
Hatred - 1

"I can't believe we did this... Oh and did you guys see the face of that guard? He was like:- 'You think we're fools man?'... " Liam mimicked as they all walked to an unknown destination nor knowing the path they are going taking.

"Yeah, I noticed his face. It was a little bit frightening" Salient said, and a yawn quickly escaped his small mouth before he stopped talking.

The moonlight showed on the grass and that was what was giving Chloe and LiLi joy.

"He wanna sleep" Chloe told Joe in his right ear and Joe picked Salient up and balanced him up on his shoulders, well for him to have a goodnight sleep.

Leo notices this and then came up with an idea.

"Maybe we should sleep and by tommorow, we'll plan what to do from there?" he suggested.

Ryan and Chloe looked at each other. Chloe's eyes opened wide because the way they looked at themselves was not how she expected.

Slowly, she broke the eye contact with her face turning bright red, even if it was in the dark, her sudden embarrassment could be seen like it was in broad daylight.

Ryan smiled though and nudged her hand. When she turned to face him;

"Should we?" he asked.

She smiles with her bright red cheeks and nodded.

"Yeah, that will be fine, Leo" Ryan said and Leo nodded and looked around.

The place is greeny and have so many species of flowers. It looked like a perfect place to spend the night.

"This place is good. At least, we can barely see the gates of Peril" Leo stated and they all turned to look back.

Outside Peril is a beautiful environment of green grasses mixed with beautiful flowers and decorations of nature.

In exhaustion, they all fell on the ground and one by one started sleeping.

Joe laid Salient carefully on the ground and found himself somewhere to sleep, aside from where the others were.

Leo looked at LiLi as she sat on the grass and stared back at the Peril gates.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he asked in a whispery and handsome tune.

She smiled as tears gathered in her eyes but she blinked it in back hard.

"It sure is. At least, Peril will no longer remain the same when I am back" she whispered, as the moon shone on her lightly.

Leo smiled and stared up at the moon, in preparation to sleep.

"Have a goodnight rest, Leo" LiLi said.

Leo's eyes widen because it was the first time she called him by name and also by the way she pronounced it.

"Likewise" he said and she nodded and stood up from that place to a farther place around the field to have a rest.

She sighed when she laid down on the grass.

It's just the beginning my friend. This is just the beginning.



"Wake up, LiLi" Chloe's voice was heard in the ears of LiLi.

LiLi's eyes fluttered and opened up gradually. She stared right into the face of Chloe... And also into the brightness of the morning sun.

LiLi's hand slowly went to her eyes to obstruct the sun from affecting her eyes and gradually with sleepy eyes, she stood up from the green land and stood at a particular place to take in a better view.

The whole place is beautiful and very neat. It have so many types of flowers and the grass on the ground is the one known as carpet, fresh and green grass.

It looks splendid in broad daylight. Even the face of Chloe changed somehow. Probably because if he fact that Peril is a city of bondage.

"Let's go get a bath. It's be disgusting if we go about dirty" Chloe said in a girly manner.

LiLi smiled halfway because of her sleepy eyes and allowed Chloe to lead the way to a place where she might know, that have some water.

From behind, Leo stared at them alongside with Liam, who sat beside him.

"Do you think she is actually from the Royal blood?" Liam asked, head straight and always forward. He didn't turn to face the person he asked the question to.

Leo just stared at the two ladies that walked away to find water. He had been up all night, pondering on the same question that Liam just asked.

He didn't want a situation whereby, after all the helping hand they will lend her, she will turn her back on them.

It would be a different case if that was the matter.

But then he thought again...

"She led us out of Peril, even if she did nothing... " he whispered, loud enough for Liam to hear him.

"Why will she be the one to be the betrayer?" he asked.

"It can be like that... I don't trust her!"

The two men seated turn to their back to stare into the eyes of the white and blue eyes of Joe.

"Who said anything about trust, brother?" Leo asked mockingly.

"I mean just look at her!" How said as they all stared up at the ladies.

"She looks like a hypocrite!"

"How do you know that?" Leo asked, squinting his eyes because of the brightness of the sun.

"Because my body is telling on me seriously. I know when people are my helpers and when. they're not"

"Your interpretation is always wrong, Joe" Liam said in reply to the foaming Joe.

Even the breeze that blew had a sense organ that tells on them that Joe hates LiLi for no reason in particular.

"What did he girl do to you?" Leo asked and Joe bit his lower lip until he tasted blood.

Leo then turned to face the ladies at a distance that had found water, finally.

"I mean, just look at her" Joe started when he saw Leo looking at the ladies.

"She's of no use" he stated.

"Don't say that, Joe" Liam said calmly.

Leo concentrated on LiLi as she dipped her body into the water. A hill covered her body, he only saw when she decreased by height and the water that splashed against Chloe and the sand.

She's of no use...

She's of no use...

She's of no use...

It rang three times in the head of Leo. He tried to get it out of his head but somehow he couldn't.

He didn't know what Joe did to him that made him to let the feeling in him towards her to subside.

His head went down as he blinked several times. His black hair is messy but long and full enough to cover his face and his olive coloured eyes.

Maybe he is right...

Why does he see her the way he does?