
Menma The Scientific Ninja (English)

A young man who died in the real world will use the knowledge he accumulated in his past life to survive in the ninja world, he will achieve his goal or die trying. Come read it and find out.

Metal_Cooler · Derivados de obras
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9 Chs

Chapter 7


"It's taken me a while to bring a new chapter because I'm working on rewriting one of my old fanfics, a crossover between Ben 10 and High School DxD. I'll have it ready to share with you very soon."

Countermeasure Planning

Kakuzu's Decision: Menma or Akatsuki

On the outskirts of Konoha, under the shade of a majestic tree, Menma Uzumaki, the enigmatic millionaire, stood. Dressed in his trademark green suit and blond hair, he held in his hands a scroll with fiery red letters. With grit and determination in his eyes, he began to write a message announcing his search for a bounty hunter ninja.

"Wanted: bounty hunter ninja capable of facing the unknown. Generous reward for one who accepts the challenge. Track, pursue and bring the hidden truth to light. Contact Menma Uzumaki."

The scroll fluttered in the wind as Menma hung it on a nearby pole, letting the breeze carry it away. The warning echoed in every word, promising adventure and mystery to whoever dared to accept the mission.

Two days later, in a tavern hidden among the shadows of the villages, Kakuzu, a seasoned ninja bounty hunter known for his ability to pursue any target, sat in a dark corner. He held a cup of sake with a thoughtful expression. In front of him, Menma Uzumaki's scroll caught his attention again and again.

The words "Generous reward" echoed in his mind. Kakuzu was a businessman, and the prospect of a tempting reward made him seriously consider the offer. But he had also heard rumors about the mysterious Menma, considered some sort of rich prince of the leaf village.

Kakuzu knew that joining Akatsuki could bring him power and influence, but the search for truth had its own appeal. Finally, with a determined gesture, he rose from his seat and plucked the scroll from the pole. This would be the beginning of an adventure that would push him to the limits of his ability, facing challenges and dangers that only a bounty hunter ninja of his caliber could overcome.

Kakuzu, making a final decision, opted for Menma's sign. The promise of an even greater reward than Akatsuki's offer weighed more heavily in his choice. In a decisive act, Kakuzu discarded Konan's invitation in a nearby trash can, symbolizing his refusal to join the organization.

With Menma's scroll in hand, Kakuzu prepared to begin his new mission. He knew that he would face unknown challenges and that this quest would lead him down a path full of secrets and dangers. However, the prospect of the reward and the promise of uncovering the hidden truth were too tempting to resist.

Kakuzu's choice would lead him on a journey full of mystery and adventure, where he would cross paths with the enigmatic Menma Uzumaki and become embroiled in a conflict that would change his destiny forever.

Kakuzu arrived at the gates of Konoha, holding Menma's scroll firmly in his hand. As he walked deeper into the village, he couldn't help but feel the tension in the air. He knew he was entering unfamiliar territory and the meeting with Menma Uzumaki promised to be interesting.

Finally, he met Menma, who was waiting for him in a secluded corner near the iconic First Hokage tree. Menma was an enigmatic looking man, with a penetrating gaze that seemed to reveal that he knew more than he was willing to tell.

Kakuzu approached, extending the scroll towards Menma. Wordlessly, Menma accepted it and read it carefully. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke, "Kakuzu, you are here for an important task. You will be confronted with secrets that have been hidden for a long time. Are you willing to uncover the truth, no matter what the consequences?"

Kakuzu nodded with determination. "I am here for the reward, but also for the challenge. I will uncover the truth, whatever it takes."

Menma smiled, an enigmatic gesture. "Well, then, let us begin. There is much to learn and much at stake. Together, we will unearth the secrets that have been hidden in the shadows of this world for far too long."

Rescuing the child from the desert

Hi, I'm Kakuzu, and I'm currently working for my new boss, Menma Uzumaki, to free Gaara from his father's mistreatment. Although I was offered to work for Akatsuki, I decided in the end to accept Menma's offer. I must say that the Uzumaki pays much better than the ninja mercenary organization. My employer is just a brat, but a brat that pays pretty well.

Right now, I am appearing in the arena village. I must say, the teleportation seals he gave me are pretty good; at least I don't have to spend days at a time outsmarting the place's surveillance.

Kakuzu sees Gaara unable to sleep to control the beast of a tail. Being used as a weapon by his own father. I've never seen such a lousy father in my entire life. Doing this to his son, even though I detest Hashirama Senju with all my being, the Senju I have to admit, he is much better as a father figure than Rasa (Fourth Kazekage). - thought Kakuzu.

Kakuzu enters Gaara's room, as the boy looks at the stranger in a bad way.

"Easy, kid, I'm not one of the assassins your father sends. My leader is a Jinchūriki who wishes to get you out of this horrible place. Trust me, he knows about your problem and can fix it," Kakuzu mentioned.

"Someone like me?" asked Gaara.

"Yes, little one, just like you. Now follow me," said Kakuzu.

Gaara started to leave along with Kakuzu, though seeing red-haired with a stranger alerted the two brothers of the boy.

"If you think you'll take my brother, you're sorely mistaken," Temari said pulling out her fan.

"I would give my life to have him safe. You'll have to step over me for that to happen," Kankuro mentioned pulling out his puppet.

Kakuzu knew that if he didn't act quickly and fight Gaara's two brothers, he would alert the entire sand village, and that wasn't what he wanted. Besides, he wasn't taking him against his will, he was rescuing him from his father's mistreatment.

"Enough of this," Kakuzu said, quickly immobilizing Temari and Kankuro before they could make the first move.

Kakuzu activated the teleport seal, taking Gaara and his two older brothers to the moon base.

Once he arrived with their leader, Kakuzu demanded his payment.

"Cash or bank account?" asked Menma.

"Deposit it in the bank account," said Kakuzu.

Menma, with a few movements of seals, which was connected to the Fire Bank, made the money transfer.

"Since you also brought his brothers and did them no harm, I give you a bonus for your good work," Menma mentioned, adding more money to Kakuzu's bank account.

Kakuzu went happily back to Earth with his payment well done.

The Desert Child: Help and Explanations

Menma was working overnight on an improved seal for Gaara, which allowed the little red-haired boy to sleep peacefully after years.

When Temari woke up, she was angry and worried about the situation, as she thought she was being kidnapped. However, seeing Gaara sleeping peacefully and without any harm, she was quite relieved. She knew that the beast of a tail never allowed her little brother to sleep.

"The ninja bounty hunter wasn't lying. Their leader basically solved the problem," Temari thought.

Kankuro stood up ready to fight, but Temari put a hand over his mouth to keep him quiet and pointed at Gaara. Seeing his brother asleep, Kankuro understood everything. Finally, someone was able to help Gaara.

Temari and Kankuro, without needing to talk, came to an agreement to allow Gaara to rest.

After a few hours in which Gaara was able to rest and woke up naturally, Menma arrived to welcome the desert siblings.

"Did they sleep well?" asked Menma.

"Yes," said Temari, Kankuro and Gaara.

"So you're the boss of the ninja you sent to the sand village," commented Temari.

"Yes, I am. I couldn't let one of the other Jinchūrikis suffer. Before you think I'm going to use Gaara, Kankuro or you, no, I don't plan to do that. Everything here is free, no tricks involved," Menma said, showing his tailed beast seal on his stomach and pulling up his shirt.

"You're telling the truth, I believe you. Pull your shirt down, please," Temari mentioned.

Menma pulled his shirt back into place.

"And how do you know everything about us?" questioned Kankuro.

"Let me tell you, the way I know is something no one would believe me. It's so ridiculous. Unfortunately, I cannot tell the exact way without risking a butterfly effect on the timeline or telling you all without exposing you to some very dangerous people. This information is so sensitive that, in the wrong hands, it would bring about the ruin of elemental nations. And no, I have no spies in the sand village," Menma said in a very serious tone.

"You're a seer, someone who knows about the future," Temari mentioned, though she didn't understand anything about the butterfly effect.

Kankuro nor Gaara understood anything about timelines or butterfly effects either.

"Something like that, this is the best way," Menma expressed.

Gaara, Temari and Kankuro decided not to press the issue because Menma was too serious and worried about that matter. Besides, it would be too rude to insist further.

"How is it that you were able to sleep comfortably without the risk of the beast of a tail escaping your seal?" asked Gaara.

"I had to use some sleep gas and put a seal on the floor, because making a new seal for you is extremely painful. What you had before was barely qualified to store a beast with a tail. With this seal made by me, the beast will not come out, you will be able to sleep and you will also not be being advised by the beast without your permission, not to mention that I made it a comfortable environment for the animal. In the end, I made it comfortable for both of us," Menma said.

"Thank you for helping me," Gaara mentioned, giving Menma a hug.

Menma reciprocated to Gaara, and the two gave each other a comfortable hug. After a few minutes, they separated.

"So where are we?" asked Temari.

"Simple, we're on the moon. Why don't you look out the window?" replied Menma.

Temari, Kankuro and Gaara turned to look out the window and were shocked to see the Earth from the horizon.

"Obviously I have to take the three siblings from the desert to Inoichi Yamanaka, especially Gaara, who suffered mistreatment from his father," thought Menma.

Prophecy Change

Location: Mount Myōboku

Gamamaru was in deep meditation, glimpsing the future. He realized that the fate of the ninja world was in the hands of two people who hated each other and were sworn enemies.

One was a young man who had lived two lives, and the other was represented by the dark shadow that had been manipulating the ninja world for several centuries. The ideologies of the two inevitably clashed.

After this, he saw all the minions of the dark shadow with their army fighting against the army of the young man of two lives.

The army of the young man of two lives was composed of thousands of ground and air robots, ninjas of all nations, puppets numbering in the thousands and super colonies of insects. They faced the dark shadow and his army composed of thousands of ninjas revived by the Edo Tensei technique and thousands of White Zetsus.

But that's not where it ended, the tactics of the young man of two lives made this battle much more terrifying and brutal.

Then, Gamamaru saw the dark shadow achieving his goal: bringing his mother back to life. But he also saw the young man of the two lives emerging from a metal box turned into the true god of ninjas, facing Kaguya Ōtsutsuki.

After seeing this, Gamamaru was ejected from the vision of the future, unable to see the outcome of the confrontation of the newly promoted human ninja god against Kaguya.

"Speak to Jiraiya immediately, the prophecy has changed," Gamamaru told his subordinates.

Preparing for Imminent War

I have realized that I cannot fight Akatsuki alone. To achieve this goal, I will have to create a gigantic laboratory throughout the moon base, where I will research the creation and development of all kinds of weapons for future confrontation in the Fourth Ninja War.

On True Earth, there were a lot of advances in warfare, but replicating them to defend this world will be extremely difficult. I will need to research rockets, nuclear fission and the rail gun.

The rocket will give me the ability to make missiles to aim at my enemies. Although one of the pain paths can do this, it is not well understood in this world. While I can technically try to recreate the Rinnegan, it leads me to the problem of Hashirama cells not being compatible with everyone.

Also, I need the missiles to direct them at targets. The atomic bomb will be needed to deflect the meteorites launched into space, as Madara Uchiha's favorite attack is to launch meteorites at his enemies. The bombs will be inside the missiles and will be directed towards the meteorites, as destroying them would not work at all.

As for Madara's Susanoo, it looks imposing for ninjas, but I don't see it that way. The rail gun I knew in my other life is the only realistic weapon that can break it without any problem, being so powerful that even the best metal armor can't stop a projectile from the rail gun.

Now, as for Madara Uchiha's wood style, there are two options left to stop all these wood attacks: wood-rotting fungi and wood-eating insects. Either one will work just fine. And the million-dollar question is which one I will try. The answer is simple: both. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and by combining them, I'll make up for what would happen with each individually.

Clearly, I will need to assemble as large a scientific team as the United States of America had during World War II in my other life. For all this, I will have to set up factories of all kinds, stock up on food, water, basic utilities, houses, recreational facilities, etc.

So the Lunalab city project has begun. I think I will have to call Kakuzu to get it started.

The city of Moonlab

"You're telling me you want me to gather a bunch of scientists for your city Moonlab," Kakuzu said.

"Yes, that's what I want you to do. Gather the best, but please bring scientists who respect the laws of ethics. I don't want people like Orochimaru. Make sure none of them are double agents. Convince them through money and job opportunities. I don't want to have forced them in any way or threats of any kind," Menma said.

Menma does not want a disaster like when one of the scientists who helped build the atomic bomb passed information to the Soviet Union. Moreover, he wants them to cooperate with him genuinely, with trust and without any threat involved.

"What specialties do you want me to bring in?" asked Kakuzu.

Menma gave him a long list of scientists of various specialties he needs.

"Alright, anything else?" mentioned Kakuzu.

"Yes, bring me also a group of mercenary ninja who are trustworthy and honorable and can work with me. That's all I need," Menma expressed.

Kakuzu said nothing more, he simply disappeared with the teleporter seal.

To be continued...

Final Words: 

I've noticed that no one comments on this fanfic, neither in English nor much less in Spanish. They should do so in order to know where I'm getting it right and where I'm getting it wrong, as well as offer their suggestions. I know I would love to post chapters daily, but that's impossible without someone's support. My desire is to quit my current job and devote myself entirely to writing, but, unfortunately, that's not feasible at this time. I encourage you to visit my Patreon, where you will be able to access drafts before anyone else and, incidentally, allow me to write more frequently. 

It takes me time to upload chapters because I have to work, just like everyone else. I have responsibilities to fulfill. At the end of this paragraph, I'll provide links to my social networks, where you'll find my Patreon and a YouTube channel where I've also been creating audio versions of my fanfic, among other things. 

See you later. 

Social Networks: 
