
Merciless Underworld

There's a man named Alex, right? Dumped into a fantasy underworld as a slave for The Umbra Syndicate. But Alex isn't the slave type. They're hustling, scheming, and climbing the underworld ladder faster than a caffeinated spider. As Alex outsmarts rivals and navigates magical chaos, it's like a twisted game show with spells and betrayal. But this isn't a walk in the park - curses, shady stuff, and magical drama are on the menu. "Merciless Underworld" is a wild ride through a world where shadows gossip and crime rules. Will Alex own the underworld, or get lost in the chaos? Brace yourself for magic, madness, and a ton of questionable life decisions!

Luigi_Collesi · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Mana, I choose you!

Back in my cozy cell – sarcasm intended – after a lackluster dinner, I decided to try my hand at this mana channeling thing. I mean, how hard could it be, right? Spoiler alert: very.

There I was, attempting to mimic Mr. Macho's fancy magical maneuvers. I waved my hands, whispered what I hoped sounded like an incantation, but nada. It was like trying to dance salsa when you've got two left feet. A magical disaster.

Determined not to let my fate be decided by someone else's magical mojo, I kept at it all night. Picture me, in the dark cell, doing some awkward wizard yoga, trying not to knock my head on the stone walls. Spoiler: I knocked my head. A lot.

Morning rolled in, and I'd accomplished precisely nothing. The air in the cell was thick with frustration, and my dreams of becoming a magical maestro were on life support.

Then breakfast came – another culinary masterpiece of blandness. Back to work, and this time, the rocks felt heavier, the pickaxe like a lead weight. Exhaustion hit me like a freight train after a full day of swinging that darn thing.

But here's the twist – tired as heck, I kept going. Call it sheer stubbornness or maybe delirium from lack of sleep. The rocks kept breaking, my back was screaming, but I didn't stop. I was practically a magical zombie fueled by determination and a lack of better options.

The day blurred into night, and I kept swinging until my arms turned to noodles. Finally, they shuffled us back to our cells. Dinner was another round of disappointment, and as I lay there, I realized changing my fate was turning out to be a stubborn, sleep-deprived, magical mess. Welcome to my life in the Merciless Underworld – where the rocks are endless, the magic doesn't work, and dreams of an early retirement are probably just that, dreams.

Two weeks of rinse-and-repeat in the Merciless Underworld. Breakfast, work, lunch (if you can call it that), more work, dinner (a.k.a. culinary disappointment), and then the real fun begins – my magical misadventures.

After a day of rock smashing and pickaxe swinging, I'd squirrel away a bit of time before lights out to practice this mana nonsense. Picture me, waving my arms like a lunatic, whispering pseudo-magical words, and occasionally knocking my head on the stone wall – just your average Tuesday.

Today was different, though. I'd started chatting with some of the other poor souls during our rock-breaking sessions. You know, exchanging pleasantries like, "This rock is my mortal enemy," or "Have you ever tried that mana thing? Because I'm failing spectacularly."

One guy, let's call him Rock-Buddy, chuckled. "Yeah, I tried. Ended up summoning a rock-eating pigeon. Not my finest moment."

I laughed. "Better than setting yourself on fire, I guess."

Rock-Buddy nodded. "True that. By the way, I'm Dave."

"Alex. Nice to meet you, Dave. Pity it's under these rock-breaking circumstances."

Dave grinned, "Ain't that the truth?"

Back in my cell, during my magical mumbo-jumbo session, something clicked. I felt a tingle, a spark – mana coursing through my veins like a tiny electric shock. For a moment, I was on Cloud 9, thinking I'd cracked the magical code.

And then, poof. The spark fizzled out like a birthday candle in a rainstorm. Back to square one. I couldn't decide if I should laugh or cry. There I was, feeling the mana for a hot second, and just like that, it ghosted me. The Merciless Underworld sure knew how to keep me on my toes – or in this case, on my flat butt, wondering what the heck just happened.

So, after my brief flirtation with magical sparks, I decided to change tactics. Instead of trying to summon a magical circus, I focused on channeling the mana through my veins. No fancy fireballs or rock-eating pigeons – just me, a sweaty cell, and a whole lot of determination.

The whole night, I played the mana channeling hits on repeat. It was like my personal magical disco. Arms waving, whispering my makeshift incantation, and desperately hoping I wasn't driving the other inmates insane.

When breakfast rolled in, I felt fantastic. Energized, like I could run a marathon, climb a mountain, or at least survive another day of pickaxe aerobics. There was just one tiny problem – my nose had become my own worst enemy.

See, while I was busy feeling like a magical demigod, I neglected a tiny detail – personal hygiene. I was basically a walking stink bomb. I could practically see the green clouds of odor emanating from me.

Despite feeling like a million bucks, the reactions were less than stellar. As I walked to the work site, the other slaves gave me the stink-eye – pun intended. Mr. Macho, with his usual charm, added insult to injury. "What's that smell? Did someone bring a skunk to the underworld?"

The other slaves chimed in, "Yeah, seriously! Who invited the walking garbage dump?"

I tried to play it cool, "Just embracing the authentic underworld experience, you know?"

But the truth was, I could smell myself, and it wasn't pretty. The workday itself, though, was a breeze. My pickaxe swung through rocks like a hot knife through butter. I felt like I was on magical steroids.

Yet, every swing was met with snide remarks. "Watch out, folks! Magical wonder over here can't cast a spell, but he sure can stink up the place!"

And so, there I was – feeling magical but smelling like a dumpster fire. The Merciless Underworld had a twisted sense of humor, and I was its unwitting punchline.