
Memory Collection 【Genshin Impact】

No matter how long it has passed, the collected memories still shine like gold. The first reason I wanted to write a diary was to record every moment of my life with Jiahe. But human life is so short. Not long after I realized that she was already getting old, she took my hand and said goodbye to me. But I kept this habit. ...So more than 3,700 years later, my room was filled with my diaries. It's really strange. It just records some of the daily life with everyone, as well as the friends and children who reunited and separated in the long life. Why did you write so much?

Chris_41 · Juegos
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Encounter

Chapter 1: Encounter

Long, long ago, within the mountains that would eventually give birth to the Rock Demon God...

After two thousand three hundred years had passed since the birth of the Rock Demon God, the rocky peaks and cliffs of this mountainous region had once again accumulated enough power.

A new demon god was born.

Just as the previous demon god had understood their true name upon birth, in the very moment I assumed a form, my true name appeared in my mind.


I rose from the smooth rock platform, with fair skin exposed on my arms and legs, albeit marred by intricate cracks, through which faint traces of golden light flowed.

My chest was protected by a golden plate armor formed from the very rocks, and around my waist, a white cloth concealed the most essential parts. As I gazed around, I found myself at the center of towering rock formations.

Glancing at the ash-blue sky, a vague understanding washed over me, akin to the sensation of knowing what I could achieve. So, I followed this intuition and snapped my fingers.

With a resounding snap, the rock elements began to converge before me. In mere moments, a life-sized rock mirror materialized, ultimately displaying my true form before me.

In the mirror, the demon god had disheveled black hair cascading down from his shoulders, with the ends reaching his chest, gradually transitioning into a golden hue. On his face, intricate cracks shimmered with flowing golden light, particularly concentrated around his eyes.

His eyes bore the color of molten gold, with a central golden diamond shape.

I exhaled, a few sparks escaping my mouth. The rock mirror before me transformed back into elemental rock and vanished.

I reached out to grasp those sparks, and as I opened my palm to examine them, they had disappeared entirely. A strange emptiness settled in my chest, and I blinked, unsure of the unfamiliar emotions within.

Was that my true self just now, wasn't it?

But why did I feel like I shouldn't be in that form? I should be... more beautiful, more majestic, ablaze with fire, radiating brilliance...

However, it felt like a fleeting illusion, and I soon forgot it.

"What should I do next..." My instincts warned me that the outside world was dangerous, and as a newly born entity, I wasn't suited to leave this place. Yet, I wasn't particularly eager to remain in this barren rocky terrain.

I descended from the rock platform barefoot, onto uneven ground. To my surprise, I noticed sharp nails on my toes, yet there was no discomfort as I walked on the ground. It was as if I were treading on level ground.

Well, I was born from within the rocky mountains, and I inherently commanded [Rock].

There seemed to be no way out of here, and after circling around, I realized that the rocky cliffs were steep and smooth, making it seemingly impossible to climb.

As I gazed at the sky, a sudden realization struck me that these obstacles shouldn't have been a concern for me long ago. Regardless of where I was or what blocked my path, it should have been inconsequential for me because I could...

What could I do again?

I stared at the sky, once more lost in deep contemplation.

However, the thoughts in my mind vanished like the most cunning of fish, leaving me puzzled even after deep contemplation.

This delay cost me some time, and I noticed that the color of the sky had darkened.

It was about to rain.

At least, that's what my mind concluded.

I looked left and right, but there was only a barren platform with nothing else. If it started raining... not only would I get soaked, but this place might even flood.

Could I drown?

Even a demon god needed to breathe.

I contemplated seriously. Could I somehow revert to my state before being born?


A cold drop landed on my face, and I blinked.

As if on cue, moments later, large raindrops began to pour relentlessly, soaking me thoroughly. In no time, a shallow layer of water accumulated on the ground.

I jumped onto the platform, staring at the blank ground.

This was bad; I was about to drown right after being born.

I couldn't help but look up at the sky again... I used to... I used to—wait, I had just been born, so where did "used to" come from? My thoughts were in disarray.

Staring dumbly at the incessant downpour, I wiped my face, realizing that the humidity in the air had become so intense that breathing was becoming difficult.

Perhaps I could swim out once the water rose.

After the water reached my waist, I had a revelation.

But soon, I realized that my body was as heavy as... no, considering I was entirely composed of rock elements, I was essentially a giant stone. The buoyancy of this little water wasn't enough to help me swim.

The water reached my neck.

My lips.

My nose.

I tiptoed to keep my nose above water for a while.

Alright, tiptoeing couldn't save my nose. Soon, my entire head was submerged.

Raindrops pelted the surface, making the water murky below. I held my breath and suddenly had a thought—since I could control rock elements, why didn't I create some steps on the cliffside to escape?

Because I didn't want to damage this place, my subconscious thought to preserve it.

But in a life-or-death situation, couldn't I allow a little bit of damage? Though I thought so, I still couldn't bring myself to do it.

...Watching bubbles escape from my mouth, I sat down cross-legged, feeling rather annoyed.

Well, I guess a demon god wouldn't drown. But honestly, I mean it... even though my attribute is rock, I really dislike water!

I was soaked, dripping with water, and the water element was unusually abundant in the air, with only traces of rock elements in the ground...

I lay down, trying to maximize my contact with the ground. It was somewhat comforting, even though it served little purpose.

Waiting for the rain to stop, and considering how to get out... what should I do then? Wander around and explore? Look for other demon gods like me?

But demons gods couldn't possibly get along, right?

I closed my eyes and contemplated in the darkness.

Suddenly, distinct from the sound of the rain, something went "plop" into the water. Water elements rippled apart layer by layer as something approached from below, inching closer...

It wasn't a frog.

It wasn't a fish.

It was...

I opened my eyes underwater, meeting a pair of brilliantly glowing golden-orange eyes in the dark water. They had a diamond-shaped vertical pupil like mine, and it seemed as though there were rock patterns flickering deep in those eyes.

It was a black-haired young man, underwater. A braid behind his head swayed in the water, its end emitting a faint golden glow in the darkness.

Meeting my gaze, he appeared somewhat surprised, but it didn't slow down his movements. He approached me, then, with one arm, lifted me up and began swimming towards the surface.



The sound of water surrounded us, and we rose to the surface.

He carried me to the shore, half-crouching, and then set me down. In this position, he used one hand to cover above my eyes and the other to pinch his chin.

After a moment, I heard him speak.

"...Why aren't you saying anything? Is it because you've just been born, and you can't talk?"

This unfamiliar demon god had a deep, somewhat hoarse voice, and it felt like feathers lightly tickling my heart. My mood had improved somewhat due to the rain no longer pouring down.

Oh, right, demon god.

This big guy who had pulled me out of the water was indeed a demon god. If you were to ask why... humans don't have horns, nor do they have scales on their bodies.

Though I could disguise myself, because my body was composed of elements, I naturally preferred my true form, right? After all, it felt more natural and allowed me to utilize my power more effectively.

I stared at his face, then focused on his horns. They looked majestic, powerful, and elegant. I reached out my hand toward his horns—

His orange-golden eyes widened slightly, and then he lowered his head, allowing me to touch his horns. This demon god outside was quite friendly, huh?

I was feeling so emotional that I didn't hesitate to touch his horns from tip to end! Despite their rugged appearance, his horns had a delicate feel, covered with finely scaled, jet-black patterns, with a dark golden hue along the edges.

Wow, they're really nice. So hard, so powerful, with the right forging using fire and various precious minerals and materials, they could make fantastic weapons!

That thought flashed in my mind for a moment.

I think I'd like a one-handed sword.

"...You're having some strange thoughts," he said, removing my hand and lifting me up again. Despite the rain, both of us were soaked, but for some reason, I felt warmer when he held me.

He stared at me thoughtfully. "Think carefully. You're still young... getting wet in the rain won't harm me, but you might catch a cold. So, let's go back for now."

I let him carry me and asked out of curiosity, "What's your name?"

"Morax," he replied.

I nodded in acknowledgment. "Oh, I'm Phoenix."

Unexpectedly, he gave me another slightly reproachful look. "You should know when you were born, right? Don't casually tell your true name to other demon gods—if you don't want to be bound by them."

"Would you bind me then?" I asked, sitting on his arm, which allowed me to kick my legs freely. The rock elements around him were active and abundant, even in the rain, so long as I stayed close to him, the water elements thinned out.

"Naturally, I won't bind you," he said calmly. "But you must take care of yourself. In front of me, it's fine, but once you go out, while you're still weak, it's better to use a pseudonym."

"A pseudonym?"

"Exactly, it's a false name, constructed to allow others to address you. Even if someone else knows it, it won't have any effect on you."

I leaned my upper body into his embrace, my lower half kicking back and forth. "A pseudonym... I can't think of one, could you give me a name?"

Morax's steps paused for a moment but soon resumed. "Shall I do that? Then I'll need to think carefully..." He pondered for a moment. "How about Luray?"

I considered for a moment how it would sound if someone called me Luray...

"Not quite right? I don't feel a connection to it, or maybe it doesn't suit me?"

"That's true," he agreed. "In that case..."

His voice lowered a bit, but my hearing was excellent, so I still heard it.

"How about Zhongxiao?"

Zhongxiao... Zhongxiao?

My heart skipped a beat. "I like that!"

Morax seemed to chuckle, and I felt his chest vibrate. But when I looked up, his expression remained serene despite the rain washing over him.

"From now on, I'll call you Zhongxiao."