
Meta Essence CYOA 39

Essence of Christmas

By drinking this Essence, the joy and magic of Christmas suffuse you.

 *You radiate an aura that makes people generally more generous, good-willed, and magnanimous. This aura is as large as a city. You can set down indefinite copies of auras anywhere you please, to persist after you leave.

 *You can cause it to snow, which will never ice roads or cause dangerous conditions, but will perfectly ice ponds and work for skiing, sledding, and other outdoor winter actitivies.

 *You can instantly decorate a building or area with Christmas decorations, which appear out of thin air. (Things such as lights will be powered magically.)

 *You may bestow blessings of minor luck on others with a touch, but for someone to receive this blessing, they must have been kind to you, or to others in your presence. You can stack multiple blessings on the same person, but you can only bless them once per act of kindness to you or in your presence. While you can't bestow this on yourself, you will live a charmed life regardless.

 *On major holidays, you can spontaneously create a magical feast for one family of your choice (per major holiday). You can choose a different family per holiday if you want, and it doesn't have to be the same family on each year, but it can be. The feast will be filling, nutritious and delicious. You may partake if the family invites you to eat with them.

 *You can conjure Christmasy scents, such as pine, at will, to fill up a room or small area.

 *Any of your money that you give away in order to help someone, you will get back (sometimes with interest!) within a week or so. (This counts if you spend the money in order to buy a gift for someone too.)

 *Once per year, you may heal any one person you touch of all their afflictions, even terminal illnesses, and grant them a great amount of vigor. At any time, you may heal someone with a touch so long as they are very kind or very loved.

 *You may share copies of any or all of these Christmas Essence abilities, via touch, with anyone with whom you are at least good friends.

Essence of Oneself

Drinking this transforms you into your ideal self, as defined by your own wishes and desires.

*Your body changes to whatever physical form you most desire for yourself. This includes physical traits such as strength or agility.

*Your mind and emotions change to whatever mindset/psyche you most desire for yourself. You can opt to forgo these changes.

*Your intelligence is increased or decreased according to your innermost desire.

*You gain supernatural powers that you desire the most. These must be specific abilities, rather than any sort of generic 'do anything' powers.

*Your body and mind can never hereafter be altered against your will, in any way. Among other things, this renders you immortal, nearly invulnerable, and immune to mind control.

*Your powers can never be suppressed, copied, or stolen.

Essence of the Barbarian Lord

By drinking this Essence, you become the ultimate barbarian lord.

*Your body becomes well above peak human, bulging with muscle, and you grow to 7 feet in height, with commensurate muscular broadness. Your face becomes the picture of masculinity, while still being recognizably you if you wish.

*You gain unlimited stamina, strength sufficient to toss boulders with little effort, and speed able to outrun a galloping stallion.

*You have proficiency in all melee and ranged weapons, able to dual wield big weapons that each normally require two hands to use

*You become nigh-invulnerable to harm, so long as you are wearing very little (or even nothing). Bullets barely scratch you, and fate intervenes to protect you from damage beyond that level: somehow or another, you'll avoid truly threatening damage.

*Armies and servants flock to your banner, if and when you wish to be a king or warlord, and you shall be able to conquer vast territories with great ease.

*You are possessed of preternatural virility, with tremendous endowment (that magically fits in any sexual orifice with immense mutual pleasure) and amounts of seed. Sexy women shall flock to you, never intimidated by always awed and turned on by, lustily sleeping with you and (if you wish) bearing your progeny.

Essence of Divine Spark

Drinking this imbues you with a spark of true divinity:

 *You gain power from worshippers. If anyone positively acknowledges you, you will get slight increases, but anyone who declares themselves your worshipper gives you more. A single worshipper still doesn't give you all that much power.

 *The power you gain from worshippers increases all of your abilities, skills, and powers that you may have. Everything from physical strength to magic ability (if you have such).

 *So long as at least one person worships you, you can never die. If you are somehow destroyed, you will respawn in a safe location within 24 hours.

 *You may choose to hear prayers directed to you. You may use a trickle of your power, assuming you are sufficiently powerful, to answer their prayer, so long as an ability you have could implement your answer. No matter how many prayers you answer at once, it is never a drain on you.

 *You may dedicate yourself to one or more "domains," to become a deity of something, but to do so you must already have some sort of connection to your chosen theme (such as being an expert swimmer or having water control powers, to become a deity of the ocean). Taking a domain allows you to influence anything that fits within its theme; the more worshippers you have, the more influence you can exert. For example, a god of the ocean with a handful of followers could give them all the ability to breathe underwater; whereas an ocean god with millions of worshippers could manipulate the entire Atlantic Ocean at once. In addition, the narrower the theme of your domain, the more control and power you have in it.

Essence of the Phoenix

Drinking this imbues you with the nature of a phoenix.

*You gain eternal youth. If you are past your prime, you will instant de-age back to your prime.

*Your natural lifespan (unless you have a longer lifespan or immortality from another source) is 500 years.

*Whenever you die (whether naturally or otherwise), you will burst into flames (that will not harm anything except those hostile to you or your friends) and instantly be reborn, in your prime, with another full 500 years of natural lifespan ahead of you (or more, if you have a longer lifespan or immortality from another source)

*You can heal others with a touch. You can heal any wound in seconds, even regenerating wombs, and you can cure any illness, purge any venom, toxin, poison, etc. This same healing is always automatically applied to you, thus granting you a potent healing factor.

*You are immune to harm from fire

*You can generate flame that does not require oxygen to burn.

*You can control or extinguish any flame.

Essence of the Veil

Upon drinking this Essence, the Archdeity of Eternity deigns to bestow upon you the ability to drape any location you're in with a Veil.

*A Veil is a metaphysical thing, and isn't actually visible or tangible

*Draping a location with a Veil is as easy as willing it so. You can drape a location as large as a planet at once. You can undrape any Veil you set in place, either fully or partially as you desire, by willing it so and being within it.

*Any location draped by a Veil prevents any non-mundane thing from working without your permission. This applies to everything from minor magical charms, to alien teleporters, all the way up to R.O.B.s' omnipotence.

*Any Veils you place last indefinitely unless and until you remove them. You can set a timer on any Veil you place if you wish.

Essence of Azem (Final Fantasy XIV)

 By drinking this essence you gain multiple benefits:

•Your body becomes the pinnacle of human fitness. Granting you enhanced speed, strength, dexterity and resilience.

•You obtain an unbreakable will, to the point where you could face the ultimate embodiment of despair and still find some way to hold on to hope.

•You gain the ability to summon your greatest friends to your side. The time required to summon your friends changes depending on how far away they are, with being continents apart only requiring several seconds, while being worlds apart would require several minutes.

•You obtain and disciplines at a supernaturally fast rate. With your skills surpassing those of your mentors, who possess years of training, in a matter of days or weeks.

•You become extremely adept at living off the land, even in an arid desert you can find some way to obtain water and shelter.

•You obtain both the Echo and the Blessing of Light, allowing you to glimpse into the past memories of nearby people, and preventing the corruption of your soul by any means.

•You gain access to the 16 Soul Crystals present in the world of Hydaelyn and all of the knowledge contained within them.

Essence of the Assassin (Assassin's Creed)

 By drinking this essence you gain a number of benefits:

•Gain a one-time resculpt of your own body, turning yourself into an ideal form.

•Your body becomes considerably tougher, making it so you can fall several stories and land on a hay bale to be fine.

•Your strength, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility, and reflexes far surpass that of an olympic gold medalist, making it so you can fight for hours with severe wounds and still walk freely.

•Your senses and instincts are similarly enhanced, making it so you can fight multiple people with little consequence; they will believe you hold some level of precognition while in combat.

•You become a master at parkour and freerunning, effortlessly moving from point A to point B in the most efficient manner possible.

•You gain access to "Eagle Vision" granting you the ability to effortlessly identify friend from foe via a colored aura surrounding them. Red is an enemy, blue is an ally, white is an innocent, gold is your target. Eagle vision also lets you see if your target is in disguise or behind a wall.

•Gain supernatural skill with most weapons and fighting styles, making you a formidable opponent.

•You gain the ability to effortlessly vanish into a crowd or any concealing environment, making you impossible to discover.

•You gain a natural charisma that attracts people to your cause and/or creed, making allies and apprentices between rich and poor alike.

•You gain an affinity for the criminal underground, brothels and thief dens become safe havens for you and your allies as well as places of information.

•Your equipment changes depending on what time-period you're in, but several things remain constant:

•A pair of hidden blades that for some reason never draw attention even from metal detectors.

•A white hooded object that can turn from a simple hoodie in modern times to a hooded coat in medieval times. When hooded your features become indecipherable, making your voice sound different as well.

•A set of smoke bombs/grenades that you can use to disorient your enemies and make an escape.

•A silenced ranged weapon that can range from a sniper rifle to a bow or a flintlock pistol.

Essence of the Good Hunter

 By drinking this essence, you gain the following benefits:

○You obtain a one-time resculpt of your body

○Your body becomes the pinnacle of human fitness. Granting you enhanced speed, strength, dexterity and resilience.

○You possess immense mental fortitude, so much so that you are capable of staring deep into the eyes of eldritch horrors without going mad. You also possess immunity to the bloodlust that overtakes a great many hunters.

○You become a master of hunting beasts and eldritch horrors.

○You gain access to a pocket dimension identical in appearance to the Hunter's Dream that you control and return to upon dying. You can grant others sanctuary in the Dream by giving them a lantern that transports them into the Dream.

■Control of the Dream cannot be taken from you by any means. Even the Great Ones cannot usurp your willpower within the dream.

■Within the dream is the Plain Doll who is absolutely loyal to you and treats you as a dear friend or something more if you desire it.

■The messengers also reside within the dream and assist by granting you the gear sets that can be found in Bloodborne.

○You obtain proficiency with the crafting and maintenance of trick weapons and hunter firearms. The blueprints of all trick weapons found in Bloodborne can be found in the workshop in the dream along with the resources required to craft them.

○You gain the signature ability of the first Hunters of the Workshop, the art of Quickening. This enhances your speed and reflexes to the point where it appears that you suddenly gain the ability to teleport.

○You obtain access to the mysterious force known as "Insight" or "Eyes on the inside." This allows you to see hidden eldritch beings and it also allows you to perceive invisible beings. This also lets you stand and fight against the "Great Ones" or beings of similar power.

Essence of the Master Driver (Xenoblade Chronicles 2)

 By drinking this essence, you gain the following benefits:

•You obtain a one-time resculpt of your body

•Your body becomes the pinnacle of human fitness. Granting you enhanced speed, strength, dexterity and resilience.

•You gain an aptitude for Blade Resonance and awakening without suffering any adverse side-effects.

•You obtain the ability to summon Blade Core Crystals to your hand and awaken them, these can be the forms of Blades in Xenoblade Canon, or they can be custom made. This includes Flesh-Eaters and Blade Eaters.

•You also learn the intricacies of creating an Ether furnace and an Artificial Blade.

•You can also optionally call one of the three core crystals of an Aegis Blade.

•If you summon an Aegis Blade, you can optionally obtain an Artifice Siren in a color scheme that corresponds with your Aegis. This Artifice obeys only you and the Aegis it is based off of and resides in Orbit above any world you happen to be in at the time.

•Optionally, you can obtain skills as a salvager, finding treasure beneath large bodies of water and bringing them back to the surface.

Essence of the Monado (Xenoblade Chronicles)

 By drinking this Essence, you obtain the following benefits:

•You obtain a one-time resculpt of your body

•Your body becomes the pinnacle of human fitness. Granting you enhanced speed, strength, dexterity and resilience.

•You obtain a rather intimate understanding with tinkering and machinery, being able to build and upgrade weapons or household appliances from scrap

•You obtain the ability to summon a Monado of your own design, granting you access to all of the Monado Arts listed in the Xenoblade Chronicles series.

•While wielding your Monado you can momentarily see glimpses into the future, these visions can appear at any time and you can even exert some semblance of control over them.