or either Nephilim and Cambion, they can drink both bloods without suffering any ill effect or become addictive. They consume blood in an identical fashion like vampires but grow a pair of snake-like fangs instead.

◦Angelic-Demonic Control: Like Nephilims and Cambions, a Nephalem can manipulate all kinds of angels and demons by exorcising, harming, or controlling them with a hand gesture, verbally, and thought.

◦Angelic-Demonic Possession: Like a Cambion and Nephilim, a Nephalem can control any angel or demon verbally, thought, or hand gesture. A Nephalem can possess an angel or demon's mind and control them against their will by psychically linking themselves, meaning a Nephalem can see or communicate through the possessed angel and demon.

◦Angelic-Demonic Tactile Exorcism: Like a Cambion and Nephilim, a Nephalem can exorcise any angel or demon from their vessel and banish them back to their respective realms.

◦Pyrokinesis (Holy/Hellfire Control): Like Nephilims that can manipulate holy fire and Cambions that can manipulate Hellfire, the Nephalem can do both. they can control both fires to harm or trap angels and demons. Neither fire can harm a Nephalem as they are immune.

◦Angelic/Demonic Immunity: A Nephalem's heritage of being a angel/demon/human hybrid, they can be immune to common weaknesses their parents would naturally be weak against such as Angel Warding, banishing sigil, holy water, salt, iron, hallowed ground, angel blade, demon-killing knife, angel or Devil's trap, holy fire, and hellfire. There is hardly anything that can harm or kill a Nephalem except for powerful and dangerous supernatural weaponry or beings.

◦Immortality: A Nephalem can become immune to aging, and live indefinitely without food, drink, sleep, or air, once they reached Full Maturity.

◦Twilight Manipulation: A Nephalem can manipulate all kinds of light and darkness, hence forth the title Bringer of Light and Darkness.

◦Photokinesis: A Nephalem has the ability to summon and control clouds of light for various of purposes. They can create constructs or tendrils of light to harm or kill individuals.

◦Umbrakinesis: A Nephalem has the ability to summon and control clouds of darkness for various of purposes. They can create constructs or tendrils of darkness to harm or kill individuals.

◦High Tier Angelic Powers: A Nephalem possesses the same angelic powers as a regular angel, but at a higher degree that may equal or is above an Archangels.

◦High Tier Demonic Powers: A Nephalem possesses the same demonic powers as a regular demon, but at a higher degree that is above the likes of a Greater Demons. 

●Optionally, you may have a one-way trip to the Supernatural(Multi-)universe, at any point in the story/timeline. By default, you appear in the U.S.A where the Winchester lives. But you may start in any other NAtion of your choice in the Supernatural(Multi-)universe. Instead of being simply dropped in, you may also choose to get reincarnated or even gain a history and memories in that world (maybe merging with a local counterpart).

●Optionally, you may receive any object from the Kamen Rider(Multi-)universe like the Colt.