
Memories of a distant past:1


'peep...' Wh-what's that sound? I moved my arm around with my eyes closed. My hand tucks something cold and glassy.

I opened my I eyes to take a good look at it. 'It's just my phone' I don't usually have my phone this close to me. I look around I am in my room, Huh this most mean I was dreaming all along what a funny dream....

I picked the phone to take a look on what's making the noise, and it's a message that says "you missed practices" from Emma.


"ugh" I through the phone over my bed run to bathroom to take a quick shower. Then I get dressed quickly take my phone, and get out of the house running.

How could I forget, and today out of all the days.

"Where are you running to son?" My father shouts after me. Isn't like I could answer him, so I keep running until I get to the international flying arrow stadium by foot.

A big training space for archers, and anyone who wants to learn the sport.

I run to the far right corner where my team meats, we usually train on this side. As Emma texted me I was late, but she was there waiting to lecture me about the importance of coming on time or I thought so.

The importance of being on time in Canada is like a national think.  You can say "Be on time" Is capitalize always and every time.

"What happened to you why are you so late" disappointed I see "I..I over slept" " That's the best excuse you can come up with..."

"Sorry for disappointing you but that is the truth" I drink some water.

"Listen this isn't the time or the place to slack off okay"

Me slacking off "Listen if you keep slacking like this our team willn't make it..." she posted for a moment.

"We won't make it to winter nationals" she add after a moment of a silent.

The winter games is the only reason why I joined this team. "Because you missed the practice you missed your chance of going to the winter games".

"Whaaaatttt" I was shocked "Bu..but it was one day" I walk around in a cercal "You mean the worst day to be late, than happily came late if you want".

As I was lost in the debate that was happening in my head "Hey over here I am still here you know" Emma calls

"Let's us go to the cafeteria I am sure you didn't eat anything this morning"

"What cafeteria?" She looked at me.

"when did you forget that we have cafeteria in the stadium? Omg are you that shocked?" She laughs as she took me to a table and we take our site. I don't see what is really funny about my shocked, is really natural right? And what stadium is she talking about, I mean this place is big, but there is no way it can be a stadium.

We order two peace of chocolate cake and tea, I know cake for breakfast "So what's your story?" She asks me again. "A....ha-ha.... you see I was dreaming, so I over slept" I take a peace of cake, and put it in my mouth "Dream about what?" She ask "I-I don't remember" I answer.

"So you weren't late on purpose" she says smiling. What came over her, and speaking of breakfast who eats a cake for breakfast, but this cake is quite delicious for some reason or am just too hungry?.

"So what happened to you I was worry about you?" She asks like nothing happened. "Did something happened to me" I asked pointing finger on my self.

She sights "Forget you are offline today" I looked at her confused "I don't remember going offline on any of my social media" am I actually offline let me see.

"Not that type of offline... you know what just for get about it"


"I had dream too you know...." she says, but before she finished she stops and adds "don't you dare explore your imagination.." I sigh "So was it me, was I your night in shainning-armor"

"You are impossible." she says laughs and I joined her at the laughter. I decided to setup for a imagination of mind exploring my bazaar dream I had.

But what was I dreaming about? Was it a mere dream? It was too real to be a dream.

Can it be really real, but I woke up this morning that should mean it's just a bad dream.

"Hey Zack don't you think is a weird to have a friend who always sees someone else... with in you?" Emma through a random question on which I didn't like the sound of it.

"Yeah is bit weird, but I am cool with it, only if that person is you" I smiled "You can gaze into my soul until your heart contents" An expected spark of smile skipped her lips.

That was the first time she smiled without seeing through me. I gaze in to her blue eyes shining like blue star 'Damn you are beautiful' I told myself. At lest that's what I thought, but I failed to realize I actually said these words out loud.

Emma face turned red as well as mind did. We both turned around from each other  faces, an overwhelming feeling took us by surprise my hart beat increased 'what is this feeling, this is very an natural feeling?'.

Zack:'What was I thinking' hot blood started rushing towards my cheeks.... this wasn't part of the plan 

Emma: 'what the heck is he making a move on me' B...bu...but.....this is to early I didn't even...get over my last crash... oh my god I can't take this anymore.

"I will take my leave now"

"I will take my leave now"

We both uttered these at same time, and we both didn't see that one coming.... Emma stood up to leave, but I grap her rist. "Wait please, don't leave I...I meant that as a compliment" I say that with confidence, but I am trembling from inside I am holding her hand.

"Yo...you can't just say things like that and.... don't you dare mess with my emotions like that..." her emotions, what's she talking about isn't like she likes...

'Wait is it possible she feels the same.' no way my hart may end up  out of my chest.

Why isn't he letting me go, this feels really awkward. I mean I always see Dave when ever I look at him, and him saying these words it...it was like a...d....dream...

"Let go of my hand please" he quickly let me go "I am sorry I....I" before he even finishes his words I run for it, walk out of the cafeteria without even looking back. I walk as fast as I could.... through crowd of people/cars streets..... not knowing where I am going to or why I am running for. I walk as the tears flood my eyes just as the best moments of my life flood into my head these moment where memories of a distance past.

And a veil of from the past cracks open