
Messing With The Anime Multiverse

Previous Title- “Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend” —- A ‘modern’ couple with a sadistic and twisted outlook towards life committed suicide after completing their revenge and destroying their home town. The next thing that happened to them was something they never imagined. Chosen by the ROB to live a life in Naruto world with five wishes each? Sweet, right? Things start to change after a while when the ROB states his reason for reincarnating them as they're thrown between the multiverse, messing up various plots and doing as they please. .... Note- This fic is pure nonsense, so don't read it. If you do and trash talk, shove a pole up your ass. It's a Naruto only fic for around 35 chapters. They are psychopaths, so don't expect them to do something normal. Some of you might even find them weird and stuff. They're pure evil, manipulators. They have a tragic backstory, but they know what they are doing. Not like hypocrites who blame everything they did on their past or how life treated them. And no, they don't want redemption. The world they are from is different from ours. It'll be revealed as the story continues. I don’t own any character except the OCs. https://discord.gg/ADpke5DWdF

Pastlives · Cómic
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67 Chs

Futa Invasion

Tatsuya Pov-

"Kurumi, I won't even ask why. But how can someone be so bad at giving someone a simple haircut?" I wanted nothing more than to roll my eyes but that would just give Kurumi another excuse for why she messed up my haircut again.

"Everyone makes a mistake or two, Tatsuya-san, please be patient." Kurumi replied.

After I teleported the peacefully sleeping Kotori back to Ratatoskr, Kurumi asked if she could give me a haircut since we had some time left for our date. We rented a room in an expensive hotel.

Right now, I was sitting on the ground with my back against the edge of the bed. As for Kurumi, she was sitting on the bed just behind me while trying her best to give me a proper haircut.

"Mmmmhh." Hearing her grumble, I was well aware of what happened as I created a mirror in front of me using 'Creation of all things'.

"Seriously?" I asked, looking at my reflection. Even I can do better than that even without using my clones.

"Zafkiel." Kurumi muttered, summoning her angel as she pointed an archaic pistol towards me. "Dalet."

"Come on, it's the 9th time you're reversing time on me after messing up my hair." I grumbled.

"T-This is the last time, I promise." Kurumi promised, shooting me in the head as my hair started to reattach itself.

After making Kurumi my Apostle, her consumption of Zafkiel was drastically shortened. And she was able to use her powers on me as long as I allowed it. To top it all off, I was able to access her 'Stomach' along with the time she has in her storage.

If I wish to, I can summon Kurumi's clones whenever I want to from her 'Stomach'. The stomach was similar to a storage space which Kurumi used to store her clones along with other Physical objects inside her shadows. Of course, I had this skill too but never really used it after massacring the country of Roran.

"Hey, I was wondering about something." I asked, moving my head a bit.

"What is it, Tatsuya-san?" Kurumi asked, tying my hair into a small ponytail. God, I hope Mikasa never sees me like this.

"With your powers, don't you wish to meet your parents once again?" I asked, looking at her expression in the mirror.

Surprisingly, her expression didn't change much as she replied with a slightly bitter expression. "Tatsuya-san, do you think my parents would accept me, someone akin to a monster for normal people, as their daughter? Not to mention that I just left them after Sawa-san's death." She took a deep breath, cutting Tatsuya's bangs while biting her lower lip. "And even if I wish to see them, I can't travel back in time with the amount of time I have in store."

"That wasn't your fault. Mio Takamiya erased your memories, didn't she? By the time you regained them, it was already too late. And you know it's possible to see your parents now." I replied, making Kurumi stop in her movements. I could tell that she knew something happened after I made her my Apostle, but she never addressed it to me.

"I don't know." Kurumi replied. After that, she didn't speak for another half an hour, completely focusing on my haircut.

"I did it." Kurumi exclaimed, clapping her hands together as the scissors fell on the ground.

Leaning back, I looked up at Kurumi's face, which was a few inches above me, her bangs falling on my cheeks as she looked at me with a smile.

"Shall we go?" I asked with a smile.

Kurumi looked at me for a few seconds before sighing. "Tatsuya-san, I never knew you could be this stubborn."

"Now you know." I replied with a smile.

Kurumi leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "Then I'll ask you a question. Why are you doing this?"

Well, I don't really know why I am doing this. I have zero to no experience with parental love. My biological mother died the moment I was born thanks to the number of experiments conducted on her during the EA's Creation Project. After all, unlike Espers, whose bodies were strong enough to survive nuclear bombs, she was just a human. There were no records left of who participated in that experiment, so technically speaking, I don't even know my real mother's name.

As for the director that took care of me along with other orphaned kids, I killed him along with all my friends. Although I had quite the mental breakdown back then, I don't really care about it all that much now. As for Hayate, I was never really able to have any emotional connection with him, so there's that.

But I was sure of one thing. After Kurumi and Yue became my Apostles, I was somewhat able to feel their emotions. And I could tell that Kurumi regretted two things the most; the first being Sawa Yamauchi's death and the second were not being able to see her parents one last time.

"Maybe because I like it when you're smiling?" I said with a chuckle, making Kurumi blush.

God, I need to stop saying these cheesy lines before it becomes a habit.

"Haaah~" Getting up, I stretched my back a little. I was already at that age, at least mentally, where I need to either sigh or grunt every time I take a seat even if my body was perfectly healthy.

"Zafkiel." Kurumi muttered while summoning her Astral Dress before turning towards me. "Tatsuya-san, don't you have any sort of Astral Dress?"


"Then what about Inverse Form?" Kurumi asked again.

"My Zafkiel can go inverse if I suffer from even the slightest bit of grief. After going inverse, my Angel Zafkiel would turn into the Demon King Lucifugus with the ability to control space." That was one of the reasons Mikasa recommended that I should create Zafkiel as my Angel.

Since the ROB said that we can develop other authorities during our lifetime, the easiest one I can develop is most likely Space. But I couldn't just create a switch button between Zafkiel and Lucifugus with the limited energy provided by the Source of Ryūmyaku, so I had to add the limitation of me feeling the slightest amount of grief to trigger my Demon King. After that, I'll be able to switch between the two as I please.

'Now that I think about it, the last time I felt something like that was after Eliana's death.' I thought.

"Shall we get going, Tatsuya-san? Yud Bet." Kurumi said, extending her hand as an archaic pistol appeared inside her palm.

Standing next to me, Kurumi grabbed my right hand with her right, interlocking our fingers, she rested her head next to my shoulder as she aimed the pistol at her head.

The reason I asked Kurumi to do it was simple. Just like I had to leave early after travelling back in time in Yue's world, the same would've happened in Kurumi's world. But unlike me, Kurumi is allowed to time travel in this world.

After a few seconds, Kurumi shot herself and my vision went black for a few seconds before returning.


Kurumi Pov-

"We're here, open your eyes already." Hearing Tatsuya's voice, I hesitantly opened my eyes. Without even knowing it, I was clinging to his arm like a scared child, which was embarrassing, to say the least.

Looking around, I noticed that the two of us were flying a few kilometres above the ground.

"Which time is it?" Tatsuya asked, looking at me.

"A few days before I met Mio Takamiya. From what I remember, she told me that she came here the same day she met me. So this place should be free of Spirits right now. If I'm not wrong, Sawa-san was going to join my family for dinner tonight." I explained.

Honestly, if it wasn't for the fact that Tatsuya was with me, I would probably be too scared to attempt something like this alone. The scary part wasn't facing off against Mio Takamiya, but seeing my parents and Sawa again. I had no idea how I would react after seeing my best friend whom I killed or my parents, whom I abandoned.

"Right, don't mess with anything. Even the slightest of changes will have major consequences in the future. The last thing you know, we might end up in a world where a futa invasion happened and how all of mankind was mind fucked, both literally and figuratively." Tatsuya said with a serious expression.

"Tatsuya-san, please don't read any more weird Doujins. And I'm not a child." I said with a bland expression. While what he said made sense, what kind of example was a futa invasion? That was even scarier than facing Tatsuya and Mikasa together in a fight.

Just as he was about to reply, a golden hologram appeared in front of me.

[The Divine Prophet- Where are you guys?]

[The Worst Spirit- Mikasa-san, how do you know that we're not there?]

"Wait, how is the Dimensional Chat Group even working when we're in another time zone of the same world? Logically speaking, it should be impossible for us to speak." I muttered, turning towards Tatsuya in hopes of an explanation. Maybe I was slowly turning into a nerd while staying with Mikasa and Tatsuya.

"It's quite simple. Even if we are to alter the timeline right now, it won't affect me, Mikasa or Yue, because we are not from this world, to begin with. It won't affect you as well because you're the one altering the timeline." He explained with a smile as we both turned towards the various holograms.

At this point, Yue was spamming messages about how she wanted to tag along. Ignoring her, I focused on Mikasa's reply.

[The Divine Prophet- I can't feel the Lightning Thunder God's Seal on Tatsuya. Either you guys time travelled or hopped into a different world.]

[The Last Judgement(Admin)- We came back to the past for a bit. And Yue, stop spamming messages.]

[The Worst Spirit- We will be back in a day or two. I didn't use much Reiryoku when using Yud Bet.]

"Shouldn't we reappear at the exact moment we travelled back in time?" Tatsuya asked, looking at me.

"That's not how 'Yud Bet' works, Tatsuya-san. If we spend a day in the past, we'll appear exactly a day later when we go back to our time." I explained as he nodded.

"I guess our Angels have some differences." Tatsuya muttered.

[The Immortal Loli- But why are you guys there, to begin with?]

[The Last Judgement(Admin)- I'll tell you guys about it later.]

[The Divine Prophet- So what about saving Nia Honjo?]

[The Last Judgement(Admin)- We can do it in a few days. It's not like she is going anywhere.]

[The Divine Prophet- Well, okay. Alright Yue, let's go and eat something.]

[The Divine Prophet is offline.]

[The Immortal Loli- Bye, Tatsuya.]

[The Immortal Loli is offline.]

[The Last Judgement is offline.]

'What a quick chat.' I thought, closing the Dimensional Chat Group.

As I looked around, I noticed that there was some kind of transparent barrier around the two of us.

"It'll make us invisible and black our sounds from reaching outside." Tatsuya explained. Only now did I realise that we were holding hands the entire time.

"So, where is your house?" He asked.

"That way." I said, pointing towards a certain direction as the two of us started flying towards it.

"That's it." After about half an hour, we reached a luxurious mansion. Yeah, that was my house.

Tatsuya probably noticed that my hand was shaking slightly as he squeezed my palm, making me come back to my senses.

"Don't worry." He said with a smile as we started making our way towards the mansion before landing in the backyard.

"Your family is quite rich." Tatsuya said, looking around our garden.

Looking around, my eyes fell on an old wooden storeroom as I ran towards it along with Tatsuya.

"Tatsuya-san, look." I said, pointing towards the edge of the storeroom. There were several horizontal markings on that side. It was the place where I used to measure the growth in my height along with my mother.

Tatsuya looked at it for a few seconds before his eyes drifted away in a completely different direction. There was a place on the wall of the storeroom that was intentionally covered with mud by someone.

Just as I remembered what it was, Tatsuya was done cleaning the mud off the wall. I won't lie, I tried to run away at that exact moment, but Tatsuya didn't let go of my hand.

"That's certainly unexpected." Tatsuya said, blinking a few times at the heart-shaped symbol made on the wall with a sharp object. Inside it, there were two words written. Kurumi Tokisaki and Sawa Yamauchi.

Turning towards me, Tatsuya grinned. "I never knew that you swing both ways."

Hearing his words, my face flushed red as I tried to explain. "That's not it. Back then, I had no idea that it was something couples do."

Leaning towards me, Tatsuya whispered something in my ear. "Are you sure about that? I can handle both you and Sawa at the same time."

"T-T-Tatsuya-san, what are you talking about? That's not what-" Before I could continue, my words were interrupted by a very familiar voice.

"Ara~ Kurumi, you're finally back. Do you know how worried I was?"

As I turned around, I looked at the beautiful woman in her mid-thirties with black hair and red eyes, her facial features were quite similar to mine.

"... Mom?" I involuntarily muttered, looking at my mother.

"So the 'Ara~ Ara~ is hereditary." Tatsuya muttered, but my attention was so focused on my mother that I didn't pay any attention to him. Was she able to see me?

"I'm back, mom." Just as I was about to open my mouth, I heard my own voice from behind the storehouse as I came running towards my mother along with Sawa Yamauchi, my best friend.

"Please pardon my intrusion." Sawa said, bowing towards my mother.

"Oh please. You're Kurumi's only friend. If it wasn't for you, I would've been worried about my daughter." My mother said with a smile, making the past me embarrassed.

"Mom!" The past me said, grumbling.

Bringing my right hand towards my cheek, I realised that tears were continuously falling down my cheeks as I looked at the scene in front of me.

Before I could do anything else, Tatsuya suddenly hugged me tightly, burying my face in his chest.

"Tatsuya-san?" I muttered, not sure what else to say.

"It's alright. Cry as much as you want." He replied, patting the back of my head. For the next half an hour, I kept sobbing while talking about how much I missed my family.


Tatsuya Pov-

After Kurumi calmed down, I decided to let go of her as she looked at me with slightly watery eyes. Leaning forward, I gave her a small kiss.

Kurumi's mother and the others have already left the backyard and were eating dinner inside their house. We sneaked inside the house without much trouble.

Looking at her family and her best friend happily eating dinner, Kurumi was on the verge of tears again. But I could feel that she was truly happy to see them again.

I was glad that Mikasa wasn't here. If she saw Kurumi's mother, she would most likely nag me to death until I agree to seduce her. Although it was a tempting option, considering how hot Kurumi's mother was, I had enough self-control to not get distracted. I was wondering if I should remove the function that stops ageing from Kurumi's Sephira Crystal.

"Tatsuya-san, I am really glad that I met you." Kurumi said with a happy smile, squeezing my hand. There were still some tears falling from her eyes now and then.

"And I'm glad I came here with you." I replied with a smile.

Without any words, Kurumi hugged me tightly as I patted her back. We spend the next day roaming around the town as Kurumi told me about the things she used to do as a high schooler along with giving me a tour of her high school.

Although she did try to punch me after I sneaked inside the girl's locker room, it wasn't anything serious.




If you're still reading, well, thank you. And yes, it's not dropped. Neither is my DxD fic.