
Messing With The Anime Multiverse

Previous Title- “Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend” —- A ‘modern’ couple with a sadistic and twisted outlook towards life committed suicide after completing their revenge and destroying their home town. The next thing that happened to them was something they never imagined. Chosen by the ROB to live a life in Naruto world with five wishes each? Sweet, right? Things start to change after a while when the ROB states his reason for reincarnating them as they're thrown between the multiverse, messing up various plots and doing as they please. .... Note- This fic is pure nonsense, so don't read it. If you do and trash talk, shove a pole up your ass. It's a Naruto only fic for around 35 chapters. They are psychopaths, so don't expect them to do something normal. Some of you might even find them weird and stuff. They're pure evil, manipulators. They have a tragic backstory, but they know what they are doing. Not like hypocrites who blame everything they did on their past or how life treated them. And no, they don't want redemption. The world they are from is different from ours. It'll be revealed as the story continues. I don’t own any character except the OCs. https://discord.gg/ADpke5DWdF

Pastlives · Cómic
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67 Chs

I Like You

Tatsuya Pov-

"Are you sure that it's alright?" Rimuru asked in a panicked tone, her slime body was bouncing on my lap, trying to convince me to stop this madness.

It was quite a shock when we learned about her gender. Confused, we directly contacted the only one who could've done it. Our friendly NEET ROB.

{Flashback- The night after Rimuru's Gender Reveal, before Shizu's Rampage.}

[The Last Judgement- Hey. Care to explain why Rimuru is a girl?]

[The Divine Prophet- Not that we are complaining.]

I looked at Mikasa from the corner of my eyes. She shrugged her shoulders before saying, "What?"

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head.

[Ding! 'The NEET ROB' has joined the Chat Room]

[The NEET ROB- What are you two talking about?]

[The Divine Prophet- You weren't watching us?]

[The NEET ROB- Not really. I am on the run right now so I lack time to play around.]

"Now that I think about it, there was something like that in the memories you showed me." Mikasa muttered, looking at me.

'But still, who the heck is strong enough to make this guy run?' I thought, wondering.

[The Last Judgement- Who is after you?]

[The NEET ROB- Omniversal FBI.]

[The Divine Prophet- What the hell did you do to get on their bad side?]

[The NEET ROB- Well, I was bored so...]

And there was a deep silence. Which, for some reason, was menacing.

[The NEET ROB- I played Boku No Pico in their Headquarters and forced them to watch it by saying that if they didn't watch it, I'll reincarnate them into it as a trap without powers.]




[The Last Judgement- You Evil God. How could you do something like that.]

[The Divine Prophet- He is too dangerous to be kept alive.]

[The Last Judgement- A menace to society.]

[The Divine Prophet- Pure Evil.]

[The Last Judgement- Scum.]

[The Divine Prophet- Trash.]


[The Last Judgement- Honestly, it's better than living after watching that.]

[The Divine Prophet- Agreed.]

[The NEET ROB- Forget about that. What do you mean by saying that Rimuru is a girl? I didn't do anything. Lemme check something real quick.]

"I wonder if he's telling the truth." Mikasa said, confused.

"I doubt he has any reason to lie to us." I shrugged. It's not like we mind anything about the situation.

[The NEET ROB- The one who did it wasn't me. But her @The Divine Prophet. The future version of her to be precise.]

[The Divine Prophet- And you're not mad? Wait, how do you even know that?]

[The NEET ROB- Not really, you guys can control your Authority at that time so it doesn't matter that much. As for how I know. Well, it's complicated. Like, there's only one me in every timeline or reality, whatever you wish to call it. While I am here, running from the Omniversal FBI right now, I am also lewding the Goddess of Purity at a different time and space simultaneously, and it's not my clone, that shit is disgusting. For example, if I get killed, I'll just pop up again while saying 'Do you really think that killing me is enough to make me die?' or something like that.]

[The Last Judgment- Emiya is shaking.]

[The Divine Prophet- Emiya refuses to believe this nonsense.]

[The Last Judgement- Because...]

[The Divine Prophet- People die...]

[The Last Judgement- If they are killed...]

[The NEET ROB- The required IQ for this conversation suddenly dropped by 100.]

Ignoring the NEET ROB's unenthusiastic reaction, we gave each other a big thumbs up. As for Mikasa messing with the timeline? Well, that sounded like something she would do. Not that it was a bad thing.

But still, I glared at her for a second.

Understanding what I meant, she nodded. "I won't do it on someone other than Rimuru. There is a line between being degenerated and straight-up disgusting."

Good girl. I internally nodded to myself. The punishment was super effective.

[The NEET ROB- Well, I'll be going now. They found me pretty quickly this time. Maybe that guy is taking revenge for the past?]

[The Last Judgement- What did you do in the past?]

No matter how much of a fucker he was, talking to him will always be interesting.

[The NEET ROB- Remember the Goddess of Purity I talked about? That's his Mother.]

[The Last Judgement- Then you were the one who went to buy milk?]

[The NEET ROB- Don't say something that disgusting. He calls her Mother but actually, she is his Creator to be precise. You see, after I destroyed a world under his jurisdiction, he called me a Motherfucker. So here we are. Shrugs*]

[The Last Judgement- You took that literally. In any case, all the best.]

I internally cheered for the ROB.

[The NEET ROB- Thanks, later.]

[The NEET ROB has left the Chat Room]

'What a busy guy.' I thought, wondering how he survived until now. 'But still, that lewding a Goddess part was interesting.'

"Let's eat something." Mikasa said, getting up from the bed as she summoned a bunch of snacks from her inventory.


[Flashback ends]

"I told you that it's fine." I replied, grabbing the slime that was rampaging all over my lap.

"It's not all right. Look." Rimuru pointed towards Yue, who was giving a death stare to Mikasa, while the latter simply smiled at her.

"Is there anything you want?" Mikasa asked with a kind smile, which, for some reason, scared Rimuru and Yue.

"I don't." Yue said, grumbling a little. Well, if Yue seriously intended to fight Mikasa, I would stop her.

'What a cute loli.' That was what Mikasa's expression was saying.

Yue walked toward me before looking at Rimuru. She picked her up, placing her on my right side as Yue took a seat on my lap, hugging me. Her hands and legs were wrapped around me, and I had a feeling that it'll be hard to get her off now.

"Thanks for the food~." Yue said, biting my collar bone. I won't lie, this is fun.

"W-What are you doing?" Rimuru shouted, her slime body was running around me in circles. Her shouts were ignored by Yue, who was very busy.

"What? Are you jealous?" Mikasa asked with a smile, causing Rimuru to stop in her tracks as she turned away.

"N-No." She shouted.

'So slimes can blush as well.' I thought, looking at the embarrassed slime.

"Well, she is a vampire so she needs blood." I shrugged my shoulders, patting Yue's head.

"Oh, right. Can we move Shizu-san to another location when we're done constructing some proper buildings?" Rimuru asked, trying her best to change the topic.

"You can. Just do it carefully." I said. Shizu wasn't in any danger. The reason she wasn't waking up was that her life force was nearly exhausted. Reversing time on her physical body was costly enough for me.

Her actual age was around 72 and I reversed it until she was 20 again. Reversing 52 years on someone else was hard for me since it took more than 120 years' worth of time. I didn't have enough time to restore her life force so here we are.

Reversing time on something depends on how powerful the target is. That's the reason why the Anti-Magic mask took 5 years although I reversed it only by 5 minutes. And now, I have around 40 years' worth of time stored.

"And remember that even after Shizu-san wakes up, she won't be as strong as before. So don't let her go anywhere." I continued.

"Right. I also took her unique skill while separating her from Ifrit." Rimuru said, somewhat guilty.

"You can do that?" Mikasa asked, surprised.

"Yeah. I have a Unique skill called 'Predator' that can take the consumed target's skills and magicules." Rimuru explained without any wariness. How naive is she?

"Don't tell anyone about that skill. People might start hunting you." I said. Unsurprisingly, Yue wasn't even paying attention to our conversation. Her attention was totally on my blood. But unlike last time, she was drinking a rather reasonable amount.

Hearing my words, Rimuru nodded. I don't know how, but she nodded.

"We should leave now." Mikasa said, looking at me.

"Eh? You guys are leaving already?" Rimuru asked, surprised.

"Well, we have things to do." Mikasa shrugged, making the poor slime sob.

"Don't worry. We'll drop by soon." I said, trying to comfort Rimuru, who was about to melt. Honestly, she's cute even in her slime form.

"At least have a meal with us before going. How about a party? It'll only take around two hours for everyone to prepare." Rimuru asked.

"Sure." I replied with a smile.

"I'll go and tell everyone to prepare. I also need to fix the places that Ifrit destroyed." Rimuru said, leaving the room.

"I'll help out as well." Mikasa said, walking after her. But she stopped to give me a thumbs up while looking at Yue, who was still clinging to me.

Noticing that we were alone, Yue removed her fangs from my neck while looking up. Without any warning, she jumped up a little, kissing me.

Being the pro I am, I leaned forward, pushing my tongue in her little mouth. She wasn't resisting but enjoying as our tongues moved everywhere inside her mouth.

After a few minutes, I decided to let go of the kiss.

She moved up again, placing her mouth near my ear before whispering. "Tatsuya, let's do it."

I shook my head while looking at her. "We'll be leaving this world in a few hours. There's no way in hell either of us will be satisfied by then. Let's do it in the next world."

{A/N- Idk bruh. Do you want an r18 chapter with a loli or not? I can write it if the majority agrees. Or I can make her an adult and then lewd her. Maybe both? It's up to you. This question also includes loli and milf Rimuru.}

Yue bit her lips but didn't say anything, only nodding in response. She looked like she'll murder someone if I am not watching her.

I leaned forward again, giving her a few small kisses. "I promise that we'll do it in the next world. Happy?"

"Yes." Yue nodded with a smile before getting off me. Now, she was sticking to my right arm.




"So, why are we here again?" I asked, looking at Rimuru. She called both me and Mikasa just as the party was about to start. She also asked Yue to not accompany us, which was unlike her. Convincing Yue wasn't difficult, she agreed after a few head pats.

"Fufufufu." Rimuru started laughing weirdly. "Don't be too surprised after you see my ultimate form."

Rimuru jumped, rolling a bit while shouting. "TRANSFORM."

'Is she transforming into her loli form?' I thought, curious. Black smoke emerged from her body before something we never imagined happened.

Rimuru transformed into a lady. Her height was around 168 Cm(5'6"). Bluish Silver coloured hair, long enough to reach her knees with golden eyes and a mean-looking face. Her face resembles Shizue a lot, but it was more alluring and her features were sharper than Shizue. Her body was perfectly curved along with plump breasts.

There were other things that I could see, but I'll ignore them for now. I used my right hand to close Mikasa's jaw, which was hanging, similar to mine.

Rimuru puffed her chest out, not realising that she was completely naked.

"What do you think?" She asked with a smirk. Goddamn, she was hot as hell.

I smiled at her. "You do realise that you're naked, right?"

Her smirk disappeared as she blushed hard, trying to cover the main parts with her hands, which was futile. I didn't plan on bullying her too much so I used Creation of All things to create a set of clothes for her.

It was a black, one-piece dress that covered everything below her neck, the sleeves were long enough with gloves at the ends, covering her fingers as well. Combined with her long bluish silver hair and the mean look on her face, she looked nothing short of stunningly beautiful.


Now that I think about it, she did ask me about what kind of woman I liked. I decided to mess with her by saying a mature woman with a mean look on her face. Who knew that a joke could do such wonders?

After calming down, Rimuru looked at me before asking. "How do I look?"

"Very beautiful." I replied with a smile.

Rimuru smiled after hearing my comment before leading us back to the party.






Looking at her new form, Rigurd and Ranga shouted in surprise.

"Eh? You're really Rimuru-san?" Ellen asked, surprised. Believe me, I was surprised as well.

"Of course. There is no way that I'll not recognize my Master." Ranga shouted, scaring the three idiots in our group.

While thinking about something, an idea appeared inside my head.

'Hey, system. Can you create a permanent telepathic link with Great Sage that'll work even if we're in different worlds?' I asked. It'll be easier to ask things from Rimuru rather than Luminous. A red hologram appeared in front of me.

[That is possible, Host. Would you like to establish the link?]


[Establishing Link]

[Permission Required]

"Huh? What did you do?" Rimuru asked, turning towards me. Since we were sitting together, no one noticed our exchange except for Yue, who was sitting on my lap while drinking juice. Mikasa was too busy devouring food as if her life depended on it.

"It's one of my skills. Just go for it." I said with a smile. Rimuru nodded before I got a notification.

[Link established]

{Can you hear me?} I asked.

{Oh. It's working.} I heard Rimuru's voice inside my head.

{With this, you'll be able to contact us if there is anything.}

{Thank you.} Rimuru turned towards me and smiled.

And so, the party continued for a couple of hours until most of the people were out of it. For some reason, everyone raised their glass in a toast for me, calling me a hero, saying that I saved their lives today. Well, it's not like I mind it.

After the party was done, only the four of us were awake. Yue was still sitting on my lap while Mikasa and Rimuru were having a chat.

Rimuru had many questions but she knew that it'll be rude to ask so she didn't.

"I'll tell you when I am back, okay?" I said.

"It's fine even if you don't." Rimuru replied, smiling. "Just be careful."

"Yeah, sure. Take care of your people too. And make sure that they're not too dependent on you." I replied, to which Rimuru nodded with a serious expression. Turning towards Yue, I asked. "You know where we are going, right?"

"Mmh." Yue nodded.

"Well, let's go." Mikasa said as the three of us used our World Travelling Cards. And so, we disappeared. The last thing I saw was Rimuru waving at me with a slightly sad smile.




Appearing inside a modern room, we looked around. Only to find a girl with pearly skin and long, black hair tied in twin tails. Her right eye was red-tinted while her left eye was covered with bangs. And honestly, she was giving Rimuru a very tough competition when it came to beauty.

The best waifu, Kurumi Tokisaki, looked at us, confused. Her eyes met mine before she raised her hand towards me as an archaic pistol appeared inside it.

"Zafkiel." Kurumi muttered as the Angel manifested itself behind her.

'Oh. I am not covering my eyes.' Realising why she had such an intense reaction, I couldn't help but smile at her. Maybe it was because of Zafkiel, but I could feel a faint connection to her. Or the clock behind her to be precise.

"Are you really trying to shoot me?" I said without any change in expression before using Body Flicker to appear behind her in an instant. She was slightly surprised by this, but was able to turn her neck to look at my face before I continued with a smile. "I like you."




I have no idea how many of you actually got that reference.

As for my DxD fic. The main outline is like this. The Mc died and met god(the mandatory stuff) powers and the world was selected with a spinning wheel. DxD and a Random System. The system has a multiverse travel function, which is locked for obvious reasons(just travel, no chat group). As for his appearance, he looks like Caster Gilgamesh so he has the pass to call everyone Mongrel(No, he doesn't have Gilgamesh's memories and the Gate of Babylon or Enkidu as his servant.) He won't be op from the start so there's that. He was a normal human in his past life, no esper stuff. He'll become a Devil and no, he'll have his freedom and will kidnap a female vampire later on. Being a reincarnated Devil doesn't mean you're a slave or a servant, just in case.

Random Numbers Recommendations- 409532(If you haven't read the previous parts, read them. And if you have, this is the new chapter of peak fiction.)